235 Repositories
Swift display-video Libraries
An example implementation of using a native iOS Notification Service Extension (to display images in remote push notification) in Titanium.
Titanium iOS Notification Service Extension An example implementation of using a native iOS Notification Service Extension (to display images in remot
Display LaTeX using SwiftUI & LaTeX DSL
Swift LaTeX Display LaTeX using MathJax. The package also provides a custom LaTeX DSL, which enables you write LaTeX the way you write SwiftUI Views.
Loop video using Optical Flow on iOS/Mac
Perfect-Loop-Maker Loop video using Optical Flow and Metal on iOS Description The app loops video to make an effect like it is endless, it uses optica
🖥 Control your display's brightness & volume on your Mac as if it was a native Apple Display
🖥 Control your display's brightness & volume on your Mac as if it was a native Apple Display. Use Apple Keyboard keys or custom shortcuts. Shows the native macOS OSDs.
A SwiftUI framework which makes it easy to integrate Video Call and Chat within a few lines of code.
Welcome to iStream! This SwiftUI Framework allows you to add Video Call and Chat to your project within a few lines of code. To use this Framework, yo
Hide the "Latest Video Performance" tab in YouTube Studio
Hide Latest Video Performance - YT Studio Extension that hides the stupid YouTube Studio "Latest Video Performance" / "Latest YouTube Short Performanc
SwiftUI iOS app which applies CoreML Video Matting (background removal) model to the front camera stream
CoreML Camera Video Matting This is a simple iOS app which applies Video Matting (background removal) model to the front camera stream. Video Matting
NYT360Video plays 360-degree video streamed from an AVPlayer on iOS.
NYT360Video 360º video playback from The New York Times NYT360Video plays spherical 360º video, allowing the user to explore the video via pan gesture
Youtube-like double tap to forward/rewind animation with ripple effect.
VideoQuickSeeking Youtube-like double tap to forward/rewind animation with ripple effect. Please feel free to make pull requests. Example To run the e
Display news feed and stock tickers.
Test Assignment Display news feed and stock tickers. Features First section The first section should contain list of horizontal tickers with symbol an
Media view which subclasses UIImageView, and can display & load images, videos, GIFs, and audio and from the web, and has functionality to minimize from fullscreen, as well as show GIF previews for videos.
I've built out the Swift version of this library! Screenshots Description ABMediaView can display images, videos, as well as now GIFs and Audio! It su
Paging Video UI, and some control components is available.
VideoPager [](https://travis-ci.org/Takuya Okamoto/VideoPager) Demo
React Native utility library around image and video files for getting metadata like MIME type, timestamp, duration, and dimensions. Works on iOS and Android using Java and Obj-C, instead of Node 🚀.
Qeepsake React Native File Utils Extracts information from image and video files including MIME type, duration (video), dimensions, and timestamp. The
A video decoder built on ffmpeg which allows libpag to use ffmpeg as its software decoder for h264 decoding.
ffavc ffavc is a video decoder built on ffmpeg which allows libpag to use ffmpeg as its software decoder for h264 decoding. Build ffmpeg First, make s
DropView - A SwiftUI library to display Apple Pencil and Pasteboard-like alerts on iOS.
DropView is a SwiftUI-based library to display alerts inspired by the Apple Pencil and pasteboard stock ones.
High-quality Interactive Audio/Video Unity SDK
简体中文 | English TRTC Unity SDK Overview Leveraging Tencent's many years of experience in network and audio/video technologies, Tencent Real-Time Commun
A simplest & base on protocol & swifty way to browse photo or video with hero animation.
JFHeroBrowser Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements Installation JFHe
This is a project about Swift Student Challenge - WWDC22 [Submitted] Detailed walk through video link below.
Oh My Flag The App Oh My Flag helps students get familiar with flags. It is both educating and entertaining with the design of multi-module and intera
Edit images and video with async / await in Swift, powered by Metal.
AsyncGraphics The core value type in AsyncGraphics is a Graphic. It's like an image, tho it can be used with various async methods. Documentation Swif
A Swift library for hardware projects on Linux/ARM boards with support for GPIOs/SPI/I2C/PWM/UART/1Wire.
A Swift library for hardware projects on Linux/ARM boards with support for GPIOs/SPI/I2C/PWM/UART/1Wire. Summary This library provides an easy way to
UITableView based component designed to display a hierarchy of expandable/foldable comments.
SwiftyComments UITableView based component designed to display a hierarchy of expandable/foldable comments. Installation Manually Just copy the .swift
View Rails casts video on Apple TV
View Rails casts video on Apple TV To run the app locally on your TVOS or Apple TV Clone the app Enter the http://iosvideokit.com/ license details in
An *Unofficial* Uitzending Gemist application for Apple TV 4 (**deprecated, use TV Gemist ☝🏻**)
Uitzending Gemist UitzendingGemist is an unofficial native Uitzending Gemist and NPO Live application for the Apple TV 4 developed in Swift. It will a
Sample implementation of HDMI Clean out for iPhone or iPad video output.
HDMIPassThroughSample Sample implementation of HDMI Clean out for iPhone or iPad video output. "Lightning - Digital AV Adapter" can be used to output
IINA is the modern video player for macOS.
IINA IINA is the modern video player for macOS. Website · Releases · Telegram Group Features Based on mpv, which provides the best decoding capacity o
PiPifier - a macOS and iOS Safari extension that lets you use every HTML5 video in Picture in Picture mode
PiPifier is a macOS 10.12 and iOS Safari (action) extension that lets you use every HTML5 video in Picture in Picture mode macOS Download It'
BitPrice - an iOS app that display and monitor the current Bitcoint (BTC) rate
BitPrice - an iOS app that display and monitor the current Bitcoint (BTC) rate
High-quality Interactive Audio/Video iOS SDK
腾讯云实时音视频 TRTC SDK 产品介绍 腾讯实时音视频(Tencent Real-Time Communication,TRTC),将腾讯多年来在网络与音视频技术上的深度积累,以多人音视频通话和低延时互动直播两大场景化方案,通过腾讯云服务向开发者开放,致力于帮助开发者快速搭建低成本、低延时、高
api.video is the video infrastructure for product builders
api.video is the video infrastructure for product builders. Lightning fast video APIs for integrating, scaling, and managing on-demand & low latency live streaming features in your app.
WeatherDiscussions - Select NOAA regions and display weather discussions for that region
An example of the core concepts of iOS development This is a simple three screen
YHPlayer - An easy-to-use video player based on swift language
YHPlayer An easy-to-use video player based on swift language Features Plays loca
Video mp4 record save display - How to Take , Save and Display a .mp4 Video
Technicalisto How to Take , Save and Display a .mp4 Video Add your design with v
The new iOS video player for CLI Studio
CLIPlayer Description The new iOS video player for CLI Studio Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example
Catalyst example of a grid-based video app that opens videos in secondary windows
Simple Catalyst example (Mac idiom) of a grid-based app populated with videos. On macOS, double-clicking a video opens it in a new playback window. Keyboard navigation is fully supported via the UIKit Focus Engine.
ARVideoInSpace - A Minimal iOS AR app to play a NASA video in space
AR Video In Space A minimal iOS AR app for playing a NASA video in outer space.
NY MostPopularArticle - A simple Swift-based iOS Native app that uses the New York Times Most Popular Articles API to display a list of articles with details
NY_MostPopularArticle A simple Swift-based iOS Native app that uses the New York
Nextcloud Talk is a fully on-premises audio/video and chat communication service
Nextcloud Talk iOS app Video & audio calls and chat through Nextcloud on iOS Nextcloud Talk is a fully on-premises audio/video and chat communication
Weatherflow-local - Basic frame-out of a SwiftUI macOS app to receive & display WeatherFlow UDP broadcast messages
WeatherFlow Local A very basic/skeleton SwiftUI macOS app for receiving and disp
AirQualityMonitoring - Here display the live air quality monitoring data
AirQualityMonitoring Here display the live air quality monitoring data. Details
Todo is an iOS App written in Swift. This app is used for an online video training course. This app demonstrates how to use UITableViewController.
Todo Todo is an iOS App written in Swift. This app is used for an online video training course. This app demonstrates how to use UITableViewController
VideoDetect - Video Detect With Swift
videoDetect Main flow: start from setUpAssetVideoCapture() Thread 1:setUpAssetVi
ARVideoPortal - A Minimal iOS AR app to display 360 / video in sphere space
AR Video Portal A minimal iOS AR app to display 360 / video in sphere space. Xco
CameraButton - A simple camera button that can be used for photo and video capturing
CameraButton A simple camera button that can be used for photo and video capturi
VideoBackgroundSwiftUI - Video Background loop made with SwiftUI
VideoBackgroundSwiftUI (Updated) Video Background loop made with SwiftUI Video N
Jitsi Meet - Secure, Simple and Scalable Video Conferences that you use as a standalone app or embed in your web application.
Jitsi Meet is a set of Open Source projects which empower users to use and deploy video conferencing platforms with state-of-the-art video quality and features.
WLPhotoPicker - A multifunction photo picker for iOS
WLPhotoPicker Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod in
SwiftUI view that download and display image from URL and displaying Activity Indicator while loading .
ViewWithActivityIndicator ViewWithActivityIndicator is a SwiftUI view that download and display image from URL and displaying Activity Indicator while
Pretty iOS mobile screens + AVPlayer video view ––– made in SwiftUI
UrbanVillageProjectScreens Recreated UI screens from the conceptual Urban Village Project. Read more about the project here. Please open an issue if y
VerticalTabView is a native way to display paged vertical content in SwiftUI.
VerticalTabView 🔝 VTabView is a native way to display paged vertical content in SwiftUI. To work it makes use of the new iOS 14 TabView PageTabViewSt
iOS Core ML implementation of waifu2x
waifu2x on iOS Introduction This is a Core ML implementation of waifu2x. The target of this project is to run waifu2x models right on iOS devices even
The best way to record your AR experience!
SCNRecorder SCNRecorder allows you to record videos and to capture images from ARSCNView, SCNView and ARView (RealityKit) without sacrificing performa
ARKit demo that streams a video on a wall
WallStreaming Small example demonstrating how to play a video on a wall using ARKit. This became possible when iOS 11.3 / ARKit "1.5" added the .verti
⬆️ Rad Media Capture in Swift
NextLevel is a Swift camera system designed for easy integration, customized media capture, and image streaming in iOS. Integration can optionally lev
Playback videos using ARKit and AVFoundation.
ARPlayer Playback videos by placing TV anywhere on the surface using ARKit and AVFoundation. Features Current version of ARPlayer has such features: P
Simple project to detect objects and display 3D labels above them in AR. This serves as a basic Template for an ARKit project to use CoreML.
CoreML-in-ARKit This simple project detects objects in Augmented Reality and displays 3D labels on top of them. This serves as a basic template for an
BeatboxiOS - A sample implementation for merging multiple video files and/or image files using AVFoundation
MergeVideos This is a sample implementation for merging multiple video files and
KovidStatz - A very simple app to display covid stats worldwide or country wise
KovidStatz A very simple app to display covid stats worldwide or country wise. T
A Swift library for the Nokia3310/5110 PCD8544 Monochrome LCD display
5110LCD_PCD8544.swift A Swift library for the Nokia3310/5110 PCD8544 Monochrome LCD display Summary This library is an extended Swift port of the orig
WatchTube: a standalone WatchOS youtube player utilizing Download API for search data and video streaming
WatchTube is a standalone WatchOS youtube player utilizing Download API for sear
AppKitFocusOverlay - Add hotkey(s) to display the key focus path for any window in your (running) AppKit application
AppKitFocusOverlay A simple package for displaying the current focus target path
NetFun-ios-app - iOS app using BFF service to display processed data.
NetFun-ios-app iOS app using BFF service to display processed data. The iOS demo developed in SwiftUI and it uses BFF service to show expected UI comp
RealmVideo - An iOS app to watch Realm videos and slides at the same time on your phone.
Realm Video Description Realm is an amazing resource to watch different talks from various conferences and meetups. They publish videos and slides of
Major-input - a novel iPad UI for reading WWDC session transcripts alongside the video/presentation context
Major Input a novel iPad UI for reading WWDC session transcripts alongside the video/presentation context Getting Started Build Major Input yourself w
Valorem-demo - Demonstration code and video of Valorem, a bespoke portfolio recommendation platform to be created as an iOS mobile app.
valorem-demo Demonstration code of Valorem, a bespoke portfolio recommendation platform to be created as an iOS mobile app. The included code demonstr
Delta is an all-in-one classic video game emulator for non-jailbroken iOS devices.
Delta Delta is an all-in-one classic video game emulator for non-jailbroken iOS devices. Delta is an iOS application that allows you to emulate and pl
Cordova plugin to display a native color-picker dialog
Color Picker Plugin for Cordova (cordova-plugin-color-picker) Description This plugin allows you to display a color-picker native dialog in iOS and An
Use Swift to pack ambiguous image that display differently on Apple and Other devices
Aibmoe Use Swift to pack ambiguous image that display differently on Apple and O
Anime4K for Apple platforms based on Metal
Anime4KMetal Introduction This is a port of Anime4K to Metal. It dynamically translates GLSL shaders to Metal shaders and applies them during video pl
iOS 360-degree video player streaming from an AVPlayer.
Swifty360Player iOS 360-degree video player streaming from an AVPlayer. Demo Requirements Swifty360Player Version Minimum iOS Target Swift Version 0.2
Simple 360 Video player for iOS using SceneKit
simple360player_iOS Simple 360 Video player for iOS using SceneKit. VR ready. Stereoscopic Ready. We generate a simple scene in which we add a sphere
Open Source iOS 360 Degree Panorama Video Player.
🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 The Metal with Swift 5.0 version is comming 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 360 VR Player A Open Source, Ad-free, Na
waifuExtension: The waifu2x on Mac
waifuExtension The waifu2x on Mac. The new version is capable of taking advantag
Simple way to display activity indicator inside the button.
QBIndicatorButton Custom of UIButton in Swift. Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory firs
UITextField that automatically formats text to display in the currency format
CurrencyTextField The numbers that the user enters in the field are automatically formatted to display in the dollar amount format. For example, if th
A drop-in UITableView/UICollectionView superclass category for showing empty datasets whenever the view has no content to display
DZNEmptyDataSet Projects using this library Add your project to the list here and provide a (320px wide) render of the result. The Empty Data Set Patt
Custom transition between two collection view layouts
Display Switcher We designed a UI that allows users to switch between list and grid views on the fly and choose the most convenient display type. List
iOS14 widget to display/launch your COVID-19 vaccines
Vaccinated Widget to display/launch your recent COVID-19 vaccines. WIP.
An easy to use UITableViewCell subclass that allows to display swippable buttons with a variety of transitions.
MGSwipeTableCell MGSwipeTableCell is an easy to use UITableViewCell subclass that allows to display swipeable buttons with a variety of transitions. T
The official iOS client library for api.video
api.video iOS client api.video is the video infrastructure for product builders.
iOS custom view to display books on shelf
ShelfView (iOS) iOS custom view to display books on shelf (Android version is available here) Requirements iOS 10.0+ Swift 4.2 Installation ShelfView
RCalendarPicker A date picker control, Calendar calendar control, select control, calendar, date selection, the clock selection control.
RCalendarPicker RCalendarPicker Calendar calendar control, select control, calendar, date selection, the clock selection control. 日历控件 ,日历选择控件,日历,日期选择
🚨Use the iPhone X Notch to display alerts. 🚨
NotchyAlert Prerequisites Xcode 9.x Swift 4.x iPhone X Simulator/Device Demo Installation Cocoapods To install NotchyAlert using Cocoapods, add the fo
UIImageView subclass that allows you to display a looped video and dynamically switch it.
AKVideoImageView Motivation AKVideoImageView was created because I wasn't satisfied with the standard AVPlayer when I was implementing a video backgro
Simple extension of UINavigationController to display progress on the UINavigationBar.
KYNavigationProgress KYNavigationProgress is simple extension of UINavigationController to display progress on the UINavigationBar. Installation Cocoa
A suite containing many tools to display progress information on iOS.
M13ProgressSuite ================ A set of classes used to display progress information to users on iOS. Includes: A interchangeable set of progress v
📹 Framework to Play a Video in the Background of any UIView
SwiftVideoBackground is an easy to use Swift framework that provides the ability to play a video on any UIView. This provides a beautiful UI for login
A swift and objective-C object that lets you add a background video to iOS views
BackgroundVideoiOS This is an Object/Class which lets you add a background video to iOS app views. This is seen at login views of some famous apps lik
A simple split-flap display for your Swift applications
🛫 Splitflap is a simple to use component to present changeable alphanumeric text like often used as a public transport timetable in airports or railw
A high-performance, flexible, and easy-to-use Video compressor library written by Swift.
FYVideoCompressor A high-performance, flexible and easy to use Video compressor library written by Swift. Using hardware-accelerator APIs in AVFoundat
Headline News View Example App for iOS. You can display the articles fetched by rss.
HeadLineNews-ObjC Headline News View Example App for iOS. You can display the articles fetched by rss. PiP(Picture in Picture) is also supported DEMO
Yattee: video player for Invidious and Piped built for iOS, tvOS and macOS
Video player for Invidious and Piped instances built for iOS, tvOS and macOS. Features Native user interface built with SwiftUI Multiple instances and
Powerful text framework for iOS to display and edit rich text.
YYText Powerful text framework for iOS to display and edit rich text. (It's a component of YYKit) Features UILabel and UITextView API compatible High
App uses API to display information about City and State user using expandable table cell
Expandable Table Cell iOS App App uses API to display information about City and State user using expandable table cell Implemented Using MVVM with Cl
Simple Weather app to display future weather of 3 cities
WeatherApp Simple Weather app to display future weather of 3 cities Test project for a small weather application Overview For the test project a small
Dedicated storyboarding iPad app for video content creators.
CS3217 - Storyteller Final Project for CS3217: Software Engineering for Modern Application Platforms By: Marcus, Pan Yongjing, and Tian Fang Overview
Unified API Library for: Cloud Storage, Social Log-In, Social Interaction, Payment, Email, SMS, POIs, Video & Messaging.
Unified API Library for: Cloud Storage, Social Log-In, Social Interaction, Payment, Email, SMS, POIs, Video & Messaging. Included services are Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, Box, Egnyte, PayPal, Stripe, Google Places, Foursquare, Yelp, YouTube, Vimeo, Twitch, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Line, Viber, Facebook, GitHub, Google+, LinkedIn, Slack, Twitter, Windows Live, Yahoo, Mailjet, Sendgrid, Twilio, Nexmo, Twizo.
An app that uses Multipeer Connectivity to play a video across 6 different iOS screens with an additional phone acting as a Main/Control phone.
MultiScreenApp An app that uses Multipeer Connectivity to play a video across 6 different iOS screens with an additional phone acting as a Main/Contro
A Swift library to upload video files to api.video platform.
api.video IOS video uploader api.video is the video infrastructure for product builders. Lightning fast video APIs for integrating, scaling, and manag
PlayKit: Kaltura Player SDK for iOS
Kaltura Player SDK Demo: Demo repo. If you are a Kaltura customer, please contact your Kaltura Customer Success Manager to help facilitate use of this
This is an iOS Tweak that modifies the brightness slider in the Control Center.
AdvancedBrightnessSlider Tweak This is an iOS Tweak that modifies the brightness slider in the Control Center. Even with dark mode toggled on, I found