4497 Repositories
Swift danger-swift-shoki Libraries
A simple Swift package for measuring and reporting the time taken for operations
Duration A simple Swift package for measuring and reporting the time taken for operations. It is derived from a version for Playgrounds that I blogged
Build Time Analyzer for Swift
Build Time Analyzer for Xcode Overview Build Time Analyzer is a macOS app that shows you a break down of Swift build times. See this post and this pos
Generate automated reports for slow Swift compilation paths in specific targets
SwiftCompilationPerformanceReporter Inspired by Brian and Bryan's prior work, we've decided to develop a Swift Package and script to generate automate
All new design. Inspect your iOS application at runtime.
Peek: All new design Peek 5 with an all new design and all new features. Whether you're a developer, designer or QA/tester, Peek can help you at all s
Swift autocompleter for Sublime Text, via the adorable SourceKitten framework
SwiftKitten SwiftKitten is a Swift autocompleter for Sublime Text, via the adorable SourceKitten framework. Faster than XCode ! This package is new an
An Xcode Plugin to convert Objective-C to Swift
XCSwiftr Convert Objective-C code into Swift from within Xcode. This plugin uses the Java applet of objc2swift to do the conversion. Noticed that the
Script to support easily using Xcode Asset Catalog in Swift.
Misen Misen is a script to support using Xcode Asset Catalog in Swift. Features Misen scans sub-directories in the specified Asset Catalog and creates
swiftenv allows you to easily install, and switch between multiple versions of Swift.
Swift Version Manager swiftenv allows you to easily install, and switch between multiple versions of Swift. This project was heavily inspired by pyenv
Laurine - Localization code generator written in Swift. Sweet!
Author's note: Thanks everyone for making Laurine the TOP trending Swift repository in the world - this is amazing and very heart-warming! But this is
Soulful docs for Swift & Objective-C
jazzy is a command-line utility that generates documentation for Swift or Objective-C About Both Swift and Objective-C projects are supported. Instead
SwiftGen is a tool to automatically generate Swift code for resources of your projects
SwiftGen SwiftGen is a tool to automatically generate Swift code for resources of your projects (like images, localised strings, etc), to make them ty
Strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects
R.swift Get strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects Why use this? It makes your code that uses resources
Swift CLI for strong-typing images, colors, storyboards, fonts and localizations
Shark Shark is a Swift command line tool that generates type safe enums for your images, colors, storyboards, fonts and localizations. Because Shark r
Gradle plugin for managing Swift by enhancing Carthage with Maven repository
Works presents Athena Preface As a mobile application engineer that develops iOS and Android applications, I found that in Android, dependencies can b
Carthage cache for S3, Minio, Ceph, Google Storage, Artifactory and many others
Rome Rome is a tool that allows developers on Apple platforms to use: Amazon's S3 Minio Ceph other S3 compatible object stores or/and a local folder y
Swift Modules, a swift module (or package) manager
Swift Modules The Swift Modules manager similar to the JavaScript world's npm and bower
Project shows how to unit test asynchronous API calls in Swift using Mocking without using any 3rd party software
UnitTestingNetworkCalls-Swift Project shows how to unit test asynchronous API ca
Train neural networks with hardware acceleration in Swift
SwiftML SwiftML enables hardware-accelerated machine learning on Mac with an int
Swift package to get the current user.
whoami.swift Retrieve the current user and environment through simple functions. This package can: Get the user's full name Get the user's username Ge
This Project is extremely useful for beginners who want to learn only SwiftUI.
This Project is extremely useful for beginners who want to learn only SwiftUI.In this project have used navigation between views, SignIn page view, Sign Up page view, Tab Bar view,
This a simple swiftui app where i used mvvm architecture, coredata swiftui and so on..
SwiftUI MVVM COREDATA NOTE APP This a simple swiftui app where i used mvvm architecture, coredata swiftui and so on... #FEATURES SWIFTUI MVVM COREDATA
Bill splitting and tip calculating app, build with UIKit and MVC pattern.
Split Check Bill splitting and tip calculating app, build with UIKit and MVC pattern. Features Enter bill total with number pad. Select tip % and betw
iOS app built with UIKit and programatic auto-layouts to learn and apply knowledge. Offline storage using CoreData and Caching
PurpleImage Search Pixabay for images and save them offline to share and view To use: Clone the GitHub project, build and run in Xcode. The API is com
A simple logger for your swift applications.
AHQSLogger A simple logging system. Usage import AHQSLogger Use the following methods for loggging. Logging an information / debug You can log a simp
A Swift library for documenting, isolating, and testing SwiftUI, UIKIt & AppKit components.
A Swift library for documenting, isolating, and testing SwiftUI, UIKit & AppKit components. Minimal Example An example demonstrated with the Slider ui
Android/iOS Apps created to practice with different iOS/Android Tech. These apps were built to have similar feature sets using native Android/iOS.
AgilityFitTodayApp Android/iOS Apps created to practice with different iOS/Android Tech. These apps were built to have similar feature sets using nati
A powerful app that lets you play Blackjack on Mac for free 🎰
Blackjack A powerful application for Mac to play the classic casino game, Blackjack. This app was created so I can understand the basics of Swift. Mad
Use Swift to pack ambiguous image that display differently on Apple and Other devices
Aibmoe Use Swift to pack ambiguous image that display differently on Apple and O
Wrapper for the Prettier code formatter written in Swift
Prettier A wrapper for the Prettier code formatter written in Swift. The package
optimize UIKit such as UITableview, UIButton, UITextField, UISwitch with Blocks to make it easier to write
HWBlocksUI A set of utilities to make UIKit Easier to write 使用 CocoaPods source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git' platform :ios, '9.0' target
A library to present highly-customizable popovers.
Popovers A library to present popovers. Present any view above your app's main content. Attach to source views or use picture-in-picture positioning.
Sideloading Swift on Google Colab, post-mortem Swift for TensorFlow
Swift-Colab How to run Swift on Google Colab Copy this template of a Swift Colab notebook. Do not create one directly from Google Drive, as notebooks
Dynamic loading of Swift plug-ins for extensible architectures
PluginManager Support for dynamic loading and management of plugins to extend hosting application functionality. Overview A multi-platform server-side
This library is a UIView that is capable of Picture-in-Picture (PiP) in iOS.
日本語 UIPiPView This library is a UIView that is capable of Picture-in-Picture (PiP) in iOS. Using this library, information that is updated in real
GameOfLife for macOS in Swift & SwiftUI
GameOfLife John Conway's Game of Life for macOS written in Swift & SwiftUI. Start with a random grid Choose the grid dimenssion Adapt the grid dimensi
Source code for the BiometricsAuthenticationApp
Source code for the BiometricsAuthenticationApp
Let's put notification Messages icon on menu bar of your macOS
DockBar DockBar is just a simple app that show messages icon on your status bar when you have unread messages. This app is very useful for people who
API surface for Swift plug-ins using the Swift Plugin Manager
SwiftPlugin The minimal API surface required for the Swift Plugin Manager to create instances from a loaded plugin. Additional documentation and refer
Create a simple MVVM-C iOS architecture with Swift for starters
iOS-Architecture-MVVM MVVM+Coordinators IOS Architecture Tutorial By Bobby Pehtr
Swift Date() made easy
Swift-Date-Extensions Swift Date() made easy! // Will return the wekkday in a st
A document-based app in Swift Playgrounds 4 for iPad
A document-based SwiftUI app in Swift Playgrounds This sample project demonstrat
Use this template as a starting point for any Swift 5 module that you want other people to include in their projects
Swift 5 Module Template Use this template as a starting point for any Swift 5 mo
An iOS app demo to show list and detail screen of artworks.
Artworks iOS Demo Application Architecture MVP Clean Architecture (check Known Issues) Dependency Injection Features Localization Dark mode support Ba
Swift Parser Combinator library inspired by NimbleParsec for Elixir.
SimpleParsec Simple parser combinator library for Swift inspired by NimbleParsec for Elixir. Each function in the library creates a Parser which can b
MVP-Clean sample iOS Swift project
RestaurantsApp MVP-Clean sample iOS Swift project The purpose of this document is to explain the architecture of application. This application shows r
An Xcode playground showcasing the new features in Swift 4.0.
What’s new in Swift 4 An Xcode playground showcasing the new features in Swift 4.0. As seen in the What’s New in Swift session at WWDC 2017. Written b
🍮 A collection of Swift snippets to be used in Xcode
Swift Snippets ❤️ Support my app ❤️ Push Hero - pure Swift native macOS application to test push notifications PastePal - Pasteboard, note and shortcu
A quick reference cheat sheet for common, high level topics in Swift.
Swift 3+ Cheat Sheet Want to help improve this? File an issue or open a pull request! :) This is not meant to be a beginner's guide or a detailed disc
LinkedIn's Official Swift Style Guide
Swift Style Guide Make sure to read Apple's API Design Guidelines. Specifics from these guidelines + additional remarks are mentioned below. This guid
A style guide for Swift.
Table Of Contents Overview Linter Standards Naming Conventions File Structure Types Statement Termination Variable Declaration Self Structs & Classes
Good ideas for iOS development, by Futurice developers.
iOS Good Practices Just like software, this document will rot unless we take care of it. We encourage everyone to help us on that – just open an issue
Style guide & coding conventions for Swift projects
This repository is no longer active. A guide to our Swift style and conventions. This is an attempt to encourage patterns that accomplish the followin
The official Swift style guide for raywenderlich.com.
The Official raywenderlich.com Swift Style Guide. Updated for Swift 5 This style guide is different from others you may see, because the focus is cent
Showcase your awesome new app features 📱
WhatsNewKit enables you to easily showcase your awesome new app features. It's designed from the ground up to be fully customized to your needs. Featu
✨ An elegant way to guide your beloved users in iOS apps - Material Showcase.
Material Showcase for iOS An elegant and beautiful tap showcase view for iOS apps based on Material Design Guidelines. Requirement iOS 10.0+ Swift 4.2
Simple coach mark library written in Swift
Minamo Simple coach mark library written in Swift Usage Initialize let rippeleView = RippleView() rippeleView.tintColor = UIColor(red: 0.3, green: 0.7
Show overlay and info on app components
SwiftyOverlay App Intro / Instruction component to show data over app UI at run time! Easy to use, Animated and Customizable. Supported Components are
An iOS framework to easily create simple animated walkthrough, written in Swift.
Intro Overview An iOS framework to easily create simple animated walkthrough, written in Swift. Requirements iOS8 Installation with CocoaPods Intro is
Swift based simple information view with pointed arrow.
InfoView View to show small text information blocks with arrow pointed to another view.In most cases it will be a button that was pressed. Example To
Fully customisable tooltip view in Swift for iOS.
Description EasyTipView is a fully customizable tooltip view written in Swift that can be used as a call to action or informative tip. Contents Featur
A simple and attractive AlertView to onboard your users in your amazing world.
AlertOnboarding A simple and attractive AlertView to onboard your users in your amazing world. PRESENTATION This AlertOnboarding was inspired by this
Presentation helps you to make tutorials, release notes and animated pages.
Presentation helps you to make tutorials, release notes and animated pages.
A simple keyframe-based animation framework for iOS, written in Swift. Perfect for scrolling app intros.
RazzleDazzle is a simple AutoLayout-friendly keyframe animation framework for iOS, written in Swift. Perfect for scrolling app intros. RazzleDazzle gr
Open Source iOS 360 Degree Panorama Video Player.
🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 The Metal with Swift 5.0 version is comming 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 360 VR Player A Open Source, Ad-free, Na
Accessbility workshop by hacking with swift. Make every app more usefull for the all the users
Accessibility Accessbility workshop by hacking with swift. Make every app more u
Weather app for iOS with swift
Weather app Codable Protocol Getting data from Open Weather API and using JSON D
My Bootcamp ; 100 days challenge swift with swiftui
References : https://gelecegiyazanlar.turkcell.com.tr/konu/swift (free) https://gelecegiyazanlar.turkcell.com.tr/konu/swift-ile-ios-programlama (free)
The sample project how to use MobileStyleGAN in iOS.
CoreML-StyleGAN The Sample project how to use CoreML model of MobileStyleGAN in the Xcode project. You can generate person images and save it in photo
Simple iOS app written with SwiftUI (and, of course, Swift) to begin exploring it.
WishList Tracking: An exploration with SwiftUI Simple iOS app written with SwiftUI (and, of course, Swift) to begin exploring it. Goal: Get used to Vi
Prototyping Stream Chat iOS SDK with SwiftUI.
Prototyping Stream Chat iOS SDK with SwiftUI.This project includes layout and composition of the main screens such as the channel list (contacts), select user and chats (conversations). Additionally there are several SwiftUI animations along with interaction styles.
Taking a string containing a csv file and split it into records (aka lines) containing fields of data (aka Array of SubStrings)
Swift .csv parser Taking a string containing a csv file and split it into records (aka lines) containing fields of data (aka Array of SubStrings). Par
Official Swift wrapper for metalpriceapi.com
MetalpriceAPI MetalpriceAPI is the official Swift wrapper for MetalpriceAPI.com. This allows you to quickly integrate our metal price API and foreign
A SwiftUI view for dynamically rendering content based upon "loading", "error", and "completed" data loading states.
SwiftUIAsyncContentView A SwiftUI view for dynamically rendering content based upon "loading", "error", and "completed" data loading states.. Installa
Minimalist library to manage one-off operations.
Once(简体中文) Once allows you to manage the number of executions of a task using an intuitive API. Highlight Safe Efficient Persistent Usage Token Token
Parse iOS mobile provisioning files into Swift models
SwiftyProvisioningProfile This library provides a way to decode a .mobileprovision file into a Swift model. Installation The recommended installation
Extensions which helps to convert objc-style target/action to swifty closures
ActionClosurable Usage ActionClosurable extends UIControl, UIButton, UIRefreshControl, UIGestureRecognizer and UIBarButtonItem. It helps writing swift
Unit conversion library for Swift.
MKUnits MKUnits is extremely precise unit conversion library for Swift. It provides units of measurement of physical quantities and simplifies manipul
An eject button for Interface Builder to generate swift code
Eject Eject is a utility to transition from Interface Builder to programatic view layout. This is done by using code generation to create a .swift fil
Useful functions and extensions for sorting in Swift
SwiftSortUtils Motivation This library takes a shot at making comparing and sorting in Swift more pleasant. It also allows you to reuse your old NSSor
Tweak your iOS app without recompiling!
SwiftTweaks Adjust your iOS app on the fly without waiting to re-compile! Your users won’t see your animation study, Sketch comps, or prototypes. What
Super powerful remote config utility written in Swift (iOS, watchOS, tvOS, OSX)
Mission Control Super powerful remote config utility written in Swift (iOS, watchOS, tvOS, OSX) Brought to you by Have you ever wished you could chang
Simple getter for bundle informations, written in Swift
BundleInfos Simple getter for bundle informations It's simple and static way for getting information from main bundle Requirements iOS 8.0+ Xcode 7.3
Easy way to detect iOS device properties, OS versions and work with screen sizes. Powered by Swift.
Easy way to detect device environment: Device model and version Screen resolution Interface orientation iOS version Battery state Environment Helps to
Extensions for Swift Standard Types and Classes
Cent Cent is a library that extends certain Swift object types using the extension feature and gives its two cents to Swift language. Dollar is a Swif
A Swift μ-Library for Somewhat Dependent Types
Validated Validated is a μ-library (~50 Source Lines of Code) that allows you make better use of Swift's type system by providing tools for easily gen
Simple utility for only executing code every so often.
Rate Limit Simple utility for only executing code every so often. This will only execute the block passed for a given name if the last time it was cal
All the reusable code that we need in each project
SwiftyUtils SwiftyUtils groups all the reusable code that we need to ship in each project. This framework contains: Extensions Protocols Structs Subcl
Simple and Lightweight App Version Tracking for iOS written in Swift
AEAppVersion Simple and lightweight iOS App Version Tracking written in Swift I made this for personal use, but feel free to use it or contribute. For
DeviceGuru is a simple lib (Swift) to know the exact type of the device
DeviceGuru DeviceGuru is a simple lib (Swift) to know the exact type of the device, e.g. iPhone 6 or iPhone 6s Easy to use Light weight From version 5
Cross-Platform, Protocol-Oriented Programming base library to complement the Swift Standard Library. (Pure Swift, Supports Linux)
SwiftFoundation Cross-Platform, Protocol-Oriented Programming base library to complement the Swift Standard Library. Goals Provide a cross-platform in
📡 Helping you own NotificationCenter in Swift!
Notificationz 📡 Helping you own NotificationCenter Highlights Keep Your Naming Conventions: This library gives you convenient access to NotificationC
Easly DateTime (NSDate) managment in Swift
TimeLord Is simple structure encapsulating NSDate, NSCalendar, NSDateComponents, NSDateFormatter and provide new data type making operation with dates
Unit converter in Swift
Scale ❤️ Support my app ❤️ Push Hero - pure Swift native macOS application to test push notifications PastePal - Pasteboard, note and shortcut manager
📆 Breeze through Date, DateComponents, and TimeInterval with Swift!
Datez 📆 Breeze through Date, DateComponents, and TimeInterval Highlights Two Custom Structs Only (value types FTW!): DateView: An Date associated wit
A Swift collection of unique, ordered objects
Introduction OrderedSet is essentially the Swift equivalent of Foundation's NSOrderedSet/NSMutableOrderedSet. It was created so Swift would have a uni
A parser combinator library written in the Swift programming language.
SwiftParsec SwiftParsec is a Swift port of the Parsec parser combinator library. It allows the creation of sophisticated parsers from a set of simple
The missing light persistence layer for Swift
If you're planning on using Swift 4 in the near future, please consider using the new Codable protocols which provide the same functionality as Pantry
A drop-in inline browser for your Swift iOS app.
SwiftWebVC SwiftWebVC is a simple inline browser for your Swift iOS app. SwiftWebVC features: iPhone and iPad distinct UIs Full landscape orientation
Otafuku provides utility classes to use WKWebView in Swift.
Otafuku Otafuku provides utility classes to use WKWebView. Features WebViewUIController to handle WKUIDelegate methods by presenting an alert as usual