143 Repositories
Swift split-controller-side-bar Libraries
Split your patch similarly to `git add -p` but supporting multiple buckets
split-patch.py This is git add -p on steroids for patches. Given a my.patch you can run ./split-patch.py my.patch You can choose in which bucket to p
Automatically block traffic on Cloudflare's side based on Nginx Log parsing.
AutoRL This is a PoC of automatically block traffic on Cloudflare's side based on Nginx Log parsing. It will evaluate Nginx access.log and find potent
36 key ergo split keyboard, designed around the Seeeduino Xiao platform
Slice36 Minimalist Split Keyboard 36 key ergo split keyboard, designed around the Seeeduino Xiao platform. Inspired by the Corne, Ferris, Ben Vallack'
Aiming at the common training datsets split, spectrum preprocessing, wavelength select and calibration models algorithm involved in the spectral analysis process
Aiming at the common training datsets split, spectrum preprocessing, wavelength select and calibration models algorithm involved in the spectral analysis process, a complete algorithm library is established, which is named opensa (openspectrum analysis).
Python PostgreSQL adapter to stream results of multi-statement queries without a server-side cursor
streampq Stream results of multi-statement PostgreSQL queries from Python without server-side cursors. Has benefits over some other Python PostgreSQL
SCALoss: Side and Corner Aligned Loss for Bounding Box Regression (AAAI2022).
SCALoss PyTorch implementation of the paper "SCALoss: Side and Corner Aligned Loss for Bounding Box Regression" (AAAI 2022). Introduction IoU-based lo
Clisd.py - UI framework with client side rendering for python
clisd.py Clisd is UI framework with client side rendering for python. It uses WA
Split Variational AutoEncoder
Split-VAE Split Variational AutoEncoder Introduction This repository contains and implemementation of a Split Variational AutoEncoder (SVAE). In a SVA
Fastest Semantle solver this side of the Mississippi
semantle Fastest Semantle solver this side of the Mississippi. Roughly 3 average turns to win Measured against (part of) the word2vec-google-news-300
Django server-side adapter for Inertia.js
django-inertia Django server-side new adapter for Inertia.js. Getting Started Install the package pip install django-inertia Configure your project A
Split given PDF document into 4 page groups and convert them to booklet format
PUTO: PDF to Booklet converter Split given PDF document into 4 page groups and convert them to booklet format. It creates a PDF like shown below: Fir
DCSAU-Net: A Deeper and More Compact Split-Attention U-Net for Medical Image Segmentation
DCSAU-Net: A Deeper and More Compact Split-Attention U-Net for Medical Image Segmentation By Qing Xu, Wenting Duan and Na He Requirements pytorch==1.1
PHION's client-side core python library
PHION-core PHION's client-side core python library. This library is not meant to be used directly by users. If you want to install phion please use th
split-manga-pages: a command line utility written in Python that converts your double-page layout manga to single-page layout.
split-manga-pages split-manga-pages is a command line utility written in Python that converts your double-page layout manga (or any images in double p
Split large XML files into smaller ones for easy upload
Split large XML files into smaller ones for easy upload. Works for WordPress Posts Import and other XML files.
A simple portable USB MIDI controller based on Raspberry-PI Pico and a 16-button keypad, written in Circuit Python
RPI-Pico-16-BTn-MIDI-Controller-using-CircuitPython A simple portable USB MIDI controller based on Raspberry-PI Pico, written in Circuit Python. Link
An NVDA add-on to split screen reader and audio from other programs to different sound channels
An NVDA add-on to split screen reader and audio from other programs to different sound channels (add-on idea credit: Tony Malykh)
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) with a Snyk Kubernetes controller installed/configured for Snyk App
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) with a Snyk Kubernetes controller installed/configured for Snyk App This example provisions a Google Kubernetes Engine
Python-slp - Side Ledger Protocol With Python
Side Ledger Protocol Run python-slp node First install Mongo DB and run the mong
Please Do Not Throw Sausage Pizza Away - Side Scrolling Up The OSI Stack
Please Do Not Throw Sausage Pizza Away - Side Scrolling Up The OSI Stack
100d002 - Simple program to calculate the tip amount and split the bill between all guests
Day 2 - Tip Calculator Simple program to calculate the tip amount and split the
Loading animation; a progress bar
Loading animation; a progress bar. When you know the remaining time or task completion percentage, then you’re able to show an animated progress bar:
Predicting Keystrokes using an Audio Side-Channel Attack and Machine Learning
Predicting Keystrokes using an Audio Side-Channel Attack and Machine Learning My
Backups made easy, automated, monitored and SECURED with an audited encryption
Backup Controller Backups made easy, automated, monitored and SECURED with an audited encryption. Schedules backup tasks executed by Backup Maker, upl
A repository for interferometer controller code.
dses-interferometer-controller A repository for interferometer controller code, hardware, and simulations. See dses.science for more information on th
learn python in 100 days, a simple step could be follow from beginner to master of every aspect of python programming and project also include side project which you can use as demo project for your personal portfolio
learn python in 100 days, a simple step could be follow from beginner to master of every aspect of python programming and project also include side project which you can use as demo project for your personal portfolio
Shitty gaze mouse controller
demo.mp4 shitty_gaze_mouse_cotroller install tensofflow, cv2 run the main.py and as it starts it will collect data so first raise your left eyebrow(bo
The undersampled DWI image using Slice-Interleaved Diffusion Encoding (SIDE) method can be reconstructed by the UNet network.
UNet-SIDE The undersampled DWI image using Slice-Interleaved Diffusion Encoding (SIDE) method can be reconstructed by the UNet network. For Super Reso
PTV is a useful widget for trading view for doing paper trading when bar reply is enabled
PTV is a useful widget for trading view for doing paper trading when bar reply is enabled.(this feature did not implement in trading view)
Two predictive attributes (Speed and Angle) and one attribute target (Power)
Two predictive attributes (Speed and Angle) and one attribute target (Power). A container crane has the function of transporting containers from one point to another point. The difficulty of this task lies in the fact that the container is connected to the bridge crane by cables causing an opening angle while the container is being transported, interfering with the operation at high speeds due to oscillation that occurs at the end point, which could cause accidents.
A PyTorch implementation of the continual learning experiments with deep neural networks
Brain-Inspired Replay A PyTorch implementation of the continual learning experiments with deep neural networks described in the following paper: Brain
learn python in 100 days, a simple step could be follow from beginner to master of every aspect of python programming and project also include side project which you can use as demo project for your personal portfolio
learn python in 100 days, a simple step could be follow from beginner to master of every aspect of python programming and project also include side project which you can use as demo project for your personal portfolio
The Generic Manipulation Driver Package - Implements a ROS Interface over the robotics toolbox for Python
Armer Driver Armer aims to provide an interface layer between the hardware drivers of a robotic arm giving the user control in several ways: Joint vel
To dynamically change the split direction in I3/Sway so as to split new windows automatically based on the width and height of the focused window
To dynamically change the split direction in I3/Sway so as to split new windows automatically based on the width and height of the focused window Insp
"Learning Free Gait Transition for Quadruped Robots vis Phase-Guided Controller"
PhaseGuidedControl The current version is developed based on the old version of RaiSim series, and possibly requires further modification. It will be
Christmasvillage-rpi - Raspberry Pi relay controller for ChristmasVillage.io
ChristmasVillage.io Relay Controller Links ChristmasVillage.io - Live Stream & Controls Youtube Instagram About This repository controls the light rel
Control DJI Tello with Raspberry Pi and PS4 Controller
Control-DJI-Tello-with-Raspberry-Pi-and-PS4-Controller Demo of this project see
An app that mirrors your phone to your compute and maps controller input to the screen
What is 'Dragalia Control'? An app that mirrors your phone to your compute and maps controller input to the screen. Inputs are mapped specifically for
Quadruped-command-tracking-controller - Quadruped command tracking controller (flat terrain)
Quadruped command tracking controller (flat terrain) Prepare Install RAISIM link
Tinybar - A simple MacOS menu bar utility to track price dynamics for assets on TinyMan.org
📃 About A simple MacOS menu bar app to display current coins from most popular
TinyBar - Tiny MacOS menu bar utility to track price dynamics for assets on TinyMan.org
📃 About A simple MacOS menu bar app to display current coins from most popular Liquidity Pools on TinyMan.org
Control-Robot-Arm-using-PS4-Controller - A Robotic Arm based on Raspberry Pi and Arduino that controlled by PS4 Controller
Control-Robot-Arm-using-PS4-Controller You can see all details about this Robot
Analysis and plotting for motor/prop/ESC characterization, thrust vs RPM and torque vs thrust
esc_test This is a Python package used to plot and analyze data collected for the purpose of characterizing a particular propeller, motor, and ESC con
An open-source systems and controls toolbox for Python3
harold A control systems package for Python=3.6. Introduction This package is written with the ambition of providing a full-fledged control systems s
This repository includes different versions of the prescribed-time controller as Simulink blocks and MATLAB script codes for engineering applications.
Prescribed-time Control Prescribed-time control (PTC) blocks in Simulink environment, MATLAB R2020b. For more theoretical details, refer to the papers
A PYTHON Library for Controlling Motors using SOLO Motor Controllers with RASPBERRY PI, Linux, windows, and more!
A PYTHON Library for Controlling Motors using SOLO Motor Controllers with RASPBERRY PI, Linux, windows, and more!
✌️Using this you can control your PC/Laptop volume by Hand Gestures created with Python.
Hand Gesture Volume Controller ✋ Hand recognition 👆 Finger recognition 🔊 you can decrease and increase volume Demo Code Firstly I have created a Mod
Arras.io Highest Scores Over Time Bar Chart Race
Arras.io Highest Scores Over Time Bar Chart Race This repo contains a python script (make_racing_bar_chart.py) that can generate a csv file which can
Python PID Controller and Process Simulator (FOPDT) with GUI.
PythonPID_Simulator Python PID Controller and Process Simulator (FOPDT) with GUI. Run the File. Then select Model Values and Tune PID.. Hit Refresh to
A terminal based web shell controller
shell-hack Tribute to Chinese ant sword; A Powerful terminal based webshell controller; Usage : Usage : python3 shell-hack.py --url [URL] --w
Python script to combine the statistical results of a TOPAS simulation that was split up into multiple batches.
topas-merge-simulations Python script to combine the statistical results of a TOPAS simulation that was split up into multiple batches At the top of t
Openapi-core is a Python library that adds client-side and server-side support for the OpenAPI Specification v3.
Openapi-core is a Python library that adds client-side and server-side support for the OpenAPI Specification v3.
🦍 The Cloud-Native API Gateway
Kong or Kong API Gateway is a cloud-native, platform-agnostic, scalable API Gateway distinguished for its high performance and extensibility via plugi
A simple file transfer tools, similar to rz / sz but compatible with tmux (control mode), which works with iTerm2 and has a nice progress bar
trzsz A simple file transfer tools, similar to rz/sz but compatible with tmux (control mode), which works with iTerm2 and has a nice progress bar. Why
Ballcone is a fast and lightweight server-side Web analytics solution.
Ballcone Ballcone is a fast and lightweight server-side Web analytics solution. It requires no JavaScript on your website. Screenshots Design Goals Si
A module for use with Pygame. Includes fully customisable buttons, textboxes, sliders and many more, as well as the ability to create and run animations on these widgets.
Pygame Widgets A helper module for common widgets that may be required in developing applications with Pygame. It supports fully customisable buttons,
Research Artifact of USENIX Security 2022 Paper: Automated Side Channel Analysis of Media Software with Manifold Learning
Automated Side Channel Analysis of Media Software with Manifold Learning Official implementation of USENIX Security 2022 paper: Automated Side Channel
Learning multiple gaits of quadruped robot using hierarchical reinforcement learning
Learning multiple gaits of quadruped robot using hierarchical reinforcement learning We propose a method to learn multiple gaits of quadruped robot us
A tool to help calculate how to split conveyors in Satisfactory into specific ratios.
Satisfactory Splitter Calculator A tool to help calculate how to split conveyors in Satisfactory into specific ratios. Dependencies Python 3.9 PyYAML
ASC - Api Server Controller
ASC - Api Server Controller
Code for "My(o) Armband Leaks Passwords: An EMG and IMU Based Keylogging Side-Channel Attack" paper
Myo Keylogging This is the source code for our paper My(o) Armband Leaks Passwords: An EMG and IMU Based Keylogging Side-Channel Attack by Matthias Ga
Convert temps in your Alfred search bar
Alfred Temp Converter Convert temps in your Alfred search bar. Download Here Usage: temp 100f converts to Celsius, Kelvin, and Rankine. temp 100c conv
A Fast, Easy, and User Friendly way to control Robotics Actuators.
T-Motor Controller A Fast, Easy, and User Friendly way to control Robotics Actuators. View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents About
Motion planning algorithms commonly used on autonomous vehicles. (path planning + path tracking)
Overview This repository implemented some common motion planners used on autonomous vehicles, including Hybrid A* Planner Frenet Optimal Trajectory Hi
Aviatrix Controller 6.x before 6.5-1804.1922. Unrestricted upload of a file which allows an unauthenticated user to execute arbitrary code via directory traversal
CVE-2021-40870 Exploitation An issue was discovered in Aviatrix Controller 6.x before 6.5-1804.1922. Unrestricted upload of a file with a dangerous ty
Quick & dirty controller to schedule Kubernetes Jobs later (once)
K8s Jobber Operator Quickly implemented Kubernetes controller to enable scheduling of Jobs at a later time. Usage: To schedule a Job later, Set .spec.
The can package provides controller area network support for Python developers
python-can The Controller Area Network is a bus standard designed to allow microcontrollers and devices to communicate with each other. It has priorit
The source code of "SIDE: Center-based Stereo 3D Detector with Structure-aware Instance Depth Estimation", accepted to WACV 2022.
SIDE: Center-based Stereo 3D Detector with Structure-aware Instance Depth Estimation The source code of our work "SIDE: Center-based Stereo 3D Detecto
Multi-path load balancing is a method used by most of the real-time network to split the packets into different paths rather than transferring it through a single path
Multipath-Load-Balancing Method of managing incoming traffic by distributing and sharing load fairly among multiple routes from source to destination
Testability-Aware Low Power Controller Design with Evolutionary Learning, ITC2021
Testability-Aware Low Power Controller Design with Evolutionary Learning This repo contains the source code of Testability-Aware Low Power Controller
A python package to manage the stored receiver-side Strain Green's Tensor (SGT) database of 3D background models and able to generate Green's function and synthetic waveform
A python package to manage the stored receiver-side Strain Green's Tensor (SGT) database of 3D background models and able to generate Green's function and synthetic waveform
Super simple bar charts for django admin list views visualizing the number of objects based on date_hierarchy using Chart.js.
Super simple bar charts for django admin list views visualizing the number of objects based on date_hierarchy using Chart.js.
ReGAN: Sequence GAN using RE[INFORCE|LAX|BAR] based PG estimators
Sequence Generation with GANs trained by Gradient Estimation Requirements: PyTorch v0.3 Python 3.6 CUDA 9.1 (For GPU) Origin The idea is from paper Se
My HA controller for veg and flower rooms
HAGrowRoom My HA controller for veg and flower rooms I will do my best to keep this updated as I change, add and improve. System heavily uses custom t
The goal of this project is for anyone with an old printer to be able to double-sided printing.
Welcome to PDF-double-side! Hi! I'm 15. I have a old printer so I can't print double-sided outs. The goal of this project is for anyone with an old pr
Fusion 360 Add-in that creates a pair of toothed curves that can be used to split a body and create two pieces that slide and lock together.
Fusion-360-Add-In-PuzzleSpline Fusion 360 Add-in that creates a pair of toothed curves that can be used to split a body and create two pieces that sli
MagTape is a Policy-as-Code tool for Kubernetes that allows for evaluating Kubernetes resources against a set of defined policies to inform and enforce best practice configurations.
MagTape is a Policy-as-Code tool for Kubernetes that allows for evaluating Kubernetes resources against a set of defined policies to inform and enforce best practice configurations. MagTape includes variable policy enforcement, notifications, and targeted metrics.
BoneIO is a compact IO controller for home automation.
Project description BoneIO is a compact IO controller for home automation. Main features of this controller are Compact size (27x11x6)cm - 15 DIN modu
XAC HID Gamepad implementation for CircuitPython 7 or above.
CircuitPython_XAC_Gamepad Setup process Install CircuitPython 7 or above in your board. Add the init.py file under \lib\adafruit_hid directory of CIRC
An app to automatically take attendance by scanning students' bar coded ID card as they enter the classroom.
Auto Classroom Attendance This application may be run on a PC to automatically scan students' ID card using a generic bar code scanner and output the
A turtlebot auto controller allows robot to autonomously explore environment.
A turtlebot auto controller allows robot to autonomously explore environment.
Readings for "A Unified View of Relational Deep Learning for Polypharmacy Side Effect, Combination Therapy, and Drug-Drug Interaction Prediction."
Polypharmacy - DDI - Synergy Survey The Survey Paper This repository accompanies our survey paper A Unified View of Relational Deep Learning for Polyp
Program can control your server via discord bot
GTPS Controller Program can control your server via discord bot Require Python How To Use Download This Source Extract The Zip File Paste gtps.py to y
Client library for relay - a service for relaying server side messages to the client side browsers via websockets.
Client library for relay - a service for relaying server side messages to the client side browsers via websockets.
This is a tool for speculation of ancestral allel, calculation of sfs and drawing its bar plot.
superSFS This is a tool for speculation of ancestral allel, calculation of sfs and drawing its bar plot. It is easy-to-use and runing fast. What you s
Autonomous Ground Vehicle Navigation and Control Simulation Examples in Python
Autonomous Ground Vehicle Navigation and Control Simulation Examples in Python THIS PROJECT IS CURRENTLY A WORK IN PROGRESS AND THUS THIS REPOSITORY I
Controller state monitor plugin for EVA ICS
eva-plugin-cmon Controller status monitor plugin for EVA ICS Monitors connected controllers status in SFA and pushes measurements into an external Inf
Readings for "A Unified View of Relational Deep Learning for Polypharmacy Side Effect, Combination Therapy, and Drug-Drug Interaction Prediction."
Polypharmacy - DDI - Synergy Survey The Survey Paper This repository accompanies our survey paper A Unified View of Relational Deep Learning for Polyp
Small python-gtk application, which helps the user to merge or split pdf documents and rotate, crop and rearrange their pages using an interactive and intuitive graphical interface
Small python-gtk application, which helps the user to merge or split pdf documents and rotate, crop and rearrange their pages using an interactive and intuitive graphical interface
AquaTimer - Programmable Timer for Aquariums based on ATtiny414/814/1614
AquaTimer - Programmable Timer for Aquariums based on ATtiny414/814/1614 AquaTimer is a programmable timer for 12V devices such as lighting, solenoid
Python implementation of Lightning-rod Agent, the Stack4Things board-side probe
Iotronic Lightning-rod Agent Python implementation of Lightning-rod Agent, the Stack4Things board-side probe. Free software: Apache 2.0 license Websit
AlienFX is a CLI and GUI utility to control the lighting effects of your Alienware computer.
AlienFX is a Linux utility to control the lighting effects of your Alienware computer. At present there is a CLI version (alienfx) and a gtk GUI versi
kawadi is a versatile tool that used as a form of weapon and is used to cut, shape and split wood.
kawadi kawadi (કવાડિ in Gujarati) (Axe in English) is a versatile tool that used as a form of weapon and is used to cut, shape and split wood. kawadi
It is a serial communicator(controller, receiver...), communicate with sensor LP20 which is a laser ranger.
Intro It is a serial communicator(controller, receiver...), communicate with sensor LP20 which is a laser ranger. Its datasheet is contained in this r
Enlighten Progress Bar is a console progress bar library for Python.
Overview Enlighten Progress Bar is a console progress bar library for Python. The main advantage of Enlighten is it allows writing to stdout and stder
Quickly 'anonymize' all people in an image. This script will put a black bar over all eye-pairs in an image
Face-Detacher Quickly 'anonymize' all people in an image. This script will put a black bar over all eye-pairs in an image This is a small python scrip
Research on controller area network Intrusion Detection Systems
Group members information Member 1: Lixue Liang Member 2: Yuet Lee Chan Member 3: Xinruo Zhang Member 4: Yifei Han User Manual Generate Attack Packets
Python3 program to control Elgato Ring Light on your local network without Elgato's Control Center software
Elgato Light Controller I'm really happy with my Elgato Key Light from an illumination perspective. However, their control software has been glitchy f
Rotazioni: a linear programming workout split optimizer
Rotazioni: a linear programming workout split optimizer Dependencies Dependencies for the frontend and backend are respectively listed in client/packa
Bar Chart of the number of Senators from each party who are up for election in the next three General Elections
Congress-Analysis Bar Chart of the number of Senators from each party who are up for election in the next three General Elections This bar chart shows