1171 Repositories
Swift image-loading-library Libraries
Show pleasant loading view for your users 😍
RHPlaceholder 💾 Because traditional loading view like UIActivityIndicatorView or similar one are no longer so trendy (Facebook or Instagram apps are
💀 An easy way to create sliding CAGradientLayer animations! Works great for creating skeleton screens for loading content.
Skeleton is an easy way to create sliding CAGradientLayer animations! It works great for creating skeleton screens: 👩💻 Usage The entire library com
Windless makes it easy to implement invisible layout loading view.
Windless Windless makes it easy to implement invisible layout loading view. Contents Requirements Installation Usage Looks Credits Communication Licen
☠️ An elegant way to show users that something is happening and also prepare them to which contents they are awaiting
Features • Guides • Installation • Usage • Miscellaneous • Contributing 🌎 README is available in other languages: 🇪🇸 . 🇨🇳 . 🇧🇷 . 🇰🇷 . 🇫🇷 To
A simple and awesome loading Activity Indicator(with block moving animation) for your iOS app.
BPBlockActivityIndicator BPBlockActivityIndicator is a clean and easy-to-use Activity Indicator meant to display the progress of an ongoing task on iO
Awesome loading animations using 3D engine written with Swift
RSLoadingView Introduction RSLoadingView bring your app to the new age of loading animations using 3D engine. Written with Swift Customizable Using Ap
A lightweight and awesome loading Activity Indicator for your iOS app.
BPCircleActivityIndicator BPCircleActivityIndicator is a clean and easy-to-use Activity Indicator meant to display the progress of an ongoing task on
⌛️A customizable animated gradient loading bar.
GradientLoadingBar A customizable animated gradient loading bar. Inspired by iOS 7 Progress Bar from Codepen. Example To run the example project, clon
A metaball loading written in Swift.
DBMetaballLoading Synopsis A metaball loading written in Swift. Special thanks to dodola's MetaballLoading, which is an android project. The animation
:hatching_chick: Lightweight Swift loading activity for iOS7+
EZLoadingActivity Lightweight Swift loading activity for iOS7+. Really simple to use, just add the class and write 1 line of code. Easy to use: EZLoad
STLoadingGroup - A Group of Loading Animations.
STLoadingGroup A Group of Loading Animations. ScreenShot Usage let loadingGroup = let loadingGroup = STLoadingGroup(side: side, style: style) loadingG
NVActivityIndicatorView is a collection of awesome loading animations.
NVActivityIndicatorView is a collection of awesome loading animations.
User Interface Library for iOS
Why Sejima Because in modern mobile applications, you often reuse user interface components. To avoid code duplication, we have tried to provide you w
A beautiful radar view to show nearby items (users, restaurants, ...) with ripple animation, fully customizable
HGRippleRadarView Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. This project is inspired b
A nice iOS View Capture Swift Library which can capture all content.
SwViewCapture A nice iOS View Capture Library which can capture all content. SwViewCapture could convert all content of UIWebView to a UIImage. 一个用起来还
Easily add drop shadows, borders, and round corners to a UIView.
Easily add drop shadows, borders, rounded corners to a UIView. Installation CocoaPods Add the follwing to your Podfile: pod 'Shades' Usage Storyboard
A library to imitate the iOS 10 Maps UI.
Pulley A library to imitate the drawer in Maps for iOS 10/11. The master branch follows the latest currently released version of Swift. If you need an
Show the weather effects onto view written in Swift4.2
URWeatherView What is this for? Showing some kinds of the weather effect, written in Swift4.2. This code style is the Protocol Oriented Programming. T
A simple and elegant UIKit for iOS.
HamsterUIKit A simple and elegant UIKit(Chart) for iOS, written in Swift. 📊 Curve and bar Charts. 💡 Protocols are designed based on UIKit(UITableVie
ElongationPreview is an elegant UI push-pop style view controller
ElongationPreview is an elegant UI push-pop style view controller
FSPagerView is an elegant Screen Slide Library implemented primarily with UICollectionView.
FSPagerView is an elegant Screen Slide Library implemented primarily with UICollectionView. It is extremely helpful for making Banner、Product Show、Welcome/Guide Pages、Screen/ViewController Sliders.
Various usages of the Macaw library
Macaw-Examples Macaw Examples is a place where you can find various usages of the Macaw library. We are a development agency building phenomenal apps.
Protocol to handle initial Loadings, Empty Views and Error Handling in a ViewController & views
StatusProvider Protocol to handle initial Loadings, Empty Views and Error Handling in a ViewController & views CocoaPods Podfile pod 'StatusProvider'
An iOS UICollectionViewLayout subclass to show a list of contacts with configurable expandable items.
MEVHorizontalContacts An iOS UICollectionViewLayout subclass to show a list of contacts with configurable expandable items. Features Customizable cont
NavigationStack is a stack-modeled UI navigation controller
Navigation Stack is a library with stack-modeled UI navigation controller. We specialize in the designing and coding of custom UI for
A highly configurable and out-of-the-box-pretty UI library
FlourishUI [](https://travis-ci.org/Clay McIlrath/FlourishUI) We abs
A library to manage NVRAM Stuff in Swift
libNVRAMSwift A Library to manage NVRAM Stuff, written in Swift. CLI Example utility has only been tested on jailbroken iOS Library Usage Declare a ne
A high-performance, flexible, and easy-to-use Video compressor library written by Swift.
FYVideoCompressor A high-performance, flexible and easy to use Video compressor library written by Swift. Using hardware-accelerator APIs in AVFoundat
Random image app
Random image app About the project / О проекте English In that application I desided to make a custom servise which can directly take a random image w
A project that uses the Flickr image search API and shows the results in a 3-column scrollable collection view
FlickrImagesDemo FlickrImagesDemo is a project that uses the Flickr image search API and shows the results in a 3-column scrollable collection view.
A simple, lighweight library for making http requets in iOS
HttpKIT Super simple, super lighweight library for making http requets in IOS. It is a work in progress so PR's are definitelty welcome and highly enc
Creation of data model easily, with no headache.
DataFixture Create data models easily, with no headache. DataFixture is a convenient way to generate new data for testing / seeding your Realm Databas
Graduation from messy XCTAssertEqual messages.
A tool for providing the 2 features for efficient testing: Output diff between 2 any types Default implementation of Equatable for any types Platform
UITest helper library for creating readable and maintainable tests
UITestHelper General information When creating UI tests you will see that you are often repeating the same pieces of code. The UITestHelper library wi
Lightweight touch visualization library in Swift. A single line of code and visualize your touches!
TouchVisualizer is a lightweight pure Swift implementation for visualising touches on the screen. Features Works with just a single line of code! Supp
AppiumLibrary is an appium testing library for RobotFramework
Appium library for RobotFramework Introduction AppiumLibrary is an appium testing library for Robot Framework. Library can be downloaded from PyPI. It
Small library to easily run your tests directly within a Playground
[] (https://developer.apple.com/swift/) Build Status Branch Status master develop About PlaygroundTDD enables you to use TDD directly on Xcode Playgro
A Mac and iOS Playgrounds Unit Testing library based on Nimble.
Spry Spry is a Swift Playgrounds Unit Testing library based on Nimble. The best thing about Spry is that the API matches Nimble perfectly. Which means
Font Awesome swift library for iOS.
Font Awesome Swift Follow me: @vaberer I like ★. Do not forget to ★ this super convenient library. Added UISegmentedControl & UITabbarItem & UISlider
Auto-generated icon font library for iOS, watchOS and tvOS
Iconic helps making icon fonts integration effortless on iOS, tvOS and watchOS. Its main component is in charge of auto-generating strongly typed Swif
Icon font library for iOS. Currently supports Font-Awesome, Foundation icons, Zocial, and ionicons.
FontAwesomeKit Icon font library for iOS. Currently supports Font-Awesome, Foundation icons, Zocial, and ionicons. Version 2.2 Notable Changes Not Jus
OS font complements library. Localized font supported.
SwiftFontName SwiftFontName is font name complements and supports localized font library. You don't need to search font name any more with SwiftFontNa
Swift emoji string parsing library
Croc is a library for parsing emojis on iOS. It provides a simple and lightweight interface for detecting, generating, categorizing and managing emoji
A lightweight fuzzy-search library, with zero dependencies
Fuse What is Fuse? Fuse is a super lightweight library which provides a simple way to do fuzzy searching. Usage Example 1 let fuse = Fuse() let result
iOS & OSX Syntax Highlighter.
Highlightr Highlightr is an iOS & macOS syntax highlighter built with Swift. It uses highlight.js as it core, supports 185 languages and comes with 89
A Cross-Platform String and Regular Expression Library written in Swift.
Guitar 🎸 A Cross-Platform String and Regular Expression Library written in Swift. About This library seeks to add common string manipulation function
User input masking library repo.
Migration Guide: v.6 This update brings breaking changes. Namely, the autocomplete flag is now a part of the CaretGravity enum, thus the Mask::apply c
Easy string decoration with styles
StyleDecorator Design string simply by linking attributes. Example Create Decorator with specific Style and link it at the end of needed string or wra
iOS port from libphonenumber (Google's phone number handling library)
libPhoneNumber for iOS NBPhoneNumberUtil NBAsYouTypeFormatter ARC only Update Log https://github.com/iziz/libPhoneNumber-iOS/wiki/Update-Log Issue You
A simple library that provides standard Unicode emoji support across all platforms
Twitter Emoji (Twemoji) A simple library that provides standard Unicode emoji support across all platforms. Twemoji v13.1 adheres to the Unicode 13.0
Lightweight library to set an Image as text background. Written in swift.
 Simple and light weight UIView that animate text with an image. Demo
SZMentionsSwift is a lightweight mentions library for iOS.
SZMentionsSwift is a lightweight mentions library for iOS. This library was built to assist with the adding, removing and editing of a mention within a textview.
AsyncHTTP - Generic networking library written using Swift async/await
Generic networking library written using Swift async/await
WordScramble app for demonstrating loading an external txt file and working with it
WordScramble-v2 WordScramble app for demonstrating loading an external txt file and working with it App for creating anagrams from given 8 letter word
Simple image filters
Demo-Image-Filters Simple image filters Apply filters on images demo, Coded in swift language with below functionalities: Select image from phone gall
SwiftUI library to create fully customizable input stepper.
SwiftUI-InputStepper Swift package for creating numerical input stepper. An example of input stepper created with this library It supports long press
A very useful and unique iOS library to open image picker in just few lines of code.
ImagePickerEasy A very simple solution to implement UIImagePickerController() in your application. Requirements Swift 4.2 and above Installation Image
Super lightweight async HTTP server library in pure Swift runs in iOS / MacOS / Linux
Embassy Super lightweight async HTTP server in pure Swift. Please read: Embedded web server for iOS UI testing. See also: Our lightweight web framewor
A lightweight library for writing HTTP web servers with Swift
Taylor Disclaimer: Not actively working on it anymore. You can check out some alternatives Swift 2.0 required. Working with Xcode 7.1. Disclaimer: It
Lightweight library for web server applications in Swift on macOS and Linux powered by coroutines.
Why Zewo? • Support • Community • Contributing Zewo Zewo is a lightweight library for web applications in Swift. What sets Zewo apart? Zewo is not a w
Personal plug-in library
PPILibrary Personal plug-in library 功能介绍 Core 核心基础扩展, 不依赖于任何三方库 使用 根据subspec指定 pod 'PPILibrary', :subspecs = ['Core'], :git = 'https://github.com/Sh
An open-source library to use with SwiftUI, It allows you to create Floating menu action button.
Floating Menu Action Button Example Overview This is an open-source library to use with SwiftUI. It allows you to create Floating menu action button. Ins
Demonstration library for using the Secure Enclave on iOS
SecureEnclaveCrypto This project shows you how to create a keypair where as the private key is stored in the secure enclave sign a string / some data
Easy to use cryptographic framework for data protection: secure messaging with forward secrecy and secure data storage. Has unified APIs across 14 platforms.
Themis provides strong, usable cryptography for busy people General purpose cryptographic library for storage and messaging for iOS (Swift, Obj-C), An
A wrapper for Apple's Common Crypto library written in Swift.
IDZSwiftCommonCrypto A Swift wrapper for Apple's CommonCrypto library. IDZSwiftCommonCrypto works with both CocoaPods and Cathage. For more details on
This library allows you to make any UIView tap-able like a UIButton.
UIView-TapListnerCallback Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Installation UIVie
DCL Private Library
DCLPrivateLibrary Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements Installation
A Library for iOS developers to check newer version of app from the app store
swift-app-update-checker A very simple solution check new version of your application is available on store or not. Example To run the example project
A library that makes defines your style sheet like a breeze.
Atelier A library that makes defines your style sheet like a breeze. Requirements iOS 13.0+ Xcode 12.0+ Swift 5.3+ Installation You can add Atelier to
A library for make a beautiful Passcode Lock View
SmileLock A library for make a beautiful Passcode Lock View, also support Touch ID. Requirements iOS 9.0+ Swift 4 (pod version 3.x), Swift 3 (pod vers
A simple mesh viewer for MacOS based on Swift and Metal and using Assimp for loading meshes
Metal Mesh Viewer A simple triangle mesh viewer for MacOS This application is a simple (triangle) mesh viewer that should be capable of rendering even
A Swift library for the Forecast.io Dark Sky API
Requirements To use ForecastIO, all you need is an API key for the Dark Sky API. ForecastIO supports iOS (≥9.0), macOS (≥10.10), watchOS (≥2.0), and t
iTunes Connect Library inspired by FastLane
Mothership iTunes Connect Library inspired by FastLane I wrote MotherShip for two reasons. love FastLane, but I am not proficient in Ruby. I wanted to
Instagram API client written in Swift
SwiftInstagram is a wrapper for the Instagram API written in Swift. It allows you to authenticate users and request data from Instagram effortlessly.
Easy and powerful way to interact with VK API for iOS and macOS
Easy and powerful way to interact with VK API for iOS and macOS. Key features 😊 It's not ios-vk-sdk 😊 🍏 One library for iOS and mac OS 🍏 🤘 Fully
An Elegant Financial Markets Library Written in Swift
Notice As of May 20th, 2017, it appears that Yahoo is dropping support for a few features that BigBoard supports or there is an outage on their end ca
An Elegant Spotify Web API Library Written in Swift for iOS and macOS
Written in Swift 4.2 Spartan is a lightweight, elegant, and easy to use Spotify Web API wrapper library for iOS and macOS written in Swift 3. Under th
Unified API Library for: Cloud Storage, Social Log-In, Social Interaction, Payment, Email, SMS, POIs, Video & Messaging.
Unified API Library for: Cloud Storage, Social Log-In, Social Interaction, Payment, Email, SMS, POIs, Video & Messaging. Included services are Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, Box, Egnyte, PayPal, Stripe, Google Places, Foursquare, Yelp, YouTube, Vimeo, Twitch, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Line, Viber, Facebook, GitHub, Google+, LinkedIn, Slack, Twitter, Windows Live, Yahoo, Mailjet, Sendgrid, Twilio, Nexmo, Twizo.
A Dropbox v2 client library written in Objective-C
TJDropbox TJDropbox is a Dropbox v2 client library written in Objective-C. When Dropbox originally announced their v2 API they included only a Swift c
The Easiest and Simplest iOS library for Twitter and Facebook. Just Drop in and Use!
EasySocial iOS Library for Twitter and Facebook This library allows your apps to use Twitter and Facebook with minimal understanding of the relevant S
A stable, mature and comprehensive Objective-C library for Twitter REST API 1.1
STTwitter A stable, mature and comprehensive Objective-C library for Twitter REST API 1.1 Like a FOSS version of Twitter Fabric TwitterKit, without th
The Quite OK Image format, but for Apple
QOI A thin Swift wrapper of qoi the Quite OK Image format. Still very much a work in progress, contributions are welcome. Supported functionality: Ren
A Swift library to upload video files to api.video platform.
api.video IOS video uploader api.video is the video infrastructure for product builders. Lightning fast video APIs for integrating, scaling, and manag
Observe objects in SwiftUI Views which may be nil
ObservedOptionalObject Rationale SwiftUIs @ObservedObject requires that the observed object actually exists. In some cases it's convenient to observe
A library for creating Stream Deck plugins in Swift.
StreamDeck A library for creating Stream Deck plugins in Swift. Usage Your plugin class should inherit from StreamDeckPlugin, which handles the WebSoc
A testing MQTT react native library
react-native-awesome-testing abc Installation npm install react-native-awesome-testing Usage import { multiply } from "react-native-awesome-testing";
This is a demo project which contains the steps to create App with TunnelRay library
This is a demo project which contains the steps to create App with TunnelRay library Environment requirements: XCode: 13.1 Cocoapods: 1.11.2 Detai
Async image downloader with Mem&Disk cached as a UIImageView extension
HBWebImage Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements Installation HBWebIm
Circle Loading View Pod
CircleLoadingViewPod Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements Installati
Swift async/await OAuth 2.0 HTTP request library.
SwAuth SwAuth is an OAuth 2.0 HTTP request library written in Swift iOS 15.0+, macOS 12.0+, watchOS 8.0+, and tvOS 15.0+. Features Requirements Instal
Essential Feed App – Image Feed Feature
Essential Feed App – Image Feed Feature
Code Challenge - Using Alamofire is a Swift-based, HTTP networking library, also Codable for Data Model and Combine Framework .
Code Challenge ##Using Alamofire is a Swift-based, HTTP networking library, also Codable for Data Model and Combine Framework . Alamofire is one of th
A new, clean and lean network interface reachability library written in Swift.
Reachability A new, clean and lean network interface reachability library written in Swift. Remarks Network reachability changes can be monitored usin
Client library for accessing Azure Storage on an iOS device
Azure Storage Client Library for iOS Overview This library is designed to help you build iOS applications that use Microsoft Azure Storage. At the mom
Unopinionated and flexible library for easily integrating Tumblr data into your iOS or OS X application.
Tumblr SDK for iOS An unopinionated and flexible library for easily integrating Tumblr data into your iOS or OS X application. The library uses ARC re
A Swift Runtime library for viewing type info, and the dynamic getting and setting of properties.
Runtime is a Swift library to give you more runtime abilities, including getting type metadata, setting properties via reflection, and type constructi
Angle is a simple Swift library that provides Angle structure representing angles.
Angle is a simple Swift library that provides Angle structure representing angles. It handles angles using circular measure by default but is al
Customizable School Timetable Library
JHTimeTable SwiftUI Customizable School TimeTable Library 설치 Swift Package Manager 사용하기 JHTimeTable뷰를 선언합니다. JHTimeTable(lineColor : .secondary,
🎌 Powerful navigation library for iOS based on the coordinator pattern
⚠️ We have recently released XCoordinator 2.0. Make sure to read this section before migrating. In general, please replace all AnyRouter by either Uno
The easiest way to observe values in Swift.
Observable is the easiest way to observe values in Swift. How to Create an Observable and MutableObservable Using MutableObservable you can create and