280 Repositories
Swift flappybird-style-game Libraries
League of Legends-themed game for iOS, built with SwiftUI
League of Legends: Skinship (iOS) // TODO: README will be updated when I have more time. Doc is available here. Here is some screenshots for the app:
A fast-paced color matching game.
***DOCUMENTATION: WELCOME TO COLOURS. COLOURS is an iOS application built using XCode and Swift. COLOURS is a game, and the objective is to match al
Riddler is a riddle game built as a native iOS app in Swift using SwiftUI
Riddler is a riddle game built as a native iOS app in Swift using SwiftUI. It includes 50 challenging riddles with hints for when you get stuck. The game tracks your stats so you can compare your performance against your friends, and see who can answer all 50 riddles the quickest.
RMIT Casino - iOS game for slot machine
RMIT Casino 🎰 "Money won is twice as sweet as money earned!" 📖 Description This is an iOS application, inspired from the Melbourne Crown Casino! It
A peer-to-peer rock, paper scissors game for iOS and macOS
RPS - Rock, Paper, Scissors! Source code for my first SwiftUI tutorial. RPS utilizes the MultipeerConnectivity framework to connect devices directly w
A fancy collection style view controller that was inspired by this Profile Card mockup
JFCardSelectionViewController A fancy collection style view controller that was inspired by this Profile Card mockup: https://dribbble.com/shots/14584
Creates SpriteKit game maps from TMX Map files.
PEMTileMap is a Swift package that generates SpriteKit game maps from TMX Map files. Maps, layers, tiles and objects are automatically rendered as SKN
CardGameEngine - Prototyping a game engine for the Bang card game
CardGameEngine Prototyping a game engine for the Bang card game. Features Engine is open source Powerful scripting language using JSON Card design is
Patch out the GPU checks for any x86-64 macOS Unreal Engine-based game
UnrealGPUPatcher Download here Patch out the GPU checks for any x86-64 macOS Unreal Engine-based game, particularly ARK: Survival Evolved. Requirement
iTunes 11 Style Color Art Detection for iOS
iTunes 11 Style Color Art Detection for iOS. Original implementation from Fred Leitz Port of ColorArt code from OS X to iOS. Usage #include ColorArt/
A simple "Hello, World" style iOS app.
iOS Sample App - Hello World This is a simple iOS (Swift) app with a single view. The intention of this application is to demonstrate the usage of the
A CSS-like style library for SwiftUI.
The missing CSS-like module for SwiftUI
Trello-style Task Management App
Krello Trello-style Task Management App 기한: 2022.05.04 ~ 05.20 (13일) 프로젝트에 대한 자세한 내용은 👉 Notion 에서 확인할 수 있습니다 앱 소개 Trello 의 기능을 따라 할일을 관리하는 iOS Applic
Compose SpriteKit animations quickly in a declarative SwiftUI-style
ActionBuilder Caveat developer: As this package is pre-release, the API may change significantly without notice. It has not been tested, so use it at
Media view which subclasses UIImageView, and can display & load images, videos, GIFs, and audio and from the web, and has functionality to minimize from fullscreen, as well as show GIF previews for videos.
I've built out the Swift version of this library! Screenshots Description ABMediaView can display images, videos, as well as now GIFs and Audio! It su
round icon drag control (made in swift) dock style
ASBubbleDrag Bubble drag control integrate in storyboard : Installation CocoaPods You can use CocoaPods to install ASBubbleDrag by adding it to your P
Show MS Windows style activation dialog on my screen.
Activate Mac The "Activate Windows" watermark ported to macOS with Swift Objective-C. Special thanks: MrGlockenspiel/activate-linux for the idea. Inst
Stacked style tableview
StackPageView Vertical page view with UIViewControllers stacked on the top of each other Install add StackPageView.swift your project. How to Use clas
ButtonClickStyle - This is a Customizable/Designable Button View, with 15 animated click styles, that allows you to design your own buttons from subviews, in storyboard and xib right away.
ButtonClickStyle - This is a Customizable/Designable Button View, with 15 animated click styles, that allows you to design your own buttons from subviews, in storyboard and xib right away.
This is a game in which the player has to match cards with the correct pair.
This is a game in which the player has to match cards with the correct pair. When they are paired, a funny record of a Peruvian influencer is played. Made with Swift and SwiftUI.
Cloud Jumpers is a competitive 1-4 player platformer game for iPadOS, jumping through clouds and be the winner!
Cloud Jumpers Overview Cloud Jumpers is a competitive 1-4 player iOS platformer game. There are power-ups, different game modes, kill mechanics, and m
An Android Wear style confirmation view for iOS
GoogleWearAlert Objective-C version kindly written by dimohamdy - https://github.com/dimohamdy/GoogleWearAlert An Android Wear style confirmation view
Radar style view written in swift
Sonar Simple radar style view, written in Swift, pure CoreAnimation (no images). Highly adjustable. Usage Just place the UIView somewhere in your cont
iOS & tvOS multi-emulator frontend, supporting various Atari, Bandai, NEC, Nintendo, Sega, SNK and Sony console systems
iOS & tvOS multi-emulator frontend, supporting various Atari, Bandai, NEC, Nintendo, Sega, SNK and Sony console systems… Get Started: https://wiki.provenance-emu.com |
A tvOS / SpriteKit skateboarding game.
Retro Skate A tvOS / SpriteKit skateboarding game. TODO Implement any swipe gesture recognizer while in the air to do a hardflip. (when you press up)
Swift modules for game development.
Introduction I have been making iOS games with Swift, SceneKit, and SpriteKit since 2015 when I was in high school. After working on over a hundred pr
SwiftUI game app live on app store
An open source game app available on appstore. Download and play it once. Feel free to contribute on the mentioned features. Figma designs and all other links are been mentioned below.
Dicee Game which works with Swift randomisation fundamentals.
Dicee Dice app. You can make the die roll at the press of a button or by shaking your phone. With this app in your pocket, you’ll be fully set up to s
Simple command line interactive game to practice German (or English) with simple short stories.
Gif With GIF you can practice German or English with short stories. The stories are written in an easy language, and you can interact with the charact
iOS game for people to learn new languages who respond well to repetition.
iOS game to learn new languages for people who respond well to repetition. Including Italian, French, Chinese, German, Polish, Portuguese, Russian & S
ShellSlide - Play 2048 in your shell 🎮
ShellSlide - Play 2048 in your shell 🎮 Features Keep track of your overall highscore Easily save and resume your games Installation (macOS only) Down
A Combine-style wrapper around Network's NWConnection with a UDP protocol
A Combine-style wrapper around Network's NWConnection with a UDP protocol
Word Scramble is a game that requires you to build as many new words as possible using the letters from a root word
Word Scramble is a game that requires you to build as many new words as possible using the letters from a root word.
Wordle Clone iOS app using Swift and SwiftUI 😎
Wordle Clone Wordle clone using Swift and SwiftUI for educational purposes. Video Preview Screenshots Features Hard Mode Help Screen Sync Stats across
A free-to-win rhythm game
osu! A free-to-win rhythm game. Rhythm is just a click away! The future of osu! and the beginning of an open era! Currently known by and released unde
An original board game for 2 players, a mash-up of Sudoku and Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe
An original board game for 2 players, a mash-up of Sudoku and Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe. It is implemented as an iOS app in Swift and C/C++
An iOS adaptation of MorpionTPE py project
An iOS adaptation of MorpionTPE py project
🕹 iOS game - classic Tic Tac Toe with AI and state machines [Swift + SpriteKit + GameplayKit].
🕹 iOS game - classic Tic Tac Toe with AI and state machines [Swift + SpriteKit + GameplayKit].
App for the Swift Alps Game Jam! 🕹
Welcome to the Swift Alps Game Jam repo - which houses an app that will contain all of the games made at the game jam. To participate, do the followin
Mergel - a match-and-merge game written in Swift, using SpriteKit
Mergel is a match-and-merge game written in Swift, using SpriteKit. It was created for the purpose of having some fun with SpriteKit and learning the Swift language.
A universal iOS Game using Swift and iOS SpriteKit
a universal iOS Game using Swift 4 and iOS SpriteKit.
A very simplistic state machine system for Swift while mainly used with Raylib on Swift
A very simplistic state machine system for Swift while mainly used with Raylib on Swift
MSLView - Shadertoy-style SwiftUI view
MSLView SwiftUI view for Shadertoy-style MSL shaders import MSLView struct Cons
Cards - A SharePlay enabled card game for iOS & macOS
Deal ♣️ Overview A simple demo app showing the implementation of a card game acr
A clicker-like game based on the concept of a Knight abandoned in space
A Knight in Space A clicker-like game based on the concept of a Knight abandoned in space. Team Members Albin Shrestha, Zac Galer, Connor Kite, and Ma
Bulletin / 'Toast' style view for tvOS.
KBBulletinView Bulletin / 'Toast' style view for tvOS. This project is an effort to create local application notifications/alerts similar to those use
SwiftUI implementation of the game Wordle.
Wordle In SwiftUI This is my implementation of Wordle in SwiftUI. Explaination I know some of the code does not really make any sense, like random com
FlagGuess-Game - A game to collect points by guessing flags
Flag Guess Game A game to collect points by guessing flags! Wrong Choice
AngryBirdClone - Usage SpriteKit for create a AngryBird Game Clone
#AngryBird Clone SpriteKit The SpriteKit framework makes it easy to create high-
DarnWordle - A SwiftUI retro for Wordle, the W* game
DarnWordle A SwiftUI retro of Wordle, the W* game Motivation Well, the game look
Switch-Shoutout - Switch Shoutout - A companion app for the Nintendo Switch that allows users to notify friends of games they were playing, add their game library
Switch Shoutout Switch Shoutout is a companion app for the Nintendo Switch that
IOS Spin Game - A simple spin game using SwiftUI
IOS_Spin_Game A simple spin game using Swift UI.
IOS Card Game - A simple card game using SwiftUI
IOS_Card_Game A simple card game using Swift UI.
ShooterGame - An iOS App that is a shooter game. Made with SpriteKit and Swift
Shooter Game This project was created based on the challenge of Day 66 of the 10
A simple custom popup dialog view for iOS written in Swift. Replaces UIAlertController alert style.
A simple custom popup dialog view for iOS written in Swift. Replaces UIAlertController alert style.
BabySortingToyGame - Build a little game for babies to sort shapes in the correct location. This is made in SwiftUI using drag gestures.
This is a demo to build a little mini-game "for babies". It's inspired in this kind of games:
WordleAverage - Adds an Average Guesses statistic to the viral daily word game Wordle
WordleAverage Adds an "Average Guesses" statistic to the viral daily word game W
Hitting only the bad PinGUYS! Simple SpriteKit game
Whack-a-Penguin Hitting only the bad PinGUYS! Simple SpriteKit game. You have to
NetflixStyleSampleApp - Netflix Style Sample App With Swift
NetflixStyleSampleApp Description Nexflix 앱을 참고하여 영화 콘텐츠를 보여주는 샘플 앱을 제작하느 프로젝트이다
Gravity Switch - A dynamic game that integrates swiping and tapping to create a fun interactive game
GravitySwitch Gravity Switch is a dynamic game that integrates swiping and tappi
RetroBubbleText - A simple effect used in Retrogram which renders text with a fun bubble-style outline in SwiftUI
Retro Bubble Text This is a simple effect used in Retrogram which renders text w
Kotlin Multiplatform sample with SwiftUI and Compose (Desktop and Android) clients. Heavily inspired by Wordle game.
WordMasterKMP Kotlin Multiplatform sample heavily inspired by Wordle game and also Word Master and wordle-solver samples. The main game logic/state is
Generate SwiftUI Text or AttributedString from markdown strings with custom style names.
iOS 15.0 / macOS 12.0 / tvOS 15.0 / watchOS 8.0 StyledMarkdown is a mini library that lets you define custom styles in code and use them in your local
A basic Connect Four game built with SwiftUI
ConnectFour About A simple Connect Four game built entirely with SwiftUI. Through working on this project, I have learned that the upsides of using Sw
🖼 iOS11 demo application for image style classification.
Styles Vision Demo A Demo application using Vision and CoreML frameworks to detect the most likely style of the given image. Model This demo is based
Open Source release of the code for the iOS retro 80s platform game Loot Raider
Loot Raider iOS v1.7 (c) 2018 Infusions of Grandeur - Written By: Eric Crichlow Background Loot Raider is the "spiritual successor" to a game named "G
Convert Torch7 models into Apple CoreML format
Convert Torch7 models into Apple CoreML format. Short tutorial This tool helps convert Torch7 models into Apple CoreML format which can then be run on
The source code of 'Visual Attribute Transfer through Deep Image Analogy'.
Deep Image Analogy The major contributors of this repository include Jing Liao, Yuan Yao, Lu Yuan, Gang Hua and Sing Bing Kang at Microsoft Research.
A very simple way to implement Backbone.js style custom event listeners and triggering in Swift for iOS development.
Swift Custom Events A very simple way to implement Backbone.js style custom event listeners and triggering in Swift for iOS development. This provides
Tictactoe-ultimatum - iOS implementation of Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe game
TicTacToe Ultimatum An iOS app in Swift implementing the classic game of Ultimat
MothECS - Simple Entity Component System in Swift
MothECS: Simple Entity Component System in Swift 📦 MothECS is a simple entity c
Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps
Open-Source iOS Apps A collaborative list of open-source iOS, iPadOS, watchOS and tvOS apps, your contribution is welcome 😄 Jump to Apple TV Apple Wa
Converted CoreML Model Zoo.
CoreML-Models Converted CoreML Model Zoo. CoreML is a machine learning framework by Apple. If you are iOS developer, you can easly use machine learnin
👻 Augmented reality game in a pixel/billboard style
ARbusters What's ARbusters? ARbusters is an augmented reality game in a pixel/billboard style. The gameplay is pretty simple, look around you and kill
An ARKit version of WeChat Bottle Jump game. ARKit 版微信跳一跳游戏
ARBottleJump An ARKit version of WeChat Bottle Jump game. Welcome to Star ⭐️ ~ Instruction After launching, please move your iPhone around in order to
An open source game recreating the beloved classic "Space Invaders" in the real world!
AR-Invaders An open source game recreating the beloved classic "Space Invaders" in the real world! Shoot aliens and fight for the safety of our world
Shell Game built with ARKit and SceneKit
ARKit Shell Game Shell Game built with ARKit and SceneKit. Good sample to learn AR/3D basics. Requirements XCode 9 Device running iOS, with an A9 chip
An implementation of a Super Mario Bros-like game in augmented reality with ARKit and SceneKit.
arkit-smb-homage Bjarne Lundgren / bjarne@sent.com / @bjarnel This project is a homage to Super Mario Bros. It does not, however, contain ANY original
Well known game Snake written in Swift using ARKit.
3DSnakeAR Well known game Snake in Augmented Reality. Written in Swift using ARKit. App demonstrates ARKit and plane detection. Content is generated w
A game inspired by Pokemon Go build with ARKit and SpriteKit
ARKitGameSpriteKit Simple AR game made with ARKit and SpriteKit. Follow the tutorial at Pusher's blog. Requirements Xcode 9 (Beta 5 at least) iOS 11 A
A demo Augmented Reality shooter made with ARKit in Swift (iOS 11)
ARShooter ARShooter is an open source Augmented Reality shooter made with ARKit and written in Swift. Hence, it is only useable with iOS 11. For more
Quiz-Swift: a quiz game like TRUE OR FALSE
Quiz-Swift It's a quiz game like TRUE OR FALSE Working.mp4
Palico Engine: Metal-Based Game Engine in Swift 🐑
Palico Engine: Metal-Based Game Engine in Swift 🐑 Implement a game engine on macOS using Metal API. Still in development. Currently I am working on a
Adding ruby style each iterator to Cocoa/Cocoa touch Swift Array and Range classes, And Int.times{} to Int class
Collection-Each Adding ruby style each iterator to Cocoa/Cocoa touch Swift Array, Dictionary and Range classes, and Int.times ###Why? Array/Dictionary
Apple Watch-style activity ring for SwiftUI.
WolfActivityRing Apple Watch-style activity ring for SwiftUI. Originally inspired by Eric Callanan's Create Activity Rings in SwiftUI with a number of
Chess Timer - Time calculation application developed for chess game
Chess Timer Satranç oyunu için geliştirilmiş süre hesaplama uygulaması
Flashzilla - Card game for learning and having lot of fun
Flashzilla Flashzilla is a card quiz game. Where you can add (and remove) your o
iOS7 style drop in replacement for UISwitch
SevenSwitch iOS7 style drop in replacement for UISwitch Usage Cocoapods pod 'SevenSwitch', '~ 2.0' Swift support was added in version 2.0. If your p
A Swift Toast view - iOS 14 style and newer - built with UIKit. 🍞
Toast-Swift A Swift Toast view - iOS 14 style - built with UIKit. 🍞 Installation Swift Package Manager You can use The Swift Package Manager to insta
iOS UI Kit With Android-Style Tools. JustUiKit contains JustLinearLayout, JustFrameLayout and so on
iOS UI Kit With Android-Style Tools. JustUiKit contains JustLinearLayout, JustFrameLayout and so on. It is designed to make Android developers build iOS UI easily. Also for iOS developers, it provides a new way to build UI.
A command line version of the popular Wordle game, written in Swift
WordleCLI A command line version of the popular game Wordle. For the original game, see: https://www.powerlanguage.co.uk/wordle/ Usage $ swift run Wel
Generate styled SwiftUI Text from strings with XML tags.
XMLText is a mini library that can generate SwiftUI Text from a given XML string with tags. It uses AttributedString to compose the final text output.
Tic Tac Toe - Tic Tac Toe mobile application game developed with SwiftUI and AI technology
Hello, there! Welcome to The Tic_Tac_Toe IOS Applicaition The Aricah Cross platf
BallsGame - Small SpireKit game with swift
BallsGame (Peggle) This is quite small SpireKit project. It is the game for iPad
Slot-machine - SwiftUI - iOS App Slot Machine game
Slot Machine SwiftUI Masterclass project iPhone, iPad and Mac (with Catalyst framework) Complex interface Extensions and custom View Modifiers Input t
A simple game application for iPad using SpriteKit, SKCropNode
Whack-a-Penguin A simple game application for iPad using SpriteKit, SKCropNode,
Awesome-ML - Discover, download, compile & launch different image processing & style transfer CoreML models on iOS.
⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ IMPORTANT: I'm no longer maintaining Awesome-ML. Awesome ML is an iOS app that is made to demonstrate different image processing CoreML model
TicTacToe - A Tic Tac Toe game built with swift
TicTacToe This is Tic Tac Toe game :) There are two players, Player X and Player
Delta is an all-in-one classic video game emulator for non-jailbroken iOS devices.
Delta Delta is an all-in-one classic video game emulator for non-jailbroken iOS devices. Delta is an iOS application that allows you to emulate and pl
Innova CatchKennyGame - The Image Tap Fun Game with keep your scores using Core Database
Innova_CatchKennyGame The Image Tap Fun Game with keep your scores using Core Da