4497 Repositories
Swift swift-viewpager Libraries
📴 SoundModeManager 📳 Detect silent / ring mode on iOS device
📴 SoundModeManager 📳 Detect silent / ring mode on the device. Installation CocoaPods Usage Documentation License 🚀 Installation CocoaPods For usage
A simple Proof-of-Work Blockchain built in Swift
Blockchain in Swift A simple Proof-of-Work Blockchain built in Swift. Requirements Xcode 13.0 Swift 5.2 Vapor 4.49 Swift NIO 2.33.0 Getting started Cl
Just For Fun - tiny easy apps, refresher for swift basics
Stanford Swift Education - Very Basic - Refresher Some useful hints: Outlet types: Outlet Action Outlet Collection with Index - very useful Debugger l
Flappy Bird in Swift
FlappySwift An implementation of Flappy Bird in Swift for iOS 8. Notes We're launching a course Game Programming with Swift If you are interested in e
A cli program written in swift (with async/await) that removes the unnecessary parts of xcframeworks.
xctrim A cli program written in swift (with async/await) that removes the unnecessary parts of xcframeworks. Usecase Say you downloaded firebase sdk a
Test task application based on Swift using CoreData, Alamofire, AlamofireImage and CocoaPods
iTunes Search Test task application based on Swift using CoreData, Alamofire, AlamofireImage and CocoaPods Features 🔍 Searching music albums by name
Swift Random Dice
Dicee Our Goal The objective of this tutorial is to introduce you to the core programming concepts that will form the foundation of most of the apps y
contoh pembuatan framework untuk ios swift
circularContohFramework Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements Install
Quizzler app for iOS using Swift
Quizzler Our Goal The goal of this tutorial is to take you one step further in your journey of becoming an app developer. We are going to introduce yo
Swift Xylophone for iOS
Xylophone Our Goal The goal of this tutorial is to dive into a simple iOS recipe - how to play sound and use an Apple library called AVFoundation. The
DiffableExample func applyDataSource(words: [WordItem]) { var snapshot = dataSource.snapshot() snapshot.appendSections([.word]) snaps
Save data to the database, real-time synchronization, user authentication.
Shop List App on development stage... description description description description description 🛡️ License This project is licensed under the MIT L
Demo implementing Modern MVVM with Combine and SwiftUI
ModernMVVM-Combine-SwiftUI Demo implementing Modern MVVM with Combine and SwiftUI Includes the following: Publishers feedback with needed extensions V
Soltia Assignment with swift
#Soltia Assignment. This repository will be public for 72 hours after submitting the task by email in order to respect the effort done and to avoid ot
Are you sure the chemical compounds of your daily use are 100% safe? Use Chem-Aware, identify them right now!
View Project On Devpost: Built With: PubChem's REST API How To Install Chem Aware: Prerequiste: Latest Version of Xcode and Simulators installed The a
This repository hosts the PushwooshGeozones iOS SDK as an XCFramework based Swift Package.
This repository hosts the PushwooshGeozones iOS SDK as an XCFramework based Swift Package. Use this repository's Swift Package in Xcode 12+
A Safari Web Extension to allow auto-refreshing of individual tabs
Safari Web Extension - AutoRefresh See article on Medium. App store download (free and no Ads). There are a few websites that I visit and that time ou
A shameless clone of iOS stock calculator app.
CalClone A shameless clone of iOS stock calculator app. Starting Requirements Xcode 13 Runing Not requires any specific steps, clone and run. git clon
The Feed API challenge with swift
The Feed API challenge - iOSLeadEssentials.com It's time to put your skills to the test! You are called to implement the RemoteFeedLoader to load a co
A handy collection of Swift method and Tools to build project faster and more efficient.
SwifterKnife is a collection of Swift extension method and some tools that often use in develop project, with them you might build project faster and
Tomato Animated PieChart With Swift
TomatoAnimatedPieChart Development and compatibility Development platform: iOS Language: Swift UI framework: UIKit Compatibility: iOS 11 or greater De
Swift JSExport extensions for macOS system frameworks
framework-bridge Swift JSExport extensions for macOS system frameworks. Progress Foundation AppKit Usage Swift import JavaScriptCore import FrameworkB
An easy way to access reviews for your app instead of writing repetitive and redundant codes for every app.
AppStoreReviewManager An easy way to access reviews for your app instead of writing repetitive and redundant codes for every app. Requirements iOS 9.0
AnalyticsKit for Swift is designed to combine various analytical services into one simple tool.
🦋 AnalyticsKit AnalyticsKit for Swift is designed to combine various analytical services into one simple tool. To send information about a custom eve
Unofficial Yandex Music API
YM-API - Unofficial Swift Yandex Music Library Fully ported Yandex Music API Swift implementation. Russian Readme (Readme на русском) Thanks to Marsha
A Safari Extension for iOS & iPadOS
Duplicator Duplicator is a Safari Extension for iOS and iPadOS that makes duplicating tabs much easier! Check it out on the App Store Privacy Policy ?
CocoAttributedStringBuilder: Elegant and Easy AttributedStringBuilder in Swift
CocoAttributedStringBuilder: Elegant and Easy AttributedStringBuilder in Swift Features Requirements Installation SampleProjects Usage Contributors Li
iOS platform video hard decoding, support h264, h265
VideoDecoder iOS platform video hard decoding, support h264, h265 Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Exa
É um Aplicativo que abre o link de um site através do URL.
Aplicativo-WebView É um Aplicativo que abre o link de um site atraves do URL. 🚀 Tecnologias Este projeto foi desenvolvido com as seguintes tecnologia
Bookmark important links with categories to read them later on the go!
Kicking Off Hacktoberfest with ACM-VIT! Sticky Links Save link of your favourite websites, articles, videos and pretty much anything! Overview This is
Swift managers package for the easiness of working with the various services.
SwiftManagers Description Swift managers package for the easiness of working with the various services. FirebaseAuth - Manager to handle Firebase auth
📱📲 A wrapper for the MultipeerConnectivity framework for automatic offline data transmission between devices
A wrapper for Apple's MultipeerConnectivity framework for offline data transmission between Apple devices. This framework makes it easy to automatical
Blocks Based Bluetooth LE Connectivity framework for iOS/watchOS/tvOS/OSX. Quickly configure centrals & peripherals, perform read/write operations, and respond characteristic updates.
ExtendaBLE Introduction ExtendaBLE provides a very flexible syntax for defining centrals and peripherals with ease. Following a blocks based builder a
BLE (Bluetooth LE) for U🎁 Bleu is the best in the Bluetooth library.
Bleu Bleu is a Bluetooth library. Bleu is the easiest way to operate CoreBluetooth. Bleu is possible to operate by replacing Bluetooth 's Peripheral a
Bluetooth mapping in Swift
Bluetonium is part of the E-sites iOS Suite. Bluetonium is a Swift Library that makes it easy to communicate with Bluetooth devices. Features 🎲 Servi
An open-source Swift framework for building event-driven, zero-config Multipeer Connectivity apps
PeerKit An open-source Swift framework for building event-driven, zero-config Multipeer Connectivity apps Usage // Automatically detect and attach to
emoji-picker demo 🥰
emoji-picker demo 🥰 External dependencies Dependencies are managed by Swift Package Manager. SnapKit - a DSL to make Auto Layout easy on both iOS and
Swift sample app for running privileged operations on macOS using a helper tool
SwiftAuthorizationSample demonstrates how to run privileged operations on macOS using a helper tool managed by launchd. This sample was created with t
URLImage is a package that holds an easy way of showing images from an URL.
URLImage Overview URLImage is a package that holds an easy way of showing images from an URL. Usually this processes should take the following process
An augmented reality (AR) ghost hunting simulation for iPhone
ARanormal An augmented reality (AR) ghost hunting simulation for iPhone About ARanormal was the first game by Jesdo Software, released for iPhone in O
TempBox - Instant disposable emails for Mac powered by Mail.tm
TempBox Instant disposable emails for Mac powered by Mail.tm Features Native Mac app Create multiple accounts Download message source Download Attachm
Convenient domain specific language for writing programmatic UI built over UIKit and more.
XYKit Swifty and convenient domain specific language for creating programmatic UI in a more declarative way and more than that. Built on top of UIKit
How to use swiftlint to identify unused code or unused imports in a Swift codebase
Swift compilation database This repository demonstrates how to use swiftlint to identify unused code or unused imports in a Swift codebase. How to run
A News Feed App Built With Swift
News Feed App TabBarController'ımızın ilk tabında "newsapi.org"dan gelen veriyi kullanıcıya gösteriyoruz. Başlangıç url'indeki sonuçları gösteren sayf
SwiftUI App to view the App Activity Record from iOS 15
App Activity Viewer A viewer for the iOS 15 "Record App Activity" export. FAQ How do I create an App Activity Report? Go to the "Settings" app of your
A simple and lightweight matching library for XCTest framework.
Match A simple and lightweight matching library for XCTest framework. Getting started Swift Package Manager You can add Match to your project by addin
A Simple Customizable Alert With Swift
SimpleCustomizableAlert trying to make my very first library. Support Title Message (TextView) Image TextField Button Action Example let alert
An open source library that lets your users draw on things - mark up images with text, shapes, etc.
Drawsana 0.12.0 Drawsana is a generalized framework for making freehand drawing views on iOS. You can let users scribble over images, add shapes and t
Unique blocky identicons generator for Swift
⚗️ BlockiesSwift This library is a Swift implementation of the Ethereum fork of Blockies which is intended to be used in iOS, watchOS, tvOS and macOS
Powerful and easy-to-use vector graphics Swift library with SVG support
Macaw Powerful and easy-to-use vector graphics Swift library with SVG support We are a development agency building phenomenal apps. What is Macaw? Mac
🌈 Highly customizable Core Graphics based gradient view for iOS
MKGradientView Highly customizable Core Graphics based gradient view Features Available gradient types: Linear (Axial) Radial (Circular) Conical (Angu
Conical (angular) gradient for iOS written in Swift
AEConicalGradient Conical (angular) gradient in Swift I hope that somebody will find this useful. And nice. Usage AEConicalGradient is a minion which
Visual designing library for iOS & OSX
ProcessingKit ProcessingKit is a Visual designing library for iOS & OSX. ProcessingKit written in Swift 🐧 and you can write like processing. Demo Dem
❄️ SVG in Swift
Snowflake ❤️ Support my apps ❤️ Push Hero - pure Swift native macOS application to test push notifications PastePal - Pasteboard, note and shortcut ma
Drawing and Geometry made easy on iOS - now in Swift 3.0
InkKit Swift Support Swift 4.0 InkKit is Swift 4.0 by default, so to use that just include InkKit in your podfile: pod 'InkKit' Swift 3.2 In order to
A simple, performant, and lightweight SVG parser
Key Features Parsing performance that meets or beats other popular SVG Frameworks A simple architecture, optimized for extension, flexibility and deve
A simple, declarative, functional drawing framework, in Swift!
DePict - A simple, declarative, functional drawing framework. To produce a drawing, call the Draw function (just type Draw and let autocomplete do the
Drag and drop between your apps in split view mode on iOS 9
SplitViewDragAndDrop Easily add drag and drop to pass data between your apps Setup Add pod 'SplitViewDragAndDrop' to your Podfile or copy the "SplitVi
Special way to work with gestures in iOS
At a Glance Sensitive is a library that simplifies work with gestures in iOS. Forget about target/action pattern of primitive UIGestureRecognizer. Wit
AppKit Carbon key codes to UIKey-compatible enums
KeyCodes Versions of UIKey, UIKeyboardHIDUsage, and UIKeyModifierFlags that work with AppKit's NSEvent. No need for Carbon.HIToolbox. Aside from being
A Tuist Template to quickly create CLI apps in Swift
macOS CLI Template Motivation I'm writing more and more Swift CLI apps these days. And as I solve more problems with this litte tools, I find that I'm
🪞 Formatter JSON delightfully.
SwiftJSONFormatter 🪞 Formatter JSON delightfully. Highlights Beautify and minify JSON strings. Keep dictionary key order stable. Work with invalid JS
A starting point to create CLI utilities with swift
cli tuist template A starting point to create CLI utilities with swift Installation Just create a Tuist folder and a Templates folder inside it. Creat
An interpreter for Lox written in Swift.
slox An interpreter for Lox written in Swift. Provided for with an MIT License.
Ported Shamirs Secret Sharing Into A Swift Package
Shamirs-Secret-Sharing-Swift Ported Shamirs Secret Sharing Into A Swift Package Based on Adi Shamir's Secret Sharing (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sh
An extreme queuing system with high performance for managing all task in app with closure
SwiftyTask An extreme queuing system with high performance for managing all task in app with closure Task Method Tasking of queued closure on GCD (Gra
Chronos is a collection of useful Grand Central Dispatch utilities.
Chronos is a collection of useful Grand Central Dispatch utilities. If you have any specific requests or ideas for new utilities, don't hesitate to create a new issue.
Well-tested GCD Timer in Swift
GCDTimer Well tested Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) Timer in Swift. Checkout the test file. Usage Long running timer import GCDTimer class Demo { in
Just a tiny library to make using GCD easier and intuitive
## Build Status Branch Status master develop Dispatch Note: Dispatch requires swift 3.0. Use version 1.0.0 for swift 2.3 or version 0.9.8 for swift 2.
async and await for Swift.
async and await for Swift. Usage Beta version. New docs soon... Contribute If you have any problems or need more information, please open an issue usi
Syntactic sugar in Swift for asynchronous dispatches in Grand Central Dispatch
Async Now more than syntactic sugar for asynchronous dispatches in Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) in Swift Async sugar looks like this: Async.userInitia
Grand Central Dispatch simplified with swift.
GCDKit GCDKit is Grand Central Dispatch simplified with Swift. for Swift 1.2: Use version 1.0.1 for Swift 2.1 / 2.2: Use the master branch Introductio
The ultimate spinning wheel view that supports dynamic content and rich customization.
The ultimate spinning wheel control that supports dynamic content and rich customization. Main Features 🏵 Dynamic content, supports texts, images, an
Swift framework for loading various 3d models in SceneKit
AssetImportKit AssetImportKit is a cross platform library (macOS, iOS) that coverts the files supported by Assimp to SceneKit scenes. Features AssetIm
a collectionView made for Sprite Kit
CollectionNode A collectionView made for Sprite Kit installation Carthage Carthage is a dependency manager that provides binary frameworks for your pr
Swift framework for working with Tiled assets in SpriteKit
SKTiled is a framework for integrating Tiled assets with Apple's SpriteKit, built from the ground up with Swift. This project began life as an exercis
ShogibanKit is a framework (not yet) for implementing complex Japanese Chess (Shogii) in Swift. No UI, nor AI.
ShogibanKit Framework Shogi, or Japanese Chess, is based on very complex rules, and it is hard to implement all basic rules. This ShogibanKit aims to
SFA: Swift Firebase Auth Project✨
SFAssets SFA: Swift Firebase Auth Project✨ 파이어베이스로 로그인/회원가입 뿌수기 Login View (로그인 뷰) 담당 기능 배정 Facebook Login 후릐 Google Login 태끼 Apple Login 이준초이 Github
This project server as a demo for anyone who wishes to learn Core Data in Swift.
CoreDataDemo This project server as a demo for anyone who wishes to learn Core Data in Swift. The purpose of this project is to help someone new to Co
Traeger Coding Challenge With Swift
Traeger Coding Challenge Notes and things I would do differently with more time Add animated progress UI for downloads Make the image caching smarter
Integrate third party libraries by using Cocoapods and Swift Package Manager, store data in the cloud using Firebase Firestore.
Integrate third party libraries by using Cocoapods and Swift Package Manager, store data in the cloud using Firebase Firestore. Exercising query and s
Add publisher to reachability
ReachabilityCombine Add publisher to Reachability for convenience. usage
A simple Spotify lyrics viewer menu bar app for macOS in Swift 3
lyricsify This is a simple macOS menu bar application that shows you the lyrics of current playing spotify track. All the lyricses are from Wikia webs
:musical_note: A Mac app wrapper for music.youtube.com
A simple Mac app wrapper using WKWebView for YouTube Music that allows YouTube Music to run as a standalone process. Features Media Keys Keyboard shor
🎶 Control Apple Music right from your macOS menu bar.
About Music Bar is macOS application that places music controls right in your menu bar. Installation Download and unzip the latest release. Drag the a
🏹 Bow is a cross-platform library for Typed Functional Programming in Swift
Bow is a cross-platform library for Typed Functional Programming in Swift. Documentation All documentation and API reference is published in our websi
Infix operators for monadic functions in Swift
Indecipherable symbols that some people claim have actual meaning. Please see the documentation for installation instructions. What's included? Import
Functional JSON parsing library for Swift
Argo Argo is a library that lets you extract models from JSON or similar structures in a way that's concise, type-safe, and easy to extend. Using Argo
Swift µframework with extensions for the Optional Type
OptionalExtensions Why? Swift's Optional is pretty awesome, but it can always get better. This repository is an humble attempt to add some utility met
Functional programming in Swift
Swiftz Swiftz is a Swift library for functional programming. It defines functional data structures, functions, idioms, and extensions that augment the
Swift µframework of simple functional programming tools
Prelude This is a Swift µframework providing a number of simple functions that I use in many of my other frameworks. Rather than continue to reimpleme
A functional utility belt implemented as Swift 2.0 protocol extensions.
Oriole [](https://travis-ci.org/Tyler Thompson/Oriole) Oriole is a set
Collection of must-have functional Swift tools
NOTE: This project has been merged with and superceded by Rob Rix's Result µframework. LlamaKit Collection of must-have functional tools. Trying to be
Functional programming tools and experiments in Swift.
Funky The documentation (courtesy of realm/jazzy) is available here: https://brynbellomy.github.io/Funky Master branch is currently compatible with: S
Functional chaining and promises in Swift
Forbind Functional chaining and promises in Swift Note: still in an experimental state. Everything could change. I would love some feedback on this. W
Swift framework to connect SMB2/3 shares
AMSMB2 This is small Swift library for iOS, macOS and tvOS which wraps libsmb2 and allows to connect a SMB2/3 share and do file operation. Install Coc
🗂 Never use NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains again
AppFolder AppFolder is a lightweight framework that lets you design a friendly, strongly-typed representation of a directories inside your app's conta
Finder-style iOS file browser written in Swift
FileBrowser iOS Finder-style file browser in Swift 4.0 with search, file previews and 3D touch. Simple and quick to use. Features ✨ Features 📱 Browse
Signal Handling with more normal Swift conventions
SignalHandler Adds support for signal handlers in a fully swifty way. Why this over raw signal handling or other packages. Signal handler functions ar
A custom logger implementation and Task Local helper for swift-log
LGNLog A custom logger implementation and TaskLocal helper for Swift-Log. Why and how This package provides two and a half things (and a small bonus):