146 Repositories
Swift youtube-style Libraries
Youtube Based Playlist App
This is a simple YOUTUBE PLAYLIST refrence app where user can login through their google account to open their Youtube Playlists here.
A fancy collection style view controller that was inspired by this Profile Card mockup
JFCardSelectionViewController A fancy collection style view controller that was inspired by this Profile Card mockup: https://dribbble.com/shots/14584
Hide the "Latest Video Performance" tab in YouTube Studio
Hide Latest Video Performance - YT Studio Extension that hides the stupid YouTube Studio "Latest Video Performance" / "Latest YouTube Short Performanc
Youtube-like double tap to forward/rewind animation with ripple effect.
VideoQuickSeeking Youtube-like double tap to forward/rewind animation with ripple effect. Please feel free to make pull requests. Example To run the e
Kinopoisk clone iOS app using Swift, TMDb API, Youtube API and SDWebImage.
๐ฑ Kinopoisk clone iOS app using Swift, TMDb API, Youtube API and SDWebImage. App mainly developed to learn about Swift(UIKit), working with JSON, using MVVM architectural pattern.
iTunes 11 Style Color Art Detection for iOS
iTunes 11 Style Color Art Detection for iOS. Original implementation from Fred Leitz Port of ColorArt code from OS X to iOS. Usage #include ColorArt/
A simple "Hello, World" style iOS app.
iOS Sample App - Hello World This is a simple iOS (Swift) app with a single view. The intention of this application is to demonstrate the usage of the
A CSS-like style library for SwiftUI.
The missing CSS-like module for SwiftUI
Trello-style Task Management App
Krello Trello-style Task Management App ๊ธฐํ: 2022.05.04 ~ 05.20 (13์ผ) ํ๋ก์ ํธ์ ๋ํ ์์ธํ ๋ด์ฉ์ ๐ Notion ์์ ํ์ธํ ์ ์์ต๋๋ค ์ฑ ์๊ฐ Trello ์ ๊ธฐ๋ฅ์ ๋ฐ๋ผ ํ ์ผ์ ๊ด๋ฆฌํ๋ iOS Applic
Compose SpriteKit animations quickly in a declarative SwiftUI-style
ActionBuilder Caveat developer: As this package is pre-release, the API may change significantly without notice. It has not been tested, so use it at
Media view which subclasses UIImageView, and can display & load images, videos, GIFs, and audio and from the web, and has functionality to minimize from fullscreen, as well as show GIF previews for videos.
I've built out the Swift version of this library! Screenshots Description ABMediaView can display images, videos, as well as now GIFs and Audio! It su
round icon drag control (made in swift) dock style
ASBubbleDrag Bubble drag control integrate in storyboard : Installation CocoaPods You can use CocoaPods to install ASBubbleDrag by adding it to your P
Show MS Windows style activation dialog on my screen.
Activate Mac The "Activate Windows" watermark ported to macOS with Swift Objective-C. Special thanks: MrGlockenspiel/activate-linux for the idea. Inst
SwiftUI animation tutorials, all of demos are consisted of youtube videos at website of kavsoft
SwiftUI animation tutorials, all of demos are consisted of youtube videos at website of kavsoft
Stacked style tableview
StackPageView Vertical page view with UIViewControllers stacked on the top of each other Install add StackPageView.swift your project. How to Use clas
ButtonClickStyle - This is a Customizable/Designable Button View, with 15 animated click styles, that allows you to design your own buttons from subviews, in storyboard and xib right away.
ButtonClickStyle - This is a Customizable/Designable Button View, with 15 animated click styles, that allows you to design your own buttons from subviews, in storyboard and xib right away.
An Android Wear style confirmation view for iOS
GoogleWearAlert Objective-C version kindly written by dimohamdy - https://github.com/dimohamdy/GoogleWearAlert An Android Wear style confirmation view
Radar style view written in swift
Sonar Simple radar style view, written in Swift, pure CoreAnimation (no images). Highly adjustable. Usage Just place the UIView somewhere in your cont
A Combine-style wrapper around Network's NWConnection with a UDP protocol
A Combine-style wrapper around Network's NWConnection with a UDP protocol
A YouTube copy for the Victor Roldan Dev channel
YouTubeClone La idea de la creaciรณn de este proyecto, es que tu tengas la oportunidad de ver como es el desarrollo completo de una aplicaciรณn, desede
MacTube is a webview wrapper for YouTube for Mac OS.
MacTube MacTube is a webview wrapper for YouTube for Mac OS. It was made for peo
MSLView - Shadertoy-style SwiftUI view
MSLView SwiftUI view for Shadertoy-style MSL shaders import MSLView struct Cons
Bulletin / 'Toast' style view for tvOS.
KBBulletinView Bulletin / 'Toast' style view for tvOS. This project is an effort to create local application notifications/alerts similar to those use
A simple custom popup dialog view for iOS written in Swift. Replaces UIAlertController alert style.
A simple custom popup dialog view for iOS written in Swift. Replaces UIAlertController alert style.
ColorWheel Test - An attempt at creating a Color Wheel to be utilized for color picking in SwiftUI utlizing various tutuorials on youtube
This code focuses on creating a Color Wheel in which a user will be able to select a desired color to then be implemented in another project that will display that color in an LED connected to an arduino
NetflixStyleSampleApp - Netflix Style Sample App With Swift
NetflixStyleSampleApp Description Nexflix ์ฑ์ ์ฐธ๊ณ ํ์ฌ ์ํ ์ฝํ ์ธ ๋ฅผ ๋ณด์ฌ์ฃผ๋ ์ํ ์ฑ์ ์ ์ํ๋ ํ๋ก์ ํธ์ด๋ค
RetroBubbleText - A simple effect used in Retrogram which renders text with a fun bubble-style outline in SwiftUI
Retro Bubble Text This is a simple effect used in Retrogram which renders text w
๐บ A news app using YouTube playlists, built with React Native
NewsWatch-React-Native A YouTube News app for iOS, made with React-Native. Enjoy watching your daily news. Screencast: This project was bootstrapped w
Generate SwiftUI Text or AttributedString from markdown strings with custom style names.
iOS 15.0 / macOS 12.0 / tvOS 15.0 / watchOS 8.0 StyledMarkdown is a mini library that lets you define custom styles in code and use them in your local
๐ผ iOS11 demo application for image style classification.
Styles Vision Demo A Demo application using Vision and CoreML frameworks to detect the most likely style of the given image. Model This demo is based
Convert Torch7 models into Apple CoreML format
Convert Torch7 models into Apple CoreML format. Short tutorial This tool helps convert Torch7 models into Apple CoreML format which can then be run on
The source code of 'Visual Attribute Transfer through Deep Image Analogy'.
Deep Image Analogy The major contributors of this repository include Jing Liao, Yuan Yao, Lu Yuan, Gang Hua and Sing Bing Kang at Microsoft Research.
A very simple way to implement Backbone.js style custom event listeners and triggering in Swift for iOS development.
Swift Custom Events A very simple way to implement Backbone.js style custom event listeners and triggering in Swift for iOS development. This provides
Converted CoreML Model Zoo.
CoreML-Models Converted CoreML Model Zoo. CoreML is a machine learning framework by Apple. If you are iOS developer, you can easly use machine learnin
Augmented Reality Movie Trailer made with ARKit and SceneKit.
ARTrailer Identify the movie title from a poster, and use SceneKit to display the movie trailer in AR. Overview This app runs an ARKit world-tracking
๐ป Augmented reality game in a pixel/billboard style
ARbusters What's ARbusters? ARbusters is an augmented reality game in a pixel/billboard style. The gameplay is pretty simple, look around you and kill
Adding ruby style each iterator to Cocoa/Cocoa touch Swift Array and Range classes, And Int.times{} to Int class
Collection-Each Adding ruby style each iterator to Cocoa/Cocoa touch Swift Array, Dictionary and Range classes, and Int.times ###Why? Array/Dictionary
Apple Watch-style activity ring for SwiftUI.
WolfActivityRing Apple Watch-style activity ring for SwiftUI. Originally inspired by Eric Callanan's Create Activity Rings in SwiftUI with a number of
iOS7 style drop in replacement for UISwitch
SevenSwitch iOS7 style drop in replacement for UISwitch Usage Cocoapods pod 'SevenSwitch', '~ 2.0' Swift support was added in version 2.0. If your p
A Swift Toast view - iOS 14 style and newer - built with UIKit. ๐
Toast-Swift A Swift Toast view - iOS 14 style - built with UIKit. ๐ Installation Swift Package Manager You can use The Swift Package Manager to insta
iOS UI Kit With Android-Style Tools. JustUiKit contains JustLinearLayout, JustFrameLayout and so on
iOS UI Kit With Android-Style Tools. JustUiKit contains JustLinearLayout, JustFrameLayout and so on. It is designed to make Android developers build iOS UI easily. Also for iOS developers, it provides a new way to build UI.
Generate styled SwiftUI Text from strings with XML tags.
XMLText is a mini library that can generate SwiftUI Text from a given XML string with tags. It uses AttributedString to compose the final text output.
WatchTube: a standalone WatchOS youtube player utilizing Download API for search data and video streaming
WatchTube is a standalone WatchOS youtube player utilizing Download API for sear
Awesome-ML - Discover, download, compile & launch different image processing & style transfer CoreML models on iOS.
โ ๏ธ โ ๏ธ โ ๏ธ IMPORTANT: I'm no longer maintaining Awesome-ML. Awesome ML is an iOS app that is made to demonstrate different image processing CoreML model
Easier to apply code based style guide to storyboard.
Nori Nori designs the view of the storyboard with source code. Usage Label Define the custom class that extends StyleableLabel as @IBDesignable. And i
Objective-c code Apple style documentation set generator.
About appledoc IMPORTANT NOTICE: collaborators needed appledoc is command line tool that helps Objective-C developers generate Apple-like source code
A Spotlight/'Open Quickly'-style 'command bar' implemented using UIKit/Mac Catalyst
CommandBar This is an illustrative example of a Spotlight-style 'command bar', like the 'Open Quickly' panel in Xcode, implemented using UIKit/Mac Cat
LinkedIn's Official Swift Style Guide
Swift Style Guide Make sure to read Apple's API Design Guidelines. Specifics from these guidelines + additional remarks are mentioned below. This guid
A style guide for Swift.
Table Of Contents Overview Linter Standards Naming Conventions File Structure Types Statement Termination Variable Declaration Self Structs & Classes
Style guide & coding conventions for Swift projects
This repository is no longer active. A guide to our Swift style and conventions. This is an attempt to encourage patterns that accomplish the followin
Guidelines for iOS development in use at Spotify
Spotify Objective-C Coding Style Version: 0.9.0 Our general coding conventions at Spotify are documented on an internal wiki, but specifics for Object
The official Swift style guide for raywenderlich.com.
The Official raywenderlich.com Swift Style Guide. Updated for Swift 5 This style guide is different from others you may see, because the focus is cent
Style guide & coding conventions for Objective-C projects
This repository is no longer active. These guidelines build on Apple's existing Coding Guidelines for Cocoa. Unless explicitly contradicted below, ass
A style guide that outlines the coding conventions for raywenderlich.com
The official raywenderlich.com Objective-C style guide. This style guide outlines the coding conventions for raywenderlich.com. Introduction The reaso
The Objective-C Style Guide used by The New York Times
NYTimes Objective-C Style Guide This style guide outlines the coding conventions of the iOS teams at The New York Times. We welcome your feedback in i
Extensions which helps to convert objc-style target/action to swifty closures
ActionClosurable Usage ActionClosurable extends UIControl, UIButton, UIRefreshControl, UIGestureRecognizer and UIBarButtonItem. It helps writing swift
ObjectiveC additions for humans. Ruby style.
Write Objective C like a boss. A set of functional additions for Foundation you wish you'd had in the first place. Usage Install via CocoaPods pod 'Ob
This pod provides a view controller for choosing and creating tags in the style of wordpress or tumblr.
PARTagPicker This pod provides a view controller for choosing and creating tags in the style of wordpress or tumblr. This tag picker was originally us
ListPlaceholder is a swift library allows you to easily add facebook style animated loading placeholder to your tableviews or collection views.
ListPlaceholder ListPlaceholder Facebook news feed style animation Features ListPlaceholder is a swift library allows you to easily add facebook style
A pure Swift Spotify Music App in Apple Music style
HBMusic A pure Swift Spotify Music App in Apple Music style. How to run pod inst
iOS7 style drop in replacement for UISwitch
SevenSwitch iOS7 style drop in replacement for UISwitch Usage Cocoapods pod 'SevenSwitch', '~ 2.1' Swift support was added in version 2.0. If your p
Twitter style Splash Screen View. Grows to reveal the Initial view behind
CBZSplashView [](https://travis-ci.org/Callum Boddy/CBZSplashView)
A slider, similar in style to UISlider, but which allows you to pick a minimum and maximum range.
TTRangeSlider A slider, similar in style to UISlider, but which allows you to pick a minimum and maximum range. Installation TTRangeSlider is availabl
App store style horizontal scroll view
ASHorizontalScrollView App store style horizontal scroll view It acts similar to apps sliding behaviours in App store. There are both Objective-C (do
Replicating the 'clear' navigation bar style of the iOS 12 Apple TV app.
TONavigationBar TONavigationBar is an open-source subclass of UINavigationBar that adds the ability to set the background content of the navigation ba
youtube iOS app template written in swift 5
Youtube iOS Template Youtube iOS Template is developed by Haik Aslanyan and written in Swift 3. Purpose of this repo is to show how ViewControllers ca
This project is a clone of YouTube. But the main intention is to show how to write clean code, using proper MVC patterns and re-usable coding methodologies!
YouTubeClone This project is a clone of YouTube. But the main intention is to show how to write clean code, using proper MVC patterns and re-usable co
iOS 7-style bouncy button.
SSBouncyButton SSBouncyButton is simple button UI component with iOS 7-style bouncy animation. Take A Look Try It! pod 'SSBouncyButton', '~ 1.0' Use
A fully customizable popup style menu for iOS ๐
Guide Check out the documentation and guides for details on how to use. (Available languages:) English ็ฎไฝไธญๆ What's a better way to know what PopMenu o
Keynote-style Magic Move transition animations
MagicMove All the magic of Keynote Magic Move transitions brought to iOS. Demo Magic Move Transition Spin Transition Fade Transition TODO MagicMove Tr
Elegant Apply Style by Swift Method Chain.๐
ApplyStyleKit ApplyStyleKit is a library that applies styles to UIKit using Swifty Method Chain. Normally, when applying styles to UIView etc.,it is n
Provides an iOS view controller allowing a user to draw their signature with their finger in a realistic style.
Swift version now available! Mimicking pen-on-paper signatures with a touch screen presents a difficult set of challenges. The rate touch events are e
ElongationPreview is an elegant UI push-pop style view controller
ElongationPreview is an elegant UI push-pop style view controller
Newly is a drop in solution to add Twitter/Facebook/Linkedin style, new updates/tweets/posts available button
Newly is a drop in solution to add Twitter/Facebook/Linkedin style, new updates/tweets/posts available button. It can be used to notify user about new content availability and can other actions can be triggers using its delegate method.
Lightweight and customizable stylesheets for iOS
Motif Lightweight and customizable stylesheets for iOS What can it do? Declare rules defining your app's visual appearance separately from your UI com
Generates Heroku-style random project names in Swift
RandomProjectName.swift Generates Heroku-style random project names in Swift. Usage Just call String.randomProjectName(), and specify the optional suf
Easy string decoration with styles
StyleDecorator Design string simply by linking attributes. Example Create Decorator with specific Style and link it at the end of needed string or wra
A danger-swift plug-in to manage/post danger checking results with markdown style
DangerSwiftShoki A danger-swift plug-in to manage/post danger checking results with markdown style Install DangerSwiftShoki SwiftPM (Recommended) Add
The front-end of youtube iOS app developed using swift 5
Youtube-Front-end-iOS The front-end of youtube iOS app developed using swift 5 UIs 1)-The UI that corresponds to Home Tab bar "The first View " The fi
A library that makes defines your style sheet like a breeze.
Atelier A library that makes defines your style sheet like a breeze. Requirements iOS 13.0+ Xcode 12.0+ Swift 5.3+ Installation You can add Atelier to
iOS 7 style Passcode Lock
LTHPasscodeViewController Simple to use iOS 7 style Passcode - the one you get in Settings when changing your passcode. How to use Drag the contents o
Basic Style Dictionary With Swift
Basic Style Dictionary This example code is bare-bones to show you what this framework can do. If you have the style-dictionary module installed globa
Loop videos on iOS and Android (assuming only one video like on YouTube)
Mobile Video Loop By: Andrew-Chen-Wang iOS Safari Extension (soon Android) that lets you loop a video on your current website. This only works for the
An iOS app to turn typed text into images of handwritten text in your own handwriting style.
Text-to-Handwritting ยฉ 2021 by Daniel Christopher Long An iOS app to turn typed text into images of handwritten text in your own handwriting style. ht
Markey Kulry Style App With Swift
Markey Kulry Style App With Swift
Swift library for embedding and controlling YouTube videos in your iOS applications via WKWebView!
YouTubePlayer Embed and control YouTube videos in your iOS applications! Neato, right? Let's see how it works. 0.7.0 Update: WKWebView breaking change
YoutubeKit is a video player that fully supports Youtube IFrame API and YoutubeDataAPI for easily create a Youtube app
YoutubeKit YoutubeKit is a video player that fully supports Youtube IFrame API and YoutubeDataAPI to easily create Youtube applications. Important Ref
ABMediaView can display images, videos, as well as now GIFs and Audio!
Media view which subclasses UIImageView, and can display & load images, videos, GIFs, and audio and from the web, and has functionality to minimize from fullscreen, as well as show GIF previews for videos.
YouTube video player for iOS, tvOS and macOS
About XCDYouTubeKit is a YouTube video player for iOS, tvOS and macOS. Are you enjoying XCDYouTubeKit? You can say thank you with a tweet. I am also a
Style Art library process images using COREML with a set of pre trained machine learning models and convert them to Art style.
StyleArt Style Art is a library that process images using COREML with a set of pre trained machine learning models and convert them to Art style. Prev
A apple music cover picture shadow style image library
ShadowImageView A apple music cover picture shadow style image library ShadowImageView is a iOS 10 Apple Music style image view, help you create elege
Complete Animated GIF Support for iOS, with Functions, NSJSONSerialization-style Class, and (Optional) UIImage Swizzling
AnimatedGIFImageSerialization This library is no longer maintained. In iOS 13+ and macOS 10.15+, use CGAnimateImageAtURLWithBlock instead. AnimatedGIF
Personal App that turned into "alpha released app"
Native-Youtube Personal App that turned into "alpha released app" Requirements: MacOS 12.0 or above A working google account Usage Download the univer
Rough lets you draw in a sketchy, hand-drawn-like, style.
Rough (Swift) Rough lets you draw in a sketchy, hand-drawn-like, style. It is Swift clone of Rough.js. The library defines primitives to draw lines, c
A UINavigationController's category to enable fullscreen pop gesture with iOS7+ system style.
FDFullscreenPopGesture An UINavigationController's category to enable fullscreen pop gesture in an iOS7+ system style with AOP. Overview ่ฟไธชๆฉๅฑๆฅ่ช @J_้จ ๅ
A UI Helper for youtube-dl
ไฝฟ็จ็ฌฌไธๆนๆกๆถ๏ผyoutube-dl, aria2 ไฝฟ็จๆ็จ๏ผ็ฐๅจๅคช็ดฏไบ๏ผไนๅ่กฅๅ ่ฏฆ็ป ๅฎ่ฃ homebrew๏ผ/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
:musical_note: A Mac app wrapper for music.youtube.com
A simple Mac app wrapper using WKWebView for YouTube Music that allows YouTube Music to run as a standalone process. Features Media Keys Keyboard shor
Finder-style iOS file browser written in Swift
FileBrowser iOS Finder-style file browser in Swift 4.0 with search, file previews and 3D touch. Simple and quick to use. Features โจ Features ๐ฑ Browse
PullToRefresh extension for all UIScrollView type classes with animated text drawing style
PullToRefreshCoreText PullToRefresh extension for all UIScrollView type classes with animated text drawing style Demo Install Manual Copy the files in
SwiftUI library to display a clock. You can move the arms to change the time, change the style of the clock and customise some configurations.
SwiftClockUI Clock UI for SwiftUI This library has been tested โ ๐ป macOS Catalina 10.15.3 โ ๐ป macOS Big Sur 11.6 โ ๐ฑ iOS 13 โ ๐ฑ iOS 14 โ ๐ฑ iOS 15