89 Repositories
Swift card-games Libraries
Run iOS apps & games on M1 Mac with mouse, keyboard and controller support.
PlayCover Run iOS apps & games on M1 Mac with mouse, keyboard and controller support. Showcase · Contribute · Discord About the fork & Disclaimer Th
Appstore card animation transition. UICollectionView and UITableView card expand animated transition
Appstore card animation transition. UICollectionView and UITableView card expand animated transition. This library tries to add the appstore transition to your own app. The goal is to be as simple as possible to integrate in an app while keeping the flexibility and customization alive.
A fancy collection style view controller that was inspired by this Profile Card mockup
JFCardSelectionViewController A fancy collection style view controller that was inspired by this Profile Card mockup: https://dribbble.com/shots/14584
Presenting timelines as cards, single or bundled in scrollable feed!
TimelineCards 🃏 Autogenerated timelines presented as cards 🃏 🃏 Single or bundled into feed 🃏 Installation CocoaPods (wtf is that?) Add pod 'Timeli
This repo contains swift collection of gui, games, menu, animations, music, payment, etc... for iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS
Swift-Collections About: This repo contains a collection of projects built using swift and objective-c Contains projects for macOS iOS iPad watchOS tv
Multiplatform (iOS, macOS) SwiftUI bottom sheet drawer. Expandable bottomsheet. Slide out bottom menu
Multiplatform (iOS, macOS) SwiftUI bottom sheet drawer Features It does not re-render the background content while manipulating with the sheet iOS and
CardGameEngine - Prototyping a game engine for the Bang card game
CardGameEngine Prototyping a game engine for the Bang card game. Features Engine is open source Powerful scripting language using JSON Card design is
Scanner for decks of cards with bar codes printed on card edges
The Nettle Magic Project This deck of cards has a bar code printed on the edge of each card. Scanning these bar codes would reveal where every card is
Luhn Credit Card Validation Algorithm
Luhn Algorithm This is a port of the Luhn Algorithm, generally used for validating Credit Card details, to Objective-C (iOS). Swift port can be found
GLScratchCard - Scratch card effect
I loved the way payments app's like Google pay and PhonePe used scratch card option to reward it's user. Hence with 💛 cloned the same scratch card effect for you guys out there
SimpleCardView-SwiftUI is a very simple card view written with SwiftUI
SimpleCardView-SwiftUI is a very simple card view written with SwiftUI
A minimalistic looking banner library for iOS. It supports multiple customizable kinds of Banner types
A minimalistic looking banner library for iOS. It supports multiple customizable kinds of Banner types
App created in UIKit in order to control users' games library
App created in UIKit in order to control users' games library. It's developed in Swift 5 with Storyboard, and relies in a ASP.Net API backend.
Cards - A SharePlay enabled card game for iOS & macOS
Deal ♣️ Overview A simple demo app showing the implementation of a card game acr
Switch-Shoutout - Switch Shoutout - A companion app for the Nintendo Switch that allows users to notify friends of games they were playing, add their game library
Switch Shoutout Switch Shoutout is a companion app for the Nintendo Switch that
Wizards-pal - Life counter for card games,built with swift
Life counter for card games Made this app in the weekend to help ma boys with ht
IOS Card Game - A simple card game using SwiftUI
IOS_Card_Game A simple card game using Swift UI.
SwiftUI BusinessCard - Created iOS Business card app to practice SwiftUI
SwiftUI_BusinessCard Created iOS Business card app to practice SwiftUI
Gamer-s-Collection - An app for searching and saving favorite games using rawg.io api and Core Data
Gamer-s-Collection - An app for searching and saving favorite games using rawg.io api and Core Data
SwiftUI-Card - Simple card ui designed using SwiftUI
SwiftUI - Card Simple card ui designed using SwiftUI Preview
Swift-WordleSolver - Solve and analyze Wordle games. Command-line tool written in Swift
Swift-WordleSolver - Solve and analyze Wordle games. Command-line tool written in Swift
Card Decks is a small utility application for your iPhone, iPod touch and iPad which brings you simple, configurable, colored, multi-line text cards that are grouped into card decks
Card Decks is a small utility application for your iPhone, iPod touch and iPad which brings you simple, configurable, colored, multi-line text cards that are grouped into card decks.
A open source Swift app for iOS 13 that allows you to check your NFC transit card information. Written with SwiftUI.
ABANDONED Metrodroid, which TransitPal was heavily inspired by, now has its own fully functional iOS app! It should be in the App Store "soon". I stro
Code1System Card Moudle
Code1CardLib Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements Installation Code1
A credit card scanner for iOS written in Swift
DGCardScanner A credit card scanner Requirements iOS 13.0+ Swift 5.5+ Xcode 10.0+ Installation SPM File Add Packages https://github.com/donggyushi
An iOS library to create beautiful card transitions.
CSCardTransition CSCardTransition is a small library allowing you to create wonderful push and pop transition animations like in the App Store. It wor
TextFieldFormatter - Simple Text Formatter (Credit Card Number, Phone Number, Serial Number etc.)
TextFieldFormatter Simple Text Formatter (Credit Card Number, Phone Number, Seri
A Basic Example Creating An Interactive Business Card In ARKit2.
ARKit Business Card This project is a basic example of creating a fully interactive business card in ARKit. The app uses ARImageTrackingConfiguration
Flip your card with ARKit
cARd Simple demo of animated card made with ARKit + SceneKit. Demo video is here: https://twitter.com/RosberryApps/status/894418114426941444 Requireme
Ios-card-transition - iOS CocoaPod to create beautiful card transitions
CSCardTransition CSCardTransition is a small library allowing you to create wond
Flashzilla - Card game for learning and having lot of fun
Flashzilla Flashzilla is a card quiz game. Where you can add (and remove) your o
NFCReaderWriter which supports to read data from NFC chips(iOS 11), write data to NFC chips(iOS 13) and read NFC tags infos(iOS 13) by iOS devices.
NFCReaderWriter which supports to read data from NFC chips(iOS 11), write data to NFC chips(iOS 13) and read NFC tags infos(iOS 13) by iOS devices. Compatible with both Swift and Objective-C. I will appreciate you if give me a star on the top right of page.
ThreeDCardView - Library that you can see images with a 3D card 🌌
🌌 ThreeDCardView Usage First you have to import 'ThreeDCardView' import 'ThreeDCardView' Create ThreeDCardView and set the frame let threeDCardView:T
CNIC Validation View: National Identity card no Textfield, Validation, Navigation all managed in xib/storyboard base UIView custom control
CNICTextFieldView CNIC Validation View: National Identity card no Textfield, Validation, Navigation all managed in xib/storyboard base UIView custom c
decryptor for MacGameStore games protected by their 2007-era DRMWrapper.
MGSDecryptorCLI --------------- A command-line decryptor for MacGameStore games protected by their 2007-era DRMWrapper. This has only been tested on
ExpandingCollection is an animated material design UI card peek/pop controller.
EXPANDING COLLECTION An animated material design UI card peek/pop controller We specialize in the designing and coding of custom UI for Mobile Apps an
A study card application built with SwiftUI and Combine
StudyCards Description A study card application. I built this application to get
A card viewer demo for Idolmaster Millionlive Theater Days written in Swift UI
Misaki Gallery A Millionlive's cards gallery to demostrate Swift UI. All api and
Welcome Busines Card Built With Swift
BusinessCard Welcome Busines Card Main screen Contacts screen More info screen
Cardshark is an iOS card counting App that uses state of the art machine learning (YOLO) to classify and count the cards at real time.
Cardshark The game of Blackjack is one of the most popular casino games in the world. It is also the most winnable using a skill called Card Counting.
iOS validation framework with form validation support
ATGValidator ATGValidator is a validation framework written to address most common issues faced while verifying user input data. You can use it to val
🔥 A multi-directional card swiping library inspired by Tinder
Made with ❤️ by Mac Gallagher Features 💡 Advanced swipe recognition based on velocity and card position 💡 Manual and programmatic actions 💡 Smooth
:star: Custom card-designed CollectionView layout
CardsLayout CardsLayout is a lightweight Collection Layout. Installation CocoaPods You can use CocoaPods to install CardsLayout by adding it to your P
Cusom CollectionView card layout
MMCardView Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Demo 1.Card Requirements iOS 8.0+
Presenting timelines as cards, single or bundled in scrollable feed!
TimelineCards 🃏 Autogenerated timelines presented as cards 🃏 🃏 Single or bundled into feed 🃏 Installation CocoaPods (wtf is that?) Add pod 'Timeli
🃏 Tinder like card interface
Features Swift 3 Custom views for the card & overlay Generic Dynamically add new cards on top or on the bottom Lazy view loading Setup pod 'DMSwipeCar
Awesome looking Dial like card selection ViewController
KVCardSelectionVC Awesome looking Dial like card selection ViewController An updated Swift 3 working version of : https://github.com/atljeremy/JFCardS
Card flip animation by pan gesture.
CardAnimation Design from Dribble. 实现思路在这里。 Two Solutions At the begin, I didn't encapsulate code, @luxorules refactor code into class and improve it
Swipe able, customizable card stack view, Tinder like card stack view based on UICollectionView. Cards UI
Swipable, customizable card stack view, Tinder like card stack view based on UICollectionView. Cards UI Сocoapods installation Add in your Podfile: po
XCode and Swift game based on the generation of random cards and some functions related to the comparison of the results.
war-card-game-V1 XCode and Swift game based on the generation of random cards and some functions related to the comparison of the results. Once a card
A Star Wars themed card game designed to see if you know your sith vs jedi
StarWarsCardGame A Star Wars themed card game designed to see if you know your sith vs jedi. Learning Objectives: Alert Controllers, Protocol/Delegate
Better payment user experience library with cool animation in Swift
🎬 Preview 🌟 Features Easily usable Simple Swift syntax Cool flip animation Compatible with Carthage Compatible with CocoaPods Customizable Universal
Checkout API Client, Payment Form UI and Utilities in Swift
Frames iOS Requirements iOS 10.0+ Xcode 12.4+ Swift 5.3+ Documentation Further information on using the Frames SDK is available in the integration gui
CreditCardForm is iOS framework that allows developers to create the UI which replicates an actual Credit Card.
CreditCardForm CreditCardForm is iOS framework that allows developers to create the UI which replicates an actual Credit Card. Fixed typo use CreditCa
Luhn Credit Card Validation Algorithm
Luhn Algorithm This is a port of the Luhn Algorithm, generally used for validating Credit Card details, to Objective-C (iOS). Swift port can be found
Debit/Credit card validation port of the Luhn Algorithm in Swift
SwiftLuhn Warning! This repository is no longer maintained. This is a port of the Luhn Algorithm, generally used for validating debit/credit card deta
card.io provides fast, easy credit card scanning in mobile apps
card.io SDK for iOS card.io provides fast, easy credit card scanning in mobile apps. NEW!!! card.io is now an open-source project! As of December 2014
QuizButton is a simple buzzer app that is extremely useful when you play quiz games.
QuizButton is a simple buzzer app that is extremely useful when you play quiz games.
Flutter plugin to display VGS card info using TextView or View
VGS Card Info Flutter plugin to display VGS Card info using TextView or View Installation Add the dependency in your pubspec.yaml vgscardinfo: git
War card game built with swift
Overview Do you love card games? Well here goes a very old, fun card game you can play! This is based off of luck and requires no skill. You deal card
Mi Card App for Android & IOS in Flutter
Mi Card Our Goal Now that you've seen how to create a Flutter app entirely from scratch, we're going to go further and learn more about how to design
iOS App to display game lists and details with the ability to add games to your favorites list and see metacritic ratings.
Game Data System - GDS Author: Heitor Silveira (heitorsilveirafurb@gmail.com) iOS App to view games from various platforms, their description, release
DMSi has a secure access room with a card reader on each side.
Interview - Card Reader DMSi has a secure access room with a card reader on each side. You must scan to enter and scan to exit. However, we've been ha
An app that keeps track of and dislays NBA games & scores
NBA-Stats NBA-Stats is an app that keeps track of and dislays NBA games & scores. Features Display scheduled games for Today, Yesterday, and Tomorrow.
⬆️ A SwiftUI view component sliding in from bottom
⬆️ A SwiftUI view component sliding in from bottom
General-purpose contextual cards for iOS
BulletinBoard BulletinBoard is an iOS library that generates and manages contextual cards displayed at the bottom of the screen. It is especially well
🦁 🃏 📱 An animal matching puzzle card game– built with turn-based game engine boardgame.io and React-Native + React-Native-Web
Matchimals.fun an animal matching puzzle card game 🦁 🃏 🍎 Download for iOS from the App Store 🤖 Download for Android from the Google Play Store 🖥
iOS Money Manager for Board Games
Warning! This is an old project. It does contain a lot of bad code I wrote when I started out with iOS Development. I am not mantaining this project a
Card-based view controller for apps that display content cards with accompanying maps, similar to Apple Maps.
TripGo Card View Controller This is a repo for providing the card-based design for TripGo as well as the TripKitUI SDK by SkedGo. Specs 1. Basic funct
蜘蛛纸牌 for mac
蜘蛛纸牌 for Mac 仿 Windows 经典单机游戏 蜘蛛纸牌 已完成 基本游戏功能 难易度设置 分数、步数显示 部分提示音效果 提示音设置 撤销功能 胜利后烟花效果 已知问题 拖动牌时鼠标释放位置必须是一列排区域内 无法修改窗口大小 未完成 发牌等动画效果 耗时统计、最好成绩记录 提示功能
This UI attempts to capture the Quibi Card Stack and the associated User Interaction.
RGStack This UI attempts to capture the Quibi Card Stack and the associated User Interaction. Required A View that conforms to the ConfigurableCard pr
A SwiftUI card view, made great for setup interactions.
SlideOverCard A SwiftUI card design, similar to the one used by Apple in HomeKit, AirPods, Apple Card and AirTag setup, NFC scanning, Wi-Fi password s
SwiftUI, peek scrolling animation and card tapped animation, using GeometryReader
SwiftUI, peek scrolling animation and card tapped animation, using GeometryReader, follow the livestream tutorial by MengTo.
A credit card reader and parser for iOS Using Native Vision/VisionKit
card-reader-ios A credit card reader and parser for iOS Using Native Vision/VisionKit May-14-2021.00-43-17.mp4 Instructions Hold camera up to a card a
SharkCardScan is a Credit/Debit Card scanner built using Apple's Vision Framework.
iOS Credit/Debit card scanner, built using Apple's Vision Framework.
🎮 Favorite your games filter and see the upcoming games and ! Swift + Combine = 💜 Hacktoberfest 🎃 👾
✨ Revill is App to list games and search best games ✨ Design in Swift UI + Combine ✨ The idea is develop this app in Hacktober Fest Expected To Do Des
A SwiftUI based custom sheet card to show information in iOS application.
A SwiftUI based custom sheet card to show any custom view inside the card in iOS application.
An easy-to-use Collection View Layout for card-like animation.
CarLensCollectionViewLayout An easy-to-use Collection View Layout for card-like animation 🎉 CarLensCollectionViewLayout was created out of the implem
Easily integrate Credit Card payments module in iOS App. Swift 4.0
MFCard Buy me a coffee MFCard is an awesome looking Credit Card input & validation control. Written in Swift 3. YOoo, Now MFCard is on Swift 5. Swift
Bank Card Generator with Swift using SnapKit DSL 💳
iCard BankCard & CreditCard generator with Swift 3 using SnapKit DSL iCard is a simple tool for generate Credit & Bank Card , it represent cards as UI
A Payment Card UI & Validator for iOS
Description Caishen provides an easy-to-use text field to ask users for payment card information and to validate the input. It serves a similar purpos
Easy to use iOS library with components for input of Credit Card data.
AnimatedCardInput This library allows you to drop into your project two easily customisable, animated components that will make input of Credit Card i
iOS validation framework with form validation support
ATGValidator ATGValidator is a validation framework written to address most common issues faced while verifying user input data. You can use it to val
A reactive, card-based UI framework built on UIKit for iOS developers.
CardParts - made with ❤️ by Intuit: Example Requirements Installation Communication & Contribution Overview Quick Start Architecture CardsViewControll
A navigation controller that displays its view controllers as an interactive stack of cards.
CardNavigation The easiest way to turn a navigation controller into an interactive stack of cards. Highlights ✅ Fully interactive and interruptible ✅
Material, a UI/UX framework for creating beautiful iOS applications
Material Welcome to Material, a UI/UX framework for creating beautiful applications. Material's animation system has been completely reworked to take
BulletinBoard is an iOS library that generates and manages contextual cards displayed at the bottom of the screen
BulletinBoard is an iOS library that generates and manages contextual cards displayed at the bottom of the screen. It is especially well
A custom ImageView that is used to cover the surface of other view like a scratch card, user can swipe the mulch to see the view below.
MCScratchImageView GIF Showcase Requirments iOS 8.0+ Xcode 7.2+ Swift 4.0 Installation CocoaPods pod "MCScratchImageView" Manually Just drag MCScratch
Glide is a SpriteKit and GameplayKit based engine for building 2d games easily
Glide is a SpriteKit and GameplayKit based engine for building 2d games easily, with a focus on side scrollers. Glide is developed with Swift and works on iOS, macOS and tvOS.