109 Repositories
Swift split-screen Libraries
Example how to make, update and end Live Activity. With Dynamic Island and Lock Screen.
Live Activity Example Example how to make, update and end Live Activity. With Dynamic Island and Lock Screen. Full tutorial available at sparrowcode.i
WHAT WILL YOU LEARN? Onboarding Screen with Page Tab View, state of the app with the new App Storage
WHAT WILL YOU LEARN? Onboarding Screen with Page Tab View, state of the app with the new App Storage Onboarding or a Home screen Understand how the new App Life Cycle works Link View Group Box View Disclosure View Dynamically List View with a loop
iOS ReplayKit Screen Share Broadcast Extension Frame Sharing
An iOS app that demonstrates how we can share CMSampleBuffer frames from SampleHandler of Broadcast Extension to the host app and how to pass callbacks to and fro from host app to SampleHandler and vice versa.
Enables you to hide ur UIViews and make them screen/screen shot proof. objective c/c++ only
SecureView Enables you to hide ur UIViews and make them screen/screen shot proof. objective c/c++ only Usage UIWindow* mainWindow; - (void) setup {
An alternative to SwiftUI's VideoPlayer that includes an overlay button that will transition the player to be presented full screen.
The VideoPlayer provided by SwiftUI out of the box is great but it's missing one very important feature: full screen presentation mode. AZVideoPlayer behaves pretty much exactly like VideoPlayer, but adds the button that's provided by AVPlayerViewController to go full screen.
Simple Login Screen Project using Swift UI.
Simple Login Screen Simple Login Screen Project using Swift UI. Jump to: Prerequisites: Tutorial uploading XCode project on Github Some Xcode Swift UI
A Simple exemple of a launching screen made of 100% using SwuiftUI.
A Simple exemple of a launching screen made of 100% using SwuiftUI. You can modify and use it in your app Compatible from iOS 14 (older not tested ) to iOS 16 (beta tested only )
Bar Button Item that can be moved anywhere in the screen, like Android's stickers button.
FlowBarButtonItem Bar Button Item that can be moved anywhere in the screen, like Android's stickers button. [ 😢 With the new Night S
The first non-jailbroken iOS (and macOS) application to adjust the screen temperature, brightness, and color!
GoodNight Project name thanks to @Emu4iOS. Based off of Thomas Finch's GammaThingy. GoodNight is an app that allows you to directly access the screen'
Show off your GitHub contributions from your lock screen 📱
GitHubContributionsiOS V2 NOTICE: V2 is published. It is a complete rewrite using SwiftUI and Catalyst. Source code are now hosted on the version/2.x
Calculate your tip and split the bill between any number of people
Calculate your tip and split the bill between any number of people
Configurable animated onboarding screen written programmatically in Swift for UIKit
Configurable animated onboarding screen written programmatically in Swift for UIKit – inspired by many Apple-designed user interfaces in iOS – with Insignia as an example.
SharedImages Screen grabs Main Features Private & self-owned social media Users store their images in their own cloud storage (Dropbox or Google Drive
SharedImages Screen grabs Main Features Private & self-owned social media Users store their images in their own cloud storage (Dropbox or Google Drive
Reimplementation of the famous screen saver
Padbury Clock Revived The Padbury Clock is a minimalist screensaver created by Robert Padbury. It has not been updated in ages and actually broke for
DesafioMobile2You - This project consists of creating a replica of a TodoMovies screen
DesafioMobile2You Swift IOS Este projeto consiste na criação da réplica de uma t
We-split - A study app made using SwiftUI
We Split We Split is a study app made using SwiftUI, being part of 100 Days of S
Login screen using Swift language
Login Screens Design iOS login Screens, with SwiftUI Designs inspired by Project
Login-screen-using-Swift - Firebase Apple Open Source Development
Firebase Apple Open Source Development This repository contains all Apple platfo
Login-screen-UI - A simple iOS login screen written in Swift 5
This project has been updated to Swift 5 and Xcode 11.2 About This is a simple i
DeliveryOnboardingSwiftUI - A Delivery Onboarding screen made with SwiftUI
DeliveryOnboardingSwiftUI Its a Onboarding screen made with SwiftUI
OnBoardSwiftUI-Food - Food App Onboarding screen made with SwiftUI
OnBoardSwiftUI-Food Food App Onboarding screen made with SwiftUI. App Details Lo
IOS-Application-3 - A basic calculator app for iOS compatible to any layout and screen size
Calculator It is a basic calculator app for iOS compatible to any layout and scr
ViewCodeApp - Login screen layout made with Swift ViewCode
Login Screen Layout an login screen layout made with swift view Concepts used Vi
Snitch - A handy library to access useful information about your application from the Home Screen
Snitch Access your app's useful information from Home Screen Table of Contents I
AllAboutTheWord - A single screen iOS app developed using swiftUI
All-About-The-Word Introduction This is a single screen iOS app developed using
Allows a swipe on any part of the screen to start an interruptible pop animation to the previous view
Lazy Pop SwiftUI Swiping on any part of the screen starts an interruptible pop animation to the previous view. Forked from https://github.com/rishi420
Tip-Calculation- - A program for calculate the tip. You can easily calculate it and you can split money easily
Tip-Calculation- It is a program for calculate the tip. You can easily calculate
MusicAlbumApp - Applications for training networking, field validation, screen transitions, and GCD
MusicAlbumApp This is an educational application for finding music albums and vi
Extension of Diffable API which allow not duplicate code and use less models. Included example for SideBar.
SPDiffable Apple's diffable API requerid models for each object type. If you want use it in many place, you pass many time to implemenet and get over
SnackBar that responds to the keyboard and shows a message at the bottom of the screen.
DGSnackBar Requirements Installation Usage Properties DGSnackBar SnackBar that responds to the keyboard and shows a message at the bottom of the scree
BubblePop - a number of bubbles are randomly displayed on an iOS device screen
Description The game is called BubblePop . In this game, a number of bubbles are
Metazoom - A virtual camera plugin to pixellatedly share your screen
MetaZoom A virtual camera plugin to pixellatedly share your screen. See LICENSE.
Red Torch is a very very (very) simple iOS app that allows you to have a red torch using your screen.
RED Torch Red Torch is a very very (very) simple iOS app that allows you to have a red torch using your screen. The App is based on storyboard, so the
The SwiftUI Messages Clone consists of layout and composition clones of the iOS Messages app.
The SwiftUI Messages Clone consists of layout and composition clones of the iOS Messages app. It has Messages-like bubble and screen effects, reactions, and animations, all created with SwiftUI.
An iOS app demo to show list and detail screen of artworks.
Artworks iOS Demo Application Architecture MVP Clean Architecture (check Known Issues) Dependency Injection Features Localization Dark mode support Ba
Taking a string containing a csv file and split it into records (aka lines) containing fields of data (aka Array of SubStrings)
Swift .csv parser Taking a string containing a csv file and split it into records (aka lines) containing fields of data (aka Array of SubStrings). Par
Acknowledgements screen displaying a list of licenses, for example from CocoaPods dependencies.
VTAcknowledgementsViewController Acknowledgements screen displaying a list of licenses, for example from CocoaPods dependencies. Also available in Swi
Easy way to detect iOS device properties, OS versions and work with screen sizes. Powered by Swift.
Easy way to detect device environment: Device model and version Screen resolution Interface orientation iOS version Battery state Environment Helps to
Quick hack to hide the full screen microphone dot on macOS 12.
undot Quick hack to hide the full screen microphone dot on macOS 12. Usage To build: git clone https://github.com/s4y/undot cd undot make To run: whil
A multi-platform, multi-paradigm routing framework.
📲 ScreenUI A multi-platform, multi-paradigm declarative routing framework for iOS/macOS and others, the replacement of Storyboard. Supports UIKit, Ap
Settings screen composing framework
THIS PROJECT IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED. HERE ARE SOME SUITABLE ALTERNATIVES: SwiftUI Form https://github.com/xmartlabs/Eureka https://github.com/neoneye
Takes those cursed usernames you see on social networks and lets them be accessible to screen readers.
AccessibleAuthorLabel 🔖 Takes those cursed usernames you see on social networks and lets them be accessible to screen readers so everyone can partake
Coffee App Splash Screen made with SwiftUI.
SplashScreen-CoffeeApp Coffee App Splash Screen made with SwiftUI. SplashScreen - Code struct ContentView: View { @State var splashScreen = true
Twitter style Splash Screen View. Grows to reveal the Initial view behind
CBZSplashView [](https://travis-ci.org/Callum Boddy/CBZSplashView)
Login screen - Sample screen created for job application
LoginDemo Login app screen Evaluation of coding skills for job application We wo
Customizable login screen, written in Swift 🔶
LFLoginController Customizable login screen, written in Swift Creating Login screens is boring and repetitive. What about implementing and customizing
A simple User Profile screen with scrollable detail area
User Profile Screen with Scrollable Detail Area This simple user profile screen skeleton project can be used as a starting point for creating more sop
Food App Onboarding screen made with SwiftUI
OnBoardSwiftUI-Food Food App Onboarding screen made with SwiftUI. App Details Lottie Files are used for Animations. TabView is used for Screen selecti
Roll marbles into set positions on screen
Marble-Tilt Roll Marbles into set positions on screen Paul Hudson Hacking with Swift - project 26 - Took most of the code and created my own spin on i
How to develop an iOS 14 application with SwiftUI 2.0 framework. How to create an Onboarding Screen with Page Tab View
Ama-Fruits USER INTERFACE AND USER EXPERIENCE APP DESIGN How to develop an iOS 14 application with SwiftUI 2.0 framework. How to create an Onboarding
💀 An easy way to create sliding CAGradientLayer animations! Works great for creating skeleton screens for loading content.
Skeleton is an easy way to create sliding CAGradientLayer animations! It works great for creating skeleton screens: 👩💻 Usage The entire library com
The easiest way to handle a simple full screen activity indicator in iOS. Written in Swift.
LLSpinner An easy way to handle full screen activity indicator. Easy to use Get Started // Show spinner LLSpinner.spin() // Hide spinner LLSpinner.st
FSPagerView is an elegant Screen Slide Library implemented primarily with UICollectionView.
FSPagerView is an elegant Screen Slide Library implemented primarily with UICollectionView. It is extremely helpful for making Banner、Product Show、Welcome/Guide Pages、Screen/ViewController Sliders.
A simple split-flap display for your Swift applications
🛫 Splitflap is a simple to use component to present changeable alphanumeric text like often used as a public transport timetable in airports or railw
The starter repository for the iOS tech screen!
Nearside iOS Code Screen - Starter Welcome to Nearside's Code Screen starter repository! Quickstart You'll need the following: Xcode 13.1 (13A1030d) T
A Swifty iOS PIN Screen
SAPinViewController Simple and easy to use default iOS PIN screen. This simple library allows you to draw a fully customisable PIN screen same as the
react native webrtc screen share
react-native-webrtc screen share using ios broadcast extension Resources https://github.com/react-native-webrtc/react-native-webrtc/pull/945 https://j
A Swift sample code to reads ISO 10303-21 exchange structures (STEP P21 files for AP242) split into multiple files using external references approach.
multipleP21ReadsSample A Swift sample code to reads ISO 10303-21 exchange structures (STEP P21 files for AP242) split into multiple files using extern
Regular expressions for swift
Regex Advanced regular expressions for Swift Goals Regex library was mainly introduced to fulfill the needs of Swift Express - web application server
A realistic reflective shimmer to SwiftUI Views that uses device orientation. Position any View relative to device orientation to appear as if through a window or reflected by the screen.
A 3d rotation effect that uses Core Motion to allow SwiftUI views to appear projected in a specific direction and distance relative to the device in r
Transition from any SwiftUI Text view into an inline navigation bar title when the view is scrolled off-screen, as seen in Apple's TV & TestFlight iOS apps.
SwiftUI Matched Inline Title Transition from any SwiftUI Text view into an inline navigation bar title when the view is scrolled off-screen, as seen i
SwiftUI mirroring of Instagram app Home screen
Instasoup Is a quick code excercise, where I wanted to do fast prototaping of the Instagram like home view screen in #SwiftUI Check the source code an
Syntax sugar of OpenTok iOS SDK with Audio/Video communication including screen sharing
Accelerator Core iOS The Accelerator Core is a solution to integrate audio/video communication to any iOS applications via OpenTok platform. Accelerat
Swift image slideshow with circular scrolling, timer and full screen viewer
🖼 ImageSlideshow Customizable Swift image slideshow with circular scrolling, timer and full screen viewer 📱 Example To run the example project, clon
A simple Image full screen pop up
CLImageViewPopup Description A simple UIImageView for easy fullscreen image pop up. No matter where your UIImageView may be. Image pops up from where
Custom MacBook login screen and pam modules using multipeer connectivity and usb hardware checks with iOS app for sign in.
Custom MacBook login screen and pam modules using multipeer connectivity and usb hardware checks with iOS app for sign in.
Simple iOS Application built using UIKit displaying the list of Cryptocurrencies and a detailed screen with a line graph.
CryptoViewer Simple iOS Application built using UIKit displaying the list of Cryptocurrencies and a detailed screen with a line graph. Home Screen: Di
Lightweight Cocoa library for detecting the running device's model and screen size.
Lightweight Cocoa library for detecting the running device's model and screen size. With the newer devices, developers have more work to do. This li
Light weight tool for detecting the current device and screen size written in swift.
Device detect the current device model and screen size. Installation CocoaPods Device is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the
Swift wrapper for iOS Home Screen Quick Actions (App Icon Shortcuts)
QuickActions Swift wrapper for iOS Home Screen Quick Actions This wrapper creates dynamic quick actions. It is possible to define static quick actions
Cordova plugin for detect screenshots and recordings
cordova-plugin-detect-screen-capture This plugin detects screen recording and screenshot events. The plugin will only work on devices with iOS = 7 Su
This is an open source app made to help home brewers brew their coffee by calculating the grams of water needed, and run a timer all in the same screen.
Ratios This is an open source app made to help home brewers brew their coffee by calculating the grams of water needed, and run a timer all in the sam
The "Ask Me" is simple iOS application which shows answer on the screen everytime when the user press the ask button
The "Ask Me" is simple iOS application which shows answer on the screen everytime when the user press the ask button. This application is build and design by Chetan Parate using Xcode and Swift.
This "Calculator" application is a simple one screen design of calculator screen i have made this single screen design application just to practice AutoLayout concepts.
Calculator Layout This "Calculator" application is a simple one screen design of calculator screen i have made this single screen design application j
Drag and drop between your apps in split view mode on iOS 9
SplitViewDragAndDrop Easily add drag and drop to pass data between your apps Setup Add pod 'SplitViewDragAndDrop' to your Podfile or copy the "SplitVi
Software Dummy Display Adapter for Apple Silicon Macs to Have Custom HiDPI Resolutions.
BetterDummy Dummy Display for Apple Silicon Macs to achieve custom resolutions. About M1 macs tend to have issues with custom resolutions. Notoriously
TomatoVerticalMenuMania lets you create a vertical, scrollable menu to the left of the screen.
TomatoVerticalMenuMania Framework Development and compatibility Development platform: iOS Language: Swift Compatibility: iOS 13 or greater Description
The movie detail screen of the TodoMovies application using Swift
Desafio Mobile2You - TodoMovies Este desafio consiste na criação de uma réplica da tela de detalhe dos filmes do aplicativo TodoMovies utilizando Swif
A simple deamon that restores your window positions on external monitors.
Memmon Memmon remembers what your Mac forgets – A simple deamon that restores your window positions on external monitors. FAQ Why‽ I am frustrated! Wh
Passing data from a couple of screen into a Model
Passing-Data Passing data from a couple of screen into a Model Introduction Hi, this video is just a representation project from this Video by Essenti
UIAdapter - An elegant solution to the iOS screen adaptation problem
UIAdapter - An elegant solution to the iOS screen adaptation problem 🇨🇳 天朝子民 Features Numerical type fast conversion Storyboard equal scale adaptati
A sliding Sheet from the bottom of the Screen with 3 States build with SwiftUI.
BottomSheet A sliding Sheet from the bottom of the Screen with 3 States build with SwiftUI. Why There have been many different attempts to recreate th
TTGSnackbar shows simple message and action button on the bottom or top of the screen with multi kinds of animation, which is written in Swift3 and inspired by Snackbar in Android. It also support showing custom view, icon image or multi action button.
TTGSnackbar A Swift based implementation of the Android Snackbar for iOS Gif About TTGSnackbar is useful for showing a brief message at bottom or top
In-app screen recording using ReplayKit in iOS. Written in Swift 5 on Xcode 12.3
In-App-ScreenRecording-iOS In-app screen recording using ReplayKit in iOS. Written in Swift 5 on Xcode 12.3 Features: Recording application screen onl
AYImageKit is a Swift Library for Async Image Downloading, Show Name's Initials and Can View image in Separate Screen.
AYImageKit AYImageKit is a Swift Library for Async Image Downloading. Features Async Image Downloading. Can Show Text Initials. Can have Custom Styles
Provides a custom presentation modifier that provides more options including full screen presentations. (iOS)
Presentation Also available as a part of my SwiftUI+ Collection – just add it to Xcode 13+ Provides a custom presentation modifier that provides more
Screen translator for macOS with Apple Vision API and IBM Watson, Google Cloud Translator
Swifty-OCR-Translator Screen translator for macOS with Apple Vision API and IBM Watson, Google Cloud Translator Usage Select Translator Fill in the AP
iOS simple project to create half-screen modal view controller with pan
Simple Half-screen view controller, draggable and less code (learning purpose)
Get any text on your screen into your clipboard.
macOCR macOCR is a command line app that enables you to turn any text on your screen into text on your clipboard. When you envoke the ocr command, a "
Component containing supplementary content that are anchored to the bottom of the screen.
BottomSheetController UIKit component containing supplementary content that are anchored to the bottom of the screen. Requirements Installation Swift