116 Repositories
Swift images Libraries
An example implementation of using a native iOS Notification Service Extension (to display images in remote push notification) in Titanium.
Titanium iOS Notification Service Extension An example implementation of using a native iOS Notification Service Extension (to display images in remot
A Swift package that provides convenient Lorem Ipsum text, images, colors and other placeholders for rapidly prototyping, building and testing your iOS applications.
Lorem Introducing Lorem, a placeholder generator library for iOS to help you rapidly prototype, build and test your iOS applications. By leveraging Sw
Media view which subclasses UIImageView, and can display & load images, videos, GIFs, and audio and from the web, and has functionality to minimize from fullscreen, as well as show GIF previews for videos.
I've built out the Swift version of this library! Screenshots Description ABMediaView can display images, videos, as well as now GIFs and Audio! It su
Easy and beautiful way for a user to pick content, files or images. Written in Objective C
##JVTImageFilePicker Description ImageFilesPicker Is a butifuly designed UICompenent for uploading content Preview from recent camera roll Live Camera
BWMCoverView is a very easy to use advertising the carousel view, supports circular scrolling functions such as switching, asynchronous loading of images, animation, custom is very high.
BWMCoverView BWMCoverView is a very easy to use advertising the carousel view, supports circular scrolling functions such as switching, asynchronous l
FlaneurImagePicker is an iOS image picker that allows users to pick images from different sources (ex: user's library, user's camera, Instagram...). It's highly customizable.
FlaneurImagePicker is a highly customizable iOS image picker that allows users to pick images from different sources (ex: device's library, device's c
Edit images and video with async / await in Swift, powered by Metal.
AsyncGraphics The core value type in AsyncGraphics is a Graphic. It's like an image, tho it can be used with various async methods. Documentation Swif
Docker images for Swift on Raspberry Pi and other ARM devices from balena's base images.
Swift on Balena Welcome to Swift on Balena – a set of Docker images for Swift on Raspberry Pi and other ARM devices. These images are based on balena'
Create your own faces for watchOS. Customize the watch hands, layout, colors, and images. Edit faces on your phone and switch them on the watch.
AppleWatchFaces Design your own watch faces for the apple watch. They are not real watch faces, but a watchOS app running on the watch that tells you
MrCode is a simple GitHub iPhone App that can cache Markdown content (include images in HTML) for read it later.
MrCode is a simple GitHub iPhone App that can cache Markdown content (include images in HTML) for read it later.
SDWebImageMockPlugin makes possible the creation of snapshot testing with views using SDWebImage to configure images
SDWebImageMockPlugin makes possible the creation of snapshot testing with views using SDWebImage to configure images.
A Swift/SwiftUI utility for caching and displaying images in SwiftUI Views
A Swift/SwiftUI utility for caching and displaying images asynchronously. Built with Swift 5.5 and works with async/await.
Reconstruct a 3D face with RGB-D images captured by iPhone X's TrueDepth camera.
!TrueDepth camera can only be accessed on iPhone X or later. TODO Get the RGB-D files (This repository) Generate 3D face mesh with landmark detector a
Insta-pick - Browse images from reddit with swift
insta-pick Browse images from reddit To run the app: Clone into local folder usi
Small utility to import PDF slides as vector images into Keynote for iOS.
Small utility to import PDF files into Keynote for iOS. This utility is especially helpful when presenting slideshows created by LaTeX
SharedImages Screen grabs Main Features Private & self-owned social media Users store their images in their own cloud storage (Dropbox or Google Drive
SharedImages Screen grabs Main Features Private & self-owned social media Users store their images in their own cloud storage (Dropbox or Google Drive
Easy usage SFSymbols with static types. If symbol not available, compiler will show warning.
SPSafeSymbols Wrapper of SF Symbols. You choose the icon and what style to draw it in. You can specify the font with which to draw the icon. If the sy
A swift package(SPM) with iOS UI component that loads and displays images from remote urls or local assets and displays in a slide-show form with auto scroll feature.
MDBannersView A swift package with an iOS UI component that loads and displays images from remote urls, local assets and displays in a slide-show form
WhiteAndFluffyTest - Scroll images and add them to your favourites via image page
Image service application Scroll images and add them to your favourites via imag
Text-cli - Command line tool for extracting text from images using Apple's Vision framework
text-cli Command line tool for extracting text from images using Apple's Vision
Cordova-plugin-saveimage - This plugin helps you save images
cordova-plugin-saveimage This plugin helps you save images on iOS/Android Instal
UnsplashProvider - A package that can use the Unsplash API. It was developed as a SwiftUI
UnsplashProvider It is a package that can use the Unsplash API. It was developed
ImageView - Component for loading and displaying different images aka SVG/PNG/JPG/JPEG
ImageView Component that loads and displays images(.svg/.png/.jpg/.jpeg) form as
Zoomable - A container that allows you to zoom in and out of an image using only SwiftUI
Zoomable It is a container that allows you to zoom in and out of an image using
IconsMaker - Create your app icon with SwiftUI and generate PNG images in all needed sizes
IconsMaker - Create your app icon with SwiftUI and generate PNG images in all needed sizes
ImagePicker - selecting images from the photo albums, with allowed permissions /on real device accesing the camera
ImagePicker - selecting images from the photo albums, with allowed permissions /on real device accesing the camera, permission also needed/after picking an image it has the possibility to rename it
Easy usage SFSymbols. If symbol not available, compiler will show warning.
SFSymbols Wrapper of SFSymbols. You choose the icon and what style to draw it in. You can specify the font with which to draw the icon. If the symbol
Virtual-Tourist-app - The Virtual Tourist app downloads and stores images from Flickr it also allows users to drop pins on a map, as if they were stops on a tour
Virtual-Tourist-app The Virtual Tourist app downloads and stores images from Fli
SpaceGallery - An iOS Application written in Swift. This app has a photo gallery with images retrieved from NASA API. Filtering option is available
SpaceGallery An iOS Application written in Swift. This app has a photo gallery w
React-native-image-generator - Library to generate images from layers
react-native-image-generator Library for generate images from other images Insta
DG Zoomable ImageView
DGZoomableImageView A zoomable, pan-able image view Requirements iOS 12.0+ Swift
👀 iOS11 demo application for age and gender classification of facial images.
Faces Vision Demo iOS11 demo application for age and gender classification of facial images using Vision and CoreML. Model This demo is based on the a
A CoreML model which classifies images of food
Food101 for CoreML Description This is the Food101 dataset implemented in Apple's new framework called CoreML. The Food101 dataset can predict foods f
An extension to SnapshotTesting which allows you to create HEIC images
🗜 SnapshotTestingHEIC An extension to SnapshotTesting which allows you to create HEIC images. The benefit of using HEIC instead of PNG is that it can
This is an open-source project for the aesthetic evaluation of images based on the deep learning-caffe framework, which we completed in the Victory team of Besti.
This is an open-source project for the aesthetic evaluation of images based on the deep learning-caffe framework, which we completed in the Victory team of Besti.
TransartistryApp is an application that will allow you to transform your photos and images into paintings of great artists
TransartistryApp TransartistryApp is an application that will allow you to transform your photos and images into paintings of great artists. Descripti
PPSwiftGifs provides a convenient way to show animated GIF images as a part of iOS GUI.
PPSwiftGifs PPSwiftGifs provides a convenient way to show animated GIF images as a part of iOS GUI. Installation Carthage Cartfile nano Cartfile put
An advanced Swift (IOS Native) application that uses SOLID architectural principles, consumes a RESTFUL Service, downloads & images using best practices.
dog-playground-ios An advanced Swift (IOS Native) application that uses SOLID architectural principles, consumes a RESTFUL Service, downloads & im
WhatPet - A basic app that classifies images of dogs, cats and rabbits using CoreML
WhatPet ✓ A basic app that classifies images of dogs, cats and rabbits using Cor
CollectionComposer2 - Copy random image files from various sources to destination folder - ready to use
CollectionComposer2 This is a small tool to copy a random number of image files from different source folders to a destination folder. As an additiona
Xcode-developer-disk-image-all-platforms - A repo which shares all developer disk images for iOS, tvOS, watchOS
Disclaimer: The available resources and files from this repo are uploaded from many contributors. The files are unverified, untested, and could have n
ThreeDCardView - Library that you can see images with a 3D card 🌌
🌌 ThreeDCardView Usage First you have to import 'ThreeDCardView' import 'ThreeDCardView' Create ThreeDCardView and set the frame let threeDCardView:T
A UIKit based geotagging app that let's you save places you have visited with images.
My Locations Getting Started Using Core Location A CLLocationManager() performs the location updating It sends its updates to its delegate, so make su
A command line tool for cleaning unused resources in Xcode.
What FengNiao is a simple command-line util to deleting unused image resource files from your Xcode project. How Install You need Swift Package Manage
👮Sanitize your Assets.xcassets files
AssetChecker AssetChecker is a tiny run script that keeps your Assets.xcassets files clean and emits warnings when something is suspicious. Because Im
AVXCAssets Generator takes path for your assets images and creates appiconset and imageset for you in just one click
AVXCAssets Generator Often while developing an app, We ran into a condition when we need to scale images to each and every aspect ratios for icons and
Automatically build and rebuild Xcode image catalogs for app icons, universal images, and more
Better asset workflow for iOS developers. Generate Xcode image catalogs for iOS / OSX app icons, universal images, and more.
Strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects
R.swift Get strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects Why use this? It makes your code that uses resources
Swift CLI for strong-typing images, colors, storyboards, fonts and localizations
Shark Shark is a Swift command line tool that generates type safe enums for your images, colors, storyboards, fonts and localizations. Because Shark r
The images are fetched by batch of 100 images per searche
Google Images Google Images API The images are fetched by batch of 100 images pe
Custom emoji rendering library for iOS apps with support for GIF & still images
Custom emoji rendering library for iOS apps with support for GIF & still images - plug-in extension for UITextView - performance, cache ✅ - Made with 💘 by @GetStream
UISegmentedControl remake that supports selecting multiple segments, vertical stacking, combining text and images.
MultiSelectSegmentedControl UISegmentedControl remake that supports selecting multiple segments, vertical stacking, combining text and images. Feature
App that generates random images and attempts to classify them with MobileNetV2
Image-Classifier-App App that generates random images and attempts to classify t
Displaying very large images in limited memory environments
LargeImageDownsizing in Swift displaying very large images in limited memory environments by turning a large image on disk into a smaller image in mem
Detecting Objects in Still Images
Detecting Objects in Still Images Locate and demarcate rectangles, faces, barcodes, and text in images using the Vision framework. Overview The Vision
This is a app developed in Swift, using Object Oriented Programing, UIKit user interface programmatically, API Request and Kingfisher to load remote images
iOS NOW ⭐ This is a app developed in Swift, using Object Oriented Programing, UIKit user interface programmatically, API Request and Kingfisher to loa
An iOS app to turn typed text into images of handwritten text in your own handwriting style.
Text-to-Handwritting © 2021 by Daniel Christopher Long An iOS app to turn typed text into images of handwritten text in your own handwriting style. ht
Detecting Texts and Persons from Images
Detections Detecting Texts and Persons from Images Detections package will help you to get the texts from image and also recognize a person Image whih
ABMediaView can display images, videos, as well as now GIFs and Audio!
Media view which subclasses UIImageView, and can display & load images, videos, GIFs, and audio and from the web, and has functionality to minimize from fullscreen, as well as show GIF previews for videos.
High Quality Image ScrollView using cropped tiled images.
THTiledImageView Feature 🖼 THTiledImageView fully support UIScrollView. You can subclass it and use it. 📡 Support Async Image Downloading & Caching.
Style Art library process images using COREML with a set of pre trained machine learning models and convert them to Art style.
StyleArt Style Art is a library that process images using COREML with a set of pre trained machine learning models and convert them to Art style. Prev
Slide image viewer library similar to Twitter and LINE.
Overview You can use it simply by passing the necessary information! Serrata is a UI library that allows you to intuitively view images. Features King
iOS Framework that makes it easy to preview images on any UIImageView.
AZImagePreview iOS Framework that makes it easy to preview images on any UIImageView. Screenshots Installation: Cocoa Pods: pod 'AZImagePreview' Swift
iOS SDK to share JPEG images with an expiration date
Ebblink iOS SDK A library to integrate Ebblink private image sharing capabilities into your iOS app. Table of Contents Getting Started Requirements Se
Using remote images in an application is more or less a requirement these days.
Imaginary Table of Contents Description Usage Basic Advanced Configuration ImageFetcher Installation Description Using remote images in an application
iOS Swift class to create circular or rounded avatar images
SwiftyAvatar iOS Swift 3.0 UIimage class Create awesome circular avatar images! IBInspectable attributes accessible from the identity inspector. Round
Makes dealing with images buttery smooth.
ImageButter Image viewer for iOS that supports WebP. What is WebP? Find out more here. You can find more about why we created this here. Features Anim
A view that takes a set of images, make transition from one to another by using flipping effects.
CDFlipView A view that takes a set of images, make transition from one to another by using flipping effects. Demo Live Demo: https://appetize.io/app/w
iOS library for quickly displaying images while scrolling
Fast Image Cache is an efficient, persistent, and—above all—fast way to store and retrieve images in your iOS application. Part of any good iOS applic
Advanced framework for loading, caching, processing, displaying and preheating images.
Advanced framework for loading, caching, processing, displaying and preheating images. This framework is no longer maintained. Programming in Swift? C
Async GIF image decoder and Image viewer supporting play GIF images. It just use very less memory.
YLGIFImage Asynchronized GIF image class and Image viewer supporting play/stop GIF images. It just use very less memory. Following GIF usually will co
iOS/macOS media picker for importing images and videos in SwiftUI
iOS/macOS media picker for importing images and videos in SwiftUI.
In our project we are interested in the manipulation of HSLA images
Projet 1 HSLA Images Réalisé par : Adil Erraad,Said El Ouardi Link to another page. HSLA Images Introduction Dans le cadre de notre projet nous nous s
Converts images to a textual representation.
ConsoleApp7 Essentially, this suite of programs converts images to text, which is made to resemble the original image. There are three targets in this
A Swift library for parsing and drawing SVG images to CoreGraphics contexts.
SwiftDraw A Swift library for parsing and drawing SVG images to CoreGraphics contexts. SwiftDraw can also convert an SVG into Swift source code. Usage
📸 iMessage-like, Image Picker Controller Provides custom features.
RAImagePicker Description RAImagePicker is a protocol-oriented framework that provides custom features from the built-in Image Picker Edit. Overview O
This plugin defines a global navigator.camera object, which provides an API for taking pictures and for choosing images from the system's image library.
title description Camera Take pictures with the device camera. AppVeyor Travis CI cordova-plugin-camera This plugin defines a global navigator.camera
iOS App that creates memes from images
MemeMaker - iOS App that creates memes from images Screenshots Meme Collection Empty Screen Collection Table Meme Editor Empty Editing Frameworks Used
URLImage is a package that holds an easy way of showing images from an URL.
URLImage Overview URLImage is a package that holds an easy way of showing images from an URL. Usually this processes should take the following process
Convert HEIC images to JPEG format on the Mac
heic2jpeg Convert HEIC images to JPEG format on the Mac A basic tool to convert Apple's obnoxious HEIC format images (as the default photo format for
An open source library that lets your users draw on things - mark up images with text, shapes, etc.
Drawsana 0.12.0 Drawsana is a generalized framework for making freehand drawing views on iOS. You can let users scribble over images, add shapes and t
Display and interact with SVG Images on iOS / OS X, using native rendering (CoreAnimation)
SVGKit SVGKit is a Cocoa framework for rendering SVG files natively: it's fast and powerful. Some additional info and links are on the wiki Versions:
An iOS framework for easily adding drawings and text to images.
jot is an easy way to add touch-controlled drawings and text to images in your iOS app. What's jot for? Annotating Images jot is the easiest way to ad
A SwiftUI app that fetch images from The Dog API and The Cat API
Cat-Or-Dog-App A SwiftUI app that fetch images from The Dog API and The Cat API, then classify the species of dogs or cats with confidence level. The
Classifying Images With Vision And Core ML
Classifying Images with Vision and Core ML Preprocess photos using the Vision framework and classify them with a Core ML model. Overview With the Core
Flutter package for detecting NSFW images and videos using native implementation
Flutter NSFW 1- Download, tflite modle and put it in assets folder 2 - Add the path of the tfliet to pubspec.yaml 3 - Read the file using path_provide
GIFRefreshControl is a pull to refresh that supports GIF images as track animations.
GIFRefreshControl GIFRefreshControl is a pull to refresh that supports GIF images as track animations. Installation You have multiple choices here: Co
Exemplify a LazyVGrid in SwiftUI in a MVVM pattern with Mock Data and images in assets.
SwiftUI-LazyVGrid Exemplify a LazyVGrid in SwiftUI in a MVVM pattern with Mock Data and images in assets. Screenshots Samples IP & Credits All those b
Base types for theming an app.
CostumeKit 🎩 Base types for theming an app. CostumeKit is made of up a set of Swift protocols. They are meant to be implemented by you in your app. F
Delightful framework for iOS to easily persist structs, images, and data
Installation • Usage • Debugging • A Word • Documentation • Apps Using Disk • License • Contribute • Questions? Disk is a powerful and simple file man
A lightweight generic cache for iOS written in Swift with extra love for images.
Haneke is a lightweight generic cache for iOS and tvOS written in Swift 4. It's designed to be super-simple to use. Here's how you would initalize a J
Phimp.me - Photo Image Editor and Sharing App. Phimp.me is a Photo App for iOS that aims to replace proprietary photo applications. It offers features such as taking photos, adding filters, editing images and uploading them to social networks.
Phimp.me iOS Phimp.me is a Photo App for iOS that aims to replace proprietary photo applications. It offers features such as taking photos, adding fil
📱iOS app to extract full-resolution video frames as images.
Frame Grabber is a focused, easy-to-use iOS app to extract full-resolution video frames as images. Perfect to capture and share your favorite video mo
📱iOS app to extract full-resolution video frames as images.
Frame Grabber is a focused, easy-to-use iOS app to extract full-resolution video frames as images. Perfect to capture and share your favorite video mo
Easily display images, animations, badges and alerts to your macOS application's dock icon
DSFDockTile Easily display images, animations, badges and alerts to your macOS application's dock icon. Why? I was inspired by Neil Sardesai after he
MacOS app which allows drag and drop of images to BLE thermal printers
Print2BLE Copyright (c) 2021 BitBank Software, Inc. Written by Larry Bank larry@bitbanksoftware.com What is it? This project is a MacOS GUI applicatio
A UIActivityViewController to share images while displaying them as a nice preview.
PSActivityImageViewController Overview This view controller allows you to share an image the same way as a normal UIActivityViewController would, with
A simple macOS app to read code from images, written purely in Swift using Vision Framework.
CodeReader A simple macOS app to read code from images, written purely in Swift using Vision Framework. Usage Drag an image Click the convert button R
Combine SnapshotTesting images into a single asset
An extension to SnapshotTesting which allows you to create images combining the output of multiple snapshot strategies, assuming they all output to UIImage.
Create an easy to peek SwiftUI View to showcase your own data, catalog, images, or anything you'd like.
Create an easy to peek SwiftUI View to showcase your own data, catalog, images, or anything you'd like.