2415 Repositories
Swift SwiftUI-Text-Animation-Library Libraries
A library for fancy iOS animations that you will definitely love.
EazelAnimationsKit Table of Contents Introduction Animations Usage Installation Contribution Authors Introduction The drive for developing this animat
A SwiftUI view that arranges its children in a whimsical interactive deck of cards, as seen in Big News
CardStack A SwiftUI view that arranges its children in a whimsical interactive deck of cards. CardStack mimics the behaviour of the photo stack in iMe
Generating OTP one-time passwords in Swift.
One Time Password Navigate Installation Swift Package Manager CocoaPods Manually Usage Apps Using Installation Ready to use on iOS 13+, tvOS 13+ & wat
💻 LeetCode in your menu bar
LeetBar LeetCode in your menu bar Features Check the daily problem and view profile stats from your menu bar Get notified about the new daily problem
UIEnvironment - A framework that mimics the SwiftUI view's environment to replicate the value distribution thought your UIKit app.
A framework that mimics the SwiftUI view's environment to replicate the value distribution thought your UIKit view hierarchy. Overview D
Aplikasi iReader adalah Aplikasi Pemindai Barcode dan Teks untuk iOS & MacOS dengan fitur Text Scanner via Kamera & Import Files.
Aplikasi iReader adalah Aplikasi Pemindai Barcode dan Teks untuk iOS & MacOS dengan fitur Text Scanner via Kamera & Import Files. Aplikasi ini dibuat dengan SwiftUI, AVKit, dan VisionKit (On Device Machine Learning Processing).
WWDC22 demo: Scanning data with the camera
Scanning Data with the Camera in SwiftUI WWDC22 brings brilliant Live Text data scanning tools which let users scan text and codes with the camera, si
Pure SwiftUI state-driven library to present view sequences and hierarchies.
PathPresenter swiftUIOnboarding.mp4 Pure SwiftUI routing with transitions, animations, and .sheet() support. In SwiftUI, View is a function of the sta
TTextField is developed to help developers can initiate a fully standard textfield including title, placeholder and error message in fast and convinient way without having to write many lines of codes
TTextField is developed to help developers can initiate a fully standard textfield including title, placeholder and error message in fast and convinient way without having to write many lines of codes
Cross-platform instrumentation and introspection library written in C
Gum Cross-platform instrumentation and introspection library written in C. This library is consumed by frida-core through its JavaScript bindings, Gum
A client library to multiplex connections from and to iOS devices
libusbmuxd A client library for applications to handle usbmux protocol connections with iOS devices. Features This project is a client library to mult
Allows you to emulate an Android native library, and an experimental iOS emulation
unidbg Allows you to emulate an Android native library, and an experimental iOS emulation. This is an educational project to learn more about the ELF/
A library that enables dynamically rebinding symbols in Mach-O binaries running on iOS.
fishhook fishhook is a very simple library that enables dynamically rebinding symbols in Mach-O binaries running on iOS in the simulator and on device
A frida tool that capture GET/POST HTTP requests of iOS Swift library 'Alamofire' and disable SSL Pinning.
FridaHookSwiftAlamofire A frida tool that capture GET/POST HTTP requests of iOS Swift library 'Alamofire' and disable SSL Pinning. 中文文档及过程 Features Ca
Aplikasi CrypTraces adalah MacOS Widget Crypto Tracker dengan SwiftUI, Combine & Cocoa Framework, dan WebSocket & CoinCap API
Aplikasi CrypTraces adalah MacOS Widget Crypto Tracker dengan SwiftUI, Combine & Cocoa Framework, dan WebSocket & CoinCap API. Aplikasi ini berbentuk Widget di Menu Bar MacOS dengan menampilkan beberapa Crypto Currency seperti Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Dogecoin (DOGE), Monero (XMR), dan Litecoin (LTC).
Mandarin Chinese to Pinyin, IRT.
About Hi, I'm Max! I made Ponkan to help me study Mandarin. Nǐ hǎo, wǒ jiào Max! Wǒ zhìzuò “Ponkan” yīnwèi wǒ yào xuéxí zhōngwén. (Obviously, I still
A SwiftUI Contribution Chart (GitHub-like) implementation package
ContributionChart A contribution chart (aka. heatmap, GitHub-like) library for iOS, macOS, and watchOS. 100% written in SwiftUI. It Supports Custom Bl
A document-based SwiftUI application for viewing and editing EEG data, aimed at making software for viewing brain imaging data more accessible.
Trace A document-based SwiftUI application for viewing and editing EEG data, aimed at making software for viewing brain imaging data more accessible.
LabelButtonKit is a mini library for labeled buttons (of SF Symbols), written entirely in SwiftUI
A simple Button with an SFSymbol (icon) as a label, vertically. As well as a Dynamic Type variant using it horizontally. Using SwiftUI. A List View of buttons is also available here. Have fun! 🥳
Customizable multi platform menu bar component with the dark and light scheme support - SwiftUI
Menu bar component (SwiftUI) Features Observing menu selection changes via generic PreferenceKey The color intensity automatically adjusts depending o
This is a template repository for quickly creating boilerplate code for a SwiftUI macOS menu bar app.
Menu Bar App This is a template repository for quickly creating boilerplate code for a SwiftUI macOS menu bar app. License This app is released into t
Creating an iOS Library the Right Way
AppCircleSampleProject Installation Cocoapods AppCircleSampleProject is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to y
A SwiftUI implementation of a picker that also allows direct input.
ComboPicker ComboPicker is a SwiftUI view that allows users to input a value by selecting from a predefined set or by typing a custom one. Installatio
MuVis is a macOS, iOS, iPadOS app for real-time music visualization.
MuVis MuVis is an open-source multi-platform app (using SwiftUI, Swift, and Xcode) for music visualization. It renders informative (and musically usef
A nano-sized weather station based on a Raspberry Pi with an API, iOS & Mac Catalyst app, and sensor-based automations.
Nanotool A nano-sized weather station based on a Raspberry Pi with an API, iOS & Mac Catalyst app, and sensor-based automations. Descriere Vremea este
An unofficial logbook for bouldering at Mandala. Kind of a SwiftUI playground as well.
BoulderLogbook An unofficial boulder logbook for Dresden's boulder gym Mandala. Features When finished it should allow you to: log all your tops for a
This repo contains swift collection of gui, games, menu, animations, music, payment, etc... for iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS
Swift-Collections About: This repo contains a collection of projects built using swift and objective-c Contains projects for macOS iOS iPad watchOS tv
Multiplatform (iOS, macOS) SwiftUI bottom sheet drawer. Expandable bottomsheet. Slide out bottom menu
Multiplatform (iOS, macOS) SwiftUI bottom sheet drawer Features It does not re-render the background content while manipulating with the sheet iOS and
An alternative gym workouts tracker written in SwiftUI.
Gymspot Gymspot is an alternative workout tracker written in SwiftUI. I decided to start working on it because: I need an easy-to-use tracker for my w
A SwiftUI ScrollView that runs a callback when subviews are scrolled in and out of view.
VisibilityTrackingScrollView This package provides a variant of ScrollView that you can use to track whether views inside it are actually visible. Usa
Using Swift Charts and Voiceover Chart Descriptor to compose music. 🤯
Chart de lune 🎵 Using Swift Charts and Voiceover Chart Descriptor to compose music. 🤯 Image source: https://hadikarimi.com/portfolio/claude-debussy-
Swift ports of Apple's Objective-C / C++ sample code
MetalSampleCodeSwift Swift ports of Apple's Objective-C / C++ sample code Metal is a great API, but it can feel inaccessible for Swift developers due
This is the application that describes Equipment Losses & Death Toll & Military Wonded & Prisoner of War of russians in 2022 Ukraine russia War. #StandWithUkraine
This is the application that describes Equipment Losses & Death Toll & Military Wonded & Prisoner of War of russians in 2022 Ukraine russia War. #StandWithUkraine
A SwiftUI framework which makes it easy to integrate Video Call and Chat within a few lines of code.
Welcome to iStream! This SwiftUI Framework allows you to add Video Call and Chat to your project within a few lines of code. To use this Framework, yo
An alternative to SwiftUI's VideoPlayer that includes an overlay button that will transition the player to be presented full screen.
The VideoPlayer provided by SwiftUI out of the box is great but it's missing one very important feature: full screen presentation mode. AZVideoPlayer behaves pretty much exactly like VideoPlayer, but adds the button that's provided by AVPlayerViewController to go full screen.
Simple and light weight facebook login library for UIKit & SwiftUI
MjFbLogin Simple and light weight facebook login library which provides support for UIKit & SwiftUI Example To run the example project, clone the repo
What's New In SwiftUI for iOS 16 - Xcode 14 - SwiftUI 4.0
SwiftUI4 What's New In SwiftUI for iOS 16 - Xcode 14 - SwiftUI 4.0 (Work in progress....) Swift Charts Presentation Detents(Half Sheet & Small Sheets)
Data Mapping library for Objective C
OCMapper is a data mapping library for Objective C that converts NSDictionary to NSObject
A universal library that contains everything we need to know about the Xamarin universe.
This is a universal library that contains everything we need to know about the Xamarin universe. This is an open-source project from the community to the community.
Save all your Mac apps for later with one click 🖱️
Later videoplayback.mp4 Save all your Mac apps for later with one click 🖱️ Later is a Mac menu bar app that clears and restores your workspace with e
A lightweight Elm-like Store for SwiftUI
ObservableStore A simple Elm-like Store for SwiftUI, based on ObservableObject. ObservableStore helps you craft more reliable apps by centralizing all
A native, customizable SwiftUI refresh control
Refresher A customizable, native Swift UI refresh control for iOS 14+ Why? the native SwiftUI refresh control only works on iOS 15+ the native UIKit r
This is a small View modifier that adds detents for native .sheet representations that appeared in iOS 16
SheetDetentsModifier This is a small View modifier that adds detents for .sheet representations that appeared in iOS 16 It works starting with iOS 15
Smart Online Shopping iOS App with Augmented Reality (AR) and simple Social Media features using SwiftUI and Google Firebase Cloud Services
Table of contents App Demo How to Run Context Content How it's written Inspiration App Demo AR.online.shopping.iOS.demo.mp4 How to Run First make sure
The official Swift Library for Vital API, HealthKit and Devices
vital-ios The official Swift Library for Vital API, HealthKit and Devices Install We currently support SPM. Documentation Please refer to the official
A collection of native SwiftUI layouts (iOS 16+)
SwiftUILayouts A library of commonly requested layouts. Implemented using SwiftUI's native layout system. NOTE: SwiftUILayouts requires iOS 16 or abov
Fully customizable line chart for SwiftUI 🤩
🧀 CheesyChart Create amazing Crypto and Stock charts 📈 📉 Looking for an easy to use and fully customizable charting solution written in SwiftUI? Th
WWDC 2022 - SoundBall (Accepted 🥳)
♫ SoundBall 🎮 Play You can set the horizontal and vertical walls with the Object Picker on the top. You can set the sound that the wall makes with th
SwiftUI iOS app which applies CoreML Video Matting (background removal) model to the front camera stream
CoreML Camera Video Matting This is a simple iOS app which applies Video Matting (background removal) model to the front camera stream. Video Matting
A most fully customization calendar for Apple platforms 📅
KVKCalendar KVKCalendar is a most fully customization calendar. Library consists of five modules for displaying various types of calendar (day, week,
RadialMenu is a custom control for providing a touch context menu (like iMessage recording in iOS 8) built with Swift & POP
RadialMenu Looking for help? For $150/hr I'll help with your RadialMenu problems including integrating it into your project. Email bjasper@gmail.com t
A SwiftUI component to make handling of email links better.
EmailLink A SwiftUI component to make handling of email links better. Not only will EmailLink use the correct default client, it will also prompt the
A utility application to capture and review search results from Swift Package Index.
SPISearch An app (macOS & iOS) to explore the search results from Swift Package Index. Testflight Links: SPIIndex (iOS and macOS apps) Search Ranking
[iOS] Animated analog flip numbers like airport/train-station displays (SwiftUI)
A SwiftUI FlipNumberView A small universal (iOS + macOS) app displaying the current time with a flip animation. This is still WIP and doesn't support
Youtube-like double tap to forward/rewind animation with ripple effect.
VideoQuickSeeking Youtube-like double tap to forward/rewind animation with ripple effect. Please feel free to make pull requests. Example To run the e
Lightweight async/await networking library with interceptor support - usable from iOS 13+.
Lightweight async/await networking library with interceptor support. 🚀 Getting started AsyncNetwork's session acts as a wrapper to URLSession by addi
Learning iOS Frontend: Aplikasi iOS Pemesanan Makanan dengan SwiftUI, WidgetKit, Google Fonts, dan Assets dari Figma
Foody Aplikasi Foody adalah Aplikasi iOS Pemesanan Makanan dengan SwiftUI, WidgetKit, Google Fonts, dan Assets dari Figma untuk Mempelajari Ilmu Front
Generate Swift and SwiftUI symbols for localized strings files.
localized-strings-symbols An SPM and Xcode build plugin for creating Swift symbols for localized string keys. What It Does This is a very simple build
🥷 High-performance polyline simplification library - port of simplify.js
High-performance polyline simplification library SwiftSimplify is a tiny high-performance Swift polyline simplification library ported from Javascript
Server Driven UI can enable faster iterations and allowing apps to instantly update on multiple platforms.
Pets App Server Driven UI can enable faster iterations and allowing apps to instantly update on multiple platforms Steps to run Pets-Web: Download or
Floating Action Button(FAB) with SwiftUI
SwiftUI-FAB (Floating Action Button) Floating Action Button(FAB) with SwiftUI. Install SwiftPM https://github.com/karamage/SwiftUI-FAB.git Usage impo
Kukai Crypto Swift is a native Swift library for creating regular or HD wallets for the Tezos blockchain
Kukai Crypto Swift Kukai Crypto Swift is a native Swift library for creating regular and HD key pairs for the Tezos blockchain. Supporting both TZ1 (E
An application focused on managing men's haircuts. It has never been so easy to keep the cut on time
An application focused on managing men's haircuts. It has never been so easy to keep the cut on time
SwiftUI directed Server Driven UI
Server Driven UI (SDUI) Intentions Make a Server Driven UI module for SwiftUI applications that has a direct use. That way the application maintainer
A framework that enhances HealthKit and the Fitbit API for iOS
VitoKit 😀 Welcome to VitoKit... A framework that enhances HealthKit and the Fitbit API for iOS ✅ Features Wonderfully crafted animations Speedy setup
Backported SwiftUI navigation APIs introduced in WWDC22
Navigation Backport This package uses the navigation APIs available in older SwiftUI versions (such as NavigationView and NavigationLink) to recreate
A SwiftUI component for launching custom picture-in-picture experiences
Pipify for SwiftUI This library introduces a new SwiftUI modifier that enables a view to be shown within a Picture in Picture overlay. This overlay al
NeoPop is CRED's inbuilt library for using NeoPop components in your app
NeoPOP NeoPOP is CRED's inbuilt library for using NeoPOP components in your app. What really is NeoPOP? NeoPOP was created with one simple goal; to cr
TextFieldAlert - A SwiftUI alert with text field(s) for iOS 13 and greater.
TextFieldAlert A SwiftUI alert with text field(s) for iOS 13 and greater. As Apple is going to introduce text field(s) as an alert actions in iOS 16,
`Republished` is a property wrapper enabling nested ObservableObjects in SwiftUI.
Republished The @Republished proprty wrapper allows an ObservableObject nested within another ObservableObject to naturally notify SwiftUI of changes.
CardGameEngine - Prototyping a game engine for the Bang card game
CardGameEngine Prototyping a game engine for the Bang card game. Features Engine is open source Powerful scripting language using JSON Card design is
Show What's New with SwiftUI.
SwiftNEWKit Accelerated by Apple SwiftUI Aims Provide an easy way for Apple Developers to Show "What's New" to the end users. Features Auto trigger th
A SwiftUI proof-of-concept, and some sleight-of-hand, which adds rain to a view's background
Atmos A SwiftUI proof-of-concept, and some sleight-of-hand, which adds rain to a view's background. "Ima use this in my app..." Introducing Metal to S
SwiftUI Backports - Introducing a collection of SwiftUI backports to make your iOS development easier
SwiftUI Backports Introducing a collection of SwiftUI backports to make your iOS development easier. Many backports support iOS 13+ but where UIKIt fe
Multiliner - An Xcode source extension to expand lengthy lines
Multiliner An Xcode source extension to expand lengthy lines. Super lightweight, 1 file. It expands long lines. That's it! Works with: Initializers Fu
A novel way to set attributes to the Font in SwiftUI.
A novel way to set attributes to the Font in SwiftUI.
An `NSTextField` that specifies a maximum count after which text is highlighted to indicate an overflow
DSFMaxLengthDisplayTextField An NSTextField that specifies a maximum count after which text is highlighted to indicate an overflow Why? I always liked
EasierPath is a library to make UIBezierPath easier to use
EasierPath is a library to make UIBezierPath easier to use. More specifically, you can write more intuitive and concise code when you draw a straight line or a curve.
A Swift library for converting to and from opus/ogg format
swift-ogg This library provides a very simple API to convert between opus/ogg and MPEG4AAC/m4a files. It uses opus's libopus libogg to convert between
SwiftUI-Margin adds a margin() viewModifier to a SwiftUI view.
SwiftUI-Margin adds a margin() viewModifier to a SwiftUI view. You will be able to layout the margins in a CSS/Flutter-like.
Showcases breathing exercises with matching vibration.
Breathy Showcases breathing exercises with matching vibration. If you want to quickly install it - TestFlight How to run Please make sure you have la
Easy and lightweight network layer for creating different set of network requests like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE customizable with coders conforming to TopLevelDecoder, TopLevelEncoder
Easy and lightweight network layer for creating different set of network requests like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE customizable with coders conforming to TopLevelDecoder, TopLevelEncoder
Swift package containing collection protocols.
swift-collection-protocols A package containing collection protocols, for the Swift programming language. Overview No overview available. Availability
A Simple iOS QR code scanner that allows users to enable their camera and local Photo Library accesses to scan the contents of the input QR codes.
iOS QR Code Scanner A Simple iOS QR code scanner using Swift UI. Jump to: ContentView.swift screenshot 1.1.5 NOTE: be aware of the new horizontal line
StoredIn is a simple property wrapper library to store any value in anywhere
StoredIn StoredIn is a simple property wrapper library to store any value in anywhere. Installation Please use the Swift Package Manager. dependencies
ITunesFeedGenerator - This library provides very simple and Swiftly way to fetch feeds from iTunes Store
ITunesFeedGenerator This library provides very simple and Swiftly way to fetch feeds from iTunes Store: Most Played Songs. Top Free or Paid Books. Top
Observable Object Debugger - Watch for ObservableObject in real time
Observable Object Debugger Watch for ObservableObject in real time. (This is the Alpha version) Quick Start Add package to you project.
Meerkat is a messaging app written using SwiftUI.
Meerkat - A Messaging App Purpose I studied to learn SwiftUI dynamics, understand the syntax, and learn how to integrate third party libraries. The ap
Aplikasi iOS Berita Internasional dengan SwiftUI, API dari newsapi.org, MVVM Design Pattern, dan Paw
iNews iNews adalah aplikasi iOS Berita Internasional yang datanya didapatkan dari News API. Dibuat menggunakan SwiftUI, MVVM Design Pattern, dan Paw.
Aplikasi iOS Statistik Internasional Penyebaran Covid-19 dengan SwiftUI, MVVM Design Pattern, dan REST APIs dari rapidapi.com
CovStats CovStats adalah aplikasi iOS Data Statistik Internasional Covid-19 yang datanya didapatkan dari rapidapi.com dengan struktur REST API. Dibuat
Generate a list of licenses for the Swift Package libraries that your app depends on.
LicenseList Generate a list of licenses for the Swift Package libraries that your app depends on. Example Requirements Written in Swift 5 Compatible w
Apple watch app - a note taking app with few views including credit page.
Thanks for checking out my SwiftUI Apple Watch project. My first ever apple watch app. This is a note taking app with few views including credit page.
Aplikasi iOS Simulasi CRUD Stok Barang dengan SwiftUI, Firebase CLI & Firestore
iStockery Aplikasi iStockery adalah aplikasi stok inventory berbasis iOS yang dibuat menggunakan Firebase (Firestore) secara Local dengan fitur CRUD d
Simple Login Screen Project using Swift UI.
Simple Login Screen Simple Login Screen Project using Swift UI. Jump to: Prerequisites: Tutorial uploading XCode project on Github Some Xcode Swift UI
Aplikasi iOS Advanced Level To Do List dengan Firebase Auth, SwiftUI, MVVM Design Pattern, dan Firebase Firestore
Aplikasi Tasker adalah aplikasi iOS To Do List yang dibuat menggunakan Autentikasi Firebase / Firestore dan MVVM Design Pattern.
A camera app we will dive deep into AVFoundation library
Camera App In this project you are going to discover few concepts in Swift that I've been working on for few weeks, Core Animations with CAShape Layer
Arrange views in your app’s interface using layout tools that SwiftUI provides.
Composing custom layouts with SwiftUI Arrange views in your app's interface using layout tools that SwiftUI provides. Overview This sample app demonst
WWDC22 Challenge: SwiftUI navigation hotdish
Challenge: SwiftUI navigation hotdish See this challenge definition at: Challenge: SwiftUI navigation hotdish Proposed solution The new SwiftUI versio
Custom navigation swiftui NavigationLink NavigationView
Custom navigation swiftui Experimenting with navigation link. if you find this idea interesting you can take and expend it into a more powerful soluti
AttributedText is a Swift µpackage that provides NSAttributedString rendering in SwiftUI by wrapping either an NSTextView or a UITextView depending on the platform.
AttributedText AttributedText is a Swift µpackage that provides NSAttributedString rendering in SwiftUI by wrapping either an NSTextView or a UITextVi