208 Repositories
Swift mvc-architecture Libraries
Sample applications of iOS Design patterns written using swift.
ios-design-patterns This repo contains all my Sample applications of iOS Design patterns written using swift. Link for my Design patterns Blog : https
New version of CardinalKit based on the Swift Package Manager and a modularized architecture.
CardinalKit Open-source framework for rapid development of modern, interoperable digital health applications. Contributing Contributions to this proje
Braze is a Crypto Currency App created using SwiftUI with MVVM architecture.
Braze A Crypto Currency App created using SwiftUI with MVVM architecture. Braze tracks live prices of crypto coins and can create mock portfolio. Usin
Test app for the InStat company. The project uses MVVM architecture, interface created with SwiftUI, network requests with async/await
FootStats Test app for the InStat company. The Project uses MVVM architecture, interface created with SwiftUI, network requests with async/await using
This project has been developed to understand GraphQL and Diffable Data Source. Created on 20.06.2022.
SpaceX Launches First in first. You need to build all packages before building the project. Packages: Extensions API Open Extensions folder under proj
Swift, UIkit, Anchorage, Clean Architecture, UICollectionViewDiffableDataSourcem, MVVM+Coordinators patterns
About the app iOS project realized with Swift, UIkit, Anchorage, Clean Architecture, UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource and MVVM + Coordinators patter
This is a mastodon sample SwiftUI app implemented with the architecture of state management with normalized cache.
MastodonNormalizedCacheSample This is a mastodon sample SwiftUI app. This app is implemented with the architecture of state management with Normalized
iOS (swift) version of skydove's Pokedex application. Based on MVVM architecture.
Pokedex - Swift iOS (swift) version of skydove's android application, check it out. Based on MVVM architecture. It was written in memory of Ferhat, wh
The most powerful Event-Driven Observer Pattern solution the Swift language has ever seen!
Event-Driven Swift Decoupling of discrete units of code contributes massively to the long-term maintainability of your project(s). While Observer Patt
HotCoffee is learning project with MVVM, Generic,Swift 5, TableView
HotCoffee A simple Coffee Ordering app built using TableView, MVVM design pattern and Swift5. Tools Xcode Version 13.2.1 Framework -UIKit Architecture
📱 A comprehensive test task for creating an autolayout interface, requesting an API and JSON parsing from Effective Mobile.
ECOMMERCE A comprehensive test task for creating an autolayout interface, requesting an API and JSON parsing from Effective Mobile. 👩🎨 Design ✨ Fea
Be happy, take a happic: 📸
happic: 하루 한 컷의 사진과 키워드 분석이 알려주는 나의 행복, 해픽 30th THE SOPT APP JAM 프로젝트 기간 : 2021.07.02 ~ 2021.07.23 Team happic iOS Developers 이세진 윤수빈 강승현 lsj8706 devx
Pure SwiftUI state-driven library to present view sequences and hierarchies.
PathPresenter swiftUIOnboarding.mp4 Pure SwiftUI routing with transitions, animations, and .sheet() support. In SwiftUI, View is a function of the sta
Qiling Advanced Binary Emulation Framework
Qiling's usecase, blog and related work Qiling is an advanced binary emulation framework, with the following features: Emulate multi-platforms: Window
Arm64 architecture handler - It uses unicorn and libffi to run iOS arm64 binaries on x86_64 macOS
aah arm64 architecture handler. It uses unicorn and libffi to run iOS arm64 binaries on x86_64 macOS, with varying degrees of success. Most things wil
An unofficial logbook for bouldering at Mandala. Kind of a SwiftUI playground as well.
BoulderLogbook An unofficial boulder logbook for Dresden's boulder gym Mandala. Features When finished it should allow you to: log all your tops for a
Fast Multi-store Redux-like architecture for iOS/OSX applications
Highway Highway is implementation of Redux-like architecture pattern using Swift. If you were looking for a something like this: TEA (The Elm Architec
This is the take home project from Lululemon for the role of Sr. iOS Software Engineer
Lululemon-Assessment The project has been completed. Please check below sections for more details :) Challenge Build two screens as shown above. The f
Eazy is the missing piece in your SwiftUI and UIKit application.
Eazy is the missing piece in your SwiftUI and UIKit application. It aims at harmonizing how your views communicate with the model and vice versa in a clear and consistent way. Eazy can be used on any Apple platform.
⚛️ A Reactive Data-Binding and Dependency Injection Library for SwiftUI x Concurrency.
SwiftUI Atom Properties A Reactive Data-Binding and Dependency Injection Library for SwiftUI x Concurrency 📔 API Reference Introduction Examples Gett
Swift implementation of the elm architecture (TEA)
Swiftea If you were looking for a something like this: TEA (The Elm Architecture) MVU (Model-View-Update) MVI (Model-View-Intent) Redux-like Flux-like
This is the demo of MVVM-C structure with dependency injection using RxSwift.
MVVMC-Demo Demo defination This is the demo project, I have integrated two APIs for MovieDB APIS (https://www.themoviedb.org/). One for the listing of
Alamofire Network Layer written in swift 5 using the protocol oriented, combine, UIKit, MVVM.
CoreAPI-iOS This project Contains Alamofire Network layer Based on Protocol Oriented Concept and Combine Framework. It is created with UIKit, Alamofir
A Flutter Clean Architecture Using GetX.
flutter-getx-clean-architecture A Flutter Clean Architecture Using GetX. Work Flow Project Structure |-- lib |-- main.dart |-- app |--
News App 📱 built to demonstrate the use of SwiftUI 3 features, Async/Await, CoreData and MVVM architecture pattern.
Box Feed News App 📱 built to demonstrate the use of following features, SwiftUI 3 Async/Await AsyncImage List Refreshable Swipe Actions Separator Cor
You can touch My Swift, MapKit, UX skills! :D
What is it? 🙋🏻 It's a pet project which has been developed as a code challenge. It's written purely in Swift without using 3rd party frameworks. Wha
Rosetta Enforcer is a macOS utility designed to help developers convert Universal Binary application to Single Architecture, vice versa.
Rosetta Enforcer Rosetta Enforcer is a macOS utility designed to help developers convert Universal Binary application to Single Architecture, vice ver
MVC for SwiftUI (yes, seriously)
ViewController's for SwiftUI. The core idea is that the ViewController is owning, or at least driving, the View(s). Not the other way around. Blog ent
MMVMi: A Validation Model for MVC and MVVM Design Patterns in iOS Applications
MMVMi MMVMi: A Validation Model for MVC and MVVM Design Patterns in iOS Applications Motivation Design patterns have gained popularity as they provide
A declarative state management and dependency injection library for SwiftUI x Concurrency
A declarative state management and dependency injection library for SwiftUI x Concurrency
IOS e-commerce app developed using MVVM architecture with Swift UI
IOS e-commerce app developed using MVVM architecture with Swift UI.
GitHub iOS client with minimum third-party dependencies.
GitHubSearch GitHub iOS client with minimum third-party dependencies. The app allows for searching for repositories using GitHub API. 🔜 In the next r
An iOS app for GitHub with exploring trending
GiTiny is iOS app for GitHub with exploring trending. Written in RxSwift and MVVM-C architecture. Features 🔥 Explore Trending Repositories and Develo
GitHub iOS client in RxSwift and MVVM-C clean architecture
GitHub iOS client in RxSwift and MVVM-C clean architecture. FlutterHub - Flutter version available at an early stage KotlinHub - Android version is co
GitHub-User is an iOS native application, written in Swift programming language.
#GitHub-User GitHub-User is an iOS native application, written in Swift programming language. This project is an interview take home project. The arch
Github repo search with using mvvm-c and clean architecture and using combine swift
GitSearchWithMVVM-C-CleanArchitecture Github repo search with using mvvm-c and clean architecture and using combine swift. Content Overview How To Run
Tracker - A simple location logger app written in Swift and MVVM architecture
Tracker - A simple location logger app written in Swift and MVVM architecture
A library for building applications in a consistent and understandable way, with composition, testing, and ergonomics in mind
A library for building applications in a consistent and understandable way, with composition, testing, and ergonomics in mind.
Exchanger - a simple iOS application demonstrating one of approaches to implement VIPER 💎 architecture in modern Objective-C
The Exchanger is a simple iOS application demonstrating one of approaches to implement VIPER 💎 architecture in modern Objective-C.
Image Editor iOS App - CLEAN Architecture + MVP Pattern
Image Editor iOS Application - Built using UIKit, CoreData, CoreImage, and URLSession Frameworks with CLEAN Architecture and MVP UI design pattern.
Finance App written in Swift and SwiftUI
Finance App written in Swift and SwiftUI. Modular MVVM architecture (SPM) with Composition Root.
A proof of concept of the VIPER architecture
This project contains a proof of concept of the VIPER architecture. For this we are going to make use of the public API tmdb, with which we will implement a search engine, a list and a view detail.
Hello Clean Architecture With SwiftUI
HelloCleanArchitectureWithSwiftUI CleanArchitecture for SwiftUI with Combine, Co
QuizApp - A simple Quiz App app using MVC
Quiz App Hey folks! I'm still learning Swift and I made a simple app again. This
NY Times is an Minimal News 🗞 iOS application built to describe the use of SwiftSoup and CoreData with SwiftUI.
🗽 NY Times is an Minimal News 🗞 iOS app 📱 built to describe the use of SwiftSoup and CoreData with SwiftUI🔥
Assignment: iOS app in VIP Clean architecture
countries_vip_clean Assignment: iOS app in VIP Clean architecture. for countries
MockChat TDD MVVM SwiftUI - Mockable, Test driven Development, clear Architecture example using SwiftUI
MockChat_TDD_MVVM_SwiftUI Mockable, Test driven Development, clear Architecture
Wiggles-iOS - Beautiful Puppy adoption app built to Demonstrate the SwiftUI and MVVM Architecture
Wiggles 🐶 Beautiful Puppy adoption app built to Demonstrate the use of SwiftUI
Challenge-viper-finance - Project for VIPER Architecture Dev Sprints on Devpass
VIPER Challenge - Finance App 💰 Neste desafio, aplicaremos conceitos da arquite
Composable-effect-identifier - A library that helps managing `Effect` identifiers when using The Composable Architecture (TCA)
Composable Effect Identifier This ComposableEffectIdentifier is a small accessor
30 mini Swift Apps for self-study
Swift 30 Projects Contents This repo is updated with Swift 5 and compatible with iPhone X: Simple UIKit components UIScrollView, UITableView, UICollec
Lace - A simple NTS.live macOS application
Marconio A simple macOS (and maybe iOS) application to listen to NTS through. NT
This is Github user search demo app which made by many variety of design patterns.
iOSDesignPatternSamples This is Github user search demo app which made by many variety of design patterns. Application Structure SearchViewController.
A very simple To Do app to illustrate the principles from my A Better MVC talk
MVC Todo For more background on this repository, please consider reading these blog posts: https://davedelong.com/blog/tags/a-better-mvc/ What this sa
Mvi Architecture for SwiftUI Apps. MVI is a unidirectional data flow architecture.
Mvi-SwiftUI If you like to read this on Medium , you can find it here MVI Architecture for SwiftUI Apps MVI Architecture Model-View-Intent (MVI) is a
An iOS application written in Swift to demonstrate how to implement a Clean Architecture in iOS
Reminders iOS An iOS application written in Swift to demonstrate how to implement a Clean Architecture in iOS. Idea The idea is to implement the simpl
Ios-quizzer - The app implements basic features of a quiz app using MVC pattern
Quizzer App The app implements basic features of a quiz app using MVC pattern.
NewsApp-MVVM - News application with MVVM architecture
NewsApp-MVVM News application with MVVM architecture.
PaymentApp - Payment App based on the MVVM architecture, with certain adaptations
PaymentApp Está basado en la arquitectura MVVM, con ciertas adaptaciones. Estruc
ScrumdingerTCA - Apple’s tutorial app recreated using The Composable Architecture
ScrumdingerTCA Apple’s tutorial app recreated using The Composable Architecture
CleanArchitecture - Helping project to learn Clean Architecture using iOS (Swift)
Clean Architecture Helping project to learn Clean Architecture using iOS (Swift)
MusicPlayer - Beautiful Music Player app built using SwiftUI to demonstrate Neumorphic design pattern and MVVM architecture
Skailer 🎧 Beautiful Music Player app built using SwiftUI to demonstrate Neumorp
PhotoApp - A Simple Photo App using Swift and MVC pattern
PhotoApp A Simple Photo App using Swift and MVC pattern After App launch, you wi
This is a tiny experimental application using SwiftUI with Flux architecture.
🚀 SwiftUI-Flux This is a tiny experimental application using SwiftUI with Flux architecture.
Unidirectional reactive architecture using new Apple Combine framework
Unidirectional Reactive Architecture. This is a Combine implemetation of ReactiveFeedback and RxFeedback
Simple iOS app to showcase navigation with coordinators in SwiftUI + MVVM.
SimpleNavigation Simple iOS app to showcase the use of the Coordinator pattern using SwiftUI and MVVM. The implementation is as easy as calling a push
A powerful SwiftUI Architecture that merges Redux to the functional world of Swift. While bringing powerful workflows to streamline CoreML/Metal/IPFS usage in the Apple ecosystem.
GraniteUI - v0.0 - WIP A powerful SwiftUI Architecture that merges Redux event handling and state management with functional programming. While bringi
LOL Champions app: a small Multi-Module demo application to demonstrate modern iOS application tech-stacks with a Multi-module and MVVM architecture
LOL Champions app: a small Multi-Module demo application to demonstrate modern iOS application tech-stacks with a Multi-module and MVVM architecture
Demonstration blackjack app for native iOS. Uses MVVM architecture
Blackjack - native iOS application This project is a simple demonstration on how to intergrate swiftUI with MVVM architecture. Although, technically,
💎 Redux like architecture for SwiftUI
Simple Architecture like Redux Installation SPM dependencies: [ .package(url: "https://github.com/gre4ixin/ReduxUI.git", .upToNextMinor(from: "1.0
Select the right architecture and functional reactive programming framework
#boilerplate This repository demonstrates different architectures and usage of popular reactive programming frameworks. I decided to open-source coupl
Sample project using VIPER architecture
VIPER-Persons Small project using a master and detail view Demonstrates the use of the following features: VIPER architecture (https://mutualmobile.co
A simple example of the VIPER architecture for iOS apps
Counter Counter is a simple app showing the basics of the VIPER architecture, a version of Uncle Bob’s Clean Architecture for iOS apps. Counter shows
Quinbay - The project covers dynamic tableview cell height, MVVM and clean Architecture and Prefetching Table Data From server or infinite scroll view
Quinbay The Quinbay is a sample application. The project covers dynamic tablevie
MusicAlbumApp - Applications for training networking, field validation, screen transitions, and GCD
MusicAlbumApp This is an educational application for finding music albums and vi
MoneySafe - Application for tracking income and expenses and analyzing expenses. VIPER architecture, CoreData, Charts
💸 MoneySafe 💸 Application for tracking income and expenses and analyzing expen
Quizzler - iOS App Design Pattern(MVC) and Code Structuring
Quizzler iOS App Design Pattern(MVC) and Code Structuring What you will learn Ho
iOS TV Shows app with TMDb Api. RxSwift, MVVM, Clean Architecture. Tuist + Swift Package Manager
TVShows iOS app built with RxSwift, using the TMDb API. Built with Swift 5 RxSwift, RxDataSources Clean + Modular Architecture Cordinator Pattern. MVV
🌁 An Unsplash app for iOS
🌁 Papr Papr is an unofficial Unsplash app for iOS. 🏃♂️ Getting Started git clone https://github.com/jdisho/Papr.git cd Papr pod install open Papr.x
IOS-Quiz-App- - A trivia quiz app built with Swift using MVC structure
Quiz App A trivia quiz app built with Swift using MVC structure. Default Quiz
Quiz app using MVC.
Quizzler Our Goal The goal of this tutorial is to take you one step further in your journey of becoming an app developer. We are going to introduce yo
AQMonitoring - Air Quality Monitoring App to see live AQI and city data/graph in Swift with WebSocket and MVVM architecture
AQMonitoring Air Quality Monitoring App to see live AQI and city data/graph in S
SwiftUI-TodoList - This project uses MVVM architecture and UserDefaults to persist data
SwiftUI-TodoList | ├── SwiftUITodoList | ├── Library | ├── Models
Anime schedule, korean subtitle for iOS with SwiftUI + Combine and MVVM architecture
AniTime Anime schedule, korean subtitle for iOS with SwiftUI + Combine and MVVM architecture I'm developing a new one for the SwiftUI life cycle annou
Superhero-composable-watch-example - A superhero themed experiment using the swift composable architecture on a SwiftUI/Combine iOS app and Watch extension
Superhero Composable Watch Example Calling all superhero and Apple Watch enthusi
Cryptocurrency price checker, build with UIKit and MVC + Delegate pattern.
Coin Check Cryptocurrency price checker. The app fetch from CoinAPI.io the latest coin prices, build with UIKit and MVC + Delegate pattern. Features S
Challenge-vip-delivery - Project for VIP (Clean Swift) Architecture Dev Sprints on Devpass
VIP (Clean Swift) - Delivery App 🍕 Neste desafio, aplicaremos conceitos da arquitetura VIP para finalizar a implementação de um aplicativo. Desenvolv
WWDCast - The unofficial WWDC application for iOS
WWDCast The unofficial WWDC iOS application to watch WWDC videos and sessions on your ChromeCast. If you would like to test the latest changes, you ca
ViperC - Xcode template for VIPER Architecture for both Objective-C and Swift.
ViperC Xcode template for VIPER Architecture for both Objective-C and Swift. ViperC creates modules for you when you want to use VIPER architecture in
Swift-VIPER-Module - Xcode template for VIPER Architecture written in Swift 4
⚠️ Deprecated ⚠️ This library is deprecated. When you decide to use VIPER architecture in your project, it is very tired create new modules, because y
This a simple swiftui app where i used mvvm architecture, coredata swiftui and so on..
SwiftUI MVVM COREDATA NOTE APP This a simple swiftui app where i used mvvm architecture, coredata swiftui and so on... #FEATURES SWIFTUI MVVM COREDATA
Bill splitting and tip calculating app, build with UIKit and MVC pattern.
Split Check Bill splitting and tip calculating app, build with UIKit and MVC pattern. Features Enter bill total with number pad. Select tip % and betw
Create a simple MVVM-C iOS architecture with Swift for starters
iOS-Architecture-MVVM MVVM+Coordinators IOS Architecture Tutorial By Bobby Pehtr
An iOS app demo to show list and detail screen of artworks.
Artworks iOS Demo Application Architecture MVP Clean Architecture (check Known Issues) Dependency Injection Features Localization Dark mode support Ba
Good ideas for iOS development, by Futurice developers.
iOS Good Practices Just like software, this document will rot unless we take care of it. We encourage everyone to help us on that – just open an issue
A demo app to showcase testable, modern iOS development with SwiftUI and Combine on MVVM-C architecture.
Coinz_App_iOS A demo app to showcase testable, modern iOS development with SwiftUI and Combine on MVVM-C architecture. Tech Stack: Swift, SwiftUI, Com
A demo app to showcase pixel perfect, modern iOS development with SwiftUI and Combine on MVVM-C architecture.
Pixel_Perfect_SwiftUI A demo app to showcase pixel perfect, modern iOS development with SwiftUI and Combine on MVVM-C architecture. Tech Stack: Swift,
Modules to use with The Composable Architecture
TCA-Modules Modules to use with The Composable Architecture You can run Examples
Networking layer implementation using CLEAN Architecture for iOS.
NetworkLayer-CLEANArchitecture Networking layer implementation using CLEAN Architecture for iOS. Features ✨ CLEAN Architecture ✨ No Storyboards No ext
Artisan is an MVVM framework for Swift using the bonding features from Pharos and constraints builder from Draftsman.
Artisan Artisan is an MVVM framework for Swift using the bonding features from Pharos, constraints builder from Draftsman and builder pattern from Bui