325 Repositories
Swift multi-line-text Libraries
A Swift command line tool for generating your Xcode project
XcodeGen XcodeGen is a command line tool written in Swift that generates your Xcode project using your folder structure and a project spec. The projec
A command line tool for cleaning unused resources in Xcode.
What FengNiao is a simple command-line util to deleting unused image resource files from your Xcode project. How Install You need Swift Package Manage
idb is a flexible command line interface for automating iOS simulators and devices
The "iOS Development Bridge" or idb, is a command line interface for automating iOS Simulators and Devices. It has three main priniciples: Remote Auto
An adorable little framework and command line tool for interacting with SourceKit.
SourceKitten An adorable little framework and command line tool for interacting with SourceKit. SourceKitten links and communicates with sourcekitd.fr
Swift autocompleter for Sublime Text, via the adorable SourceKitten framework
SwiftKitten SwiftKitten is a Swift autocompleter for Sublime Text, via the adorable SourceKitten framework. Faster than XCode ! This package is new an
Command line program that detects unused resource strings in an iOS or OS X application.
Abandoned Resource String Detection This command line program detects unused resource strings in an iOS or OS X application. Updated to Swift 3, thank
This app demonstrates how to use the Google Cloud Speech API and Apple on-device Speech library to recognize speech in live recorded audio.
SpeechRecognitionIOS This app demonstrates how to use Google Cloud Speech API and Apple on-device Speech library to recognize speech in live audio rec
A single line of code for selecting the optional editing image from Camera or Photo Library, including handling the authorizations of Photo library and Camera.
AvatarImagePicker & AuthSettings & Description AvatarImagePicker is a photo library and camera Image Picker for iOS written in Swift, it's just a sing
Do-It-All Virtualization Tool
diavirt diavirt implements all of the functionality of Virtualization.framework in a command-line tool. Usage Install with Homebrew Install Homebrew I
A minimal, pure Swift library for making command-line tools / interfaces.
SwiftArgs This library is no longer maintained. Please use Swift Argument Parser instead. A minimal, pure Swift library for making command-line tools
An auto growing text input bar for messaging apps.
ALTextInputBar An auto growing text input bar for messaging apps. Written in Swift. ALTextInputBar is designed to solve a few issues that folks usuall
Lightweight set of text fields with nice animation and functionality
TweeTextField This is lightweight library that provides different types of Text Fields based on your needs. I was inspired by Jan Henneberg. Features
Declarative text styles and streamlined Dynamic Type support for iOS
StyledText StyledText is a library that simplifies styling dynamic text in iOS applications. Instead of having to use attributed strings every time yo
A text view that supports selection and expansion
The Problem UILabel and UITextView offer unsatisfying support for text selection. Existing solutions like TTTAttributedLabel are great but offer a som
UITextField that automatically formats text to display in the currency format
CurrencyTextField The numbers that the user enters in the field are automatically formatted to display in the dollar amount format. For example, if th
UITextField and UITextView subclasses with placeholders that change into floating labels when the fields are populated with text.
Deprecated Please use JVFloatLabeledTextField instead or feel free to chime in on an issue if you'd like to take over the repo. RPFloatingPlaceholders
An auto-layout base UITextView subclass which automatically grows with user input and can be constrained by maximal and minimal height - all without a single line of code
Deprecated This library is no longer maintained and is deprecated. The repository might be removed at any point in the future. MBAutoGrowingTextView A
A light-weight UITextView subclass that adds support for placeholder.
RSKPlaceholderTextView A light-weight UITextView subclass that adds support for placeholder. Installation Using Swift Package Manager To add the RSKPl
ARAutocompleteTextView is a subclass of UITextView that automatically displays text suggestions in real-time
ARAutocompleteTextView is a subclass of UITextView that automatically displays text suggestions in real-time. This is perfect for automatically suggesting the domain as a user types an email address, #hashtag or @alexruperez.
An iOS text field that represents tags, hashtags, tokens in general.
WSTagsField An iOS text field that represents tags, hashtags, tokens in general. Usage let tagsField = WSTagsField() tagsField.layoutMargins = UIEdgeI
Useful for showing text or custom view tags in a vertical or horizontal scrollable view and support Autolayout at the same time
Useful for showing text or custom view tags in a vertical or horizontal scrollable view and support Autolayout at the same time. It is highly customizable that most features of the text tag can be configured.
Simple command line utility for switching audio inputs and outputs on macOS
Switch Audio Simple command line utility for switching audio inputs and outputs
A generic recycler view adapter
KRecyclerViewAdapter A generic recyclerview adapter for all your recycler views. No need to create a custom adapter for every recyclerview. Dependency
A multi-platform, multi-paradigm routing framework.
📲 ScreenUI A multi-platform, multi-paradigm declarative routing framework for iOS/macOS and others, the replacement of Storyboard. Supports UIKit, Ap
BudouX: the machine learning powered line break organizer tool
BudouX.swift BudouX Swift implementation. BudouX is the machine learning powered
A segment switcher with dynamic text mask effect
DynamicMaskSegmentSwitch A segment switcher with dynamic text mask effect ##Preview: Indicator will bounce when progress less than 0 or larger than 1.
UISegmentedControl remake that supports selecting multiple segments, vertical stacking, combining text and images.
MultiSelectSegmentedControl UISegmentedControl remake that supports selecting multiple segments, vertical stacking, combining text and images. Feature
A customizable Segmented Control for iOS. Supports text and image.
YUSegment 中文文档 A customizable segmented control for iOS. Features Supports both (Attributed)text and image Supports show separator Supports hide indic
Multi-tier UIScrollView nested scrolling solution. 😋😋😋
Multi-tier UIScrollView nested scrolling solution. Snapshots Requirements iOS 9.0+ Xcode 10.0+ Swift 4.2+ Installation CocoaPods CocoaPods is a depend
A faster and more flexible label view for iOS
STULabel is an open source iOS framework for Swift and Objective-C that provides a label view (STULabel), a label layer (STULabelLayer) and a flexible
Swift UIView for sliding text with page indicator
SlidingText for Swift Requirements Requires iOS 8 or later and Xcode 6.1+ Installation SlidingText is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simp
Custom Label to apply animations on whole text or letters.
Ophiuchus Custom Label to apply animations on whole text or letters. Check an article on our blog Inspired by this project on Dribble Installation Coc
Secret app like text animation
RQShineLabel A UILabel subclass that lets you animate text similar to Secret app. Installation CocoaPods RQShineLabel is available through CocoaPods,
UILabel subclass, which additionally allows shadow blur, inner shadow, stroke text and fill gradient.
THLabel THLabel is a subclass of UILabel, which additionally allows shadow blur, inner shadow, stroke text and fill gradient. Requirements iOS 4.0 or
Configurable morphing transitions between text values of a label.
TOMSMorphingLabel Configurable morphing transitions between text values of a label. Triggering the animation is as easy as setting the labels text pro
A drop-in universal solution for moving text fields out of the way of the keyboard in iOS
TPKeyboardAvoiding A drop-in universal solution for moving text fields out of the way of the keyboard in iOS. Introduction There are a hundred and one
A command line tool to easily install and browse Xcode templates
🥾 XTrail A command line tool to easily install and browse Xcode templates. Usage The general invocation syntax for xtrail is as follows: xtrail subc
A UITableViewCell with an editable text field
FDTextFieldTableViewCell Features Fully featured like the Right Detail style Adds a UITextField to the cell and places it correctly Usage Select a cel
A framework to validate inputs of text fields and text views in a convenient way.
FormValidatorSwift The FormValidatorSwift framework allows you to validate inputs of text fields and text views in a convenient way. It has been devel
🔥 A multi-directional card swiping library inspired by Tinder
Made with ❤️ by Mac Gallagher Features 💡 Advanced swipe recognition based on velocity and card position 💡 Manual and programmatic actions 💡 Smooth
A fully customisable swift subclass on UIButton which allows you to create beautiful buttons without writing any line of code.
JSButton Demo $ pod try JSButton ...or clone this repo and build and run/test the JSButton project in Xcode to see JSButton in action. If you don't ha
Encryption/Decryption for React Native
@dhairyasharma/react-native-encryption Encryption/decryption for React Native. Benchmark File Details File Link http://bit.do/benchmarkfile File Size
An easy way to add a shimmering effect to any view with just one line of code. It is useful as an unobtrusive loading indicator.
LoadingShimmer An easy way to add a shimmering effect to any view with just single line of code. It is useful as an unobtrusive loading indicator. Thi
⛓ Easy to Read and Write Multi-chain Animations Lib in Objective-C and Swift.
中文介绍 This project is inspired by JHChainableAnimations! Why Choose LSAnimator & CoreAnimator? You can write complex and easy-to-maintain animations in
Encryption/Decryption for React Native
@dhairyasharma/react-native-encryption Encryption/decryption for React Native. Benchmark File Details File Link http://bit.do/benchmarkfile File Size
You can easily start up a little breaking game by one line.
JDBreaksLoading Introduction JDBreaksLoading Based on simple UIView and SpriteKit. You can easily start up a little breaking game by one line. By the
Compose views using enums swiftly: `let label: UILabel = [.text("Hello"), .textColor(.red)]`
ViewComposer Style views using an enum array with its attributes: let label: UILabel = [.text("Hello World"), .textColor(.red)] Table of Contents Inst
Command line tool written in Swift dedicated to perform Mutation Testing of your Swift project
Mutanus Command line tool written in Swift dedicated to perform Mutation Testing of your Swift project. Inspired by Muter Usage mutanus -c path-to-co
The repository for a command line / build pipeline tool for generating colors from a human-readable text file that designers can also use.
ColorPaletteGenerator ColorPaletteGenerator is a tool that takes a human-readable input file describing a color palette, and generates the associated
The app encrypts or decrypts user's text input with basic encryption and decryption algorithms
Objective-C Wrapper Project About The Project The app encrypts or decrypts user's text input with basic encryption and decryption algorithms. Purpose
Lightweight touch visualization library in Swift. A single line of code and visualize your touches!
TouchVisualizer is a lightweight pure Swift implementation for visualising touches on the screen. Features Works with just a single line of code! Supp
User input masking library repo.
Migration Guide: v.6 This update brings breaking changes. Namely, the autocomplete flag is now a part of the CaretGravity enum, thus the Mask::apply c
🌍⏩📄 Convert ISO8859 1-16 Encoded Text to String in Swift. Supports iOS, tvOS, watchOS and macOS.
ISO8859 Convert ISO8859 1-16 Encoded Text to String in Swift. Usage let encoding = ISO8859.part1 let string = String([...], iso8859Encoding: encoding)
Swift String Validator. Simple lib for ios to validate string and UITextFields text for some criterias
Swift String validator About Library for easy and fastest string validation based on сciterias. Instalation KKStringValidator is available through Coc
Lightweight library to set an Image as text background. Written in swift.
 Simple and light weight UIView that animate text with an image. Demo
Paranoid text spacing in Objective-C
Pangu.objective-c Paranoid text spacing for good readability, to automatically insert whitespace between CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean), half-width E
A beautiful rich text WYSIWYG editor for iOS with a syntax highlighted source view
ZSSRichTextEditor The Editor ZSSRichTextEditor is a beautiful Rich Text WYSIWYG Editor for iOS. It includes all of the standard editor tools one would
Powerful text framework for iOS to display and edit rich text.
YYText Powerful text framework for iOS to display and edit rich text. (It's a component of YYKit) Features UILabel and UITextView API compatible High
A rich-text editor for iOS
DTRichTextEditor This project aims to provide a replacement for Apple's severely limited UITextView and to allow for editing attributed strings. It co
Twitter Text Libraries. This code is used at Twitter to tokenize and parse text to meet the expectations for what can be used on the platform.
twitter-text This repository is a collection of libraries and conformance tests to standardize parsing of Tweet text. It synchronizes development, tes
Small utility command line tool you can run locally from your mac
push-service Small utility command line tool you can run locally from your mac, for testing sending push notifications to actual devices. The push ser
Convert Countries, Country Codes, Continents,... with a single line of code.
iOS · macOS · watchOS · tvOS A pure Swift library that allows you to easily convert Countries to Country Codes and Country Codes to Countries. There i
Changes the color of the label text when the button is pressed and also prints hello to the console
MY FIRST APP App Description This app changes the color of the label text when the button is pressed and also prints "hello" to the console. App Walk-
A command-line tool to sort Xcode's `.xcodeproj` file.
XcodeProjSorter A command-line tool to sort Xcode's .xcodeproj file. It sorts following sessions: PBXGroup PBXResourcesBuildPhase PBXSourcesBuildPhase
A command line application to create 3D models based on photogrametry using the macOS Monterey RealityCapture API.
PhotogrametryTool Generate 3D objects from images using RealityKit Object Capture. This project is a fork of the HelloPhotogrametry application by App
A simple solution to show a toast message by writing single one line of code
easySwiftToast A very simple solution to show a toast message by writing single one line of code. Installation easySwiftToast is available through Coc
The app allows the user to change text color and text content when the displayed button is clicked
Hello World! App Description This application allows the user to change text color and text content when the displayed button is clicked. App Walk-tho
An interactive line chart written in SwiftUI with many customizations.
LineChartView LineChartView is a Swift Package written in SwiftUI to add a line chart to your app. It has many available customizations and is interac
AcknowledgementsPlist manages the licenses of libraries that depend on your iOS app.
What's AcknowledgementsPlist AcknowledgementsPlist that combines licenses of Carthage, CocoaPods, and Manual Plist into Bundle and Plist. I implement
Transition from any SwiftUI Text view into an inline navigation bar title when the view is scrolled off-screen, as seen in Apple's TV & TestFlight iOS apps.
SwiftUI Matched Inline Title Transition from any SwiftUI Text view into an inline navigation bar title when the view is scrolled off-screen, as seen i
An iOS app to turn typed text into images of handwritten text in your own handwriting style.
Text-to-Handwritting © 2021 by Daniel Christopher Long An iOS app to turn typed text into images of handwritten text in your own handwriting style. ht
A powerful command line tool for performing stoichiometry calculations on checmicals and chemical equations.
Stoichiometry Stoichiometry is a powerful command line tool for preforming stoichiometry chemicals and chemical equations. Its subcommands are listed
Manage multi-domain url auto mapping ip address table.
Domainer Multi-domain mapper. This library provides manage multi-domain table. Features Manage multi-domain mapping main domain. Find best domain whic
SkyWite is an open-source and highly versatile multi-purpose frameworks.
SkyWite is an open-source and highly versatile multi-purpose frameworks. Clean code and sleek features make SkyWite an ideal choice. Powerful high-level networking abstractions built into Cocoa. It has a modular architecture with well-designed, feature-rich APIs that are a joy to use.
Text Classifier App for iOS, powered by Apple Vision & CreateML framework
Text Classifier App for iOS, powered by Apple Vision & CreateML framework
Command-line commands for Chaqmoq applications
Chaqmoq CLI Installation Swift Download and install Swift Swift Package mkdir MyApp cd MyApp swift package init --type executable // Creates an execut
OpenTok Text Chat Accelerator Pack enables text messages between mobile or browser-based devices.
Text Chat Accelerator Pack iOS This project is deprecated The OpenTok Text Chat Accelerator Pack for iOS project is now a part of Accelerator Core iOS
An iOS application 📱 that extracts text real time using camera 📷 and play relevant video from the text
CHARUSAT-SceW It is an iOS application 📱 that scans and extracts text real-time through camera 📷 , if it is detected. It will play relevent video fr
View Metal GPU information from the command-line.
View Metal GPU information from the command-line.
Slide image viewer library similar to Twitter and LINE.
Overview You can use it simply by passing the necessary information! Serrata is a UI library that allows you to intuitively view images. Features King
A pure Swift library for using ANSI codes. Basically makes command-line coloring and styling very easy!
Colors A pure Swift library for using ANSI codes. Basically makes command-line coloring and styling very easy! Note: Colors master requires Xcode 7.3
A lightweight library for generating text tables.
SwiftyTextTable A lightweight Swift library for generating text tables. Swift Language Support SwiftyTextTable is now Swift 4.0 compatible! The last r
Semi-automated Text Translator for Websites and Apps
macOS/Ubuntu/Windows: attranslate is a semi-automated tool for "synchronizing" translation-files. attranslate is optimized for fast and smooth rollout
A command-line tool to generate a JSON-list of all used SPM-dependencies of an Xcode-project.
SwiftPackageList A command-line tool to generate a JSON-list of all used SPM-dependencies of an Xcode-project. This includes all the Package.resolved
Converts images to a textual representation.
ConsoleApp7 Essentially, this suite of programs converts images to text, which is made to resemble the original image. There are three targets in this
Command-line utility that checks comments for localizations in iOS interface files (.xib, .storyboard)
Localizations Comments Checker It's really easy to overlook and don't add comment for localization in interface file (.storyboard or .xib). This comma
Simple iOS Application built using UIKit displaying the list of Cryptocurrencies and a detailed screen with a line graph.
CryptoViewer Simple iOS Application built using UIKit displaying the list of Cryptocurrencies and a detailed screen with a line graph. Home Screen: Di
Command line apps for hacking on baseball stats
Thes are some swift command line apps I use to hack on my roto baseball league. No warranty or claim of usability what-so-ever. This represents work I
macOS command line tool to return the available disk space on APFS volumes
diskspace Returns available disk space With the various APFS features the value for free disk space returned from tools such as du or df will not be a
A Mac command-line tool that automatically downloads macOS Installers / Firmwares.
MIST - macOS Installer Super Tool A Mac command-line tool that automatically downloads macOS Installers / Firmwares: Features List all available macOS
A complete Mac App: drag an image file to the top section and the bottom section will show you the text of any QRCodes in the image.
QRDecode A complete Mac App: drag an image file to the top section and the bottom section will show you the text of any QRCodes in the image. QRDecode
MemeMe, students will create an app that enables a user to take a picture, and add text at the top and bottom to form a meme
With this first version of MemeMe, students will create an app that enables a user to take a picture, and add text at the top and bottom to form a meme. The user will be able to share the photo on Facebook and Twitter and also by SMS or email.
iOS multi-functional AI camera: portrait cartoon, ageing and rejuvenation, beauty, filters, artistic effects, etc.
Magic Camera is an iOS AI camera app based on SwiftUI and CoreML that implements the following features: Portrait Cartoonization, which turns your photos into cartoon avatars Portrait Style Migration, which makes your photos older, younger, hair color, etc Beauty Camera, which supports peeling
Adjust the volume from the command line on macOS.
volume Adjust the volume from the command line on macOS. Installation Using Mint: mint install meowmeowmeowcat/volume@v0.0.1 Usage USAGE: volume numb
CookCLI is provided as a command-line tool to make Cook recipe management easier
CookCLI is provided as a command-line tool to make Cook recipe management easier, and enable automation and scripting workflows for the CookLa
An open source library that lets your users draw on things - mark up images with text, shapes, etc.
Drawsana 0.12.0 Drawsana is a generalized framework for making freehand drawing views on iOS. You can let users scribble over images, add shapes and t
Create gradients and blur gradients without a single line of code
EZYGradientView is a different and unique take on creating gradients and gradients with blur on the iOS platform. The default CAGradientLayer implemen
An iOS framework for easily adding drawings and text to images.
jot is an easy way to add touch-controlled drawings and text to images in your iOS app. What's jot for? Annotating Images jot is the easiest way to ad
OwO.swift Badges go here in one line for the master branch ONLY.
OwO.swift Badges go here in one line for the master branch ONLY. Badges can also go in the header line. Short description describing the application/l
ips2crash is a macOS command line too to convert a .ips file to a legacy .crash log file.
Synopsis ips2crash is a macOS command line too to convert a .ips file to a legacy .crash log file. Motivation It should be possible to read .ips file