5615 Repositories
Swift swift-sample-app Libraries
Implement dynamic JSON decoding within the constraints of Swift's sound type system by working on top of Swift's Codable implementations.
DynamicCodableKit DynamicCodableKit helps you to implement dynamic JSON decoding within the constraints of Swift's sound type system by working on top
💻 LeetCode in your menu bar
LeetBar LeetCode in your menu bar Features Check the daily problem and view profile stats from your menu bar Get notified about the new daily problem
UIEnvironment - A framework that mimics the SwiftUI view's environment to replicate the value distribution thought your UIKit app.
A framework that mimics the SwiftUI view's environment to replicate the value distribution thought your UIKit view hierarchy. Overview D
Nova Wallet iOS - Next get mobile app for Polkadot & Kusama ecosystem
Next gen application for Polkadot & Kusama ecosystem, transparent & community-oriented, focused on convenient UX/UI, fast performance & security.
NV_MVVM-C is a template file generator. This can reduce the time taken to write the boilerplate code and create the files.
NV_MVVM-C Template, is an MVVM-C Boilerplate generator which will help you generate all the necessary files for your project architected in MVVM-C.
Aplikasi iReader adalah Aplikasi Pemindai Barcode dan Teks untuk iOS & MacOS dengan fitur Text Scanner via Kamera & Import Files.
Aplikasi iReader adalah Aplikasi Pemindai Barcode dan Teks untuk iOS & MacOS dengan fitur Text Scanner via Kamera & Import Files. Aplikasi ini dibuat dengan SwiftUI, AVKit, dan VisionKit (On Device Machine Learning Processing).
Aplikasi iOS To Do List dengan Storyboard & Local CoreData (Database Xcode)
ToDoList Aplikasi iOS ToDoList adalah sebuah aplikasi CRUD sederhana berbasis iOS yang digunakan untuk membuat sebuah list item. Aplikasi ini dibuat m
WWDC22 demo: Scanning data with the camera
Scanning Data with the Camera in SwiftUI WWDC22 brings brilliant Live Text data scanning tools which let users scan text and codes with the camera, si
Pure SwiftUI state-driven library to present view sequences and hierarchies.
PathPresenter swiftUIOnboarding.mp4 Pure SwiftUI routing with transitions, animations, and .sheet() support. In SwiftUI, View is a function of the sta
TTextField is developed to help developers can initiate a fully standard textfield including title, placeholder and error message in fast and convinient way without having to write many lines of codes
TTextField is developed to help developers can initiate a fully standard textfield including title, placeholder and error message in fast and convinient way without having to write many lines of codes
Gauntlet is a collection of testing utility methods that aims to make writing great tests easier.
Gauntlet What is Gauntlet? Gauntlet is a collection of testing utility methods that aims to make writing great tests easier and with more helpful and
Simple iOS app blackbox assessment tool. Powered by frida.re and vuejs.
Discontinued Project This project has been discontinued. Please use the new Grapefruit #74 frida@14 compatibility issues frida@14 introduces lots of b
A frida tool that capture GET/POST HTTP requests of iOS Swift library 'Alamofire' and disable SSL Pinning.
FridaHookSwiftAlamofire A frida tool that capture GET/POST HTTP requests of iOS Swift library 'Alamofire' and disable SSL Pinning. 中文文档及过程 Features Ca
StickyFooterScrollView is developed for quick creation of UIScrollView to implement.
StickyFooterScrollView StickyFooterScrollView is developed for quick creation of UIScrollView to implement. Usually when creating UIScrollView, develo
🇰🇷 An app that helps non Korean speakers to learn Hangul easily and effectively.
📱 HangulKing HangulKing is the fastest way to the throne of Hangul, the Korean alphabets! HangulKing helps the users learn Hangul easily, providing m
Aplikasi CrypTraces adalah MacOS Widget Crypto Tracker dengan SwiftUI, Combine & Cocoa Framework, dan WebSocket & CoinCap API
Aplikasi CrypTraces adalah MacOS Widget Crypto Tracker dengan SwiftUI, Combine & Cocoa Framework, dan WebSocket & CoinCap API. Aplikasi ini berbentuk Widget di Menu Bar MacOS dengan menampilkan beberapa Crypto Currency seperti Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Dogecoin (DOGE), Monero (XMR), dan Litecoin (LTC).
Apple Developer Academy @ POSTECH, Afternoon Session 13 team's MC3 Project
MC3-Team13-RiceCake 📱 쌀떡궁합 Apple Developer Academy @ POSTECH, Afternoon Session MC3/Team-13 📌 Features 🫂 Authors @Seodam | @Neis | @Rang | @Anna |
Mandarin Chinese to Pinyin, IRT.
About Hi, I'm Max! I made Ponkan to help me study Mandarin. Nǐ hǎo, wǒ jiào Max! Wǒ zhìzuò “Ponkan” yīnwèi wǒ yào xuéxí zhōngwén. (Obviously, I still
It's simple IOS Study Case - Movie App
IOS Deployment Info: IOS 15.0 ve üzeri Kullanılan Teknolojiler ve Yapılar Kingfisher AVFoundation URLSession Generics CollectionView VIPER Swipe Gestu
A SwiftUI Contribution Chart (GitHub-like) implementation package
ContributionChart A contribution chart (aka. heatmap, GitHub-like) library for iOS, macOS, and watchOS. 100% written in SwiftUI. It Supports Custom Bl
Swift playground teaching basics of buffer overflow vulnerability and ARM64 assembly by exploiting vulnerable app on ARM64 emulator (WWDC22 Swift Student Challenge Winner)
Pwnground Project overview Pwnground is a project created as my submission for WWDC22 Swift Student Challenge (winner). It is an interactive Swift Pla
A hobby project using Swift protocol and Swift 5.7's new generics to build an iOS Calculator-like calculator.
Calculator A hobby project using Swift protocol and Swift 5.7's new generics to build an iOS Calculator-like calculator. Highlights: You can use Calcu
LabelButtonKit is a mini library for labeled buttons (of SF Symbols), written entirely in SwiftUI
A simple Button with an SFSymbol (icon) as a label, vertically. As well as a Dynamic Type variant using it horizontally. Using SwiftUI. A List View of buttons is also available here. Have fun! 🥳
TTipBoxView is a simple and flexible UI component fully written in Swift
TTipBoxView is a simple and flexible UI component fully written in Swift. It is developed to help you create a hint/prompt view quickly, saving your time and avoiding having to write many lines of codes.
Creates SpriteKit game maps from TMX Map files.
PEMTileMap is a Swift package that generates SpriteKit game maps from TMX Map files. Maps, layers, tiles and objects are automatically rendered as SKN
A Swift package to convert a colour to a name using Wikipedia's colour list
ColorName Usage import ColorName SwiftUI let myColorName = getName(for: Color.red) print(myColorName) UIKit let myColorName = getName(for: UIColor.red
This is a template repository for quickly creating boilerplate code for a SwiftUI macOS menu bar app.
Menu Bar App This is a template repository for quickly creating boilerplate code for a SwiftUI macOS menu bar app. License This app is released into t
RAProgressRing is the simplest approach to bringing circular progress in your application with minimal code.
RAProgressRing RAProgressRing is the simplest approach to bringing circular progress in your application with minimal code. Features It's customisable
Several synchronization primitives and task synchronization mechanisms introduced to aid in modern swift concurrency.
AsyncObjects Several synchronization primitives and task synchronization mechanisms introduced to aid in modern swift concurrency. Overview While Swif
Swift Package Manager plugin which runs ActionBuilder to create a Github Actions workflow for a swift package.
ActionBuilderPlugin A Swift Package Manager command which builds a Github Actions workflow for the current package. By default the workflow file will
Accepted in WWDC22 Swift Student Challenge. This is an app dedicated to my grandfather.
WWDC22 Introduction Accepted in WWDC22 Swift Student Challenge. This is an app dedicated to my grandfather. In short, Grandpa's Farm is an app in whic
A computer-vision-driven app for detecting and mapping smog in public roads. Crowdsourcing is rewarded with NFTs. Uber Global Hackathon.
Smogify Detecting smog using ML and rewarding users with NFTs About The Project app in action: https://youtu.be/awJrP-sHb_I Under the growing uncertai
MuVis is a macOS, iOS, iPadOS app for real-time music visualization.
MuVis MuVis is an open-source multi-platform app (using SwiftUI, Swift, and Xcode) for music visualization. It renders informative (and musically usef
A nano-sized weather station based on a Raspberry Pi with an API, iOS & Mac Catalyst app, and sensor-based automations.
Nanotool A nano-sized weather station based on a Raspberry Pi with an API, iOS & Mac Catalyst app, and sensor-based automations. Descriere Vremea este
A Swift app, named 'iPose', for iPhone's pose measurement based on Swift.
iPhone's pose measurement based on Swift. This is a Swift app, named 'iPose', for iPhone's pose measurement based on Swift. This is a side project to
An app that displays tracks and albums of your favorite artist.
Tunely Description A basic iOS app written in Swift that displays tracks from the iTunes API. There are two tabs. The first shows a list of tracks. Cl
A full stack real time messenger clone. Frontend is written in swift, and the backend is written in javascript.
FullStack-Messenger-Project A full stack real time messenger clone. Frontend is written in swift, and the backend is written in javascript. The Fronte
An unofficial logbook for bouldering at Mandala. Kind of a SwiftUI playground as well.
BoulderLogbook An unofficial boulder logbook for Dresden's boulder gym Mandala. Features When finished it should allow you to: log all your tops for a
Base projects for Devpass' Dev Sprints
Animations Challenge - Finance App 💰 In this challenge, you will develop micro-interactions, screen transitions, and reusable animations with best pr
This repo contains swift collection of gui, games, menu, animations, music, payment, etc... for iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS
Swift-Collections About: This repo contains a collection of projects built using swift and objective-c Contains projects for macOS iOS iPad watchOS tv
Quickstart for Swift on Fastly Compute@Edge
Fastly Compute@Edge Quickstart for Swift This is an example Fastly Compute@Edge app using Andrew Barba's Swift Compute Runtime SDK. It's designed to d
A SwiftUI ScrollView that runs a callback when subviews are scrolled in and out of view.
VisibilityTrackingScrollView This package provides a variant of ScrollView that you can use to track whether views inside it are actually visible. Usa
Online Restaurant based Table Booking App.
Shine-Dine This is an online Restaurent based table baooking app. About This app first asks for user authetication , The authentication is done using
📱 Very simple and lightweight messenger using Firebase
📱 Very simple and lightweight messenger using Firebase 🔥. It is a training project for the practice of MVVM architecture.
App made to educate people about cybersecurity and internet safety.
Cybersafe App made to educate people about cybersecurity and internet safety. [please open the app on an Iphone 11 if you have Xcode!] What to expect:
Using Swift Charts and Voiceover Chart Descriptor to compose music. 🤯
Chart de lune 🎵 Using Swift Charts and Voiceover Chart Descriptor to compose music. 🤯 Image source: https://hadikarimi.com/portfolio/claude-debussy-
A Codable Undefinable type for handling JSON undefined values.
Undefinable Overview The purpose of this type is represent the JSON undefined state in Swift structs and classes. The Undefinable enum is a generic wi
A Swift wrapper for URL bookmarks which allow a file to be located regardless of whether it is moved or renamed.
Bookmark A Swift wrapper for URL bookmarks which allow a file to be located regardless of whether it is moved or renamed. This class wraps Swift's URL
Util for executing shell commands, and getting the results easily(data, string, and any decodable).
ShellExecutor Util for executing shell commands, and getting the results easily(data, string, and any decodable). Requirements Xcode 14.0+ Swift 5.7+
Swift ports of Apple's Objective-C / C++ sample code
MetalSampleCodeSwift Swift ports of Apple's Objective-C / C++ sample code Metal is a great API, but it can feel inaccessible for Swift developers due
This is the application that describes Equipment Losses & Death Toll & Military Wonded & Prisoner of War of russians in 2022 Ukraine russia War. #StandWithUkraine
This is the application that describes Equipment Losses & Death Toll & Military Wonded & Prisoner of War of russians in 2022 Ukraine russia War. #StandWithUkraine
Automatically generate GraphQL queries and decode results into Swift objects, and also interact with arbitrary GitHub API endpoints
GitHub API and GraphQL Client This package provides a generic GitHub API client (GithubApiClient) as well as Codable-like GitHub GraphQL querying and
SwiftPizza App for Apple ActivityKit & WidgetKit
iOS16 Live Activities ( ActivityKit Demo) SwiftPizza 🍕 👨🏻🍳 App for Apple ActivityKit & WidgetKit This is the first project example referring to
A proof-of-concept WebURL domain renderer, using a port of Chromium's IDN spoof-checking logic to protect against confusable domains
WebURLSpoofChecking A proof-of-concept WebURL.Domain renderer which uses a port of Chromium's IDN spoof-checking logic (Overview, Implementation) to p
Slack message generator and API client, written in Swift with Result Builders and Concurrency
Slack Message Client This package provides a Swift object model for a Slack Block Kit message, as well as a Result Builder convenience interface for e
This is an online food delivery app.
Foodiezz Online Food delivery App About This is an authenticated Food delivery App where the authenticated user can find dishes and place order easily
App desenvolvido do zero em Swift pelo time iOS na formação da Digital House
App desenvolvido do zero em Swift pelo time iOS na formação da Digital House. O App tem por objetivo mostrar o filme da API que deu match de acordo com a escolha do usuário após clicar no botão Roletar. Foi usado o padrão de projeto MVVM.
Write Emacs packages in Swift!
EmacsSwiftModule A Swift library to write Emacs plugins in Swift! Overview Emacs Swift module provides a convenient API for writing dynamic modules fo
What's New In SwiftUI for iOS 16 - Xcode 14 - SwiftUI 4.0
SwiftUI4 What's New In SwiftUI for iOS 16 - Xcode 14 - SwiftUI 4.0 (Work in progress....) Swift Charts Presentation Detents(Half Sheet & Small Sheets)
Swift implementation of Xiaomi's BLE authentication
MiAuth Xiaomi M365/Mi Authentication library written in Swift. Features M365 Authentication Mi Authentication (WIP - Login doesn't work reliably yet)
Model View Presenter Framework written in Swift.
BothamUI BothamUI is MVP (Model-View-Presenter) framework written in Swift. This project will help you setup all your presentation logic. BothamUI pro
Save all your Mac apps for later with one click 🖱️
Later videoplayback.mp4 Save all your Mac apps for later with one click 🖱️ Later is a Mac menu bar app that clears and restores your workspace with e
A jailed in-app purchase cracker for iOS 12.2-15.6
Satella Jailed For, um, educational purposes only or something. Definitely don't use this to pirate in-app purchases in apps to which you don't have l
This is a small View modifier that adds detents for native .sheet representations that appeared in iOS 16
SheetDetentsModifier This is a small View modifier that adds detents for .sheet representations that appeared in iOS 16 It works starting with iOS 15
Swift Package (Command) Plugin to format source code with nicklockwood/SwiftFormat
SwiftFormatPlugin A Swift Package Plugin to format source code with SwiftFormat. Add to Package Add the package to your dependencies. dependencies: [
A Layer-2 framework built over Keychain API which helps in using Keychain in all your Apple devices with easiness and flexibility.
Keychain Manager Keychain Manager is a Layer-2 framework built over Keychain API which helps in using Keychain in all your Apple devices with easiness
Smart Online Shopping iOS App with Augmented Reality (AR) and simple Social Media features using SwiftUI and Google Firebase Cloud Services
Table of contents App Demo How to Run Context Content How it's written Inspiration App Demo AR.online.shopping.iOS.demo.mp4 How to Run First make sure
The official Swift Library for Vital API, HealthKit and Devices
vital-ios The official Swift Library for Vital API, HealthKit and Devices Install We currently support SPM. Documentation Please refer to the official
A type-safe packet processor framework in Swift
PacketProcessor The Swift PacketProcessor provides a simple, type-safe way of handling structured packets given a data stream. PacketProcessor handles
Fast Multi-store Redux-like architecture for iOS/OSX applications
Highway Highway is implementation of Redux-like architecture pattern using Swift. If you were looking for a something like this: TEA (The Elm Architec
My WWDC 2022 swift student challenge submission - GradientDescend
GradientDescend Welcome to GradientDescend! This is my submission for the WWDC 2022 Swift Student Challenge. If you'd like, you can check out Gradient
Fully customizable line chart for SwiftUI 🤩
🧀 CheesyChart Create amazing Crypto and Stock charts 📈 📉 Looking for an easy to use and fully customizable charting solution written in SwiftUI? Th
SwiftUI iOS app which applies CoreML Video Matting (background removal) model to the front camera stream
CoreML Camera Video Matting This is a simple iOS app which applies Video Matting (background removal) model to the front camera stream. Video Matting
A command line tool that calls your Xcode Test Plan and creates screenshots of your app automatically.
ShotPlan (WIP) A command line tool that calls your Xcode Test Plan and creates screenshots of your app automatically. ShotPlan will also take care of
'The Particle Binder' - Winning WWDC22 Swift Student Challenge submission!
The Particle Binder 'The Particle Binder' - Winning WWDC22 Swift Student Challenge submission! Welcome to The Particle Binder, the particle accelerato
Cereal is a serialization framework built for Swift
Cereal is a serialization framework built for Swift. Its intended as a substitution for NSCoding to allow advanced Swift features. With NSCoding, you cannot encode or decode a Swift struct, enum, or generic class. Cereal solves this issue through deferred decoding with generics, and a protocol that doesn't depend on NSObjectProtocol.
NSUserDefaults with Wings!
#Palau: NSUserDefaults with Wings! Features | Included Types | Installation | Validators and Defaults | Custom Types | DidSet Callback | ------- Featu
A GUI for dynamically creating NSPredicates at runtime to query data in your iOS app.
PredicateEditor PredicateEditor is a visual editor for creating and using NSPredicates for querying data in your app. PredicateEditor was inspired by
RHPreviewCell - I envied so much Spotify iOS app this great playlist preview cell 😍
I envied so much Spotify iOS app this great playlist preview cell 😍, I decided to create my own one 🌶. Now you can give your users ability to quick check what content is hidden under your UITableViewCell. Great think is that this Library not requires 3D Touch support from user device💥.
Gett's Design System code generator. Use Zeplin Styleguides as your R&D's Single Source of Truth.
Prism is a Design System code generator developed by the team at Gett 🚕 . Synchronizing design teams with engineering teams is a huge challenge. As t
MoreCodable expands the possibilities of `Codable`.
MoreCodable MoreCodable expands the possibilities of "Codable". Installation Carthage github "tattn/MoreCodable" CocoaPods pod 'MoreCodable' Feature D
iOS SDK for cross-platform in-app purchase and subscription infrastructure, revenue analytics, engagement automation, and integrations
Qonversion is the data platform to power in-app subscription revenue growth. fast in-app subscriptions implementation back-end infrastructure to valid
Custom rounded QR code with lots of customization.
RoundCode for iOS RoundCode is custom circular QR code with lots of customization. Similar to Facebook messenger and Apple's App Clip Codes the RoundC
A most fully customization calendar for Apple platforms 📅
KVKCalendar KVKCalendar is a most fully customization calendar. Library consists of five modules for displaying various types of calendar (day, week,
ReactionButton is a control that allows developers to add this functionality to their apps in an easy way.
Since Facebook introduced reactions in 2016, it became a standard in several applications as a way for users to interact with content. ReactionButton is a control that allows developers to add this functionality to their apps in an easy way.
Tap to swap out words with emojis. Inspired by Messages.app on iOS 10.
EmojiTextView Tap to swap out words with emojis. Works with any UITextView. Heavily inspired by Messages.app on iOS 10. Created by Arkadiusz Holko (@a
RadialMenu is a custom control for providing a touch context menu (like iMessage recording in iOS 8) built with Swift & POP
RadialMenu Looking for help? For $150/hr I'll help with your RadialMenu problems including integrating it into your project. Email bjasper@gmail.com t
Allows trendy transitions using swipe gesture such as "swipe back anywhere".
SwipeTransition allows trendy transitions using swipe gesture such as "swipe back". Try the demo on the web (appetize.io): https://appetize.io/app/peb
An Xcode 7 plugin to build and run an app across multiple iOS devices with one click.
RunEverywhere Xcode Plugin Overview An Xcode 7 plugin to build and run an app across multiple iOS devices with one click. Gone are the days of manuall
Unidirectional flow implemented using the latest Swift Generics and Swift Concurrency features.
swift-unidirectional-flow Unidirectional flow implemented using the latest Swift Generics and Swift Concurrency features. struct SearchState: Equatabl
A utility application to capture and review search results from Swift Package Index.
SPISearch An app (macOS & iOS) to explore the search results from Swift Package Index. Testflight Links: SPIIndex (iOS and macOS apps) Search Ranking
[iOS] Animated analog flip numbers like airport/train-station displays (SwiftUI)
A SwiftUI FlipNumberView A small universal (iOS + macOS) app displaying the current time with a flip animation. This is still WIP and doesn't support
Lightweight async/await networking library with interceptor support - usable from iOS 13+.
Lightweight async/await networking library with interceptor support. 🚀 Getting started AsyncNetwork's session acts as a wrapper to URLSession by addi
Learning iOS Frontend: Aplikasi iOS Pemesanan Makanan dengan SwiftUI, WidgetKit, Google Fonts, dan Assets dari Figma
Foody Aplikasi Foody adalah Aplikasi iOS Pemesanan Makanan dengan SwiftUI, WidgetKit, Google Fonts, dan Assets dari Figma untuk Mempelajari Ilmu Front
Cloak Swift - a tool and Tuist plugin to encrypt secrets and then pass them in an obfuscated form into applications
This is Cloak Swift - a tool and Tuist plugin to encrypt secrets and then pass them in an obfuscated form into applications.
A Swift lib for network with async/await
SmileNetwork A Swift network utility with async/await applied UseAge enum MockEndpoint { case weather(cityId: String) } extension MockEndpoint: S
Kasım Adalanın Swift Kursundaki Güncel ilerlemem.
Kasım Adalanın Swift Kursundaki Güncel ilerlemem İçerik AnaSayfa Sayfa Geçiş ve Veri Transeferi Navigation Bar Tab Bar iOS Widgets Alert Listeleme işl
Swift/iOS viewer for photography galleries or portfolios
Swift/iOS viewer for photography galleries or portfolios. The app is intended for photographers who participate in classical photo clubs: a portfolio covers (curated) images that were presented and critiqued within a photo club.
Which contacts changed outside your iOS app? Better CNContactStoreDidChange notification: get real changes, without the noise.
ContactsChangeNotifier Which contacts changed outside your iOS app? Better CNContactStoreDidChange notification: Get real changes, without the noise.