4036 Repositories
Swift iOS-Line-Chart-with-Gradient Libraries
Sample applications of iOS Design patterns written using swift.
ios-design-patterns This repo contains all my Sample applications of iOS Design patterns written using swift. Link for my Design patterns Blog : https
sejong UMC 3rd iOS-study
UMC_3rd-iOS : Team A 세종대학교 UMC 3기 - iOS 스터디 ✅ ⬜ ✨ Member ✏️ Nickname / Name 💻 GitHub 📚 Major 승콩 / 홍승완 https://github.com/hsw1920 세종대학교 지능기전공학부 뚜벅초 /
A flexible mock server for automated and regression testing of iOS, Android and other apps.
Note: This document is intended as a quick introduction to Voodoo. As Voodoo has a large number of features, please refer to Voodoo's Github Wiki for
A highly experimental, self-custody Lightning wallet built to work for iOS and macOS.
Surge Surge is a highly experimental, self-custody Lightning wallet built to work for iOS and macOS. Motivation Tools and infrastructure for running a
An iOS-16-styled slider.
Slyderin An iOS-16-styled slider. Available on iOS 13 and later. Slyderin.Demo.mov How to Use Include it with Swift Package Manager. Add it to your vi
Using ARKit and LiDAR to save depth data and export point cloud, based on WWDC20-10611 sample code
Save iOS ARFrame and Point Cloud This project improves the usability of the sample code from WWDC20 session 10611: Explore ARKit 4. Note that the samp
A basic app to convert your money between USD, EUR and JPY.
Currency Converter App for iOS What frameworks and technologies used VIPER + MVI as architecture pattern Stevia for UIKit Layout Alamofire for Network
Patika.dev & FMSS Bilişim iOS Swift Bootcamp Graduation Project
TravelGuideApp Description Articles are pulled from the Article json file and displayed in the collection view on the homepage. When the flight button
iOS / Simple funny habit tracker
FunnyPuny Easy habit tracker About TBC Tech stacks Core: SnapKit Realm TBC Package Managers Swift Package Manager Linter SwiftLint Formatter SwiftForm
100 Days of Swift by Paul Hudson (@twostraws).
100DaysOfSwift This repository includes all of the projects from Paul Hudson's 100 Days of Swift course. These projects were built for iOS 16 with Xco
Braze is a Crypto Currency App created using SwiftUI with MVVM architecture.
Braze A Crypto Currency App created using SwiftUI with MVVM architecture. Braze tracks live prices of crypto coins and can create mock portfolio. Usin
Here it is my study note for iOS development.
iOS-Projects for beginners HI, this is Kaia and here it is my study note for iOS development. Check the detailed Notes below: Project Name Objective B
POC for a bug with react-native-webview crashing on IOS 16.1
POC Shared Worker issues with IOS 16.1 webview Apple Developers post with workaround Webkit confirmed issue Start a simple http server with shared wor
The Bluetooth LE library for iOS and Mac. 100% Swift.
iOS-BLE-Library An in-development Bluetooth Low Energy Library by Nordic Semiconductor to interact with the , which is not complicated, but requires w
ESP source code for Free Fire (iOS jailbreak)
ESP FreeFire ESP source code for Free Fire (iOS jailbreak, Free Fire version: 1.93.1). This source is for learning purpose only, please do not use it
Convert .deb apps to .ipa files, on iOS, locally
DebtoIPA Convert .deb apps to .ipa files, on iOS, locally Usage Download .deb that contains .app file. You will get an error if you try importing othe
Stable Diffusion inference on iOS / macOS using MPSGraph
🍁 Maple Diffusion Maple Diffusion runs Stable Diffusion models locally on macOS / iOS devices, in Swift, using the MPSGraph framework (not Python). M
An example implementation of using a native iOS Notification Service Extension (to display images in remote push notification) in Titanium.
Titanium iOS Notification Service Extension An example implementation of using a native iOS Notification Service Extension (to display images in remot
A concept to more easily define simple keyframe / multi-step animations in SwiftUI
🎞 Animate A concept to more easily define simple keyframe / multi-step animations in SwiftUI, without: Defining an @State value for each property to
bell-memo application for ios
bell-memo-ios bell-memo application for ios now we have the two folders for our project code: obviously, where the code is stored doc: collect the lin
A travel guide app that implements MVVM design pattern, using mock API.
✈️ Travel Guide App 🏖 A travel guide app that implements MVVM design pattern, using mock API. ✨ Features 🔸 Project Features Written in Swift Impleme
I am learning to build an iOS app with SwiftUI.
ios-quiz-app I am learning to build an iOS app with SwiftUI. This is a quiz app with SwiftUI although tutorial was on UIKit Challenges Faced navigatio
A simple iOS app to simulate a laser level using built-in camera and gyroscope.
Laser Level A simple iOS app to simulate a laser level using built-in camera and gyroscope. Demo https://youtu.be/aB03EtQ5zsU Usage Download Open .xco
Simple and minimalist weather app that displays the current conditions.
Minimalistic Weather App Project Description In this project, I have developed a simple and minimalist weather app, where I use the Current Weather Da
iOS app for monitoring and controlling your Tesla vehicles.
Teslawesome This is an unofficial iOS app for monitoring and controling your Tesla vehicles. The purpose of being open sourced is just for more visibi
iOS Swift Pazarama Bootcamp Week 3 task - App by builded with iTunes Api
MeTunes! a library for itunes! MeTunes. Key Features • Installation • Download • Technologies Used • Credits • License Key Features Fully Programmatic
Writes twitter and contact (links) to writable nfcs on iPhone 7+ iOS 14+
nfc writer ios app nfc writer app is a hacky fun side project that writes twitter and contact (links) to writable nfcs. runs on iPhone 7+ iOS 14+. joi
Base projects for Devpass' Dev Sprints
Reactive Challenge - iOS ⚡️ In this challenge, we will refactor an iOS application using Reactive Programming. Contributing Fork and clone this reposi
An IOS/IPad OS application that demonstrates various capabilities and functions of ARKit and RealityKit.
Augmented Reality Development Demos based on ARKit and RealityKit Summary This repository contains an IOS application that shows the capability of App
Crypto & Portfolio Track SwiftUI - macOS 13 Ventura & iOS 16 & watchOS 9 - MVVM
CryptoTrackMultiPlatformSwiftUI In this SwiftUI project, I developed a multiplatform app using as many new features as possible in the latest OS versi
League of Legends-themed game for iOS, built with SwiftUI
League of Legends: Skinship (iOS) // TODO: README will be updated when I have more time. Doc is available here. Here is some screenshots for the app:
Simple IOS App About KSA Leaders and Future Projects.
KSA-App Simple IOS App About KSA Leaders and Future Projects. This project made by Swift and SwiftUI. The Project Applies the following: Reusable comp
A PocketBase client for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS
PocketBase A pure Swift client for interfacing with a PocketBase instance. Getting Started Development Environment Easiest way to get started with Poc
Open Source iOS Translator.
About LiTranslate is an application which purpose is a convenient use of open source translation technology. Download on the App Store! For developers
⏲ A tiny package to measure code execution time. Only 20 lines of code.
Measure ⏲ A tiny package to measure code execution time. Measure.start("create-user") let user = User() Measure.finish("create-user") Console // ⏲ Mea
An unofficial devRant iOS client.
SwiftUIRant An unofficial devRant iOS client (that doesn't crash). Goals The first goal of this project is to provide the functionality to browse thro
This app demonstrates iOS-development techniques.
CatFancy Introduction CatFancy is an iOS app that demonstrates iOS-development techniques. Users can browse breeds of cats with images from various so
Food Order App for iOS. VIPER pattern, Alamofire and Firebase used.
Nibble Yemek Sipariş Uygulaması Techcareer.net Techmasters IOS Bootcamp bitirme ödevi için hazırladığım bir yemek sipariş uygulaması. API KEY SON GEÇE
썸머: 네컷앨범 💕
썸머: 네컷앨범 App Store 사랑하는 사람들과 찍은 네컷사진들 폴더 여기저기 관리하기 힘드셨죠? 이제는 흩어진 네컷추억들을 쉽게 모아보세요 네컷 모아보기 그리드 형식으로 한눈에 네컷사진을 확인할 수 있어요 카드를 넘기면서 다양한 추억들을 확인할 수 있어요 앨범커버
'Droid Inventor Kit' extension library.
DroidKit Description - Do you know 'Droid Inventor Kit' ? (Quote: ‘TURN EVERYONE INTO AN INVENTOR’: THE STORY OF THE LITTLEBITS DROID INVENTOR KIT) 'D
A fast-paced color matching game.
***DOCUMENTATION: WELCOME TO COLOURS. COLOURS is an iOS application built using XCode and Swift. COLOURS is a game, and the objective is to match al
Cross-platform Swift library for accessing the public GitHub API.
GoatHerb GoatHerb is a cross-platform Swift library for accessing the GitHub API. Features General Compatible with swift-log. Full concurrency (async/
Customise sheets on iOS, bottom sheets, custom detents and more..
Sheetster A custom sheet creator library for iOS Devices Features Extends UISheetPresentationController Objective C Private API Custom Detent Setter G
iOS Programming with Swift - SwiftUI Edition
swiftuilectures SwiftUI Lectures Репозитори, в което се съхряняват лекциите за курса по iOS със SwiftUI. Анкета Моля, попълнете следната анкета. Онлай
Get more reviews in your iOS app.
Remotely-configurable chatbots & chat flows for iOS ChatKit is a remotely-configurable iOS library designed to help you build iMessage-esque chat flow
Server-driven SwiftUI - Maintain iOS apps without making app releases.
ServerDrivenSwiftUI Maintain ios apps without making app releases. Deploy changes to the server and users will receive changes within minutes. This pa
⚡️ Capacitor plugin to register push notifications via Azure Notification Hub.
Azure Notification Hubs @jonz94/capacitor-azure-notification-hubs Capacitor plugin to register push notifications via Azure Notification Hub. Install
sample project for iOS mentoring session.
Challege Definition 🔎 I have a legacy app and I tried to demonstrate the setup and objects in this sample project. Basically, this app contains a lis
MacOS Serial solution (Observable & Event-Driven) to make integration of Serial peripherals trivial
SerialSwift SerialSwift makes communicating with your Serial Peripherals on MacOS trivial. Better still, SerialSwift is designed to be fundamnetally O
CoreDragon is a drag'n'drop library for iOS applications
CoreDragon is a drag'n'drop library for iOS applications. Instead of using context menus, modal view controllers, share sheets and other "indirect manipulation" ways of moving data around, it's much more intuitive to just grab the thing you want to move, and drop it on the place where you want to move it to.
gradle plugin for building Xcode Projects for iOS, watchOS, macOS or tvOS
gradle-xcodePlugin The gradle xcode plugin (gxp) makes it easier to build Xcode projects by specifying the build settings in a single configuration fi
Xcode projects on steroids
Struct Introduction struct is a tool for iOS and Mac developers to automate the creation and management of Xcode projects. Ever lamented over your uno
TPPDF is a simple-to-use PDF builder for iOS
TPPDF is a fast PDF builder for iOS & macOS using simple commands to create advanced documents! Created and maintained by Philip Niedertscheider and a
A snappy image viewer with zoom and interactive dismissal transition.
A snappy image viewer with zoom and interactive dismissal transition. Features Double tap to zoom in/out Interactive dismissal transition Animate in f
Easy to use and highly customizable pie charts library for iOS
PieCharts Easy to use and highly customizable pie charts library for iOS Swift 4.2, iOS 8+ Video Features: Customizable slices Add overlays using simp
Special way to work with gestures in iOS
At a Glance Sensitive is a library that simplifies work with gestures in iOS. Forget about target/action pattern of primitive UIGestureRecognizer. Wit
CZWeatherKit is a simple, extensible weather library for iOS, tvOS, and OS X that allows for easy fetching of weather data from various weather services.
CZWeatherKit is a simple, extensible weather library for iOS, tvOS, and OS X that allows for easy fetching of weather data from various weather services.
A template for new Swift iOS / macOS / tvOS / watchOS Framework project ready with travis-ci, cocoapods, Carthage, SwiftPM and a Readme file
Swift Framework Template A template for new Swift Framework. What's in the template? Deployment Targets - iOS 9.0 / Mac OS X 10.10 / tvOS 9.0 / watchO
Support for native cross-platform in-app-purchasing API's in Titanium
Support for native cross-platform in-app-purchasing API's in Titanium. This repository represents a modern alternative to ti.storekit (iOS) and ti.inappbilling (Android).
Typed key-value storage solution to store Codable types in various persistence layers with few lines of code!
🗂 Stores A typed key-value storage solution to store Codable types in various persistence layers like User Defaults, File System, Core Data, Keychain
Loop video using Optical Flow on iOS/Mac
Perfect-Loop-Maker Loop video using Optical Flow and Metal on iOS Description The app loops video to make an effect like it is endless, it uses optica
A lightweight 3D renderer for SwiftUI.
Prism A lightweight 3D renderer for SwiftUI. Works with any SwiftUI View. Fully interactive and animatable. Compatible with all SwiftUI modifiers. Wil
FancyGradient is a UIView subclass which let's you animate gradients in your iOS app. It is purely written in Swift.
FancyGradient is a UIView subclass which let's you animate gradients in your iOS app. It is purely written in Swift. Quickstart Static gradient let fa
Provides type-safe access to localized musical instruments and their tunings.
InstrumentKit InstrumentKit provides type-safe access to localized musical instruments and their tunings. Table of Contents Work In Progress Installat
Take home assignment for an iOS developer role interview process.
Cocktails My solution to a take home assignment I was given as a step of an interview process for an iOS developer role. The task I was asked to write
Run iOS apps & games on M1 Mac with mouse, keyboard and controller support.
PlayCover Run iOS apps & games on M1 Mac with mouse, keyboard and controller support. Showcase · Contribute · Discord About the fork & Disclaimer Th
TagKit makes it easy to create tag-based apps in SwiftUI.
About TagKit TagKit makes it easy to work with tags in Swift and SwiftUI. The result can look like this or completely different: Tags and tag views ca
A Swift cross-platform (Apple and Linux) networking library.
KippleNetworking A Swift library that offers cross-platform (Apple and Linux) networking support, intended for the creation of cross-platform SDKs to
A collection of common diagnostics and debugging utilities.
KippleDiagnostics A collection of common diagnostics and debugging utilities. ⚠️ The code in this library has been made public as-is for the purposes
A collection of common SwiftUI and UIKit utilities.
KippleUI A collection of common SwiftUI and UIKit utilities. ⚠️ The code in this library has been made public as-is for the purposes of education, dis
QR code generator in Swift, with no external dependencies.
QRDispenser is a lightweight library to generate a QR code as image (UIImage) in your app. It uses only native components, with no dependency from oth
A collection of Swift Package Manager plugins.
KipplePlugins A collection of Swift Package Manager plugins. ⚠️ The code in this library has been made public as-is for the purposes of education, dis
User-friendly names for HealthKit workout type cases, incl. iOS 16
HKWorkoutActivityType-Name User-friendly names for HealthKit workout type cases, incl. iOS 16 Apple's HealhKit defines workout types as enum cases, an
A light-weight, extensible package for building pixel-perfect iOS settings screens.
SettingsKit A light-weight, extensible package for easily building pixel-perfect iOS settings screens in a pinch. Installation SettingsKit can be inst
Open-source API Client for iOS, iPadOS, macOS. Built with SwiftUI
Yogu Open-source API Client for iOS, iPadOS, macOS. Built with SwiftUI 🚧 Yogu is currently in development, and not actually usable yet. Please DO NOT
SwiftyReachability is a simple and lightweight network interface manager written in Swift.
SwiftyReachability is a simple and lightweight network interface manager written in Swift. Freely inspired by https://github.com/tonymillion/Reachabil
💬 A tiny extension for UIAlertController that makes working with it very simple. Only 150 lines of code.
AlertController 💬 A tiny extension for UIAlertController that makes working with it very simple. Only 150 lines of code. Alert let alert = UIAlertCon
This is a command line tool to extract an app icon. this sample will extract the icon 16x16 from Safari app.
🛠 X-BundleIcon This is a command line tool to extract an app icon. this sample will extract the icon 16x16 from Safari app. xbi com.apple.Safari 16 /
⚙️ A tiny property wrapper for UserDefaults. Only 60 lines of code.
⚙️ A tiny property wrapper for UserDefaults. Only 60 lines of code. import Persistent extension UserDefaults { // Optional property @Per
A modern utility that reminds your iOS app's users to review the app in a non-invasive way.
SiriusRating A modern utility that reminds your iOS app's users to review the app in a non-invasive way. Features SwiftUI and UIKit support Configurab
A iOS SwiftUI framework for displaying data from an api inside a List.
FeedListKit FeedListKit is a high level framework for representing data from an Api inside a SwiftUi List. It automatically handles refreshing and loa
An iOS app that leverages the device camera and AVKit to calculate brightness.
Libre Light Sensor Privacy Policy Libre Light Sensor An iOS app that leverages the device camera and AVKit to calculate brightness. This app requires
The fastest and easiest way to present a UITableView - in 3 lines of code.
Swift Table The fastest and easiest way to present a UITableView - in 3 lines of code. Powered by Generics to present any data type. No need to use th
Simple UIView to interact with an Image view like scroll, zoom, pinch and crop.
Welcome to Interactive Image View, a simple library that provides an easier way to interact with image view, like scroll, zoom and crop. In its core i
A backport of UIHostingConfiguration for iOS 14.0+
UIHostingConfigurationBackport A backport of UIHostingConfiguration for iOS 14.0+. import UIHostingConfigurationBackport cell.contentConfiguration =
SwiftyCache is a dynamic and auto-managed cache written in Swift
SwiftyCache is a dynamic and auto-managed cache written in Swift. Unlike a simple cache system, it allows you to keep some data even in different executions. Guaranteeing persistence, when desired, without increasing the time required to save or recover data.
Easy background refresh registration, scheduling, execution, and completion. BGTaskScheduler for the lazy.
EasyBackgroundRefresh Easy background refresh registration, scheduling, execution, and completion. BGTaskScheduler for the lazy. Usage For fast refres
A project to test the accuracy of iOS geofence and visits monitoring.
GeofenceTester iOS About This Component • Build • Support • Contribute • Licensing A project to test the accuracy of iOS geofence and visits monitorin
iOS (swift) version of skydove's Pokedex application. Based on MVVM architecture.
Pokedex - Swift iOS (swift) version of skydove's android application, check it out. Based on MVVM architecture. It was written in memory of Ferhat, wh
Yummies is my first attempt at building a native iOS app using Swift and SwiftUI
Yummies is my first attempt at building a native iOS app using Swift and SwiftUI. A recipe browser where you can pin your favorite ones. Powered by Edamam Recipe Search API.
TSwitchLabel is a simple and flexible UI component fully written in Swift.
TSwitchLabel is a simple and flexible UI component fully written in Swift. TSwitchLabel is developed for you to easily use when you need to design a UI with Label and Switch in the fastest way without having to spend time on develop from scratch.
TDetailBoxView is a simple and flexible UI component fully written in Swift
TDetailBoxView is a simple and flexible UI component fully written in Swift. TDetailBoxView is developed to help users quickly display the detail screen without having to develop from scratch.
The most powerful Event-Driven Observer Pattern solution the Swift language has ever seen!
Event-Driven Swift Decoupling of discrete units of code contributes massively to the long-term maintainability of your project(s). While Observer Patt
Riddler is a riddle game built as a native iOS app in Swift using SwiftUI
Riddler is a riddle game built as a native iOS app in Swift using SwiftUI. It includes 50 challenging riddles with hints for when you get stuck. The game tracks your stats so you can compare your performance against your friends, and see who can answer all 50 riddles the quickest.
☎️ NextcloudKit Apple library
NextcloudKit Installation Carthage Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary framework
TTouchAnimatedButton is a simple and flexible animation component fully written in Swift
TTouchAnimatedButton is a simple and flexible animation component fully written in Swift. TTouchAnimatedButton is developed to make user feel button click becomes more vivid and realistic.
Challenge app for Moises.ai iOS Developer position
CSGOTV Description Challenge app for Moises.ai iOS Developer position For this challenge you have to implement an app to display all CS:GO matches in
Clean SwiftUI based iOS app for local mosque
Clean SwiftUI based iOS app for local mosque. Features localised prayer times, qibla direction and Qur'an with audio. Currently on iOS 15+ and iPhone 6s and above. iPhone SE 1st Gen unsupported.
TTopImageBottomLabelButton is a simple and flexible UI component fully written in Swift
TTopImageBottomLabelButton is a simple and flexible UI component fully written in Swift. TTopImageBottomLabelButton is developed to help programmers create a button with top image and bottom title quickly without having to write many lines of codes.
HotCoffee is learning project with MVVM, Generic,Swift 5, TableView
HotCoffee A simple Coffee Ordering app built using TableView, MVVM design pattern and Swift5. Tools Xcode Version 13.2.1 Framework -UIKit Architecture