61 Repositories
Swift static-tableview Libraries
Writes twitter and contact (links) to writable nfcs on iPhone 7+ iOS 14+
nfc writer ios app nfc writer app is a hacky fun side project that writes twitter and contact (links) to writable nfcs. runs on iPhone 7+ iOS 14+. joi
The fastest and easiest way to present a UITableView - in 3 lines of code.
Swift Table The fastest and easiest way to present a UITableView - in 3 lines of code. Powered by Generics to present any data type. No need to use th
HotCoffee is learning project with MVVM, Generic,Swift 5, TableView
HotCoffee A simple Coffee Ordering app built using TableView, MVVM design pattern and Swift5. Tools Xcode Version 13.2.1 Framework -UIKit Architecture
Radare2 and Frida better together.
r2frida Radare2 and Frida better together. Description This is a self-contained plugin for radare2 that allows to instrument remote processes using fr
Stacked style tableview
StackPageView Vertical page view with UIViewControllers stacked on the top of each other Install add StackPageView.swift your project. How to Use clas
Simple way to add parallax header to UIScrollView/UITableView written in Swift.
ParallaxHeader Simple way to add parallax header to UIScrollView or it's subclasses. One image view Slider with images Blur vibrant text Blur round ic
Cellmodel-driven tableview manager
Cellmodel-driven tableview manager
This framework allows you to build Table views using UIKit with syntax similar to SwiftUI
This framework allows you to build Table views using UIKit with syntax similar to SwiftUI
ListViewSwiftUI - A project for creating a vertical list using the Swift UI.This project include topic,ListView to show list of movies,Tabbar
ListViewSwiftUI OverView A project for creating a vertical list using the Swift
MultiplyTypeCellExample - An example of the implementation of different types of cells in a tableview
MultiplyTypeCellExample An example of the implementation of different types of c
API-TableView-Swift - API call with URLSession and show data to TableView with swift
API-TableView-Swift API call with URLSession and show data to TableView with swi
Easy usage SFSymbols with static types. If symbol not available, compiler will show warning.
SPSafeSymbols Wrapper of SF Symbols. You choose the icon and what style to draw it in. You can specify the font with which to draw the icon. If the sy
BaseTableViewOriginal - Base TableView Original With Swift
BaseTableViewOriginal Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and ru
Swift-picker-views - inline single and multi picker views for UIKit. Without tableview! Easy and simple
swift-picker-views Inline single and multiple picker views for UIKit. No tablevi
BountyList - A bounty list of One-Piece characters by using tableView
bountyList It shows a bounty list of One-Piece characters by using tableView str
GridExample - SwiftUI example working with grids
Working with SwiftUI grids LazyVGrid does not have a column span feature. This t
GrouponHeader - iOS TableView Header Animation, Swift/UIKit
GrouponHeader Description: iOS TableView Header Animation Technology: Swift, UIK
DGDynamicHeightTableView - UITableView that supports auto calculated height by contents size
DGDynamicHeightTableView UITableView that supports auto calculated height by con
An iOS app decrypter, full static using fouldecrypt.
Iridium An iOS app decrypter, full static using fouldecrypt. Supporting iOS 13+ Note We have built everything into the package, you can install and fl
Quinbay - The project covers dynamic tableview cell height, MVVM and clean Architecture and Prefetching Table Data From server or infinite scroll view
Quinbay The Quinbay is a sample application. The project covers dynamic tablevie
macOS Sqlite tableView 샘플 - objective c
목적 Objective C언어를 이용하여 macOS를 개발해본다. Sqlite를 이용하여 데이터를 저장하고, 불러와본다. FMDB를 이용한다. 데이터를 NSTableView를 이용하여 불러와본다. 추가적으로 NSOutlineView 구현해본다. 추가적으로 KVOCont
An iOS app decrypter, full static using fouldecrypt.
Iridium An iOS app decrypter, full static using fouldecrypt. Supporting iOS 13+ Note We have built everything into the package, you can install and fl
A static analyzer for Java, C, C++, and Objective-C
Infer Infer is a static analysis tool for Java, C++, Objective-C, and C. Infer is written in OCaml. Installation Read our Getting Started page for det
ListPlaceholder is a swift library allows you to easily add facebook style animated loading placeholder to your tableviews or collection views.
ListPlaceholder ListPlaceholder Facebook news feed style animation Features ListPlaceholder is a swift library allows you to easily add facebook style
Parallax scrolling effect on UITableView header view when a tableView is scrolled
ParallaxTableViewHeader Parallax scrolling effect on UITableView header view when a tableView is scrolled Usage Create a ParallaxHeaderView using eith
✨ Awesome expandable, collapsible tableview cell for iOS written in Swift 5
ExpandableCell Intoduction Fully refactored YNExapnadableCell with more concise, bug free. Easiest usage of expandable & collapsible cell for iOS, wri
Make your table view expandable just by implementing one method.
ExpyTableView About ExpyTableView is a re-write based on SLExpandableTableView. Takes some ideas, concepts and codes and regenerates them in Swift. Le
✨ Awesome expandable, collapsible tableview cell for iOS written in Swift 4
USE ExpandableCell. New version of this library. YNExpandableCell Updates See CHANGELOG for details Intoduction Easiest usage of expandable & collapsi
💾 A library for backporting UITableView/UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource.
DiffableDataSources 💾 A library for backporting UITableView/UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource powered by DifferenceKit. Made with ❤️ by Ryo Aoyama I
💾 🔜📱 Type-safe data-driven CollectionView, TableView Framework. (We can also use ASCollectionNode)
⚠️ The latest updates is this PR. It changes the difference algorithm to DifferenceKit. DataSources 💾 🔜 📱 Type-safe data-driven List-UI Framework.
A declarative wrapper approach to UITableView
Thunder Table Thunder Table is a useful framework which enables quick and easy creation of table views in iOS, making the process of creating complex
Dynamically hide / show cells of static UITableViewController
Dynamically hide / show cells of static UITableViewController, Swift Port of StaticDataTableViewController. Installation CocoaPods pod 'StaticTableVie
Swipeable UITableViewCell/UICollectionViewCell based on the stock Mail.app, implemented in Swift.
SwipeCellKit Swipeable UITableViewCell/UICollectionViewCell based on the stock Mail.app, implemented in Swift. About A swipeable UITableViewCell or UI
Generic table view controller with external data processing
FlexibleTableViewController Swift library of generic table view controller with external data processing of functionality, like determine cell's reuse
A simple way to create a UITableView for settings in Swift.
QuickTableViewController A simple way to create a table view for settings, including: Table view cells with UISwitch Table view cells with center alig
a TableView have thumbnail cell only, and you can use gesture let it expands other expansionView, all diy
ZYThumbnailTableView #####可展开型预览TableView,开放接口,完全自由定制 #####An expandable preview TableView, custom-made all the modules completely with open API you c
Simple static table views for iOS in Swift.
Simple static table views for iOS in Swift. Static's goal is to separate model data from presentation. Rows and Sections are your “view models” for yo
Swift TableView pagination with async API request.
SwiftTableViewPagination Swift TableView pagination with async API request. Output UML Create puml file. $ cd SwiftTableViewPagination/scripts/swiftum
Recipe App TableView Using Swift
RecipeApp---TableView Features in Food Recipe App User Login search for recipes View recipe lists View Steps tutorials for recipes Like recipes In app
Web server serving local files
swift-web A web server serving local static files. Installation Using Mint The easiest way to install swift-web is via mint. mint install adam-fowler/
Modern Swift wrapper for Keychain Services API with the benefits of static typing
SwiftyKeychainKit SwiftyKeychainKit is a simple Swift wrapper for Keychain Services API with the benefits of static typing. Define your keys in one pl
A Static Library to be embedded on iOS applications to display pdf documents derived from Fast PDF
FastPdfKit This repository contains the FastPdfKit iOS library with some sample projects. FastPdfKit is a library that let you show pdf documents in i
Safely access Apple's SF Symbols using static typing
Supported Versions • Motivation • Installation • Usage • Contributing • License • Issues • Pull Requests Supported Versions SFSafeSymbols supports mul
iOS Application that gets the trending repositories data from Github API and displays it in a tableView.
Github-Trending-Repos iOS Application that gets the trending repositories data from Github API and displays it in a tableView. Follows MVC architectur
💻 A fast and flexible O(n) difference algorithm framework for Swift collection.
A fast and flexible O(n) difference algorithm framework for Swift collection. The algorithm is optimized based on the Paul Heckel's algorithm. Made wi
Swift μ-framework for efficient array diffs and datasource adapters.
Buffer Swift μ-framework for efficient array diffs, collection observation and data source implementation. C++11 port here Installation cd {PROJECT_RO
Static Native Template and Dynamic Styling without any other app release
FileManager Project Students and Freshers, Good opportunity for you to learn and contribute in this project. Here you would learn how you can change t
ClassicPhotos is a TableView App demos how to optimize image download and filter with operation queue.
ClassicPhotos ClassicPhotos is a TableView App demos how to optimize image download and filter with operation queue. With Operation and Operation Queu
A static source code analysis tool to improve quality and reduce defects for C, C++ and Objective-C
OCLint - https://oclint.org OCLint is a static code analysis tool for improving quality and reducing defects by inspecting C, C++ and Objective-C code
JNDropDownMenu - Easy to use TableView style dropdown menu.
Overview Swift version of https://github.com/dopcn/DOPDropDownMenu Easy to use TableView style dropdown menu. Setup The only thing you
UIKit drop down menu, simple yet flexible and written in Swift
DropDownMenuKit DropDownMenuKit is a custom UIKit control to show a menu attached to the navigation bar or toolbar. The menu appears with a sliding an
ScrollView that supports a parallax header image and static overlay.
ScrollViewReactiveHeader A replacement ScrollView that provides a header with subtle scroll animations. example-video.mov Using ScrollViewReactiveHead
docc2html - A static site generator for DocC documentation archives
Tool to convert "DocC" archives, a format to document Swift frameworks and packages: Documenting a Swift Framework or Package, to a static HTML site.
Simple and blunt static site generator
StaticSite This contains a bunch of helper functions to generate a static site in Swift.
💻 A fast and flexible O(n) difference algorithm framework for Swift collection.
A fast and flexible O(n) difference algorithm framework for Swift collection. The algorithm is optimized based on the Paul Heckel's algorithm. Made wi
UI Component. This is a copy swipe-panel from app: Apple Maps, Stocks. Swift version
ContainerController UI Component. This is a copy swipe-panel from app: https://www.apple.com/ios/maps/ Preview Requirements Installation CocoaPods Swi
Cross-platform static analyzer and linter for Swift.
Wiki • Installation • Usage • Features • Developers • License Tailor is a cross-platform static analysis and lint tool for source code written in Appl
An easy way to create and layout UI components for iOS (Swift version).
Introduction Cupcake is a framework that allow you to easily create and layout UI components for iOS 8.0+. It use chaining syntax and provides some fr
Simple static table views for iOS in Swift.
Simple static table views for iOS in Swift. Static's goal is to separate model data from presentation. Rows and Sections are your “view models” for yo
Elegant library to manage the interactions between view and model in Swift
An assistant to manage the interactions between view and model ModelAssistant is a mediator between the view and model. This framework is tailored to
Poi - You can use tinder UI like tableview method
Poi You can use tinder UI like tableview method Installation Manual Installation Use this command git clone git@github.com:HideakiTouhara/Poi.git Imp