1742 Repositories
Swift app-store Libraries
Which contacts changed outside your iOS app? Better CNContactStoreDidChange notification: get real changes, without the noise.
ContactsChangeNotifier Which contacts changed outside your iOS app? Better CNContactStoreDidChange notification: Get real changes, without the noise.
NeoPop is CRED's inbuilt library for using NeoPop components in your app
NeoPOP NeoPOP is CRED's inbuilt library for using NeoPOP components in your app. What really is NeoPOP? NeoPOP was created with one simple goal; to cr
WeHobby is an IOS application which aims to facilitate the discovery of new hobbies while creating links between users.
🇬🇧 WeHobby (EN) WeHobby is an IOS application which aims to facilitate the discovery of new hobbies while creating links between users. The issues t
AppNews - Simple app for downloading news from the Internet
Простое приложение для загрузки новостей из интернета с возможностью добавления их в закладки и обновлением списка новостей. Стек: UIKit, MVC,
Kinopoisk clone iOS app using Swift, TMDb API, Youtube API and SDWebImage.
📱 Kinopoisk clone iOS app using Swift, TMDb API, Youtube API and SDWebImage. App mainly developed to learn about Swift(UIKit), working with JSON, using MVVM architectural pattern.
Full Stack Mobile Application built with Flutter, Java Spring-Boot and MongoDB
👨🍳 Calling all chefs! Pocket Recipes is a recipe storage application with additional features that make organizing your recipes very easy.
Booky heavily-commented demo app built to explore Apple's new 'App Intents' framework introduced in iOS 16
Booky Demo App ℹ️ ABOUT Booky is a work-in-progress, heavily-commented demo app built to explore Apple's new 'App Intents' framework introduced in iOS
A minimal iOS AR app that displays virtual objects at specific geographical locations, in an AR scene.
AR Simple GeoLocation A minimal iOS AR, Augmented Reality, app that displays virtual objects at specific geographical location, in an AR scene. With t
Apple ExtensionFoundation/ExtensionKit sample app
TextTransformer: an ExtensionKit sample app This year's WWDC introduced many new APIs, two of which caught my attention: ExtensionFoundation and Exten
Pick a date and explore websites from the early days of the internet to now all in an easy-to-use browser format! 💻
Pick a date and explore websites from the early days of the internet to now all in an easy-to-use browser format! 💻
Use `PreselectedPhotoViewController` to handle limited photo access case in your app.
PreselectedPhotoUI Use PreselectedPhotoViewController to handle limited photo access case in your app. Overview Supports iOS 14.0 or later How to use?
Swift/UIKit app for time measurment
TimerApp _ About Swift/UIKit app for time measurment Features: Start/pause time count Reset timer Long press gesture on time label to reset timer Time
Showcases breathing exercises with matching vibration.
Breathy Showcases breathing exercises with matching vibration. If you want to quickly install it - TestFlight How to run Please make sure you have la
A Simple iOS QR code scanner that allows users to enable their camera and local Photo Library accesses to scan the contents of the input QR codes.
iOS QR Code Scanner A Simple iOS QR code scanner using Swift UI. Jump to: ContentView.swift screenshot 1.1.5 NOTE: be aware of the new horizontal line
StoredIn is a simple property wrapper library to store any value in anywhere
StoredIn StoredIn is a simple property wrapper library to store any value in anywhere. Installation Please use the Swift Package Manager. dependencies
ITunesFeedGenerator - This library provides very simple and Swiftly way to fetch feeds from iTunes Store
ITunesFeedGenerator This library provides very simple and Swiftly way to fetch feeds from iTunes Store: Most Played Songs. Top Free or Paid Books. Top
A macOS app for code generation, automation
A macOS app for code generation, automation
Meerkat is a messaging app written using SwiftUI.
Meerkat - A Messaging App Purpose I studied to learn SwiftUI dynamics, understand the syntax, and learn how to integrate third party libraries. The ap
Aplikasi iOS Berita Internasional dengan SwiftUI, API dari newsapi.org, MVVM Design Pattern, dan Paw
iNews iNews adalah aplikasi iOS Berita Internasional yang datanya didapatkan dari News API. Dibuat menggunakan SwiftUI, MVVM Design Pattern, dan Paw.
Aplikasi iOS Statistik Internasional Penyebaran Covid-19 dengan SwiftUI, MVVM Design Pattern, dan REST APIs dari rapidapi.com
CovStats CovStats adalah aplikasi iOS Data Statistik Internasional Covid-19 yang datanya didapatkan dari rapidapi.com dengan struktur REST API. Dibuat
Generate a list of licenses for the Swift Package libraries that your app depends on.
LicenseList Generate a list of licenses for the Swift Package libraries that your app depends on. Example Requirements Written in Swift 5 Compatible w
Aplikasi iOS kasus Covid-19 di U.S dengan Storyboard, Framework Charts dari danielgindi, dan API dari covidtracking.com
Aplikasi iOS kasus Covid-19 di U.S dengan Storyboard, Framework Charts dari danielgindi, dan API dari covidtracking.com
MarvelComics-ViewCode é um app para fins de estudo, desenvolvido em Swift utilizando View Code.
MarvelComics-ViewCode - iOS O MarvelComics-ViewCode é um app para listar todos os personagens da Marvel, implementado em Swift utilizando View Code co
Apple watch app - a note taking app with few views including credit page.
Thanks for checking out my SwiftUI Apple Watch project. My first ever apple watch app. This is a note taking app with few views including credit page.
Aplikasi iOS Simulasi CRUD Stok Barang dengan SwiftUI, Firebase CLI & Firestore
iStockery Aplikasi iStockery adalah aplikasi stok inventory berbasis iOS yang dibuat menggunakan Firebase (Firestore) secara Local dengan fitur CRUD d
An iOS app that resolves issues of dividing the debt between roomates.
An iOS app that resolves issues of dividing the debt between roomates.
A camera app we will dive deep into AVFoundation library
Camera App In this project you are going to discover few concepts in Swift that I've been working on for few weeks, Core Animations with CAShape Layer
Arrange views in your app’s interface using layout tools that SwiftUI provides.
Composing custom layouts with SwiftUI Arrange views in your app's interface using layout tools that SwiftUI provides. Overview This sample app demonst
A small app which fetches and renders jokes from The Internet Chuck Norris Database
This small iOS app fetches and renders jokes from the Chuck Norris Internet Database API.
App for managing remote insulin injection
sgc app for managing remote insulin injection currently the whole app is based on a phone that communicate to arduino board via bluetooth module. the
Proof of concept app for trying to integrate passkeys and WebAuthn into Vapor
Vapor Passkey Demo Proof of concept app for trying to integrate passkeys and WebAuthn into Vapor Usage Clone the project, then in Terminal run swift r
Vitals - A tiny macOS process monitor lives in the menu bar, keeping track of resource usage
Vitals lives in the menu bar, keeping track of resource usage in the background so you can summon it instantly at any time.
Plugin for Xcode to integrate the Reveal App to your project automatic.
Reveal-Plugin-for-Xcode Plugin for Xcode to integrate the Reveal App to your project automatic(Without any modifications to your project). Please note
PhotoEditor SDK: A fully customizable photo editor for your app.
About PhotoEditor SDK for iOS Our SDK provides tools for adding photo editing capabilities to your iOS application with a big variety of filters that
Localizations is an OS X app that manages your Xcode project localization files (.strings)
Localizations 0.2 Localizations is an OS X app that manages your Xcode project localization files (.strings). It focuses on keeping .strings files in
This iOS/SwiftUI app collects blog postings by SwiftLee on Swift and related topics.
This iOS/SwiftUI app collects blog postings by SwiftLee on Swift and related topics. Note that the app is only a SwiftLee aggregator and not an app developed by SwiftLee.
iTorrent - iOS Torrent client App
iTorrent - iOS Torrent client App Screenshots iPhone Screenshots iPad Screenshots Download Latest stable build: (GitHub Release) Latest dev build: (Ap
Flutter Movie App
Flutter_Movie Flutter Movie App Useing API : For Get API Key key Desine Patern of project is Provider Documentation Tahk you ❤️ Starred me ⭐️ Platform
Easily create UIViewControllers for news articles similar to those in the News app.
MRArticleViewController This framework allows you to easily setup View Controllers to display News Articles inspired by those from the Apple News App.
An app for questioning people to try on different names and pronouns. A winner of the Swift Student Challenge 2022.
DiscoverMe is an app for questioning, trans, nonbinary, and gender-nonconforming people to try on different names and pronouns that better suit their
An iOS App which has written using Vision franework
It's an iOS App which has written using Vision franework. It's written purely in Swift without using 3rd party frameworks.
SwiftUI App All About Avocados!
AvocadoEats About This SwiftUI app is all about my favorite mexican treat - Avocados! Recipes, nutrition facts, ideas, this app has it all. Featuring
An iOS app that automatically capitalizes the title of your essay. Supports MLA, APA, and Chicago styles.
Title Capitalizr for iOS An iOS app that automatically capitalizes the title of your essay. Supports MLA, APA, AP, and Chicago styles. "You probably w
Template repository for quickly creating boilerplate code for a SwiftUI macOS app.
Sidebar App This is a template repository for quickly creating boilerplate code for a SwiftUI macOS app. License This app is released into the public
In app "App Update" button library in swift
What is Upstream? It gives you a magic button, because this button will only appear when there is an app update available on appstore for given app. P
Cookbook app that allows you to read, add and modify your recipes.
What-s-For-Dinner-iOS-App Cookbook app that allows you to read, add and modify your recipes. Features 🍕 🥗 View You can see recipes divided into cate
Swift easy app launcher animation.
SwiftLauncher Swift easy app launcher animation. Usage. // Twitter. let logoLayer = CALayer() logoLayer.bounds = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width:
Aplicación SwiftUI para visualizar datos de Github dados un usuario y un token (Github token), implementa autenticación biométrica mediante FaceID.
ios-app-swift-gitapp Aplicación SwiftUI para visualizar datos de Github dados un usuario y un token (Github token), implementa autenticación biométric
ExpoMod - a small application tool that lets you quickly setting up your computer for presentations / exhibitions
ExpoMod is a small application tool that lets you quickly setting up your computer for presentations / exhibitions. Or simply having useful shortcut to not being distract and keep awake your computer.
A simple "Hello, World" style iOS app.
iOS Sample App - Hello World This is a simple iOS (Swift) app with a single view. The intention of this application is to demonstrate the usage of the
Native iOS app built in SwiftUI, displays a collection of user's books.
Native iOS app built in SwiftUI, displays a collection of user's books.
Mobile app for University of Washington students to find resources and information about the school.
ExploreUW App Description Mobile app for University of Washington students to find resources and information about the school. Collaborators Christian
Get location of user and show near cities and weather of the cities for next 6 days. (iOS)
technical-assignment-Weather-App This project written in Swift by Emre Kılınc You need to have Xcode installed. Please open weather_app.xcworkspace wi
This Xcode plugin shows Xcode app version in the Dock and App Switcher icon
Xcode Icon Version Tired of this Xcode icon always showing multiple times in your App Switch with no help watshoever as to which version you are curre
A minimal iOS app that displays 3d graphic art in AR.
AR Art Attractors A minimal iOS AR(Augumented Reality) app that displays 3D graphic arts in AR. It uses attractor systems. An attractor is a set of st
Simple driver app for the GoXlr... On Macos.
GoXLR for Mac MacOS application to manage GoXLR without virtual machine. For now, full control and compatibility of the GoXLR are not available on Mac
Trello-style Task Management App
Krello Trello-style Task Management App 기한: 2022.05.04 ~ 05.20 (13일) 프로젝트에 대한 자세한 내용은 👉 Notion 에서 확인할 수 있습니다 앱 소개 Trello 의 기능을 따라 할일을 관리하는 iOS Applic
A clone for netflix iOS app for learning.
Netflix Clone 🇧🇷 Um clone do aplicativo da Netflix voltado para estudos, em Swift, voltado para iOS. O aplicativo conta com uma home, tela de novida
Anime Calendar's iOS App - Schedule your seasonal anime to watch!
📅 Anime Calendar Anime Calendar's iOS App - Schedule your seasonal anime to watch! Currently in progress UI Uses Xibs and some programmatic views. De
A framework for presenting bars and view controllers as popup, much like the look and feel of Apple Music App.
PBPopupController PBPopupController is a framework for presenting bars and view controllers as popup, much like the look and feel of Apple Music App.
The hassle-free way to add Segment analytics to your Swift app (iOS/tvOS/watchOS/macOS/Linux).
Analytics-Swift The hassle-free way to add Segment analytics to your Swift app (iOS/tvOS/watchOS/macOS/Linux/iPadOS). Analytics helps you measure your
GLWalkthrough is an easily configurable plug-and-play tool to add walkthrough or coachmarker functionality to your app with ease.
GLWalkthrough Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements Installation GLWa
🔍 Browse and edit UserDefaults on your app
UserDefaults-Browser Browse and edit UserDefaults on your app. (SwiftUI or UIKit) Browse Edit (as JSON) Edit (Date) Export Note: We recommend to use S
A macOS menu bar app that enables system-wide navigation functionality for side buttons on third-party mice.
SaneSideButtons macOS mostly ignores the M4/M5 mouse buttons, commonly used for navigation. Third-party apps can bind them to ⌘+[ and ⌘+], but this on
iAppStroe is an Apple Store tool app written in SwiftUI.
iAppStore 简介 iAppStroe 是一款使用 SwiftUI 打造的苹果商店工具类 App。 1、提供苹果实时榜单查询,包含 iOS 和 iPad 的热门免费榜、热门付费榜、畅销榜,还有新上架榜、新上架免费榜、新上架付费榜等。 2、提供查询 app 详细页面内容、搜索 app、订阅 ap
Mac App Store: Embedding a Command Line tool using paths as arguments
Mac App Store: Embedding a Command Line tool using paths as arguments Code snippets to embed a Command Line tool using paths as arguments on the Mac A
Mac OSX app that displays window previews when hovering over app icon on the Dock.
Dock Window Preview Adds window preview functionality on hover for Mac Dock, an open-source alternative. This is very early in development and it will
News App 📱 built to demonstrate the use of SwiftUI 3 features, Async/Await, CoreData and MVVM architecture pattern.
Box Feed News App 📱 built to demonstrate the use of following features, SwiftUI 3 Async/Await AsyncImage List Refreshable Swipe Actions Separator Cor
Integrate beautiful minimalistic plots into your app.
PlotUI · Integrate beautiful minimalistic plots into your app. Installation You can use PlotUI as package dependency to your app using Xcode: github.c
Pendo captures product usage data, gathers user feedback, and lets you communicate in-app to onboard, educate, and guide users to value
Pendo SDK for IOS The Pendo Mobile SDK is a code-less, retro-active analytics collector across all of your app's versions. The SDK also allows present
Run Shortcuts straight from your Elgato StreamDeck!
About StreamDeck Shortcuts Welcome in! This Repo is for all things Shortcuts/StreamDeck! We’re all about making sure the software is Fast, Reliable, &
VTuber Cam, macOS app that displays an avatar using a virtual camera.
日本語 VCam macOS app that displays an avatar using a virtual camera. You can display a virtual avatar on Zoom or Google Meet, or etc. This is useful for
App programmed in Swift/SwiftUI for using Libre 1/2 blood glucose sensors.
Glucose Direct App Warning, This project is highly experimental. Please use this app with caution and extreme care. Do not mindlessly make decisions b
Tutorials from sparrowcode.io website. You can add new, translate or fix typos. Also you can add your apps from App Store for free.
Страницы доступны на sparrowcode.io/en & sparrowcode.io/ru Как добавить свое приложение Добавьте элемент в json /ru/apps/apps.json. Если ваше приложен
A library for building an internal/development support app easily
Scenarios A library supporting fast prototyping for iOS Projects. Introduction Challenges of mobile frontend development Stories with multiple require
BookShelf - an app for cataloguing and tracking your books
BookShelf An app for cataloguing and tracking your books. Watch the talk » Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents About The Project Getting St
Quick Symlink - a Finder extension which provides a contextual menu item for the symbolic links creation on macOS
Quick Symlink The Quick Symlink is a Finder extension which provides a contextual menu item for the symbolic links (and other links) creation on macOS
Free macOS app for iOS view debugging.
Introduction You can inspect and modify views in iOS app via Lookin, just like UI Inspector in Xcode, or another app called Reveal. Official Website:h
CodeEdit App for macOS – Elevate your code editing experience. Open source, free forever.
CodeEdit for macOS CodeEdit is a code editor built by the community, for the community, written entirely and unapologetically for macOS. Features incl
Automated Apple Music Lossless Sample Rate Switching for Audio Devices on Macs.
LosslessSwitcher switches your current audio device's sample rate to match the currently playing lossless song on your Apple Music app, automatically.
SwiftUI Social Contributor App
The Social Contributor App is designed as a social way to build and learn SwiftUI. If you have the baton get writing SwiftUI and pass it on 🏃🏽♂️
Spokestack: give your iOS app a voice interface!
Spokestack provides an extensible speech recognition pipeline for the iOS platform. It includes a variety of built-in speech processors for Voice Acti
Implement donate to Ukraine inside your app, with Apple Pay
DonateToUkraine gives you a simple way to provide "donate to Ukraine" functionality in your app via an official donation service (endorsed here). The service will be opened inside the app, keeping a native feel. Apple Pay is supported.
IconChanger - an app that can change you app's icon. It simplifies your icon changing process
IconChanger IconChanger is an app that can change you app's icon. It simplifies your icon changing process. How to use Go to github release Download t
Add opacity to any SwiftUI View and decrease it every day until their app completely fades away
NotPaid - SwiftUI Client did not pay? Add opacity to any SwiftUI View and decrease it every day until their app completely fades away. Set a due date
Trivia about Animal Crossing: New Horizons. My first iOS (iPhone) app.
ACNH-trivia-iOS-app Trivia about Animal Crossing: New Horizons. This is my first iOS (iPhone) app. I am excited to start my journey as an iOS develope
Rosetta Enforcer is a macOS utility designed to help developers convert Universal Binary application to Single Architecture, vice versa.
Rosetta Enforcer Rosetta Enforcer is a macOS utility designed to help developers convert Universal Binary application to Single Architecture, vice ver
📱 A simple wallpaper editor application for iPhone. Create your own wallpapers with a beautiful shelves.
iShelf A simple wallpaper editor application for iPhone. Create your own wallpapers with a beautiful shelves. 🎨 Demo 📸 Screenshots ✨ Features Lots o
An App where you can find product and see its detail.
MeliProductos Project 🇬🇧 An App where you can find product and see its detail. 🇪🇸 Una App donde puedes encontrar tus productos y ver su detall
Pomodoro is a macOS status bar application written in SwiftUI, which allows you to control your work and break time, exploiting the pomodoro-technique.
Pomodoro Pomodoro is a macOS status bar application which allows you to control your work and break time. Through this application you will be able to
Create ImageView for User or Group like Messenger app
MessengerBubbles Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements Installation C
ASDebugger is a remote debugging toolset for iOS App.
ASDebugger ASDebugger is a remote debugging toolset for iOS App. it's a way remotely check any network transaction, effortlessly Mock Data, It is able
Sync your app's time with server's UTC time
ServerSync for iOS Apps Sometimes your app can't rely on the device's date and time settings being correct. This library will help you calibrate your
A native iOS UI widget for adding Spokestack to any iOS app.
A native iOS library for adding Spokestack to any iOS app. Installation Edit Podfile CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. For usage a
This To-Do app was developed using Swift and SwiftUI and works on iOS, MacOS (Apple Silicon) and WatchOS. The tasks are kept on storage even when the app is restarted.
ToDo-SwiftUI This app has a lot of sentimental value for me, given that it helped me a lot to understand the process of doing an iOS app and became th
This is an app for a craft beer company called Cacique Bier that allows to see their available products and place orders. Made with Swift and SwiftUI.
Cacique Bier App This is an app for a Craft Beer company that shows their catalogue of products and in the future will allow purchases. The app is com
Open source, non-custodial Terra Wallet focused on privacy iOS App
iOS Open source non-custodial Terra Wallet. We send your finance from the Earth to the Moon Running the project To run this project update / fetch the
A super easy way to check if the installed app has an update available. It is built with simplicity and customisability in mind and comes with pre-written tests.
UpdateAvailableKit This is UpdateAvailableKit: a super easy way to check if the installed app has an update available. It is built with simplicity and
iONess is HTTP Request Helper for iOS platform used by HCI iOS App
iONess iONess (iOS Network Session) is HTTP Request Helper for the iOS platform used by Home Credit Indonesia iOS App. It uses Ergo as a concurrent he
Keep track of accessibility settings, leverage high contrast colors, and use scalable fonts to enable users with disabilities to use your app.
Accessibility for iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS 🎉 What's new in Capable 2.0 🎉 Here are the most important changes: 🏛 New framework architecture and