3973 Repositories
Swift iOS-Focus-Testing Libraries
FakeGithub is an iOS application written using Objective-C
FakeGithub FakeGithub is an iOS application written using Objective-C. Opensource this project for learning purpose. Hope this could be a little usefu
GitHawk is the second-highest rated iOS app for GitHub
GitHawk is the second-highest rated iOS app for GitHub
GitHub iOS client with minimum third-party dependencies.
GitHubSearch GitHub iOS client with minimum third-party dependencies. The app allows for searching for repositories using GitHub API. 🔜 In the next r
An iOS app for GitHub with exploring trending
GiTiny is iOS app for GitHub with exploring trending. Written in RxSwift and MVVM-C architecture. Features 🔥 Explore Trending Repositories and Develo
GitHub in your pocket. Built with React Native
GitPoint GitHub in your pocket. Built with React Native. Table of Contents Introduction Features Feedback Contributors Build Process Backers Sponsors
Monkey is an unofficial GitHub client for iOS,to show the rank of coders and repositories.
Monkey for GitHub 中文README Monkey is an unofficial GitHub client. Monkey for GitHub is my first App,open source project.Welcome to download. GitHub op
GitHub iOS client in RxSwift and MVVM-C clean architecture
GitHub iOS client in RxSwift and MVVM-C clean architecture. FlutterHub - Flutter version available at an early stage KotlinHub - Android version is co
Github iOS Client based on Github REST V3 API and GraphQL V4 API
ZLGithubClient Github iOS 客户端 by Existorlive Objective-c 2.0 Swift 5 Cocoapods 1.9.1 iOS = 11.0 基于 Github REST V3 API 和 Github GraphQL V4 API 开发的iOS客
A terminal for iOS, with multiple windows
a-shell: A terminal for iOS, with multiple windows The goal in this project is to provide a simple Unix-like terminal on iOS. It uses ios_system for c
Blink Mobile Shell for iOS (Mosh based)
Blink Shell for iOS Do Blink! Blink is the first professional, desktop-grade terminal for iOS that leverages the support of Mosh and SSH. Thus, we can
iOS sandboxed terminal with Python, Lua and Clang
LibTerm LibTerm is a terminal for iOS with Python 3.7 and Lua 5.3. Supports iOS 13 dark mode and multi window. Features The app supports most of OpenT
Abusing dlopen to load & run mach binaries on iOS
MobileTerminal Proof-of-concept for sandboxed Terminal environment for iOS. Uses dlopen() to load mach binaries as libraries, then finds & calls main(
iOS game for people to learn new languages who respond well to repetition.
iOS game to learn new languages for people who respond well to repetition. Including Italian, French, Chinese, German, Polish, Portuguese, Russian & S
Scholarly Article Search, Discussion Forum and Discussion Board
DiscussIt An app to throughly explore vast database of scholarly article, choosing one to experiment with, discuss with your friends An Open Source Ap
Go Flashcards for iOS and WatchOS - Official repository
Go Flashcards for iOS and WatchOS Go Flashcards for iOS and WatchOS is an application that allows users to create stacks of flashcards and review them
Quickly search the built-in iOS dictionary to see definitions of words. Collect words you want to remember.
Kotoba Quickly search the built-in iOS dictionary to see definitions of words. Collect words you want to remember. Installation (iPhone or iPad) Note:
Extract Metal functions from .metallib files.
Metal Library Archive MetalLibraryArchive is a product of reverse-engineering Apple's metallib file format. You can use MetalLibraryArchive to get the
Extract English from Documentation Comment.
E2DC Extract English text from Swift's Documentation Comment. ドキュメンテーションコメントに書かれた英語を翻訳したい場合に、便利かもしれないツールです。 (現時点では Swift のみ大雑把に対応) 2022-03-
Permission Util for iOS (feat.RxSwift)
EzRxPermission Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements Installation EzR
Animated Minimal Podcast App UI using SwiftUi 3.0 🤓
Minimal Podcast App UI Animated Minimal Podcast App UI using SwiftUi 3.0 🤓 Video Preview Screenshots Features SwiftUI 3D Card Animation SwiftUI Delay
This projects shows how we can server-side add/update "ANY" custom font in a live iOS App without needing to update the app.
Server-side-Dynamic-Fonts This projects shows how we can server-side add/update "ANY" custom font in a live iOS App without needing to update the app.
This is a simple chat application made in Swift using send and receive interface.
Flash Chat 💁🏽♂️ Overview This is a simple chat application made in Swift using send and receive interface. ⚙️ How it works The user needs to first
GitHub-User is an iOS native application, written in Swift programming language.
#GitHub-User GitHub-User is an iOS native application, written in Swift programming language. This project is an interview take home project. The arch
This is my copy of the "Ultimate Portfolio Project" tutorial series in Hacking with Swift+.
UltimatePortfolio This is my version of the "Ultimate Portfolio Project" tutorial series in Hacking with Swift+. I What have I learned in this series?
A wrapper to make it really easy to deal with iOS, macOS, watchOS and Linux Keychain and store your user's credentials securely.
A wrapper (written only in Swift) to make it really easy to deal with iOS, macOS, watchOS and Linux Keychain and store your user's credentials securely.
This is the main repo for the coding challenge for the FoxBox iOS devs.
Code Challenge Given an already existing response from a MovieDatabase API Call: Fill the movies property with the (almost) parsed response. Create a
iOS implementation of the Catrobat language
Catty Catty, also known as Pocket Code for iOS, is an on-device visual programming system for iPhones. Catrobat is a visual programming language and s
Population Clock is an iOS tool for learning about geography and demographics.
PopulationClock Population Clock is an iOS tool for learning about geography and demographics. Download app on iTunes The project uses the most recent
Simple app to help understanding the spoken text in islamic prayers.
About • Community Forum • App Store • Donation • Contributing • License About You regularly pray your prayers in Arabic, but do not really understand
An open-source iOS app for listening to podcasts.
Ceres An open-source iOS app for listening to podcasts. In order to build this application you need to add a Keys.plist to the folder. Inside you need
Scribe-iOS is a pack of iOS and iPadOS keyboards for language learners
Scribe-iOS is a pack of iOS and iPadOS keyboards for language learners. Features include translation (beta), verb conjugation and word annotation that give users the tools needed to communicate with confidence.
Transcription Helper - iOS application for assisting in transcribing audio files
Transcription Helper This is an iOS application written in Objective-c for assisting the people who want to work out a piece of audio, in order to wri
ActiveGS, Apple 2/2GS emulator for iOS
Activegs IOS Source code for the complete ActiveGS iOS application Installation Process (easier than it sounds!) Download Xcode 7 https://itunes.apple
iDOS - DOSBox port on iOS
dospad dosbox port for iOS, aka iDOS, based on dosbox v0.74-3 and SDL1.2. This is an all-in-one project, so the build process is just one simple click
Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS (Catalyst)
MAME4iOS Original Author: David Valdeita (Seleuco) This is a port of MAME for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS and macOS. MAME4iOS is designed to run for modern iOS
Mini vMac for iOS
Mini vMac for iOS Features Emulates Mac Plus, Mac II or Mac 128K Full simulated keyboard (including all Mac keys) Full sound output Uses external keyb
nds4ios is a port of the multi-platform Nintendo DS emulator, DeSmuME to iOS.
nds4ios Supports iOS 6 to iOS 9. nds4ios is a port of the multi-platform Nintendo DS emulator, DeSmuME to iOS. Currently, emulation is powered by a th
A free open source iOS app for events or conferences
EventBlank iOS App I go to a lot of conferences and events and noticed that few of them have a proper iPhone app. And I can understand that - there ar
AxisSegmentedView for SwiftUI
AxisSegmentedView for SwiftUI A library that allows you to easily create various styles of segmented views. Supports iOS, macOS and tvOS. Screenshot H
🌤 SwiftUI Weather App
WeatherApp 《SwiftUI 与 Combine 编程》(喵神) 读后实践 一个天气 App,可搜索、关注城市,查看城市详细天气预报。 由 SwiftUI 驱动的跨平台 app,包括 UI 布局、状态管理、网络数据获取和本地数据存储等等。
An iOS library for SwiftUI to create draggable sheet experiences similar to iOS applications like Maps and Stocks.
An iOS library for SwiftUI to create draggable sheet experiences similar to iOS applications like Maps and Stocks.
WANNA SDK enhances your iOS app with virtual try-on capabilities for shoes and watches
WANNA SDK enhances your iOS app with virtual try-on capabilities for shoes and watches. With this feature, your users will be able to see in real time how the selected product looks on them, just by pointing their smartphone camera at their feet or wrist.
TouchInspector - a lightweight package that helps you visualize and debug touches on iOS and iPadOS
TouchInspector is a lightweight package that helps you visualize and debug touches on iOS and iPadOS.
OpenSwiftUIViews - A non gesture blocking, non clipping by default custom scroll view implementation with example code.
OpenSwiftUIViews - A non gesture blocking, non clipping by default custom scroll view implementation with example code.
Pose Estimation on iOS with TensorFlow Lite
This project is Pose Estimation on iOS with TensorFlow Lite. If you are interested in iOS + Machine Learning, visit here you can see various DEMOs. 2D
An iOS app developed for FOSSASIA in mind
This is an iOS app developed for FOSSASIA in mind. The Open Event Project offers event managers a platform to organize all kinds of events including concerts, conferences, summits and regular meetups.
📲 An iOS app for meetup goers
📲 An iOS app for meetup goers, hosts, and organizers that extends native Meetup app's functionality and lets you upload multiple photos to meetup events.
Event management iOS app for organizers using Open Event Platform
Open Event Organizer iOS App Event management app for organizers using Open Event Platform Roadmap Make the app functionality and UI/UX similar to the
iOS app for Technex, IIT(BHU) Varanasi
iOS app for Technex, IIT(BHU) Varanasi. This project is closed before completion for some reasons. You can use this app for learning purpose. Hope this will help you to understand more of ios development. This project is buited in Xocde 8 and used swift 3, now migrated to latest version Swift 4 and Xcode 9.1. Before running app make sure cocoapods is installed, if not then install pods and run.
iOS Swift + Node.js app to manage and schedule twitter posts
PostManager iOS Swift + Node.js app to manage and schedule twitter posts (like buffer) Post Manager is an app built by me in free time, it's main feat
Adblock Fast is a new, faster ad blocker for Android, iOS, Chrome, and Opera.
A new, faster ad blocker for Android, iOS, Chrome, and Opera Try Adblock Fast: Android (Android 5.0 and up with Samsung Internet 4.0 and up) iOS (iOS
The most advanced Safari content blocker and privacy keeper for iOS
The most advanced Safari content blocker and privacy keeper for iOS Top-notch ad blocking in Safari, anti-tracking protection and DNS privacy. Website
Block nags to accept cookies and privacy invasive tracking in Safari
Hush Block nags to accept cookies and privacy invasive tracking in Safari I’d recommend Hush to anyone who uses Safari – John Gruber, Daring Fireball
Swab is an iOS Content Blocker extension, written in Swift
Swab is an iOS Content Blocker extension, written in Swift
Overamped - an iOS app that disables AMP and Yandex Turbo in Safari via a Web Extension⚡️
Overamped Overamped is an iOS app that disables AMP and Yandex Turbo in Safari via a Web Extension. More information is available at overamped.app. Th
PiPifier - a macOS and iOS Safari extension that lets you use every HTML5 video in Picture in Picture mode
PiPifier is a macOS 10.12 and iOS Safari (action) extension that lets you use every HTML5 video in Picture in Picture mode macOS Download It'
Stay - a local userscript manager and an extension sample for Safari on iOS/iPadOS
Stay - a local userscript manager and an extension sample for Safari on iOS/iPadOS
A beautiful app that will let you know how much sun you have today.
Daylight A beautiful app that will let you know how much sun you have today. Running the project Open Project.xcodeproj and run What's interesting abo
Time Lines - Know when all your friends, colleagues, and family are
Time Lines Know when all your friends, colleagues, and family are. Time Lines is a practical app to know when all your friends, colleagues and family
Tutorials from sparrowcode.io website. You can add new, translate or fix typos.
Tutorials from sparrowcode.io website. You can add new, translate or fix typos. Also you can add your apps from App Store for free.
Wallet App UI with custom Animation using SwiftUI 3.0 🤪
iOS Wallet App UI Wallet App UI with custom Animation using SwiftUI 3.0 for educational purposes. Video Preview Screenshots Features SwiftUI Animation
A minimal iOS AR app that displays a wave animation using RealityKit2 Geometry Modifier
AR Simple Sea A minimal iOS AR app that displays a wave animation using RealityKit2 Geometry Modifier. Xcode 13.3 Target: iOS / iPadOS 15.0+ SwiftUI,
iOS app for the Valorant lineups, agents, crosshairs and much more
Valorant-Helper iOS app for the Valorant lineups, agents, crosshairs and much more(coming soon!) Agents FLOW On the first page there are agents and yo
Word Scramble is a game that requires you to build as many new words as possible using the letters from a root word
Word Scramble is a game that requires you to build as many new words as possible using the letters from a root word.
An iOS app to make your love for Pokemon real.
An iOS app to make your love for Pokemon real.Which offers to make your pokemon cards live as if they were pokeballs. Each card has its own pokemon stored in it as a picturised but what if you had the powers of god to make it real and enjoyable. Don't worry now you do.Use our Poke3D and you're the god of pokemons.
LocationsWikipedia - a simple App that fetches a list of locations and displays it at UITableView
Fetching a list of locations or Adding a new location and displaying the list inside a Table View when the user press one of them it will open Wikipedia app and display it inside a Map View.
Example app source code developed by swift language from apple
AboutMe Example app source code developed by swift language from apple. Display data from a central source in multiple views. Welcome to the About Me
SwiftUI App Icon Generator App for iOS & macOS Catalyst
SwiftUI App Icon Generator App for iOS & macOS Catalyst Generate Asset Icons easily to your iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch Features The app has se
Render Markdown text in SwiftUI, preview based on the Marked implementation
Markdown Render Markdown text in SwiftUI. It is a preview based on the Marked implementation. swiftui-markdown.mov Installation You can add MarkdownUI
Easy-to-use action menu
About Navigate Features Installation Usage Delegate Features Highly customizable support dark/light theme corner radius blured background width (iPad)
Wordle Clone iOS app using Swift and SwiftUI 😎
Wordle Clone Wordle clone using Swift and SwiftUI for educational purposes. Video Preview Screenshots Features Hard Mode Help Screen Sync Stats across
iOS 15, MVVM, Async Await, Core Data, Abstract Network Layer, Repository & DAO design patterns, SwiftUI and Combine
iOS 15, MVVM, Async Await, Core Data, Abstract Network Layer, Repository & DAO design patterns, SwiftUI and Combine
SDWebImageMockPlugin makes possible the creation of snapshot testing with views using SDWebImage to configure images
SDWebImageMockPlugin makes possible the creation of snapshot testing with views using SDWebImage to configure images.
SaaS Dashboard App UI With Stylish Bar Graphs using SwiftUi 3.0 🤓
SaaS Dashboard UI SaaS Dashboard App UI With Stylish Bar Graphs using SwiftUi 3.0 🤓 Video Preview Screenshots Features Custom Bar Graph Custom Tab Ba
Common iOS extensions
NVExtensions Common iOS extensions. Requirement iOS 13.0+ Swift 5.5+ Dependencies SwiftDate Installation Swift Package Manager The Swift Package Manag
NLP-enabled recipe parsing iOS app
A pet project app which parsed out recipes from a given page, written over lockdown and published on the App Store in 2020. It relied on the Open Graph protocol and, where unavailable, would look to a list of supported sites with parsing instructions for each part of a recipe. The key feature of aji was its ability to tag an ingredient (e.g., 1 tbsp of syrup) and scale it to the recipe as the user adjusts portion/serving size.
A simple star rating library for SwiftUI apps on macOS and iOS
DLDRating A simple star rating library for SwiftUI apps on macOS and iOS. Features Installation Usage Styling Credits DLDRating was made by Dionne Lie
Add the 'Hide Notification Badges' Focus mode setting from iOS to macOS
FocusPlsNoBadges Add the 'Hide Notification Badges' Focus mode setting from iOS to macOS, in a really gross and hacky way. Getting started Build the X
A SwiftUI Application using MVVM, Core Data and Combine
SwiftUI | Breaking Bad App Application that shows the characters of Breaking Bad.
Stem Player is an iOS app that can manipulate song stems
Stem Player Stem Player is an iOS app that can manipulate song stems. Demo Start Screen Add Song Stem Player How it works Stem Player is an iOS app th
Stylish eCommerce iOS App UI with Hero Animations using SwiftUI 3.0
Uray - eCommerce App UI Stylish eCommerce iOS App UI with Hero Animations using SwiftUI 3.0. Video Preview Screenshots Features Hero Animations SwiftU
A library for building applications in a consistent and understandable way, with composition, testing, and ergonomics in mind
A library for building applications in a consistent and understandable way, with composition, testing, and ergonomics in mind.
Argent for iOS
argent-ios Argent for iOS Features List Recurring and one-time payments using credit/debit card or Apple Pay In-person payment terminal, credit, debit
An iOS expense tracker app written in Swift
An iOS expense tracker app written in Swift
With EconoApp you can keep track of economic information such as GDP, GDP per capita
EconoApp With EconoApp you can keep track of economic information such as GDP, GDP per capita, inflation and more. As simple as picking the country an
Exchanger - a simple iOS application demonstrating one of approaches to implement VIPER 💎 architecture in modern Objective-C
The Exchanger is a simple iOS application demonstrating one of approaches to implement VIPER 💎 architecture in modern Objective-C.
Basic iOS app to track stocks (data from Finnhub, Tiingo, or IEX Cloud)
Basic iOS app to track stocks (data from Finnhub, Tiingo, or IEX Cloud)
Smart Wallet - iOS application for managing money
This is an iOS application for managing money written in Swift language. Different reports are presented in the application to help the user managing the money and keeping track of it easily.
AlphaWallet - Advanced, Open Source Ethereum Mobile Wallet & dApp Browser for iOS
AlphaWallet - Advanced, Open Source Ethereum Mobile Wallet & dApp Browser for iOS
BitPrice - an iOS app that display and monitor the current Bitcoint (BTC) rate
BitPrice - an iOS app that display and monitor the current Bitcoint (BTC) rate
AxisTabView for SwiftUI
AxisTabView for SwiftUI A library that allows you to easily create various styles of tab views. Supports iOS and macOS. Screenshot Style Style Style A
Lightweight MetricKit-based diagnostics reporting
MeterReporter Lightweight MetricKit-based diagnostics reporting. MeterReporter will capture MetricKit payloads and relay them to a backend. It uses Me
DevToys for iPad - a SwiftUI reimplementation of DevToys, a Swiss Army Knife for developers, for iPadOS
DevToys for iPad - a SwiftUI reimplementation of DevToys, a Swiss Army Knife for developers, for iPadOS
Render Markdown text in SwiftUI
Render Markdown text in SwiftUI. It is a preview based on the Marked implementation
BRD - the simple and secure wallet for bitcoin, ethereum, and other digital assets
BRD is the simple and secure wallet for bitcoin, ethereum, and other digital assets. Today, BRD is one of the largest non-custodial mobile wallets used by over 6 million users and protects an estimated nearly $7B USD.
Essentia One iOS application
Essentia One iOS application. Manage all crypto assets in one environment and bring blockchain power to your everyday life. Buy & sell cross-platform
Trust - Ethereum Wallet and Web3 DApp Browser for iOS
Trust - Ethereum Wallet and Web3 DApp Browser for iOS Welcome to Trust's open source iOS app! Getting Started Download the Xcode 9 release. Clone this
Wei Wallet - Ethereum wallet app for iOS
Wei Wallet - Ethereum wallet app for iOS Getting Started Download the latest Xcode Clone this repository Install Carthage, Cocoapods Run make bootstra
Animated iOS App Onboarding Screens
Animated iOS App Onboarding Screens With Liquid Swipe Animation Using SwiftUI 3.0 for learning purposes.
Project Based IOS/Swift study_fast campus lecture
Project Based IOS/Swift study_fast campus lecture