434 Repositories
Swift objective-c-menu Libraries
A macOS menu bar app for copy animated LIHKG stickers to clipboard.
LIHKG GIFs A macOS menu bar app created for easily sending LIHKG stickers to Microsoft Teams. This app will try to load a GIF selected by user into th
NextEvent is a countdown widget for your Mac menu bar. It displays the time until the next event in your calendar or task list.
NextEvent NextEvent is a countdown widget for your Mac menu bar. It displays the time until the next event in your calendar or reminders. Choose the n
A SwiftUI button that expands to reveal more content.
CUIExpandableButton A SwiftUI button that expands to reveal more content. CUIExpandableButton is part of the Crystal UI framework (under developement)
A modal passcode input and validation view controller for iOS
TOPasscodeViewController A modal passcode input and validation view controller for iOS. TOPasscodeViewController is an open-source UIViewController su
Enables you to hide ur UIViews and make them screen/screen shot proof. objective c/c++ only
SecureView Enables you to hide ur UIViews and make them screen/screen shot proof. objective c/c++ only Usage UIWindow* mainWindow; - (void) setup {
💻 LeetCode in your menu bar
LeetBar LeetCode in your menu bar Features Check the daily problem and view profile stats from your menu bar Get notified about the new daily problem
Weather Dock is a MacOS headless application that shows popover view under the menu bar with weather info.
Weather Dock Weather forecast in MacOS menu bar Weather Dock is a MacOS headless application that shows popover view under the menu bar with weather i
Customizable multi platform menu bar component with the dark and light scheme support - SwiftUI
Menu bar component (SwiftUI) Features Observing menu selection changes via generic PreferenceKey The color intensity automatically adjusts depending o
This is a template repository for quickly creating boilerplate code for a SwiftUI macOS menu bar app.
Menu Bar App This is a template repository for quickly creating boilerplate code for a SwiftUI macOS menu bar app. License This app is released into t
This repo contains swift collection of gui, games, menu, animations, music, payment, etc... for iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS
Swift-Collections About: This repo contains a collection of projects built using swift and objective-c Contains projects for macOS iOS iPad watchOS tv
Multiplatform (iOS, macOS) SwiftUI bottom sheet drawer. Expandable bottomsheet. Slide out bottom menu
Multiplatform (iOS, macOS) SwiftUI bottom sheet drawer Features It does not re-render the background content while manipulating with the sheet iOS and
Swift ports of Apple's Objective-C / C++ sample code
MetalSampleCodeSwift Swift ports of Apple's Objective-C / C++ sample code Metal is a great API, but it can feel inaccessible for Swift developers due
Data Mapping library for Objective C
OCMapper is a data mapping library for Objective C that converts NSDictionary to NSObject
Save all your Mac apps for later with one click 🖱️
Later videoplayback.mp4 Save all your Mac apps for later with one click 🖱️ Later is a Mac menu bar app that clears and restores your workspace with e
RadialMenu is a custom control for providing a touch context menu (like iMessage recording in iOS 8) built with Swift & POP
RadialMenu Looking for help? For $150/hr I'll help with your RadialMenu problems including integrating it into your project. Email bjasper@gmail.com t
Allows trendy transitions using swipe gesture such as "swipe back anywhere".
SwipeTransition allows trendy transitions using swipe gesture such as "swipe back". Try the demo on the web (appetize.io): https://appetize.io/app/peb
Push Hero - pure Swift native macOS application to test push notifications
Dropdowns ❤️ Support my app ❤️ Push Hero - pure Swift native macOS application to test push notifications Quick Access - Organise files in the Mac men
Vitals - A tiny macOS process monitor lives in the menu bar, keeping track of resource usage
Vitals lives in the menu bar, keeping track of resource usage in the background so you can summon it instantly at any time.
Easy Attributed String Creator
The main idea of this project is to have an online tool to be able to visually add formatting to a text and get back a swift and/or objective-c code t
Plugin for Xcode to integrate the Reveal App to your project automatic.
Reveal-Plugin-for-Xcode Plugin for Xcode to integrate the Reveal App to your project automatic(Without any modifications to your project). Please note
PhotoEditor SDK: A fully customizable photo editor for your app.
About PhotoEditor SDK for iOS Our SDK provides tools for adding photo editing capabilities to your iOS application with a big variety of filters that
APValidators - Codeless solution for form validation in iOS!
APValidators is a codeless solution for form validation. Just connect everything right in Interface Builder and you're done. Supports really complex and extendable forms by allowing to connect validators in tree.
Hamburger Menu Button - A hamburger menu button with full customization
Hamburger Menu Button A hamburger menu button with full customization. Inspired by VinhLe's idea on the Dribble How to use it You can config the looks
A quick and "lean" way to swizzle methods for your Objective-C development needs.
Swizzlean A quick and "lean" way to swizzle methods for your Objective-C development needs. Adding Swizzlean to your project Cocoapods CocoaPods is th
LCToast - Add toast to UIView.
LCToast Add toast to UIView. Requirements iOS 8.0+ Features The LCToast is a comparison of features with Toast and SVProgressHUD. LCToast Toast SVProg
LCPullRefresh - Use UIActivityIndicatorView to provide a pull-to-refresh function for UIScrollView.
LCPullRefresh Use UIActivityIndicatorView to provide a pull-to-refresh function for UIScrollView. Requirements iOS 8.0+ Xcode 11.0+ Usage Pull-up refr
LCWebImage - An asynchronous image loading framework based on AFNetworking.
LCWebImage is an asynchronous image loading framework based on AFNetworking, which supports memory and disk caching, and provides functions such as custom caching, custom image decoding, and custom network configuration.
Prevent keyboard from covering UITextField/UITextView, includes Swift and Objective-C APIs
Prevent keyboard from covering UITextField/UITextView with only one line of code, includes Swift and Objective-C APIs.
💡 A light Swift wrapper around Objective-C Runtime
A light wrapper around Objective-C Runtime. What exactly is lumos? lumos as mentioned is a light wrapper around objective-c runtime functions to allow
Auto scrollable multi platform header menu usually used in food delivery applications - SwiftUI & Combine
Auto scrollable header menu - SwiftUI & Combine Features Auto scrollable up menu while navigating the list up and down Navigate to any section from up
Simple customizable iOS bottom menu works like Tabbar, in Swift
SSCustomTabMenu Simple customizable iOS bottom menu works like Tabbar, in Swift. Features Simple and customizable iOS Tab Menu items, in Swift. Requir
Alter SDK is a cross-platform SDK consisting of a real-time 3D avatar system, facial motion capture, and an Avatar Designer component built from scratch for web3 interoperability and the open metaverse.
Alter SDK is a cross-platform SDK consisting of a real-time 3D avatar system, facial motion capture, and an Avatar Designer component built from scratch for web3 interoperability and the open metaverse.
Easy and beautiful way for a user to pick content, files or images. Written in Objective C
##JVTImageFilePicker Description ImageFilesPicker Is a butifuly designed UICompenent for uploading content Preview from recent camera roll Live Camera
iOS Slide Menu Controller. It is written in pure swift.
SlideMenuController Requirements iOS 9+ Installation SlideMenuController is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line
A starter project for Sample Project in Objective C.
A starter project for Sample Project in Objective C.
A macOS menu bar app that enables system-wide navigation functionality for side buttons on third-party mice.
SaneSideButtons macOS mostly ignores the M4/M5 mouse buttons, commonly used for navigation. Third-party apps can bind them to ⌘+[ and ⌘+], but this on
Windows 10/11 lock screen replica
Diary 📖 Windows 10/11 lock screen replica Preview Installation Add this repository to your package manager: TBD Install Diary Compatibility iPhone, i
A reverse engineering tool to restore stripped symbol table and dump Objective-C class or Swift types for machO file.
A reverse engineering tool to restore stripped symbol table and dump Objective-C class or Swift types for machO file.
Quick Symlink - a Finder extension which provides a contextual menu item for the symbolic links creation on macOS
Quick Symlink The Quick Symlink is a Finder extension which provides a contextual menu item for the symbolic links (and other links) creation on macOS
Completion Block for UINavigationController Push/Pop UIViewController
JNAPushPopCompletionBlock Synopsis Completion block for [self.navigationController pushViewController:(nonnull UIViewController *) animated:(BOOL)] an
Theme handling macOS Appkit (Swift/Objective-C)
DSFAppearanceManager A class for simplifying macOS appearance values and detecting setting changes (Swift/Objective-C). Why? If you're performing cust
Touch ID Plugin (Cordova) for iOS
cordova-plugin-gctouch-id Touch ID Plugin (Cordova) for iOS Author: Giulio Caruso aka rdn Index Description Technical Documentation Screenshots Adding
Review page interaction - handy and pretty way to ask for review
RPInteraction Overview Review page interaction - handy and pretty way to ask for review. Inspired by dribbble shot. Requirements iOS8 Installation RPI
HxSTLParser is a basic STL parser capable of loading STL files into an SCNNode
HxSTLParser HxSTLParser is a basic STL parser capable of loading STL files into an SCNNode. Installing Via Carthage Just add it to your Cartfile githu
Drawer view controller that easy to use!
KWDrawerController Drawer view controller that is easy to use! Installation CocoaPods (iOS 8+ projects) KWDrawerController is available on CocoaPods.
iOS & tvOS multi-emulator frontend, supporting various Atari, Bandai, NEC, Nintendo, Sega, SNK and Sony console systems
iOS & tvOS multi-emulator frontend, supporting various Atari, Bandai, NEC, Nintendo, Sega, SNK and Sony console systems… Get Started: https://wiki.provenance-emu.com |
Chanify is a safe and simple notification tools. This repository is iOS clinet for Chanify.
Chanify English | 简体中文 Chanify is a safe and simple notification tools. For developers, system administrators, and everyone can push notifications wit
A small package that provides a Swift API for instantiating Swift and Objective-C classes by their non-namespaced class name.
Reflection A small package that provides a Swift API for instantiating Swift and Objective-C classes by their non-namespaced class name. Installation
This is a simple Mac Catalyst example showcasing how to build a dropdown menu toolbar button using AppKit.
CatalystToolbarMenuButton This is a simple Mac Catalyst example showcasing how to build a dropdown menu toolbar button using AppKit. There are ways to
FakeGithub is an iOS application written using Objective-C
FakeGithub FakeGithub is an iOS application written using Objective-C. Opensource this project for learning purpose. Hope this could be a little usefu
Monkey is an unofficial GitHub client for iOS,to show the rank of coders and repositories.
Monkey for GitHub 中文README Monkey is an unofficial GitHub client. Monkey for GitHub is my first App,open source project.Welcome to download. GitHub op
Github iOS Client based on Github REST V3 API and GraphQL V4 API
ZLGithubClient Github iOS 客户端 by Existorlive Objective-c 2.0 Swift 5 Cocoapods 1.9.1 iOS = 11.0 基于 Github REST V3 API 和 Github GraphQL V4 API 开发的iOS客
Transcription Helper - iOS application for assisting in transcribing audio files
Transcription Helper This is an iOS application written in Objective-c for assisting the people who want to work out a piece of audio, in order to wri
Paimon's now in your macOS menu bar
PaimonMenuBar Paimon's now in your menu bar! Demo What's this? Genshin Impact has got a complicated daily system, consisting of: 4 Daily commisions. 5
OpenStack Foundation Summit App
OpenStack Foundation Summit App The official app for the OpenStack Summit. (iTunes) Supports iOS, watchOS and tvOS. Setup Fetch Carthage dependencies.
Adblock Fast is a new, faster ad blocker for Android, iOS, Chrome, and Opera.
A new, faster ad blocker for Android, iOS, Chrome, and Opera Try Adblock Fast: Android (Android 5.0 and up with Samsung Internet 4.0 and up) iOS (iOS
Stay - a local userscript manager and an extension sample for Safari on iOS/iPadOS
Stay - a local userscript manager and an extension sample for Safari on iOS/iPadOS
📷A simple and convenient way to manage your webcam's picture settings, right from your menu bar
Viewfinder A simple and convenient way to manage your webcam's picture settings, right from your menu bar. About • Download • Building from Source • C
Easy-to-use action menu
About Navigate Features Installation Usage Delegate Features Highly customizable support dark/light theme corner radius blured background width (iPad)
Exchanger - a simple iOS application demonstrating one of approaches to implement VIPER 💎 architecture in modern Objective-C
The Exchanger is a simple iOS application demonstrating one of approaches to implement VIPER 💎 architecture in modern Objective-C.
Calculate your tip and split the bill between any number of people
Calculate your tip and split the bill between any number of people
Another is a tweak written in Logos and Objective-C to customize Apple's voice assistant - Siri.
Preview On screeen: In reality: English: Another Allows you to customize Siri. Only for Jailbreak users. Compiling Theos is required to compile the pr
This app can translate the MainMenu.xib automatically
Main Menu Translator This app can translate the MainMenu.xib automatically. Desc
SwiftUI Slideoutmenu - Sample Project for slideout menu
SwiftUI_Slideoutmenu This is a sample code project for a slideout menu. Simulato
Swift-sidebar-menu-example - Create amazing sidebar menu with animation using swift
SWIFT SIDEBAR MENU EXAMPLE In this project I create a awesome side bar menu fo
CatalystMenuBarStatusWindow - A method of presenting UIKit (or Catalyst-specific SwiftUI) content from the status menu area on macOS
CatalystMenuBarStatusWindow This sample code showcases a method of presenting UI
News application with 66 providers
News Description An application that let's you discover and read news. It's possible with using News API, that provides simple and easy-to-use API tha
Remote shell using libssh2 with Objective-C, thread safe implementation.
NSRemoteShell Remote shell using libssh2 with Objective-C. Thread safe implementation. Available as Swift Package. git libssh2 prebuilt binaries are r
Get the current frequency of your Apple M1 GPU.
M1-gpufreq Get the current frequency of your Apple M1 GPU. What It Does and How It Works This project is designed to get the current frequency (or clo
EasyMenu - SwiftUI Menu but not only button (similar to the native Menu)
EasyMenu SwiftUI Menu but not only button (similar to the native Menu) You can c
CryptoTrackerMenuBar - A Realtime Crypto Tracker macOS Menu Bar App built with SwiftUI & WebSocket
Realtime Crypto Tracker macOS Menu Bar App - SwiftUI & WebSocket A Realtime Cryp
Billboard - Add a text to your Mac menu bar
📰 Billboard Put text on your Mac status bar This is a little app that allows to
KnockToReact is an iOS library written in Swift and Objective-C that brings an exclusive feature to interact with users just by receiving and recognizing "knocks" in the device.
KnockToReact is an iOS library written in Swift and Objective-C that brings an exclusive feature to interact with users just by receiving and recognizing "knocks" in the device.
A KeePass/Password Safe Client for iOS and OS X
Strongbox A Personal Password Manager for iOS & OSX that can be found on the Apple App Store here: https://apps.apple.com/app/strongbox-password-safe/
Sol° beautifully displays weather information so you can plan your day accordingly
Sol° for iOS Sol° beautifully displays weather information so you can plan your day accordingly. Check the weather in your current location or any cit
Simple side option menu with clean code princibles
SwiftUISideMenu Simple side option menu with clean code princibles.
hackfoldr client for iOS
hackfoldr-iOS This is a simple iOS client for hackfoldr Why? Hackfoldr on mobile is simply not good enough on iOS. Use CocoaPods developer CocoaPods i
A custom SwiftUI modifier to present an ActionSheet or a Popover menu
ActionOver A custom SwiftUI modifier to present an Action Sheet on iPhone and a Popover on iPad and Mac. iPhone Preview iPad Preview Mac Preview Featu
📲 The curated list of iOS Developer interview questions and answers, Swift & Objective-C
Awesome iOS interview questions and answers 🔛 Get started by picking interview's language and start preparing right now Install the app Prepare for t
Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps
Open-Source iOS Apps A collaborative list of open-source iOS, iPadOS, watchOS and tvOS apps, your contribution is welcome 😄 Jump to Apple TV Apple Wa
🚀 Create XCFrameworks with ease! A Command Line Tool to create XCFramework for multiple platforms at one shot! The better way to deal with XCFrameworks for iOS, Mac Catalyst, tvOS, macOS, and watchOS.
Surmagic 🚀 Create XCFramework with ease! A Command Line Tool to create XCFramework for multiple platforms at one shot! The better way to deal with XC
Podman-desktop: a graphical menu bar application for managing Podman machines
podman-desktop podman-desktop is a graphical menu bar application for managing P
ARKit sample application is written in Objective C with features of Add, Remove, Scale, Move, Snapshot for single and multiple objects with plane/surface detection, reset session and AR support checking.
ARKit sample application is written in Objective C with features of Add, Remove, Scale, Move, Snapshot for single and multiple objects with plane/surface detection, reset session and AR support checking.
iOS dictionary for international movie titles & Wikipedia mining tools
MovieDict. What do they call it? International movie title database for iPhone An app for travelers and language learners who like to talk about their
一個普通的看漫畫 App
Dai-Hentai 3.0 總覽 這個專案是一個讓 iOS 裝置方便閱讀, 使用, 收藏 e / ex hentai 網站內容的 App, 由於該網站的內容多半是成人觀看, 如果不喜歡這些內容的話, 請勿使用 x, 感恩 當然, 撇開內容的部分不談, 程式碼的部分或是使用上有任何問題, 都歡迎
The Art World in Your Pocket or Your Trendy Tech Company's Tote, Artsy's mobile app.
Meta State: production Point People: Brian Beckerle, Mounir Dhahri, Pavlos Vinieratos CI : This is an Artsy OSS project. Other mobile projects are Ene
macOS Sqlite tableView 샘플 - objective c
목적 Objective C언어를 이용하여 macOS를 개발해본다. Sqlite를 이용하여 데이터를 저장하고, 불러와본다. FMDB를 이용한다. 데이터를 NSTableView를 이용하여 불러와본다. 추가적으로 NSOutlineView 구현해본다. 추가적으로 KVOCont
NFCReaderWriter which supports to read data from NFC chips(iOS 11), write data to NFC chips(iOS 13) and read NFC tags infos(iOS 13) by iOS devices.
NFCReaderWriter which supports to read data from NFC chips(iOS 11), write data to NFC chips(iOS 13) and read NFC tags infos(iOS 13) by iOS devices. Compatible with both Swift and Objective-C. I will appreciate you if give me a star on the top right of page.
Slide-Menu - A Simple Slide Menu With Swift
Slide Menu!! Весь интерфейс создан через код
This is an iOS Safari Extension Sample that adds a "Develop menu" to Safari on iOS to allow you to analyze websites.
Develop Menu for Mobile Safari This is an iOS Safari Extension that adds a "Develop menu" to Safari on iOS to allow you to analyze websites. This is a
AppKitFocusOverlay - Add hotkey(s) to display the key focus path for any window in your (running) AppKit application
AppKitFocusOverlay A simple package for displaying the current focus target path
ViperC - Xcode template for VIPER Architecture for both Objective-C and Swift.
ViperC Xcode template for VIPER Architecture for both Objective-C and Swift. ViperC creates modules for you when you want to use VIPER architecture in
Snowonder - 🔮 Magical import declarations formatter for Xcode
Snowonder is Xcode Extension that adds some convenient formatting operations for Import Declarations. This extension is created with latest stable Swi
DocumenterXcode - Attempt to give a new life for VVDocumenter-Xcode as source editor extension.
DocumenterXcode Xcode source editor extension which helps you write documentation comment easier, for both Objective-C and Swift. This project is an a
Harpy - Notify users when a new version of your app is available and prompt them to upgrade.
After 6 years of Harpy and 4 years of Siren, I have decided to deprecate Harpy in favor of Siren. Why? Siren is written in Swift and has a feature set
Pilgrim - Dependency injection for Swift (iOS, OSX, Linux). Strongly typed, pure Swift successor to Typhoon.
pilgrim.ph Pilgrim is a dependency injection library for Swift with the following features: Minimal runtime-only library that works with pure Swift (s
Reliant - Nonintrusive Objective-C Dependency Injection
Reliant Reliant is a Dependency Injection (DI) framework for Objective-C, both for OS X and iOS. Its goal is to make its use as simple as possible, wh
Injectionforxcode - Runtime Code Injection for Objective-C & Swift
Injection Plugin for Xcode Copyright (c) John Holdsworth 2012-19 TLDR: Xcode is an integrated development environment (IDE) for macOS containing a sui
Dyci-main - Dynamic Code Injection Tool for Objective-C
This tool allows you to inject code into running iOS application, without restarting it. DyCI is not about loading new code in application. DyCI is ab
Playgrounds - Better playgrounds that work both for Objective-C and Swift
Swift Playgrounds... but supporting both Objective-C and Swift code, plus some superb features. Watch demo More in-depth overview video Playgrounds ar