3963 Repositories
Swift box-ios-sdk Libraries
👀 자 떠나봅시다... 마지막 Conflict 여행... 🌴 🛫 🚀 🧐 🥸 🙁 😩 🤬 🤯 💀 ☠️ 🔥 💥
작은 움직임이 만드는 우리다운 여행, DOORIBON 👀 🚀 두리번 코인 탑승, 아요는 도약중 👀 28th BE SOPT APPJAM - Team DooRiBon 프로젝트 기간: 2021.06.26 ~ 2021.07.17 DooRiBon iOS Developers
간다. 아요. 잡으러. 🧡
나의 매일을 다채롭게, 관심사 기반 캐릭터 관리 🌈 CATCH ME 📕 Coding Convention Catch Me Coding Convention → 📗 Git branch Catch Me Git branch → 📘 Foldering CatchMe-iOS
웤ㅋ프🐶 웤프워프!!🐶 을를렁 멍! 워프우프우프! 🦮 🐶
WorkFlow Contributer 이정엽 도연서 김윤서 홈 로그인, 회원가입 캘린더, 무지개 Team Convention Team Convention Coding Convention Coding Convention Feature 정엽 TabBar 뷰컨트롤러 연결 선
🚙 차로와 함께 떠나는 여행 같이 가보자구~ 🚙
차로 Charo 차에서의 오늘이 최고가 될 수 있게, 당신의 드라이브 메이트 차로 경험 기반 드라이브 코스 공유 플랫폼 SOPT 28th APP JAM 프로젝트 기간 : 2021.06.27 ~ 2021.07.17 Charo iOS Contributors 🍎 장혜령 ?
씨워터삼준실버영의 사과를 키-핀🍎
Keepin-iOS 씨워터삼준실버영의 사과를 키-핀 🍎 선물의 두근거림을 오래도록 Keepin Keepin, Keepin mind, Keepin touch 💝 선물 아카이빙 서비스 Developer ThreeJoon(최이준) SilverYoung(이은영) Seawa
A Full News App based on the latest SwiftUI 3/iOS 15 API that fetches latest news from newsapi.org
SwiftUI NewsAPI App A Full News App based on the latest SwiftUI 3/iOS 15 that fetches latest news from newsapi.org. Features The app has several main
TelegramStickersImport — Telegram stickers importing SDK for iOS
TelegramStickersImport — Telegram stickers importing SDK for iOS TelegramStickersImport helps your users import third-party programaticaly created sti
Deck is a library that provides a UI to reproduce stacked cards for SwiftUI.
Deck Deck is a library that provides a UI to reproduce stacked cards for SwiftUI. RPReplay_Final1624531727.mov Usage struct Card: View { var data
Inspect the iOS 15 App Activity Data directly on device.
AppActivityViewer About AppActivityViewer helps to inspect the iOS 15 App Activity Data easily on device. Choose App Activity at share sheet after cli
Ready to go biometric verification for the internet.
Perse SDK Lite iOS From CyberLabs.AI. Ready to go biometric verification for the internet. The Perse CocoaPods SDK Lite: Top notch facial detection mo
Backport of SwiftUI.AsyncImage to iOS 14, macOS 11, tvOS 14 and watchOS 7 and earlier.
SBPAsyncImage Backport of SwiftUI.AsyncImage to iOS 14, macOS 11, tvOS 14 and watchOS 7 and earlier. AsyncImage is a view that asynchronously loads an
Hammer is a touch, stylus and keyboard synthesis library for emulating user interaction events
Hammer is a touch, stylus and keyboard synthesis library for emulating user interaction events. It enables better ways of triggering UI actions in unit tests, replicating a real world environment as much as possible.
Calculator app created using the SwiftUI framework
Calculator app created using the SwiftUI framework
Stanford University's course CS193p (Developing Applications for iOS using SwiftUI)
Memorize Game 🎮 Stanford University's course CS193p (Developing Applications for iOS using SwiftUI) About the game You need to turn over the cards on
iOS Network monitor/interceptor framework written in Swift
NetShears NetShears is a Network interceptor framework written in Swift. NetShears adds a Request interceptor mechanisms to be able to modify the HTTP
Tutorial GraphQL + Node Express + MySQL, and sample for Android / iOS client
GraphQL-tutorial Tutorial for GraphQL + Node Express + MySQL, and sample for Android / iOS client Blog NeoRoman's GraphQL-tutorial (Korean) Materials
An animated trophy banner that looks like Xbox achievement 🏆
TrophyKit An animated trophy banner that looks like Xbox achievement. Demo demo.mov Usage Requirements iOS 14.0+ tvOS 14.0+ Swift 5.3+ Installation Tr
A Swift Toast view - iOS 14 style and newer - built with UIKit. 🍞
Toast-Swift A Swift Toast view - iOS 14 style - built with UIKit. 🍞 Installation Swift Package Manager You can use The Swift Package Manager to insta
Hỗ trợ làm màn hình thanh toán trên ứng dụng iOS/ iPad OS.
Hỗ trợ làm màn hình thanh toán trên ứng dụng iOS/ iPad OS. Rate star nếu bạn thấy tốt, hoặc báo cáo cho tôi qua Issues
A collaborative Augmented Reality iOS experience using Real-time Messaging
Collaborative AR Experience This project creates an augmented reality experience where you can build a scene together with anyone around the world, se
Repository for App IOS Reddit Top 50
iOS Reddit Top50 Repository for App IOS Reddit Top 50 App shows a list for the Top 50 posts in [Reddit] - www.reddit.com/top Requirements iOS 14.0+ Xc
ConfettiKit is a custom framework used to add Confetti on your iOS/iPadOS projects.
ConfettiKit is a custom framework used to add Confetti on your iOS/iPadOS projects. The kit provides variety of customisations inorder to design a confetti which matches your project's UI. ConfettiKit makes your work of adding Confetti on your project with just one line of code.
Combine SnapshotTesting images into a single asset
An extension to SnapshotTesting which allows you to create images combining the output of multiple snapshot strategies, assuming they all output to UIImage.
Monitor and terminate/throttle CPU hogging processes in iOS
Vedette Monitor and terminate/throttle CPU hogging processes in iOS Vedette is a CPU usage monitoring tweak for processes in iOS like apps and daemons
Demo of using Metal to render EDR / HDR content on iOS platform
MetalEDR-iOS Demo of using Metal to render EDR/HDR content on iOS platform. How it works This demo uses a hack to activate EDR display on iOS platform
Dedicated settings app for accessing tweaks preference bundles.
Tweak Settings A dedicated settings app for tweak preferences Author Dana Buehre (CreatureSurvive) cs@creaturecoding.com © Dana Buehre (CreatureSurviv
Avatar provider for iOS tweak Contacy.
ContacyAvatarProvider Usage copy iphone_Contacy_avatar_provider.nic.tar to $THEOS/templates/ios/iphone/ $THEOS/bin/nic.pl and choose Contacy_avatar_pr
SwiftLint Plugin for Xcode.
SwiftLint Xcode Plugin Demo Usage Set SwiftLint Path default: Default path is /usr/local/bin/swiftlint relative: Relative path with the current projec
Clutch is a high-speed iOS decryption tool.
Clutch is a high-speed iOS decryption tool. Clutch supports the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad as well as all iOS version, architecture types, and most binaries. Clutch is meant only for educational purposes and security research.
iOS 13-14 battery themer
Vivy A free and open source battery themer that's actually good! After the disaster that was my previous battery themer (Juiceless) I decided to make
React Native FlyBuy module. Supports Core, Pickup, Notify, and Presence Native SDK APIs.
The FlyBuy cloud service and mobile SDK enables developers to add FlyBuy functionality directly into their react native apps for a full white label im
Animated sharingan loader for iOS projects.
Animated sharingan loader for iOS projects. This is a fun project created using SwiftUI with love for the Uchiha clan. More types of eyes to come with tons of customizations...
EZY, 계획하는 방식을 새롭게 정의하다.
🏄🏻♂️ EZY는 자신만의 라이프스타일 역사를 쓰고 있습니다. EZY is writing its own lifestyle history. 원활한 iOS 개발을 위해 지켜야 할 협업 규칙 👩🏻💻 1. 커밋 메세지 규칙 🧑🏻💻 - [CREATE] : 기
A Swift Package that allows iOS apps to communicate with AltServer.
AltKit allows apps to communicate with AltServers on the same WiFi network and enable features such as JIT compilation.
A collection of additional geometries ready for use in RealityKit 2
RealityGeometries By default, the only shapes available in RealityKit are a Sphere, Cuboid and Plane (with 4 vertices). Until iOS 15 the only clean wa
iOS command-line tool that allows searching and downloading ipa files from the iOS App Store
ipatool for iOS This is a port of Majd Alfhaily's ipatool adapted to run on iOS Build / Installation To build this, make sure you have AppSync install
NewsAPISwift is a Swift client for News API V2, a service that provides breaking news headlines, and search for articles from over 30,000 news sources and blogs.
NewsAPISwift NewsAPISwift is a Swift client for News API V2, a service that provides breaking news headlines, and search for articles from over 30,000
📰 iOS news app in the style of the NYT, WSJ, CNN, BBC, FB, Twitter, Reddit & more - Includes a tvOS app :tv:
News iOS news app in the style of Apollo, Apple News, Axios, BBC, CNN, Facebook, Facebook News, FastNews, Flipboard, Lil News, NBC News, Reddit, The N
Daily News is a news app with good looking user interface ! Apps architecture is MVVM and used RxSwift for binding.
Daily News Hey ! Daily News is a news app with good looking user interface ! Apps architecture is MVVM and used RxSwift for binding. Architecture I pr
iOS client for newsapi.org
DailyFeed iOS client for NewsAPI.org. Now access latest 🗞 from Best News Agencies and 📰 from around the 🌎 👉 at your fingertips 🎉 . Features Daily
Small iOS app to show some COVID-19 health, data, news and tweets ⚡
covid19.swift Small iOS app to show some COVID-19 health, data, news and tweets ⚡ Requirements Xcode 12, iOS 14 Credits API: COVID-19 API: News Tweets
A fully customizable library to easily display Animated Toast Messages in iOS using Swift!
CustomToastView-swift A fully customizable library to easily display Animated Toast Messages in iOS using Swift! Preview - All the custom toasts you c
Declaretive UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout interface to implement complex collection view layout.
CompositionalLayoutViewController Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requiremen
Declarative form validator for SwiftUI.
SwiftUIFormValidator The world's easiest, most clean SwiftUI form validation. SwiftUIFormValidator A declarative SwiftUI form validation. Clean, simpl
🦋후릐의 iOS 이것저것 공부해보는 레포🦋
🦋 iOS Practice Repo 🦋 🤔 정신차려 후릐야.. "도약".. 해야지? ✨ ✨ ✨ iOS 개발을 공부한 걸 기록합니다. 날짜 공부한 내용 프로젝트 내용 정리 6월 16일 Expandable TableView 👩🚀 🗳 6월 25일 FSCalend
iOS simple project to create half-screen modal view controller with pan
Simple Half-screen view controller, draggable and less code (learning purpose)
Solana + RxSolana This is a open source library on pure swift for Solana protocol
The objective is to create a cross platform, fully functional, highly tested and less depencies as posible. The project is still at initial stage. Lots of changes chan happen to the exposed api.
custom navigationBar in swiftui
SwiftUI-WRNavigationBar custom navigationBar in swiftui Requirements iOS 14.0 Installation pod 'SwiftUI-WRNavigationBar', '~1.1.1' Overview debug cus
A SwiftUI TextField with a prompt (or placeholder) that floats above the text field when active or not empty. Requires iOS 15.
FloatingPromptTextField A prompt is the label in a text field that informs the user about the kind of content the text field expects. In a default Tex
Lambton College, 2nd Semester Final IOS Project (Star Wars) game
The game we developed for our project of the course advanced iOS application is based on a functioning of a real time shooting game, in which initiall
You will learn how to scan QR code with iOS framework.
QR Code Scanner You will learn how to scan QR code with in iOS without using any library. It is as simple to scan QR code in iOS. In this example, We
AsyncTimer is a precision asynchronous timer. You can also use it as a countdown timer
AsyncTimer 🌟 Features Can work as a countdown timer Can work as a periodic Timer Can work as a scheduled timer Working with user events (like: scroll
Markdown parser for iOS
Marky Mark Marky Mark is a parser written in Swift that converts markdown into native views. The way it looks it highly customizable and the supported
TextMate-style syntax highlighting
SyntaxKit SyntaxKit makes TextMate-style syntax highlighting easy. It works on iOS, watchOS, and OS X. SyntaxKit was abstracted from Whiskey. Building
Convert text with HTML tags, links, hashtags, mentions into NSAttributedString. Make them clickable with UILabel drop-in replacement.
Atributika is an easy and painless way to build NSAttributedString. It is able to detect HTML-like tags, links, phone numbers, hashtags, any regex or
Simple Objective-C wrapper for the keychain that works on Mac and iOS
SAMKeychain SAMKeychain is a simple wrapper for accessing accounts, getting passwords, setting passwords, and deleting passwords using the system Keyc
The TouchID authentication mechanism implemented in Swift.
iOS-TouchID-Swift The TouchID authentication mechanism implemented in Swift About In iOS 8, Apple provides a new framework named LocalAuthentication w
Uncomplicated cryptography frameworks base on CommonCrypto
Keys - Keys of data encryption 中文介绍 Example let password = Password("Secret") let key = SymmetricKey() password.encrypt(data) let data = "Hello Wo
Elegant Swift interface to access the CommonCrypto routines
SCrypto [Overview • Requirements • Installation • Usage • Alternatives • Licence] Overview SCrypto provides neat Swift interface to access the CommonC
🔒 Swift Obfuscator that protects iOS apps against reverse engineering attacks.
struct fjiovh4894bvic: XbuinvcxoDHFh3fjid { let VNfhnfn3219d: Vnahfi5n34djga func cxncjnx8fh83FDJSDd() - Lghbna2gf0gmh3d { return vPAOSNdcbif
Valet lets you securely store data in the iOS, tvOS, or macOS Keychain without knowing a thing about how the Keychain works.
Valet Valet lets you securely store data in the iOS, tvOS, watchOS, or macOS Keychain without knowing a thing about how the Keychain works. It’s easy.
Securely synchronize any CareKit 2.1+ based app to a Parse Server Cloud. Compatible with parse-hipaa.
ParseCareKit Use at your own risk. There is no promise that this is HIPAA compliant and we are not responsible for any mishandling of your data This f
A progressive download manager for Alamofire
ALDownloadManager A progressive download manager for Alamofire (Alamofire下载器) The default support breakpoint continues. Sequential Download(顺序下载 ) Dow
Reactive WebSockets
RxWebSocket Reactive extensions for websockets. A lightweight abstraction layer over Starscream to make it reactive. Installation RxWebSocket is avail
Another network wrapper for URLSession. Built to be simple, small and easy to create tests at the network layer of your application.
Another network wrapper for URLSession. Built to be simple, small and easy to create tests at the network layer of your application. Install Carthage
Socket.io iOS and OSX Client compatible with v1.0 and later
SocketIO-Kit ⚠️ This project is no longer maintained. Please use the official framework Socket.IO-Client-Swift. SocketIO-Kit is a Socket.io iOS client
Apple Push Notifications (APNs) Server-Side library.
Perfect-Notifications 简体中文 APNs remote Notifications for Perfect. This package adds push notification support to your server. Send notifications to iO
Super lightweight web framework in Swift based on SWSGI
Ambassador Super lightweight web framework in Swift based on SWSGI Features Super lightweight Easy to use, designed for UI automatic testing API mocki
Super lightweight async HTTP server library in pure Swift runs in iOS / MacOS / Linux
Embassy Super lightweight async HTTP server in pure Swift. Please read: Embedded web server for iOS UI testing. See also: Our lightweight web framewor
Digger is a lightweight download framework that requires only one line of code to complete the file download task
中文说明 Digger is a lightweight download framework that requires only one line of code to complete the file download task. Based on URLSession, pure Swif
A simple class to check for internet connection availability in Swift.
Reach A simple class to check for internet connection availability in Swift. Works for both 3G and WiFi connections. Install Manually Add the Reach.sw
Minimalistic Swift HTTP request agent for iOS and OS X
Agent Table of Contents Introduction Usage HTTP Verbs Overloading Method Chaining Response Closure Verbs Methods NSMutableURLRequest Contributing Lice
WKZombie is an iOS/OSX web-browser without a graphical user interface.
WKZombie is a Swift framework for iOS/OSX to navigate within websites and collect data without the need of User Interface or API, also known as Headless browser. It can be used to run automated tests / snapshots and manipulate websites using Javascript.
Socket framework for Swift using the Swift Package Manager. Works on iOS, macOS, and Linux.
BlueSocket Socket framework for Swift using the Swift Package Manager. Works on iOS, macOS, and Linux. Prerequisites Swift Swift Open Source swift-5.1
MQTT for iOS and macOS written with Swift
CocoaMQTT MQTT v3.1.1 client library for iOS/macOS/tvOS written with Swift 5 Build Build with Xcode 11.1 / Swift 5.1 Installation CocoaPods Install us
Fast Websockets in Swift for iOS and OSX
SwiftWebSocket Conforming WebSocket (RFC 6455) client library for iOS and Mac OSX. SwiftWebSocket passes all 521 of the Autobahn's fuzzing tests, incl
The civilized way to write REST API clients for iOS / macOS
The elegant way to write iOS / macOS REST clients Drastically simplifies app code by providing a client-side cache of observable models for RESTful re
SwiftSoup: Pure Swift HTML Parser, with best of DOM, CSS, and jquery (Supports Linux, iOS, Mac, tvOS, watchOS)
SwiftSoup is a pure Swift library, cross-platform (macOS, iOS, tvOS, watchOS and Linux!), for working with real-world HTML. It provides a very conveni
Websockets in swift for iOS and OSX
Starscream is a conforming WebSocket (RFC 6455) library in Swift. Features Conforms to all of the base Autobahn test suite. Nonblocking. Everything ha
LogDog is designed to work out of the box, you can use the pre-configured logger anytime, anywhere
LogDog user-friendly logging apple/swift-log api compatible Usage LogDog is designed to work out of the box, you can use the pre-configured logger any
Bugfender SDK for iOS, a remote logger tailor-made for mobile
Bugfender SDK for iOS Bugfender is a cloud service to collect mobile application logs. Developers can control log sending programmatically and manuall
Puree is a log collector which provides some features like below
Puree Description Puree is a log collector which provides some features like below Filtering: Enable to interrupt process before sending log. You can
In-App iOS Debugging Tool With Enhanced Logging, Networking Info, Crash reporting And More.
The debugger tool for iOS developer. Display logs, network request, device informations, crash logs while using the app. Easy accessible with its bubble head button 🔘 . Easy to integrate in any apps, to handle development or testing apps easier. First version, there is plenty of room for improvement.
Localize iOS apps in a smarter way using JSON files. Swift framework.
Swifternalization Swift library that helps in localizing apps in a different, better, simpler, more powerful way than system localization does. It use
The Swift code generator for your assets, storyboards, Localizable.strings, … — Get rid of all String-based APIs!
SwiftGen SwiftGen is a tool to automatically generate Swift code for resources of your projects (like images, localised strings, etc), to make them ty
SwiftUI, peek scrolling animation and card tapped animation, using GeometryReader
SwiftUI, peek scrolling animation and card tapped animation, using GeometryReader, follow the livestream tutorial by MengTo.
🥺Pinterest Layout Tutorial
PinterestTutorial-iOS 🥺 Pinterest Layout Tutorial 이미지 크기에 따라서 동적으로 셀의 레이아웃을 설정하는 핀터레스트 레이아웃 구현해 보았다. 완성 코드 UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout 의 서브클래스
ShortWebCore - This iOS library lets you run automations on Web Views.
This iOS library lets you run automations on Web Views. Example (Optional) Declare class conforming to AutomationRunnerDelegate: import S
iOS App that browse the people from Star Wars Universe using GraphQL Api.
Ravn-Challenge-V2--OscarCastillo- iOS App that browse the people from Star Wars Universe using GraphQL Api. This project uses Apollo swift Client. htt
Backport of iOS 15 formatting api
This is a back-port of the .formatted API in Foundation that was introduced at WWDC '21 for iOS 15, macOS 12.0, tvOS 15.0, and watchOS 8.0.
Control RGB stripes with SwiftUI+Combine
An experiment app for RGB stripe control. Written in SwiftUI+Combine
TripUp is an open source, photo storage and sharing app made for privacy conscious users.
TripUp is an open source, photo storage and sharing app made for privacy conscious users.
BioMatrix is an app that allows users to quiz themselves on various biology questions!
Welcome to BioMatrix! It is an app that allows users to quiz themselves on a variety of biology questions! This app allows various functionalities!
This package integrates a UIImagePickerController into a SwiftUI app.
This Swift Package integrates a UIImagePickerController into a SwiftUI app and allows a user to select, scale and position an image to be cropped and saved as a conatct's photo, similar to the stock iOS Contacts app.
Opera is an iOS App to show you movies , top rated movies and search for any specific movie and show it's details all information about it i am using repository pattern and MVVM-Clean Architecture with RxSwift and XCoordinatore pattern
Opera-MVVM-C-Clean-Architecture Opera is an iOS App to show you movies , top rated movies and search for any specific movie and show it's details all
A native Jellyfin client for Apple platforms (iOS, macOS and tvOS)
Jellyfin Swift (working title) is a native Swift app targeting all modern Apple devices (iOS, ipadOS, tvOS and macOS).
AsyncImageExample An example project for AsyncImage. Loading images in SwiftUI article.
AsyncImageExample An example project for AsyncImage. Loading images in SwiftUI article. Note: The project works in Xcode 13.0 beta (13A5154h).
ImagePalette - Swift/iOS port of Android's Palette
ImagePalette - Swift/iOS port of Android's Palette
Conical (angular) gradient for iOS written in Swift
AEConicalGradient Conical (angular) gradient in Swift I hope that somebody will find this useful. And nice. Usage AEConicalGradient is a minion which