147 Repositories
Swift calendar-display Libraries
An example implementation of using a native iOS Notification Service Extension (to display images in remote push notification) in Titanium.
Titanium iOS Notification Service Extension An example implementation of using a native iOS Notification Service Extension (to display images in remot
Display LaTeX using SwiftUI & LaTeX DSL
Swift LaTeX Display LaTeX using MathJax. The package also provides a custom LaTeX DSL, which enables you write LaTeX the way you write SwiftUI Views.
NextEvent is a countdown widget for your Mac menu bar. It displays the time until the next event in your calendar or task list.
NextEvent NextEvent is a countdown widget for your Mac menu bar. It displays the time until the next event in your calendar or reminders. Choose the n
🖥 Control your display's brightness & volume on your Mac as if it was a native Apple Display
🖥 Control your display's brightness & volume on your Mac as if it was a native Apple Display. Use Apple Keyboard keys or custom shortcuts. Shows the native macOS OSDs.
An iOS pre-permissions utility that lets developers ask users on their own dialog for calendar, contacts, location, photos, reminders, twitter, push notifications and more, before making the system-based permission request.
An iOS pre-permissions utility that lets developers ask users on their own dialog for calendar, contacts, location, photos, reminders, twitter, push notifications and more, before making the system-based permission request.
A most fully customization calendar for Apple platforms 📅
KVKCalendar KVKCalendar is a most fully customization calendar. Library consists of five modules for displaying various types of calendar (day, week,
CrispyCalendar is the calendar UI framework you need
Whether you are writing yet another one task tracker or calendar app, or simply want to offer the users to skip the joy of using UIDatePicker and let them quickly and efficiently select dates — CrispyCalendar is the calendar UI framework you need.
Display news feed and stock tickers.
Test Assignment Display news feed and stock tickers. Features First section The first section should contain list of horizontal tickers with symbol an
A calendar based heatmap which presenting a time series of data points in colors.
Calendar Heatmap Introduction CalendarHeatmap is a calendar based heatmap which presenting a time series of data points in colors, inspired by Github
Friendly reminder that you're not gonna live forever
Life Progress Friendly reminder that you're not gonna live forever How it works Each row represents a year of your life. Each square represents a week
Anime Calendar's iOS App - Schedule your seasonal anime to watch!
📅 Anime Calendar Anime Calendar's iOS App - Schedule your seasonal anime to watch! Currently in progress UI Uses Xibs and some programmatic views. De
Simplifies iOS user permission requests (location, push notifications, camera, contacts, calendar, photos, etc).
ICanHas Swift 4 library that simplifies iOS user permission requests (push notifications, location, camera, photo library, contacts, calendar). Instal
Media view which subclasses UIImageView, and can display & load images, videos, GIFs, and audio and from the web, and has functionality to minimize from fullscreen, as well as show GIF previews for videos.
I've built out the Swift version of this library! Screenshots Description ABMediaView can display images, videos, as well as now GIFs and Audio! It su
DropView - A SwiftUI library to display Apple Pencil and Pasteboard-like alerts on iOS.
DropView is a SwiftUI-based library to display alerts inspired by the Apple Pencil and pasteboard stock ones.
A SwiftUI calendar view that allows month switching and date picking.
Selectable Calendar View A SwiftUI calendar view that allows month switching and date picking. Usage You can simply add this repository to your projec
A Swift library for hardware projects on Linux/ARM boards with support for GPIOs/SPI/I2C/PWM/UART/1Wire.
A Swift library for hardware projects on Linux/ARM boards with support for GPIOs/SPI/I2C/PWM/UART/1Wire. Summary This library provides an easy way to
UITableView based component designed to display a hierarchy of expandable/foldable comments.
SwiftyComments UITableView based component designed to display a hierarchy of expandable/foldable comments. Installation Manually Just copy the .swift
Full featured lunar calendar library
LunarCore 小历(iOS & OS X)的农历核心部分。 何为小历 小历是一个简洁的农历 app,目前支持 iOS & OS X 两端,iOS 端多次被 App Store 官方推荐。 前世今生 LunarCore 最早来自于一个 JavaScript 编写的农历库:LunarCalenda
Malendar is a personal calendar app that connects to your default calendar and lets you add/delete events
Malendar is a personal calendar app that connects to your default calendar and lets you add/delete events. It will gather events from your default iOS calendar.
OpenStack Foundation Summit App
OpenStack Foundation Summit App The official app for the OpenStack Summit. (iTunes) Supports iOS, watchOS and tvOS. Setup Fetch Carthage dependencies.
BitPrice - an iOS app that display and monitor the current Bitcoint (BTC) rate
BitPrice - an iOS app that display and monitor the current Bitcoint (BTC) rate
A library that expresses a github contribution calendar through an array of dates. Supports iOS and macOS.
A library that expresses a github contribution calendar through an array of dates. Supports iOS and macOS.
WeatherDiscussions - Select NOAA regions and display weather discussions for that region
An example of the core concepts of iOS development This is a simple three screen
Video mp4 record save display - How to Take , Save and Display a .mp4 Video
Technicalisto How to Take , Save and Display a .mp4 Video Add your design with v
NY MostPopularArticle - A simple Swift-based iOS Native app that uses the New York Times Most Popular Articles API to display a list of articles with details
NY_MostPopularArticle A simple Swift-based iOS Native app that uses the New York
WhatsNext-Live - A small utility app for macOS showing upcoming calendar entries in a menubar popover
What's Next A small utility app for macOS using SwiftUI and EventKit to show you
Weatherflow-local - Basic frame-out of a SwiftUI macOS app to receive & display WeatherFlow UDP broadcast messages
WeatherFlow Local A very basic/skeleton SwiftUI macOS app for receiving and disp
AirQualityMonitoring - Here display the live air quality monitoring data
AirQualityMonitoring Here display the live air quality monitoring data. Details
CalendarApp Swift - Made a calendar app in swift, completely from scratch using UIStackView and UICollectionView
CalendarApp_Swift Made a calendar app in swift, completely from scratch using UI
ARVideoPortal - A Minimal iOS AR app to display 360 / video in sphere space
AR Video Portal A minimal iOS AR app to display 360 / video in sphere space. Xco
SwiftUI view that download and display image from URL and displaying Activity Indicator while loading .
ViewWithActivityIndicator ViewWithActivityIndicator is a SwiftUI view that download and display image from URL and displaying Activity Indicator while
VerticalTabView is a native way to display paged vertical content in SwiftUI.
VerticalTabView 🔝 VTabView is a native way to display paged vertical content in SwiftUI. To work it makes use of the new iOS 14 TabView PageTabViewSt
Simple project to detect objects and display 3D labels above them in AR. This serves as a basic Template for an ARKit project to use CoreML.
CoreML-in-ARKit This simple project detects objects in Augmented Reality and displays 3D labels on top of them. This serves as a basic template for an
KovidStatz - A very simple app to display covid stats worldwide or country wise
KovidStatz A very simple app to display covid stats worldwide or country wise. T
A Swift library for the Nokia3310/5110 PCD8544 Monochrome LCD display
5110LCD_PCD8544.swift A Swift library for the Nokia3310/5110 PCD8544 Monochrome LCD display Summary This library is an extended Swift port of the orig
AppKitFocusOverlay - Add hotkey(s) to display the key focus path for any window in your (running) AppKit application
AppKitFocusOverlay A simple package for displaying the current focus target path
NetFun-ios-app - iOS app using BFF service to display processed data.
NetFun-ios-app iOS app using BFF service to display processed data. The iOS demo developed in SwiftUI and it uses BFF service to show expected UI comp
Cordova plugin to display a native color-picker dialog
Color Picker Plugin for Cordova (cordova-plugin-color-picker) Description This plugin allows you to display a color-picker native dialog in iOS and An
Use Swift to pack ambiguous image that display differently on Apple and Other devices
Aibmoe Use Swift to pack ambiguous image that display differently on Apple and O
📆 Breeze through Date, DateComponents, and TimeInterval with Swift!
Datez 📆 Breeze through Date, DateComponents, and TimeInterval Highlights Two Custom Structs Only (value types FTW!): DateView: An Date associated wit
Simple way to display activity indicator inside the button.
QBIndicatorButton Custom of UIButton in Swift. Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory firs
UITextField that automatically formats text to display in the currency format
CurrencyTextField The numbers that the user enters in the field are automatically formatted to display in the dollar amount format. For example, if th
Seasonal regional fruit and vegetable calendar
Twelve Months Seasonal regional fruit and vegetable calendar Table of Contents O
A drop-in UITableView/UICollectionView superclass category for showing empty datasets whenever the view has no content to display
DZNEmptyDataSet Projects using this library Add your project to the list here and provide a (320px wide) render of the result. The Empty Data Set Patt
Custom transition between two collection view layouts
Display Switcher We designed a UI that allows users to switch between list and grid views on the fly and choose the most convenient display type. List
iOS14 widget to display/launch your COVID-19 vaccines
Vaccinated Widget to display/launch your recent COVID-19 vaccines. WIP.
An easy to use UITableViewCell subclass that allows to display swippable buttons with a variety of transitions.
MGSwipeTableCell MGSwipeTableCell is an easy to use UITableViewCell subclass that allows to display swipeable buttons with a variety of transitions. T
A Swift UI component for Lunar Calendar Picker
LunarYearDatePicker a Swift UI component for Lunar Calendar Picker Usage: struct
iOS custom view to display books on shelf
ShelfView (iOS) iOS custom view to display books on shelf (Android version is available here) Requirements iOS 10.0+ Swift 4.2 Installation ShelfView
A fully customizable iOS calendar library, compatible with Objective-C and Swift
Table of contents Screenshots Installation Pre-knowledge Support Contact Screenshots iPhone iPad Safe Orientation Today Extension iOS8/9 iOS10 Interac
Calendar View - It's lightweight and simple control with supporting Locale and CalendarIdentifier.
iOS Calendar It's lightweight and simple control with supporting Locale and CalendarIdentifier. There're samples for iPhone and iPad, and also with us
An Event View based on Apple's Event Detail View. Written in Swift 3. Supports ARC, Autolayout and editing via StoryBoard.
An Event View based on Apple's Event Detail View. Written in Swift 3. Supports ARC, Autolayout and editing via StoryBoard. Installation CocoaPods PTEv
An open source calendar framework for iOS, with support for customization, IBDesignable, Autolayout, and more.
About MBCalendarKit is a calendar control written in Objective-C with modern best practices and Swift interoperability in mind. It offers a flexible c
Calendar component with RTL languages written in swift
GDCalendar Calendar component with both RTL/LTR languages support with Swipe Gesture enabled navigation. Easy to use with Storyboard and Attributes In
RCalendarPicker A date picker control, Calendar calendar control, select control, calendar, date selection, the clock selection control.
RCalendarPicker RCalendarPicker Calendar calendar control, select control, calendar, date selection, the clock selection control. 日历控件 ,日历选择控件,日历,日期选择
Simple customizable calendar component in Swift :calendar:
Koyomi Koyomi is a simple calendar view framework for iOS, written in Swift 📆 Content Features Demo App Usage introduction : Change displayed month,
A set of views and controllers for displaying and scheduling events on iOS
CalendarLib CalendarLib is a set of views and controllers for displaying and scheduling events on iOS. Warning: As some people may have noticed, this
A calendar control for iOS written in swift with mvvm pattern
ASCalendar try it on appetize Installation CocoaPods You can use CocoaPods to install ASCalendar by adding it to your Podfile: platform :ios, '8.0' us
📆 An elegant calendar control for iOS.
NO LONGER MAINTAINED Daysquare An elegant calendar control for iOS. Introduction Get bored with native silly UIDatePicker? You may have a try on this
A customizable calendar view for iOS.
JTCalendar JTCalendar is an easily customizable calendar control for iOS. Installation With CocoaPods, add this line to your Podfile. pod 'JTCalendar'
A fully customizable calendar view acting as a date range picker
Demo Installation CocoaPods With CocoaPods you can simply add GLCalendarView in your Podfile: pod "GLCalendarView", "~ 1.0.0" Source File You can co
An availability calendar implementation for iOS
NWCalendarView NWCalendar View is an iOS control that displays a calendar. It is perfect for appointment or availibilty selection. It allows for selec
iOS 7+ Calendar (Date Picker) with Infinite Scrolling.
RSDayFlow iOS 7 Calendar with Infinite Scrolling. Only need 4 lines of code to set up. RSDayFlow is a slim fork of DayFlow with updates and extensions
A custom visual calendar for iOS 8+ written in Swift (= 4.0).
Overview Screenshots GIF Demo Installation Usage Architecture Version matrix Advanced API For contributors Screenshots GIF Demo Installation CocoaPods
🚨Use the iPhone X Notch to display alerts. 🚨
NotchyAlert Prerequisites Xcode 9.x Swift 4.x iPhone X Simulator/Device Demo Installation Cocoapods To install NotchyAlert using Cocoapods, add the fo
UIImageView subclass that allows you to display a looped video and dynamically switch it.
AKVideoImageView Motivation AKVideoImageView was created because I wasn't satisfied with the standard AVPlayer when I was implementing a video backgro
Simple extension of UINavigationController to display progress on the UINavigationBar.
KYNavigationProgress KYNavigationProgress is simple extension of UINavigationController to display progress on the UINavigationBar. Installation Cocoa
A suite containing many tools to display progress information on iOS.
M13ProgressSuite ================ A set of classes used to display progress information to users on iOS. Includes: A interchangeable set of progress v
Clendar - universal calendar app. Written in SwiftUI. Available on App Store. MIT License.
Clendar - minimal calendar Minimal Calendar & Widgets Landing Page About This project is started out as an UIKit base app for me to learn new WWDC fea
A simple split-flap display for your Swift applications
🛫 Splitflap is a simple to use component to present changeable alphanumeric text like often used as a public transport timetable in airports or railw
Headline News View Example App for iOS. You can display the articles fetched by rss.
HeadLineNews-ObjC Headline News View Example App for iOS. You can display the articles fetched by rss. PiP(Picture in Picture) is also supported DEMO
Powerful text framework for iOS to display and edit rich text.
YYText Powerful text framework for iOS to display and edit rich text. (It's a component of YYKit) Features UILabel and UITextView API compatible High
App uses API to display information about City and State user using expandable table cell
Expandable Table Cell iOS App App uses API to display information about City and State user using expandable table cell Implemented Using MVVM with Cl
Simple Weather app to display future weather of 3 cities
WeatherApp Simple Weather app to display future weather of 3 cities Test project for a small weather application Overview For the test project a small
A calendar quick view for the MacOS status bar
Calendar Quick View Quick Menu Calendar in the mac app store An open source macOS calendar preview utility Download from the Mac App Store Visualizati
This is an iOS Tweak that modifies the brightness slider in the Control Center.
AdvancedBrightnessSlider Tweak This is an iOS Tweak that modifies the brightness slider in the Control Center. Even with dark mode toggled on, I found
A sample app that will display some airport information using MVVM pattern
Simulator.Screen.Recording.-.iPhone.11.-.2021-11-15.at.14.27.41.mp4 AirportDisplayApp A sample app that will display some airport information using MV
Control your display's brightness from the macOS menu bar. Simple and easy to use.
MonitorControl Lite Control your display's brightness from the macOS menu bar. Simple and easy to use. About MonitorControl Lite is a simplified versi
An iOS app to display quarantine classification information based on users location
ph covid19 Quarantine Classification Automatically check quarantine classification based on your location Tech: MVVM Observer Binding MapKit, CoreLoca
ABMediaView can display images, videos, as well as now GIFs and Audio!
Media view which subclasses UIImageView, and can display & load images, videos, GIFs, and audio and from the web, and has functionality to minimize from fullscreen, as well as show GIF previews for videos.
Dead simple calendar implementation
Package provides a CalendarView which can be used to display simple calendar in your App.
A Static Library to be embedded on iOS applications to display pdf documents derived from Fast PDF
FastPdfKit This repository contains the FastPdfKit iOS library with some sample projects. FastPdfKit is a library that let you show pdf documents in i
Flutter plugin to display VGS card info using TextView or View
VGS Card Info Flutter plugin to display VGS Card info using TextView or View Installation Add the dependency in your pubspec.yaml vgscardinfo: git
Customizable Calendar SwiftUI Library
SwiftUI Customizable Calendar Library
Image framework for iOS to display/encode/decode animated WebP, APNG, GIF, and more.
YYImage Image framework for iOS to display/encode/decode animated WebP, APNG, GIF, and more. (It's a component of YYKit) Features Display/encode/decod
DDC Library for Apple Silicon Macs
AppleSiliconDDC DDC Library for Apple Silicon Macs Usage Upcoming... For sample implementation take a look at the source code of MonitorControl (as Ar
iOS App by which the user can display a list of characters from the Harry Potter Movies.
iOS App by which the user can display a list of characters from the Harry Potter Movies. They can display a list of all characters, students, staff or view characters by house.
The application display album artwork with detailed information from the iTunes API.
Music-Info The application display album artwork with detailed information from the iTunes API. UIKit, CoreData, Foundation Navigation (TabBarControll
A simple application display album artwork from the iTunes API
iTunesTestApp In the test task, you need to develop a simple application for the iPhone. The application should display album artwork from the iTunes
How to Display Video from URL inside custom design UIView
Technicalisto How to Display Video from URL inside custom design UIView Add your UIView and connect it . Add This method for display func DisplayVideo
SwiftUICalendar - SwiftUI simple calendar
SwiftUICalendar Installation CocoaPods pod 'SwiftUICalendar' import import SwiftUICalendar Features Infinite scroll Support horizontal and vertical sc
Display and interact with SVG Images on iOS / OS X, using native rendering (CoreAnimation)
SVGKit SVGKit is a Cocoa framework for rendering SVG files natively: it's fast and powerful. Some additional info and links are on the wiki Versions:
iOS utility classes for asynchronous rendering and display.
YYAsyncLayer iOS utility classes for asynchronous rendering and display. (It was used by YYText) Simple Usage @interface YYLabel : UIView @property NS
Software Dummy Display Adapter for Apple Silicon Macs to Have Custom HiDPI Resolutions.
BetterDummy Dummy Display for Apple Silicon Macs to achieve custom resolutions. About M1 macs tend to have issues with custom resolutions. Notoriously
Automaticly display Log,Crash,Network,ANR,Leak,CPU,RAM,FPS,NetFlow,Folder and etc with one line of code based on Swift. Just like God opened his eyes
GodEye Automaticly display Log,Crash,Network,ANR,Leak,CPU,RAM,FPS,NetFlow,Folder and etc with one line of code based on Swift. Just like God opened hi
iOS App to display game lists and details with the ability to add games to your favorites list and see metacritic ratings.
Game Data System - GDS Author: Heitor Silveira (heitorsilveirafurb@gmail.com) iOS App to view games from various platforms, their description, release
iOS mobile app to find and display the nearest boba shop
iOSBoba - Boba App Description Basic mobile app where you can plug in a location (or let the app find your current location), and the app will tap int
Provenance is a native macOS application that interacts with the Up Banking Developer API to display information about your bank accounts, transactions, categories, tags and more.
Provenance Provenance is a native macOS application that interacts with the Up Banking Developer API to display information about your bank accounts,
Headline News Widget for Better Touch Tool. You can display the articles fetched by rss.
BTTPluginHeadLineNews This is a headline news widget plugin for BTT(Better Touch Tool) You can display the articles fetched by rss. (Pock version is h
Display list of Marvel comic Characters and its detail view
Marvel Universe Display list of Marvel comic Characters and its detail view Installation Dependencies in this project are provided via Xcodegen (proje