4036 Repositories
Swift iOS-Line-Chart-with-Gradient Libraries
LCWebImage - An asynchronous image loading framework based on AFNetworking.
LCWebImage is an asynchronous image loading framework based on AFNetworking, which supports memory and disk caching, and provides functions such as custom caching, custom image decoding, and custom network configuration.
Flutter Movie App
Flutter_Movie Flutter Movie App Useing API : For Get API Key key Desine Patern of project is Provider Documentation Tahk you ❤️ Starred me ⭐️ Platform
Wave is a spring-based animation engine for iOS that makes it easy to create fluid, interruptible animations that feel great.
Wave is a spring-based animation engine for iOS and iPadOS. It makes it easy to create fluid, interactive, and interruptible animations that feel great.
Friendly reminder that you're not gonna live forever
Life Progress Friendly reminder that you're not gonna live forever How it works Each row represents a year of your life. Each square represents a week
SwiftUI iOS Debug & HotReloading in VSCode
SwiftUI iOS Debug & HotReloading in VSCode Demonstrating vscode development environment using xcodegen + HotReloading. Language Server Protocol for Sw
The Effects Library allows developers to create sophisticated and realistic particle systems such as snow, fire, rain, confetti, fireworks, and smoke with no or minimal effort.
The Effects Library allows developers to create sophisticated and realistic particle systems such as snow, fire, rain, confetti, fireworks, and smoke with no or minimal effort.
SplitSheet - A lightweight, fully interactive split-screen sheet.
SplitSheet A lightweight, fully interactive split-screen sheet. Powered by UIScrollView for super-smooth gestures. Show/hide either programmatically o
ReadabilityModifier - UIKits readableContentGuide for every SwiftUI View, in the form of a ViewModifier
ReadabilityModifier UIKits readableContentGuide for every SwiftUI View, in the form of a ViewModifier What it is Displaying multiple lines of text in
Xray is viewDebugging tool for iOS, tvOS, watchOS and macOS
XRay XRay is view debugging tool for iOS. Currently, XRay can show all of the view hierarchies in UIKit. For SwiftUI, I'm working on it. XRay helps yo
A new approach to Container-Based Dependency Injection for Swift and SwiftUI.
A new approach to Container-Based Dependency Injection for Swift and SwiftUI. Why do something new? Resolver was my first Dependency Injection system.
A peer to peer framework for OS X, iOS and watchOS 2 that presents a similar interface to the MultipeerConnectivity framework
This repository is a peer to peer framework for OS X, iOS and watchOS 2 that presents a similar interface to the MultipeerConnectivity framework (which is iOS only) that lets you connect any 2 devices from any platform. This framework works with peer to peer networks like bluetooth and ad hoc wifi networks when available it also falls back onto using a wifi router when necessary. It is built on top of CFNetwork and NSNetService. It uses the newest Swift 2's features like error handling and protocol extensions.
Diff - Simple diffing library in pure Swift
Diff Simple diffing library in pure Swift. Installing You can use Carthage or Swift Package Manager to install Diff. Usage Start by importing the pack
A simple to use iOS/tvOS/watchOS SDK to help get you off the ground quickly and efficiently with your Elastic Path Commerce Cloud written in Swift.
Elastic Path Commerce Cloud iOS Swift SDK A simple to use iOS/tvOS/watchOS SDK to help get you off the ground quickly and efficiently with your Elasti
IOS HUD Swift Library
JHProgressHUD JHProgressHUD is an iOS class written in Swift to display a translucent HUD with an indicator and/or labels while work is being done in
Eazy is the missing piece in your SwiftUI and UIKit application.
Eazy is the missing piece in your SwiftUI and UIKit application. It aims at harmonizing how your views communicate with the model and vice versa in a clear and consistent way. Eazy can be used on any Apple platform.
iOS Top Tab Navigation
iOS-Top-Tab-Navigation Good news for all our users out there! Now there are no boundaries to your convenience, you can pass as much words as you want
Application for iOS Applications Development, Autumn 2022
iOS2022AUT Application for iOS Applications Development, Autumn 2022, 41889/05 https://github.com/johnballauts/iOS2022AUT Team members: Name Student I
An iOS App which has written using Vision franework
It's an iOS App which has written using Vision franework. It's written purely in Swift without using 3rd party frameworks.
An iOS app that automatically capitalizes the title of your essay. Supports MLA, APA, and Chicago styles.
Title Capitalizr for iOS An iOS app that automatically capitalizes the title of your essay. Supports MLA, APA, AP, and Chicago styles. "You probably w
Emoji Keyboard for iOS
English | 中文 An easy to use Emoji keyboard for iOS. Has been rewritten with swift, the old Objective-C version on branch oc. Features Written in Swift
Base project for Devpass' Dev Sprints
MVVM Challenge - Chuck Norris App 💪 In this challenge, we will apply MVVM architecture concepts to finalize the implementation of an iOS application.
Swift interview preparation, with questions and answers, cheat sheets, examples...
Swift-Interview Hello every one, in this repo I'm preparing for my swift thecnical question, so you'll find examples and frequently asked questions ab
In app "App Update" button library in swift
What is Upstream? It gives you a magic button, because this button will only appear when there is an app update available on appstore for given app. P
Cookbook app that allows you to read, add and modify your recipes.
What-s-For-Dinner-iOS-App Cookbook app that allows you to read, add and modify your recipes. Features 🍕 🥗 View You can see recipes divided into cate
Unofficial Google ARCore Swift Package for iOS
Google didn't want to make a swift package for ARCore… so let's do it instead.
Aplicación SwiftUI para visualizar datos de Github dados un usuario y un token (Github token), implementa autenticación biométrica mediante FaceID.
ios-app-swift-gitapp Aplicación SwiftUI para visualizar datos de Github dados un usuario y un token (Github token), implementa autenticación biométric
`SimpleExpandableView` is a SwiftUI view which can collapse and expand the content
SimpleExpandableView 中文说明 ExpandableView structure Example ExpandableView( headerSize: CGSize(width: 250.0, height: 50.0), cardSize: CGSize(wi
Semi-automatic installation of mods for the iOS version of KOTOR 1
KOTOR 1 Mod Manager Welcome to KOTOR 1 Mod Manager (K1MM for short), a tool designed to allow easy and simple installation of mods for the iOS version
A simple "Hello, World" style iOS app.
iOS Sample App - Hello World This is a simple iOS (Swift) app with a single view. The intention of this application is to demonstrate the usage of the
DevTool - A simple UI and powerful Mac OS application, Such as JSON-Formatting tool, JSON-to-model tool, AppIcon generator, Network-Request tool...
🔥 🔥 🔥 A simple UI and powerful Mac OS application. It is a collection of tools commonly used in my development work. Such as JSON-Formatting tool, JSON-to-model tool, AppIcon generator, Network-Request tool...
Native iOS app built in SwiftUI, displays a collection of user's books.
Native iOS app built in SwiftUI, displays a collection of user's books.
Pexels API client library for the Swift programming language.
Pexels-Swift Pexels.com API client library for the Swift programming language. Overview This Swift Package is a wrapper for Pexels API to get access t
Get location of user and show near cities and weather of the cities for next 6 days. (iOS)
technical-assignment-Weather-App This project written in Swift by Emre Kılınc You need to have Xcode installed. Please open weather_app.xcworkspace wi
Commmunity-supported Swift Driver for FaunaDB
Commmunity-supported Swift Driver for FaunaDB FaunaDB's Swift driver is now "community-supported". New features won't be exposed in the driver unless
Simple customizable iOS bottom menu works like Tabbar, in Swift
SSCustomTabMenu Simple customizable iOS bottom menu works like Tabbar, in Swift. Features Simple and customizable iOS Tab Menu items, in Swift. Requir
Alter SDK is a cross-platform SDK consisting of a real-time 3D avatar system, facial motion capture, and an Avatar Designer component built from scratch for web3 interoperability and the open metaverse.
Alter SDK is a cross-platform SDK consisting of a real-time 3D avatar system, facial motion capture, and an Avatar Designer component built from scratch for web3 interoperability and the open metaverse.
Spiral is a SwiftUI shape for macOS, iOS and watchOS.
Spiral is a SwiftUI shape for macOS, iOS and watchOS. A spiral is a component that includes a point generator, Shape and View of the spiral. The point
A minimal iOS app that displays 3d graphic art in AR.
AR Art Attractors A minimal iOS AR(Augumented Reality) app that displays 3D graphic arts in AR. It uses attractor systems. An attractor is a set of st
Swift implementation of the elm architecture (TEA)
Swiftea If you were looking for a something like this: TEA (The Elm Architecture) MVU (Model-View-Update) MVI (Model-View-Intent) Redux-like Flux-like
Flower classifier predicting the names of over 70 different types.
Fløra Lab Table of Contents Project Onboarding Installation Swift Playgrounds iPad Mac Xcode Copyright Project Fløra Lab is a flower classification ap
SimpleMagnifyingView can be used as a magnifier as the one iOS providing 🔍. SwiftUI supported!
SimpleMagnifyingView SimpleMagnifyingView is a SwiftUI view which can create a magnifier 中文说明 How it works Example MagnifierView(isMagnifying: $isMagn
SimpleCardView-SwiftUI is a very simple card view written with SwiftUI
SimpleCardView-SwiftUI is a very simple card view written with SwiftUI
A resource based, protocol oriented networking library designed for pure-SwiftUI applications.
Monarch 👑 - WIP A resource based, protocol oriented networking library designed for pure-SwiftUI applications. Features: Async/Await Resource Based P
A clone for netflix iOS app for learning.
Netflix Clone 🇧🇷 Um clone do aplicativo da Netflix voltado para estudos, em Swift, voltado para iOS. O aplicativo conta com uma home, tela de novida
An Adobe .ase (Adobe Swatch Exchange File), .aco (Photoshop swatch file) reader/writer package for Swift (macOS, iOS, tvOS, macCatalyst)
ColorPaletteCodable A palette reader/editor/writer package for iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS, supporting the following formats Adobe Swatch Exchange (.
Anime Calendar's iOS App - Schedule your seasonal anime to watch!
📅 Anime Calendar Anime Calendar's iOS App - Schedule your seasonal anime to watch! Currently in progress UI Uses Xibs and some programmatic views. De
You can dismiss modal by using gesture
RPModalGestureTransition You can dismiss modal by using gesture. Usage 1.Define animation You define animator class inherits UIViewControllerAnimatedT
iOS UI library to show and hide an extension to your UINavigationBar
ADNavigationBarExtension is a UI library written in Swift. It allows you to show and hide an extension to your UINavigationBar Features Use Extensible
Simplifies iOS user permission requests (location, push notifications, camera, contacts, calendar, photos, etc).
ICanHas Swift 4 library that simplifies iOS user permission requests (push notifications, location, camera, photo library, contacts, calendar). Instal
UIViewController extension to present view / view controller as bottom-half modal.
UIViewController extension to present view / view controller as bottom-half modal. Installation CocoaPods pod 'SemiModalViewController' Swift Package
iOS Slide Menu Controller. It is written in pure swift.
SlideMenuController Requirements iOS 9+ Installation SlideMenuController is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line
MSBBarChart is an easy to use bar chart library for iOS
MSBBarChart MSBBarChart is an easy to use bar chart library for iOS. Usage if you want to hide label above bar barChart.setOptions([.isHiddenLabelAbov
Lokalise iOS SDK
Lokalise iOS SDK Lokalise lets you manage keys and translations of your app, game, or website – either on your own or with a team of collaborators. Bu
This is the demo of MVVM-C structure with dependency injection using RxSwift.
MVVMC-Demo Demo defination This is the demo project, I have integrated two APIs for MovieDB APIS (https://www.themoviedb.org/). One for the listing of
Customizable animated slider for iOS
MMSegmentSlider MMSegmentSlider is an easy-to-use IBDesignable animated slider for iOS 7+ written in Objective-C. Installation From CocoaPods CocoaPod
Simple way to present custom views as a popup in iOS and tvOS.
PopupKit PopupKit is a simple and flexible iOS framework for presenting any custom view as a popup. It includes a variety of options for controlling h
Declarative data validation framework, written in Swift
Peppermint Introduction Requirements Installation Swift Package Manager Usage Examples Predicates Constraints Predicate Constraint Compound Constraint
The hassle-free way to add Segment analytics to your Swift app (iOS/tvOS/watchOS/macOS/Linux).
Analytics-Swift The hassle-free way to add Segment analytics to your Swift app (iOS/tvOS/watchOS/macOS/Linux/iPadOS). Analytics helps you measure your
A starter project for Sample Project in Objective C.
A starter project for Sample Project in Objective C.
Simple & Elegant Command Line Interfaces in Swift
An elegant pure Swift library for building command line applications. Features Tons of class, but no classes. 100% organic pure value types. Auto gene
GLWalkthrough is an easily configurable plug-and-play tool to add walkthrough or coachmarker functionality to your app with ease.
GLWalkthrough Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements Installation GLWa
Grab kbsync dynamically from your jailbroken iOS device.
KbsyncTool Grab kbsync dynamically from your jailbroken iOS device. Usage Test1:~ root# kbsynctool -s 9000 [DEBUG] Did open IPv4 listening socket 3 [D
Simple command-line utility for performing OCR using Apple's Vision framework
ocrit Runs Vision's OCR on input images and outputs corresponding txt files for each image, or writes the recognized results to standard output. USAGE
🔍 Browse and edit UserDefaults on your app
UserDefaults-Browser Browse and edit UserDefaults on your app. (SwiftUI or UIKit) Browse Edit (as JSON) Edit (Date) Export Note: We recommend to use S
Alamofire Network Layer written in swift 5 using the protocol oriented, combine, UIKit, MVVM.
CoreAPI-iOS This project Contains Alamofire Network layer Based on Protocol Oriented Concept and Combine Framework. It is created with UIKit, Alamofir
Windows 10/11 lock screen replica
Diary 📖 Windows 10/11 lock screen replica Preview Installation Add this repository to your package manager: TBD Install Diary Compatibility iPhone, i
PlayCover - a project that allows you to sideload iOS apps on macOS
PlayCover - a project that allows you to sideload iOS apps on macOS
Hot Reloading for Swift applications!
Inject Hot reloading workflow helper that enables you to save hours of time each week, regardless if you are using UIKit, AppKit or SwiftUI. TLDR: A s
iAppStroe is an Apple Store tool app written in SwiftUI.
iAppStore 简介 iAppStroe 是一款使用 SwiftUI 打造的苹果商店工具类 App。 1、提供苹果实时榜单查询,包含 iOS 和 iPad 的热门免费榜、热门付费榜、畅销榜,还有新上架榜、新上架免费榜、新上架付费榜等。 2、提供查询 app 详细页面内容、搜索 app、订阅 ap
A Flutter plugin to wrap HyperPay SDK for iOS and Android.
HyperPay Flutter Plugin This plugin is a wrapper around HyperPay iOS and Android SDK, it's still in alpha release, and supports limited set of functio
React Native utility library around image and video files for getting metadata like MIME type, timestamp, duration, and dimensions. Works on iOS and Android using Java and Obj-C, instead of Node 🚀.
Qeepsake React Native File Utils Extracts information from image and video files including MIME type, duration (video), dimensions, and timestamp. The
Mac App Store: Embedding a Command Line tool using paths as arguments
Mac App Store: Embedding a Command Line tool using paths as arguments Code snippets to embed a Command Line tool using paths as arguments on the Mac A
SwiftUI animation tutorials, all of demos are consisted of youtube videos at website of kavsoft
SwiftUI animation tutorials, all of demos are consisted of youtube videos at website of kavsoft
News App 📱 built to demonstrate the use of SwiftUI 3 features, Async/Await, CoreData and MVVM architecture pattern.
Box Feed News App 📱 built to demonstrate the use of following features, SwiftUI 3 Async/Await AsyncImage List Refreshable Swipe Actions Separator Cor
Demo-implementation of 5 different Chart Libraries in SwiftUI
Comparison of Chart Libraries for SwiftUI Read the entire blog post including images on jannikarndt.de! I want to add charts to my SwiftUI iOS App, Ze
Free and open source manga reader for iOS and iPadOS.
Aidoku A free and open source manga reading application for iOS and iPadOS. Features Ad free Robust WASM source system Online reading through external
A sample collection of basic functions of Apple's AR framework for iOS.
RealityKit-Sampler RealityKitSampler is a sample collection of basic functions of RealityKit, Apple's AR framework for iOS. How to build 1, Download o
DropView - A SwiftUI library to display Apple Pencil and Pasteboard-like alerts on iOS.
DropView is a SwiftUI-based library to display alerts inspired by the Apple Pencil and pasteboard stock ones.
The ultimate companion to MusicKit.
MusadoraKit The ultimate companion to MusicKit. MusadoraKit is a Swift framework that uses the latest MusicKit and Apple Music API, making it easy to
🚀 It Makes easy to track your task 🔥 Beautiful & Animated UI👨🏻💻 . Contributions are always welcome 🤗
Taskey 🚀 What is Taskey 🤔 ? Taskey is an application build in SwiftUI to track your task with a beautiful animations and UI . Also used core data to
Integrate beautiful minimalistic plots into your app.
PlotUI · Integrate beautiful minimalistic plots into your app. Installation You can use PlotUI as package dependency to your app using Xcode: github.c
Pendo captures product usage data, gathers user feedback, and lets you communicate in-app to onboard, educate, and guide users to value
Pendo SDK for IOS The Pendo Mobile SDK is a code-less, retro-active analytics collector across all of your app's versions. The SDK also allows present
VCore is a Swift collection containing objects, functions, and extensions that I use for all my projects
VCore Table of Contents Description Library Structure Architecture Gateway Demo Installation Versioning Contact Description VCore is a Swift collectio
A small library that adds concurrency to CoreBluetooth APIs.
AsyncBluetooth A small library that adds concurrency to CoreBluetooth APIs. Features Async/Await APIs Queueing of commands Data conversion to common t
Tutorials from sparrowcode.io website. You can add new, translate or fix typos. Also you can add your apps from App Store for free.
Страницы доступны на sparrowcode.io/en & sparrowcode.io/ru Как добавить свое приложение Добавьте элемент в json /ru/apps/apps.json. Если ваше приложен
A lightweight, event-driven architectural framework
Trellis Trellis features a declarative DSL that simplifies service bootstrapping: let cluster = try await Bootstrap { Group { Store(model:
A powerful lightweight theme 🎨 manager for SwiftUI
SwiftTheming 🎨 is a handy lightweight handy theme manager which handles multiple themes based on system-wide appearances - light and dark appearances
iOS port of the Tachiyomi manga reader.
Tachiyomi iOS An iOS port of the popular Tachiyomi Manga Reader for Android. About the Project Hello fellow manga enthusiasts! For too long now Androi
A guide on setting up Xcode with all the essential Applications, Tools, and Frameworks to make your development experience with Xcode great!
A guide on setting up Xcode with all the essential Applications, Tools, and Frameworks to make your development experience with Xcode great!
EasyFirebase - a Swift wrapper for all things Firebase
🔥 A Swifty solution for all things Firebase. Quickly implement Firestore and Authentication on iOS + macOS using Swift protocols and methods.
Completion Block for UINavigationController Push/Pop UIViewController
JNAPushPopCompletionBlock Synopsis Completion block for [self.navigationController pushViewController:(nonnull UIViewController *) animated:(BOOL)] an
An alternative layout system for iOS
GranadaLayout GranadaLayout is an alternative layout system for iOS, inspired on the Android layout system. It includes relative and linear layout sys
Save development time! Respresso automatically transforms and delivers your digital assets into your projects
Respresso iOS client Respresso is a centralized resource manager for shared Android, iOS and Web frontend projects. It allows you to simply import the
Free macOS app for iOS view debugging.
Introduction You can inspect and modify views in iOS app via Lookin, just like UI Inspector in Xcode, or another app called Reveal. Official Website:h
CodeEdit App for macOS – Elevate your code editing experience. Open source, free forever.
CodeEdit for macOS CodeEdit is a code editor built by the community, for the community, written entirely and unapologetically for macOS. Features incl
SwiftUI Social Contributor App
The Social Contributor App is designed as a social way to build and learn SwiftUI. If you have the baton get writing SwiftUI and pass it on 🏃🏽♂️
CompactSlider is a SwiftUI control for macOS, iOS and watchOS.
CompactSlider is a control for selecting a value from a bounded linear range of values. The slider is a replacement for the build-in slider and is des
Simple and elegant Dropdown Transition
Simple and elegant dropdown transition for iOS Why? I needed to perform the dropdown transition in the app I was building and I've found many great li
A Jamf Classic communication framework written in Swift
JamfKit JamfKit is an iOS / macOS / tvOS framework to communicate with the JSS API offered by any Jamf host. Summary Features Installation Carthage Co
An interactive iOS image viewer that does it all: double tap to zoom, flick to dismiss, et cetera.
DO NOT USE. "I AM SUPER DUPER CEREAL, YOU GUYS." This repository is no longer under active development. I think it's probably still safe to use on iOS