224 Repositories
Swift user-management Libraries
Provides an iOS view controller allowing a user to draw their signature with their finger in a realistic style.
Swift version now available! Mimicking pen-on-paper signatures with a touch screen presents a difficult set of challenges. The rate touch events are e
Pull up controller with multiple sticky points like in iOS Maps
PullUpController Create your own pull up controller with multiple sticky points like in iOS Maps Features Multiple sticky points Landscape support Scr
Smooth asynchronous user interfaces for iOS apps.
Coming from AsyncDisplayKit? Learn more here Installation Texture is available via CocoaPods or Carthage. See our Installation guide for instructions.
The app encrypts or decrypts user's text input with basic encryption and decryption algorithms
Objective-C Wrapper Project About The Project The app encrypts or decrypts user's text input with basic encryption and decryption algorithms. Purpose
The Big List of Naughty Strings is a list of strings which have a high probability of causing issues when used as user-input data.
The Big List of Naughty Strings is a list of strings which have a high probability of causing issues when used as user-input data. I have put together
Implementing User Authentication with Sign in with Apple
Implementing User Authentication with Sign in with Apple Provide a way for users of your app to set up an account and start using your services. Overv
A simple Student Management on an iOS App
Student Management XCode Swift App A simple Student Management on an Xcode Swift App Table of Contents About the projects Technologies Features Setup
User input masking library repo.
Migration Guide: v.6 This update brings breaking changes. Namely, the autocomplete flag is now a part of the CaretGravity enum, thus the Mask::apply c
Weather forecast app that allows the user to either look for weather at their current location based on the GPS data or search for another city manually.
⛅️ Cloudy Weather forecast app that allows the user to either look for weather at their current location based on the GPS data or search for another c
App uses API to display information about City and State user using expandable table cell
Expandable Table Cell iOS App App uses API to display information about City and State user using expandable table cell Implemented Using MVVM with Cl
A simple wrapper for the iOS Keychain to allow you to use it in a similar fashion to User Defaults. Written in Swift.
SwiftKeychainWrapper A simple wrapper for the iOS / tvOS Keychain to allow you to use it in a similar fashion to User Defaults. Written in Swift. Prov
This is a app developed in Swift, using Object Oriented Programing, UIKit user interface programmatically, API Request and Kingfisher to load remote images
iOS NOW ⭐ This is a app developed in Swift, using Object Oriented Programing, UIKit user interface programmatically, API Request and Kingfisher to loa
The app allows the user to change text color and text content when the displayed button is clicked
Hello World! App Description This application allows the user to change text color and text content when the displayed button is clicked. App Walk-tho
This is a basic mobile app that allows the user to tap a button to change the color of a label.
MYAPP App Description `This is a basic mobile app that allows the user to tap a button to change the color of a label. App Walk-though Required User S
👤 Framework to Generate Random Users - An Unofficial Swift SDK for randomuser.me
RandomUserSwift is an easy to use Swift framework that provides the ability to generate random users and their accompanying data for your Swift applic
Unofficial Dribbble iOS wrapper allows you to integrate Dribble API into iOS application (Designer, Shot, Comment, User Story, Like, Follow)
DribbbleSDK DribbbleSDK is easy-to-use iOS wrapper for Dribbble SDK. We're working hard to complete the full coverage of available methods and make th
A simple solution for tiring [weak self] in swift
Weakifiable A simple solution for tiring [weak self] in swift Usage give this repo a Star ⭐️ Add EBWeakifiable to your Project. simply after each clos
Cloud Drive(GoogleDrive/Dropbox/BaiduPan/OneDrive/pCloud) File Management
CloudServiceKit Easy to integrate cloud service using Oauth2. Supported platforms: AliyunDrive BaiduPan Box Dropbox Google Drive OneDrive pCloud Requi
An App that gives a nice interface where the user can type in their start location and destination
SixtCarSummoner What it does We developed an App that gives a nice interface where the user can type in their start location and destination. The user
Auto reflection tool from JSON to Model, user friendly JSON encoder / decoder, aims to never die
JSONNeverDie is an auto reflection tool from JSON to Model, a user friendly JSON encoder / decoder, aims to never die. Also JSONNeverDie is a very imp
React-inspired framework for building component-based user interfaces in Swift.
TemplateKit React-inspired framework for building component-based user interfaces in Swift. Features 🐤 Completely native - write your app in Swift 📃
🟣 Verge is a very tunable state-management engine on iOS App (UIKit / SwiftUI) and built-in ORM.
Verge.swift 📍 An effective state management architecture for iOS - UIKit and also SwiftUI 📍 _ An easier way to get unidirectional data flow _ _ Supp
Unidirectional State Management Architecture for Swift - Inspired by Vuex and Flux
Unidirectional State Management Architecture for Swift - Inspired by Vuex and Flux Introduction VueFlux is the architecture to manage state with unidi
Predictable state container for Swift too
ReduxSwift ReduxSwift is a minimal Swift port of Redux, a popular JavaScript library for application state management. Functionality Centralized State
A simple and predictable state management library inspired by Flux + Elm + Redux.
A simple and predictable state management library inspired by Flux + Elm + Redux. Flywheel is built on top of Corotuines using the concepts of structured concurrency. At the core, lies the State Machine which is based on actor model.
Better payment user experience library with cool animation in Swift
🎬 Preview 🌟 Features Easily usable Simple Swift syntax Cool flip animation Compatible with Carthage Compatible with CocoaPods Customizable Universal
A modern In-App Purchases management framework for iOS.
MerchantKit A modern In-App Purchases management framework for iOS developers. MerchantKit dramatically simplifies the work indie developers have to d
AcknowledgementsPlist manages the licenses of libraries that depend on your iOS app.
What's AcknowledgementsPlist AcknowledgementsPlist that combines licenses of Carthage, CocoaPods, and Manual Plist into Bundle and Plist. I implement
WKZombie is a Swift framework for iOS/OSX to navigate within websites and collect data without the need of User Interface or API, also known as Headless browser.
WKZombie WKZombie is an iOS/OSX web-browser without a graphical user interface. It was developed as an experiment in order to familiarize myself with
Created in 30 minutes one chilly Sunday morning to help a Redditor.
Random-User Created in 30 minutes one chilly Sunday morning to help a Redditor. This simple app uses the Random User API to fetch 10 fake people and b
A New, Modern Reactive State Management Library for Swift and SwiftUI (The iOS implementation of Recoil)
RecoilSwift RecoilSwift is a lightweight & reactive swift state management library. RecoilSwift is a SwiftUI implementation of recoil.js which powered
Easily create Local Notifications in swift - Wrapper of UserNotifications Framework
In IOS 10, apple updated their library for Notifications and separated Local and push notifications to a new framework: User Notifications This librar
A modern download manager based on NSURLSession to deal with asynchronous downloading, management and persistence of multiple files.
TWRDownloadManager TWRDownloadManager A modern download manager for iOS (Objective C) based on NSURLSession to deal with asynchronous downloading, man
Generate random user Avatars for apps.
Avatar Generate random user Avatars for apps. Works for iOS 9.3+ Installation Simply install using Cocoapods, add 'pod Avatar' to your podfile Simple
A drop-in universal library allows to record audio within the app with a nice User Interface.
IQAudioRecorderController IQAudioRecorderController is a drop-in universal library allows to record and crop audio within the app with a nice User Int
Queue management system for AVSpeechSynthesizer
QHSpeechSynthesizerQueue Queue management system for AVSpeechSynthesizer Installation Cocoapods Add this to your Podfile: pod 'QHSpeechSynthesizerQueu
A CLI tool for localization resource management on Xcode. Built with Google Translator.
Supported by Jetbrains Open Source License Program Automatically translate and synchronize '.strings' files from the defined base language The basic c
iOS App by which the user can display a list of characters from the Harry Potter Movies.
iOS App by which the user can display a list of characters from the Harry Potter Movies. They can display a list of all characters, students, staff or view characters by house.
An app that stores and displays the information entered by the user
To do list : An app that stores and displays the information entered by the user The user can : Add, delete one or clear all , Edit, Show the
A common use case is wanting to convert device identifiers such as iPhone10,1 to a user friendly name; iPhone 8.
Devices Swift package that contains all devices from https://www.theiphonewiki.com/wiki/Models. A common use case is wanting to convert device identif
BarcodeScanner is a simple and beautiful wrapper around the camera with barcode capturing functionality and a great user experience.
Description BarcodeScanner is a simple and beautiful wrapper around the camera with barcode capturing functionality and a great user experience. Barco
This is an Instagram clone with a custom Parse backend that allows a user to post photos, view a global photos feed, and add comments!
Parstagram - Part II This is an Instagram clone with a custom Parse backend that allows a user to post photos, view a global photos feed, and add comm
Save data to the database, real-time synchronization, user authentication.
Shop List App on development stage... description description description description description 🛡️ License This project is licensed under the MIT L
MemeMe, students will create an app that enables a user to take a picture, and add text at the top and bottom to form a meme
With this first version of MemeMe, students will create an app that enables a user to take a picture, and add text at the top and bottom to form a meme. The user will be able to share the photo on Facebook and Twitter and also by SMS or email.
CookCLI is provided as a command-line tool to make Cook recipe management easier
CookCLI is provided as a command-line tool to make Cook recipe management easier, and enable automation and scripting workflows for the CookLa
The "Ask Me" is simple iOS application which shows answer on the screen everytime when the user press the ask button
The "Ask Me" is simple iOS application which shows answer on the screen everytime when the user press the ask button. This application is build and design by Chetan Parate using Xcode and Swift.
Easy to use SMJobBless, along with a full Swift implementation of the Authorization Services and Service Management frameworks
Leverage SMJobBless functionality with just one function call: let message = "Example App needs your permission to do thingamajig." let icon = Bundle.
🪶 Feather is a modern Swift-based content management system powered by Vapor 4.
Feather CMS 🪶 🪶 Feather is a modern Swift-based content management system powered by Vapor 4. 💬 Click to join the chat on Discord. Requirements To
Implementing User Authentication with Sign in with Apple
Implementing User Authentication with Sign in with Apple Provide a way for users of your app to set up an account and start using your services. Overv
A Meetings app where the user is presented with the number of meetings created , join any them , edit the varied details also keeping the track of the history of the meetings.
Meetings A Meetings app where the user is presented with the number of meetings created , join any them , edit the varied details also keeping the tra
Peanut is an orginizational application focusing on user customization whithin a simple interface.
Peanut Peanut is an organizational application focusing on user customization within a simple interface. Table of Contents User Features Architecture
Demo app for SwiftUI state management
StateObject vs ObservedObject Demo Demo app for SwiftUI state management Run the app and push 3 buttons to increase each counter. Toggle one of the to
CarListing app allows user to see list of cars on map as well as in the list
Car Listing CarListing app allows user to see list of cars on map as well as in the list. Features See List of cars on map in the home screen. User ca
Swift library that makes easier to serialize the user's preferences (app's settings) with system User Defaults or Property List file on disk.
PersistentStorageSerializable PersistentStorageSerializable is a protocol for automatic serialization and deserialization of Swift class, struct or NS
💾 Safe, statically-typed, store-agnostic key-value storage written in Swift!
Storez 💾 Safe, statically-typed, store-agnostic key-value storage Highlights Fully Customizable: Customize the persistence store, the KeyType class,
🟣 Verge is a very tunable state-management engine on iOS App (UIKit / SwiftUI) and built-in ORM.
Verge is giving the power of state-management in muukii/Brightroom v2 development! Verge.swift 📍 An effective state management architecture for iOS -
Predictable state management for SwiftUI applications.
SwiftDux Predictable state management for SwiftUI applications. SwiftDux is a state container inspired by Redux and built on top of Combine and SwiftU
Seaglass is a truly native macOS client for Matrix. It is written in Swift and uses the Cocoa user interface framework.
Seaglass is a truly native macOS client for Matrix. It is written in Swift and uses the Cocoa user interface framework.
A speech recognition framework designed for SwiftUI.
SwiftSpeech Speech Recognition Made Simple Recognize your user's voice elegantly without having to figure out authorization and audio engines. SwiftSp
A network extension app to block a user input URI. Meant as a network extension filter proof of concept.
URIBlockNE A network extension app to block a user input URI. Meant as a network extension filter proof of concept. This is just a research effort to
Checks if there is a newer version of your app in the AppStore and alerts the user to update.
YiAppUpdater Checks if there is a newer version of your app in the AppStore and alerts the user to update. Installation YiAppUpdater is available thro
AsyncDispatcher is a lightweight Dispatcher implementation of Flux pattern.
Simplified Dispatcher implementation of Flux pattern written in Swift using new async/await concurrency model
Animated UITextField enhance UX for the user by giving clarity that they are focused
JDCircularProgress JDTextField is animateable UITextField that can significantly enhance your user's experiences and set your app apart from the rest
A demo project using VIPER architecture and building user interface programmatically
ProductDiscovery A demo project that building a UIKit user interface programmatically. Because the UI is made of code very long so I have separated it
A Swift micro-framework to easily deal with weak references to self inside closures
WeakableSelf Context Closures are one of Swift must-have features, and Swift developers are aware of how tricky they can be when they capture the refe
Find memory issues & leaks in your iOS app without instruments
HeapInspector Find memory issues & leaks in your iOS app HeapInspector is a debug tool that monitors the memory heap with backtrace recording in your
Snow globe framework is delightful / slightly cheese easter egg for christmas season. Turns your awesome app into a snow globe, when user shake the device.
SnowGlobe.framework SnowGlobe.framework its easy to use, open source iOS framework written in swift. It allows you to ad delightful / cheesy Christmas
The elegant yet functional dropdown menu, written in Swift, appears underneath the navigation bar to display a list of defined items when a user clicks on the navigation title.
Introduction The elegant yet functional dropdown menu, written in Swift, appears underneath the navigation bar to display a list of defined items when
RadialMenu is a custom control for providing a touch context menu (like iMessage recording in iOS 8) built with Swift & POP
RadialMenu Looking for help? For $150/hr I'll help with your RadialMenu problems including integrating it into your project. Email bjasper@gmail.com t
BetterMood is an iOS app that uses Tensorflow to recognize user’s emotions
BetterMood is an iOS app that uses Tensorflow to recognize user’s emotions, convert it into categories then send via our api along with the user’s date of birth and name, to end up with a emotion analyse and horoscope prediction.
A quick and simple way to authenticate a Box user in your iPhone or iPad app.
BoxSimpleOAuth A quick and simple way to authenticate a Box user in your iPhone or iPad app. Adding BoxSimpleOAuth to your project CocoaPods CocoaPods
A quick and simple way to authenticate a Dropbox user in your iPhone or iPad app.
DropboxSimpleOAuth A quick and simple way to authenticate a Dropbox user in your iPhone or iPad app. Adding DropboxSimpleOAuth to your project CocoaPo
A quick and simple way to authenticate an Instagram user in your iPhone or iPad app.
InstagramSimpleOAuth A quick and simple way to authenticate an Instagram user in your iPhone or iPad app. Adding InstagramSimpleOAuth to your project
This library uses ARKit Face Tracking in order to catch user's smile.
SmileToUnlock Make your users smile before opening the app :) Gif with the demonstration Installation Cocoapods The most preferable way to use this li
reward the user for watching videos to get coins then use them to get rid of annoying admob ads
reward the users for watching youtube videos to the end to earn coins, then use them to get rid of annoying admob ads like banners, interstitial & reward videos
A mobile application that presents the news received via NewsAPI to the user. Built with SwiftUI.
📰 SwiftUI News App with NewsAPI A mobile application that presents the news received via NewsAPI to the user. Built with SwiftUI. ✅ Features The data
Alfresco iOS App - Alfresco is the open platform for business-critical content management and collaboration.
Welcome to the Alfresco iOS App Alfresco is the open platform for business-critical content management and collaboration. Alfresco Mobile was designed
AutoLogout is a swift library for managing user's session on inactivity.
On user inactivity, it will show an alert box to continue session or Logout as shown in screen shot, according to time set.
Swift Package for fetching approximate user location without asking for their permission 👺 .
Earendil Swift Package for fetching approximate user location without asking for their permission 👺 . Get their country, subregion or continent with
An iOS app that generates random activities for the user to do. And can be personalized by setting the categories.
RandomActivityApp An iOS app that generates random activities for the user to do. And can be personalized by setting the categories. Created by: Pedro
A package to help track how often the user opened the app and if they opened it in the current version before.
AppOpenTracker AppOpenTracker provides an observable AppOpenTracker.shared instance that can be used to track the last version that the app was opened
🎭 Swift async/await & Actor-powered effectful state-management framework.
🎭 Actomaton 🧑🎤 Actor + 🤖 Automaton = 🎭 Actomaton Actomaton is Swift async/await & Actor-powered effectful state-management framework inspired by
🎚️ STDiscreteSlider – slider which allows user to choose value only from predefined set of data.
STDiscreteSlider – slider which allows user to choose value only from predefined set of data. Slider may receive any types of options, you may pass set of integers or strings, or any other type. Written using SwiftUI.
This UI attempts to capture the Quibi Card Stack and the associated User Interaction.
RGStack This UI attempts to capture the Quibi Card Stack and the associated User Interaction. Required A View that conforms to the ConfigurableCard pr
An iOS view-controller navigation management. No inherit, using one line code to integrate.
KGNavigationBar Example An iOS view-controller navigation management. No inherit, using one line code to integrate. 一个 iOS 控制器导航管理库. 无需继承, 一行代码即可实现集成。
A Credit Amount and EMI User Interface build in Swift and SwiftUI
App Usage An iPhone application build in swift . Overview Supported on All iPhone Screen Sizes Dynamic Data following MVVM Design Pattern Used Transit
An iOS application that helps the user to track his/her investments and maintain portfolios.
CryptoX Technology has changed the way people work, communicate, shop, pay and collaborate. One such transformation was the origin of cryptocurrency.
Show the confetti only when the user is having fun, and if not having fun, don't show it.
SPConfetti - A simple solution to show the confetti to the user. Smoothly starts and stops. Allow set multiply diffrent particles at once. You can chang
Hammer is a touch, stylus and keyboard synthesis library for emulating user interaction events
Hammer is a touch, stylus and keyboard synthesis library for emulating user interaction events. It enables better ways of triggering UI actions in unit tests, replicating a real world environment as much as possible.
Daily News is a news app with good looking user interface ! Apps architecture is MVVM and used RxSwift for binding.
Daily News Hey ! Daily News is a news app with good looking user interface ! Apps architecture is MVVM and used RxSwift for binding. Architecture I pr
WKZombie is an iOS/OSX web-browser without a graphical user interface.
WKZombie is a Swift framework for iOS/OSX to navigate within websites and collect data without the need of User Interface or API, also known as Headless browser. It can be used to run automated tests / snapshots and manipulate websites using Javascript.
A demonstration to the approach of leaving view transition management to a router.
SwiftUI-RouterDemo This is a simplified demonstration to the approach of leaving view transition management to a router.
Declarative Swift framework for Attributed Role-based Access Control management
Koosa Declarative Swift framework for Attributed Role-based Access Control management Check out this blog post for full explanation and more details:
Docker management app for iOS written in SwiftUI.
Harbour Docker management app for iOS written in SwiftUI. Screenshots Features 100% native and made in SwiftUI Light and Dark Mode Control and inspect
Sample iOS AR app that demonstrates how to capture the texture of a user's face in realtime.
Sample iOS AR app that demonstrates how to capture the texture of a user's face in realtime. This texture can be used to create a simple textured 3D face model.
This is a Review posting app that let user find interesting places near them
ColorMatchTabs Inspired by this project on Dribbble Also, read how it was done in our blog Installation CocoaPods pod 'ColorMatchTabs' Carthage github
OnboardKit - Customizable user onboarding for your UIKit app in Swift
OnboardKit Customizable user onboarding for your UIKit app in Swift Requirements Swift 5.0 Xcode 10 iOS 11.0+ Installation Carthage github "NikolaKire
Drop in user input validation for your iOS apps.
Validator Validator is a user input validation library written in Swift. It's comprehensive, designed for extension, and leaves the UI up to you. Here
Input Mask is an Android & iOS native library allowing to format user input on the fly.
Migration Guide: v.6 This update brings breaking changes. Namely, the autocomplete flag is now a part of the CaretGravity enum, thus the Mask::apply c
A Swift micro-framework to easily deal with weak references to self inside closures
WeakableSelf Context Closures are one of Swift must-have features, and Swift developers are aware of how tricky they can be when they capture the refe