570 Repositories
Swift xcode-interface-builder Libraries
Swift Package Manager plug-in to compile Metal files that can be debugged in Xcode Metal Debugger.
MetalCompilerPlugin Swift Package Manager plug-in to compile Metal files that can be debugged in Xcode Metal Debugger. Description Swift Package Manag
A decoupled TestRail integration for your Xcode project to easily send results to TestRail.
(Super Easy) Xcode TestRail Integration This integration helps you to automatically send test results to TestRail. And yes, super easy and simple! Add
Test app for the InStat company. The project uses MVVM architecture, interface created with SwiftUI, network requests with async/await
FootStats Test app for the InStat company. The Project uses MVVM architecture, interface created with SwiftUI, network requests with async/await using
Simple IOS App About KSA Leaders and Future Projects.
KSA-App Simple IOS App About KSA Leaders and Future Projects. This project made by Swift and SwiftUI. The Project Applies the following: Reusable comp
Xcode plugin for filtering the console area.
MCLog This plugin lets you easily filter the Xcode console log output. While you can already search the text in the console log output you are still l
gradle plugin for building Xcode Projects for iOS, watchOS, macOS or tvOS
gradle-xcodePlugin The gradle xcode plugin (gxp) makes it easier to build Xcode projects by specifying the build settings in a single configuration fi
Xcode projects on steroids
Struct Introduction struct is a tool for iOS and Mac developers to automate the creation and management of Xcode projects. Ever lamented over your uno
TPPDF is a simple-to-use PDF builder for iOS
TPPDF is a fast PDF builder for iOS & macOS using simple commands to create advanced documents! Created and maintained by Philip Niedertscheider and a
An Xcode Source Editor Extension that helps navigating to many places easier
XcodeWay ❤️ Support my apps ❤️ Push Hero - pure Swift native macOS application to test push notifications PastePal - Pasteboard, note and shortcut man
Crafter - Xcode project configuration CLI made easy.
How do you setup your Cocoa projects? Do you always set same warnings, clone configurations and do bunch of other stuff? Or maybe you work in a big co
Xcode Plugin helps you find missing methods in your class header, protocols, and super class, also makes fast inserting.
FastStub-Xcode Life is short, why waste it on meaningless typing? What is it? A code generating feature borrowed from Android Studio. FastStub automat
SwiftyReachability is a simple and lightweight network interface manager written in Swift.
SwiftyReachability is a simple and lightweight network interface manager written in Swift. Freely inspired by https://github.com/tonymillion/Reachabil
A SwiftUI button that expands to reveal more content.
CUIExpandableButton A SwiftUI button that expands to reveal more content. CUIExpandableButton is part of the Crystal UI framework (under developement)
A Windows calculator ported to macOS with SwiftUI interface.
Windows Calculator on Apple A Windows calculator ported to macOS with SwiftUI interface. Standard Programmer Build Clone the project: git clone --recu
📱 A comprehensive test task for creating an autolayout interface, requesting an API and JSON parsing from Effective Mobile.
ECOMMERCE A comprehensive test task for creating an autolayout interface, requesting an API and JSON parsing from Effective Mobile. 👩🎨 Design ✨ Fea
🖥 Control your display's brightness & volume on your Mac as if it was a native Apple Display
🖥 Control your display's brightness & volume on your Mac as if it was a native Apple Display. Use Apple Keyboard keys or custom shortcuts. Shows the native macOS OSDs.
A practical interface to the Steamworks SDK using the Swift C++ importer
steamworks-swift A practical interface to the Steamworks SDK using the Swift C++ importer. Caveat Integrator: The Swift C++ importer is a chaotic scie
🌊 A clean wave - report unused localized strings
Ripple 🌊 Ripple - a command line tool that reports unused localization strings in your Xcode project. Install Clone from repo git clone cd Ripple sw
An Xcode plugin to improve dealing with colors in your project
Crayons is an Xcode7 plugin with various features that improve working with colors in your projects ##Code palettes (iOS only) You can share palettes
Solarized Dark Theme for Xcode. Compatible with all modern versions of Xcode since 2013!
Solarized Dark for Xcode Note I've moved away from using Solarized to a Night-Shift/Dark-Mode-friendly palette of my own creation; Cognac. It's availa
Encode and decode deeply-nested data into flat Swift objects
DeepCodable: Encode and decode deeply-nested data into flat Swift objects Have you ever gotten a response from an API that looked like this and wanted
Aplikasi iOS To Do List dengan Storyboard & Local CoreData (Database Xcode)
ToDoList Aplikasi iOS ToDoList adalah sebuah aplikasi CRUD sederhana berbasis iOS yang digunakan untuk membuat sebuah list item. Aplikasi ini dibuat m
Runtime Mobile Security (RMS) 📱🔥 - is a powerful web interface that helps you to manipulate Android and iOS Apps at Runtime
Runtime Mobile Security (RMS) 📱 🔥 by @mobilesecurity_ Runtime Mobile Security (RMS), powered by FRIDA, is a powerful web interface that helps you to
Install and debug iPhone apps from the command line, without using Xcode
ios-deploy Install and debug iOS apps from the command line. Designed to work on un-jailbroken devices. Requirements macOS You need to have a valid iO
RAProgressRing is the simplest approach to bringing circular progress in your application with minimal code.
RAProgressRing RAProgressRing is the simplest approach to bringing circular progress in your application with minimal code. Features It's customisable
Automatically generate GraphQL queries and decode results into Swift objects, and also interact with arbitrary GitHub API endpoints
GitHub API and GraphQL Client This package provides a generic GitHub API client (GithubApiClient) as well as Codable-like GitHub GraphQL querying and
Slack message generator and API client, written in Swift with Result Builders and Concurrency
Slack Message Client This package provides a Swift object model for a Slack Block Kit message, as well as a Result Builder convenience interface for e
What's New In SwiftUI for iOS 16 - Xcode 14 - SwiftUI 4.0
SwiftUI4 What's New In SwiftUI for iOS 16 - Xcode 14 - SwiftUI 4.0 (Work in progress....) Swift Charts Presentation Detents(Half Sheet & Small Sheets)
Save all your Mac apps for later with one click 🖱️
Later videoplayback.mp4 Save all your Mac apps for later with one click 🖱️ Later is a Mac menu bar app that clears and restores your workspace with e
Fully customizable line chart for SwiftUI 🤩
🧀 CheesyChart Create amazing Crypto and Stock charts 📈 📉 Looking for an easy to use and fully customizable charting solution written in SwiftUI? Th
UI framework that allows developers to integrate an amazing selection interface into their applications
UI framework that allows developers to integrate an amazing selection interface into their applications! Each bubble has a set of parameters, which could be configured individually.
A command line tool that calls your Xcode Test Plan and creates screenshots of your app automatically.
ShotPlan (WIP) A command line tool that calls your Xcode Test Plan and creates screenshots of your app automatically. ShotPlan will also take care of
Custom rounded QR code with lots of customization.
RoundCode for iOS RoundCode is custom circular QR code with lots of customization. Similar to Facebook messenger and Apple's App Clip Codes the RoundC
Instant font size adjustment with control – / control +
Plugins manipulating UI (like this one) are not supported by Xcode 8 UPDATE: to avoid conflict with Interface Builder hotkeys are changed to Control -
RadialMenu is a custom control for providing a touch context menu (like iMessage recording in iOS 8) built with Swift & POP
RadialMenu Looking for help? For $150/hr I'll help with your RadialMenu problems including integrating it into your project. Email bjasper@gmail.com t
Xcode plugin to open the GitHub page of the commit of the currently selected line in the editor window.
Show in GitHub / BitBucket Xcode plugin to open a related Github or BitBucket page directly from the Xcode editor code window. Installs easily through
An Xcode 7 plugin to build and run an app across multiple iOS devices with one click.
RunEverywhere Xcode Plugin Overview An Xcode 7 plugin to build and run an app across multiple iOS devices with one click. Gone are the days of manuall
A result builder that build HTML parser and transform HTML elements to strongly-typed result, inspired by RegexBuilder.
HTMLParserBuilder A result builder that build HTML parser and transform HTML elements to strongly-typed result, inspired by RegexBuilder. Note: Captur
Swift package to interact with Xcode Code Snippets in a type-safe manner
XCSnippets Swift package to provide type-safe interaction with (user-defined) Xcode Code Snippets Overview import XCSnippets let directory = Persiste
CodeEditTextView - An Xcode-inspired code editor view written in Swift powered by tree-sitter for CodeEdit
An Xcode-inspired code editor view written in Swift powered by tree-sitter for CodeEdit. Features include syntax highlighting (based
RsyncOSX and RsyncUI are GUI´s on the Apple macOS plattform for the command line tool rsync
Hi there 👋 RsyncOSX and RsyncUI are GUI´s on the Apple macOS plattform for the command line tool rsync. It is rsync which executes the synchronize ta
Multiliner - An Xcode source extension to expand lengthy lines
Multiliner An Xcode source extension to expand lengthy lines. Super lightweight, 1 file. It expands long lines. That's it! Works with: Initializers Fu
Type-Erased Existential Generic AsyncSequence Values in Swift
AnyAsyncSequence AnyAsyncSequence allows you to expose AsyncSequence interfaces in your APIs without exposing the underlying sequence type, while cont
Swift package to interact with Xcode Code Snippets in a type-safe manner
XCSnippets Swift package to provide type-safe interaction with (user-defined) Xcode Code Snippets Overview import XCSnippets let directory = Persiste
A Simple iOS QR code scanner that allows users to enable their camera and local Photo Library accesses to scan the contents of the input QR codes.
iOS QR Code Scanner A Simple iOS QR code scanner using Swift UI. Jump to: ContentView.swift screenshot 1.1.5 NOTE: be aware of the new horizontal line
XCSnippetsApp - macOS application to explore code snippets from the Swift and iOS community, view and edit the snippets before adding them conveniently to Xcode
XCSnippetsApp macOS application to explore code snippets from the Swift and iOS community, view and edit the snippets before adding them conveniently
Simple Login Screen Project using Swift UI.
Simple Login Screen Simple Login Screen Project using Swift UI. Jump to: Prerequisites: Tutorial uploading XCode project on Github Some Xcode Swift UI
Arrange views in your app’s interface using layout tools that SwiftUI provides.
Composing custom layouts with SwiftUI Arrange views in your app's interface using layout tools that SwiftUI provides. Overview This sample app demonst
Xcode plugin which help you write code faster.
MLAutoReplace Xcode plugin, Re-Intent, make you write code more quickly. Use a portion code of VVDocumenter-Xcode. ##Overview You can use shortcut key
Plugin for Xcode to integrate the Reveal App to your project automatic.
Reveal-Plugin-for-Xcode Plugin for Xcode to integrate the Reveal App to your project automatic(Without any modifications to your project). Please note
Xcode plugin for quickly creating localized strings
Extractor Localizable Strings Extractor Localizable Strings is a open source plug-in for Xcode. It lets you extract localizable strings without openin
Xcode plugin to let you jump to GitHub History, Blame, PRs, Issues, Notifications of any GitHub repo with one shortcut.
Reveal-In-GitHub Xcode plugin to let you jump to GitHub History, Blame, PRs, Issues, Notifications of current repo in one second. My company work on G
🚘 A simple tool for updating Carthage script phase
Do you use Carthage? Are you feel tired of adding special script and the paths to frameworks (point 4, 5 and 6 in Getting Started guide) manually? Me
A tool that generate code for Swift projects, designed to improve the maintainability of UIColors
SwiftColorGen A tool that generate code for Swift projects, designed to improve the maintainability of UIColors. Please notice, this tool still under
An easy to use UIAlertController builder for swift
LKAlertController An easy to use UIAlertController builder for swift Features Short and simple syntax for creating both Alerts and ActionSheets from U
A collection of session summaries in markdown format, from WWDC 20, 19 & 17
WWDC-Recap Summaries for the sessions of WWDC 20, 19 & 17 in a markdown format. These notes are not intended to replace the full experience. They are
Localizations is an OS X app that manages your Xcode project localization files (.strings)
Localizations 0.2 Localizations is an OS X app that manages your Xcode project localization files (.strings). It focuses on keeping .strings files in
IBSKit - an Xcode Fat Framework written in Swift 5
IBSKit framework is designed to solve everyday tasks that any iOS developer faces when developing a new project.
A new approach to Container-Based Dependency Injection for Swift and SwiftUI.
A new approach to Container-Based Dependency Injection for Swift and SwiftUI. Why do something new? Resolver was my first Dependency Injection system.
This is a Swift Package bundling different Train APIs into one simple Swift interface.
This is a Swift Package bundling different Train APIs into one simple Swift interface.
A peer to peer framework for OS X, iOS and watchOS 2 that presents a similar interface to the MultipeerConnectivity framework
This repository is a peer to peer framework for OS X, iOS and watchOS 2 that presents a similar interface to the MultipeerConnectivity framework (which is iOS only) that lets you connect any 2 devices from any platform. This framework works with peer to peer networks like bluetooth and ad hoc wifi networks when available it also falls back onto using a wifi router when necessary. It is built on top of CFNetwork and NSNetService. It uses the newest Swift 2's features like error handling and protocol extensions.
A Xcode Source Editor Extension to sort your header imports and remove duplicates, similar to iSort.
CleanHeaders An Xcode plug-in to format your import headers in a systematic manner. It simply removes duplicates, spaces and sorts them alphabetically
Easily Manage Graphics in Xcode Projects
Introduction Challenges Managing Graphic Assets Manually Create Multiple Sizes Store Generated Image Files What If You Had... Care-Free Graphic Manage
iOS Top Tab Navigation
iOS-Top-Tab-Navigation Good news for all our users out there! Now there are no boundaries to your convenience, you can pass as much words as you want
An iOS app that automatically capitalizes the title of your essay. Supports MLA, APA, and Chicago styles.
Title Capitalizr for iOS An iOS app that automatically capitalizes the title of your essay. Supports MLA, APA, AP, and Chicago styles. "You probably w
Set `Open using Rosetta` option on Xcode easily
xcode-arch A utility to switch running architecture of Xcode on M1 mac. Motivation Currently, there is no way to toggle Open using Rosetta option othe
In app "App Update" button library in swift
What is Upstream? It gives you a magic button, because this button will only appear when there is an app update available on appstore for given app. P
A framework to create proxies for XCBBuildService, which allows for custom Xcode build integrations.
XCBBuildServiceProxyKit XCBBuildServiceProxyKit is a framework that enables you to write a proxy for Xcode's XCBBuildService, which enables you to ext
An Xcode Plugin to upload code snippets directly into Slack and Gist
XCSnippetr Share code snippets to Slack and Gist without leaving Xcode ever again! 😱 Features Upload code snippets using Slack's and Github's APIs. T
This Xcode plugin shows Xcode app version in the Dock and App Switcher icon
Xcode Icon Version Tired of this Xcode icon always showing multiple times in your App Switch with no help watshoever as to which version you are curre
A Xcode plugin to add highlight to the instances of selected symbol.
Auto Highlight Symbol About Xcode 8 Xcode 8 does't support plugins anymore, but there is a workaround, use at your own risk. Xcode can highlight insta
XcodeColorSense - An Xcode plugin that makes working with color easier.
XcodeColorSense An Xcode plugin that makes working with color easier. Inspired by ColorSense-for-Xcode with extra care for Hex color Features Show col
A CLI to Alcatraz, the Xcode package manager.
Azkaban This project is deprecated in favor of Editor Extensions support in Xcode 8+. A CLI to Alcatraz, the Xcode package manager. Usage Install a pl
Xcode plugin for numbered bookmarks
Overview JumpMarks is an Xcode plugin to navigate your project files by numbered bookmarks. When developing applications, it is often not enough to be
A starter project for Sample Project in Objective C.
A starter project for Sample Project in Objective C.
News App 📱 built to demonstrate the use of SwiftUI 3 features, Async/Await, CoreData and MVVM architecture pattern.
Box Feed News App 📱 built to demonstrate the use of following features, SwiftUI 3 Async/Await AsyncImage List Refreshable Swipe Actions Separator Cor
Tutorials from sparrowcode.io website. You can add new, translate or fix typos. Also you can add your apps from App Store for free.
Страницы доступны на sparrowcode.io/en & sparrowcode.io/ru Как добавить свое приложение Добавьте элемент в json /ru/apps/apps.json. Если ваше приложен
A guide on setting up Xcode with all the essential Applications, Tools, and Frameworks to make your development experience with Xcode great!
A guide on setting up Xcode with all the essential Applications, Tools, and Frameworks to make your development experience with Xcode great!
SwiftyXPC - a wrapper for Apple’s XPC interprocess communication library that gives it an easy-to-use, idiomatic Swift interface.
SwiftyXPC is a wrapper for Apple’s XPC interprocess communication library that gives it an easy-to-use, idiomatic Swift interface.
An Xcode plugin for manually symbolicating crash logs
CrashSymbal An Xcode plugin for manually symbolicating crash logs Install Build the project to install the plugin. The plugin gets installed in /Libra
Xcode plugin that brings ⇧⌘T from AppCode over to Xcode
Aviator An Xcode Plugin that brings ⇧⌘T over to Xcode This minimal plugin allows you to use the key combo ⇧⌘T to toggle between source and test files.
Spokestack: give your iOS app a voice interface!
Spokestack provides an extensible speech recognition pipeline for the iOS platform. It includes a variety of built-in speech processors for Voice Acti
The awesome Fastlane tools brought into your Xcode
Fastlane-Plugin for Xcode Features Run fastlane command with one click. Add your Fastfile in xcode. Setup Fastlane. Install Install via Alcatraz OR Cl
A type-safe, fluent Swift library for working with Core Data
Core Data Query Interface (CDQI) is a type-safe, fluent, intuitive library for working with Core Data in Swift. CDQI tremendously reduces the amount o
Quick code navigation for Xcode
AceJump-like plugin for Xcode QuickJump allows you navigate to any visible position in the editor. Just Toggle QuickJump, type a character and then ty
LinkedLog is a Xcode plugin that includes a Xcode PCH header file template that adds the macros `LLog` and `LLogF` and parses their output to link from the console to the corresponding file and line.
LinkedLog Xcode Plugin LinkedLog is a Xcode plugin that includes a Xcode PCH file template that adds the macros LLog and LLogF. The LLog macro will wo
Extracts the text from the Docx file
SNDocx Extracts the text from the Docx files and converts them into a valuable object that can be used Example To run the example project, clone the r
SNPnotificationBar - Notification Bar for ios
SNPnotificationBar Screenshot Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements S
This repository contains 🎨 My Xcode theme that I use. It is compatible with all versions of Xcode.
DRL Xcodetheme Installation Automatic (via script) ./install.sh which will install the file in Xcode FontAndColorThemes directory. Restart Xcode Go t
Easiest local storage library in Swift
SundeedQLite SundeedQLite is the easiest offline database integration, built using Swift language Requirements iOS 12.0+ XCode 10.3+ Swift 5+ Installa
A package that allows you to easily enable the Xcode canvas to a UIKit view.
UIViewCanvas This package allows you to enable a SwiftUI Xcode canva to a UIView or a entire ViewController. Why? Run emulator everytime you need to t
Xcode plugin that moves the instruction pointer to the selected line
SFJumpToLine Xcode plugin that moves the instruction pointer to the selected line. Install: Install via Alcatraz Or clone and build the project, then
A Swift library for hardware projects on Linux/ARM boards with support for GPIOs/SPI/I2C/PWM/UART/1Wire.
A Swift library for hardware projects on Linux/ARM boards with support for GPIOs/SPI/I2C/PWM/UART/1Wire. Summary This library provides an easy way to
Simple way to add parallax header to UIScrollView/UITableView written in Swift.
ParallaxHeader Simple way to add parallax header to UIScrollView or it's subclasses. One image view Slider with images Blur vibrant text Blur round ic
A starter project for Sample Project in swift 5, Xcode 12.5
A starter project for Sample Project in swift 5, Xcode 12.5 (also bridging header included so you could use objective c code in it as well ).
An *Unofficial* Uitzending Gemist application for Apple TV 4 (**deprecated, use TV Gemist ☝🏻**)
Uitzending Gemist UitzendingGemist is an unofficial native Uitzending Gemist and NPO Live application for the Apple TV 4 developed in Swift. It will a
A simple To-do list app build for iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch in Swift
A simple To-do list app build for iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch in Swift
📐 Declarative UIKit in 10 lines of code.
Withable 📐 Declarative UIKit in 10 lines of code. See corresponding article at Declarative UIKit with 10 lines of code A simple extension instead of
The Git interface you've been missing all your life has finally arrived.
GitUp Work quickly, safely, and without headaches. The Git interface you've been missing all your life has finally arrived. Git recently celebrated it
This is a simple chat application made in Swift using send and receive interface.
Flash Chat 💁🏽♂️ Overview This is a simple chat application made in Swift using send and receive interface. ⚙️ How it works The user needs to first