824 Repositories
Swift xcode-developer-disk-image-all-platforms Libraries
Easy to use cryptographic framework for data protection: secure messaging with forward secrecy and secure data storage. Has unified APIs across 14 platforms.
Themis provides strong, usable cryptography for busy people General purpose cryptographic library for storage and messaging for iOS (Swift, Obj-C), An
A library that makes defines your style sheet like a breeze.
Atelier A library that makes defines your style sheet like a breeze. Requirements iOS 13.0+ Xcode 12.0+ Swift 5.3+ Installation You can add Atelier to
A key value store for storing per-developer environment and application keys
A key value store for enviroment and application keys. Its good security practice to keep production keys out of developer hands. CocoaPods-keys makes
iOS NBA Challenge Based on Xcode 12.4, PR2S Project By: Oscar Pastás
iOS NBA Challenge Based on Xcode 12.4, PR2S Project By: Oscar Pastás iOS This test app consists of a list of users Considerations This test should be
Instagram API client written in Swift
SwiftInstagram is a wrapper for the Instagram API written in Swift. It allows you to authenticate users and request data from Instagram effortlessly.
iOS/macOS Cross-platform Ark-Ecosystem Framework in Swift | Powered by Ѧrk.io |
a macOS & iOS Swift Framework for Ark.io. What is ARKKit? ARKKit is wrapper for interacting with the Ark Ecosystem. It is written purely in Swift 4.0,
The Quite OK Image format, but for Apple
QOI A thin Swift wrapper of qoi the Quite OK Image format. Still very much a work in progress, contributions are welcome. Supported functionality: Ren
Don't start from scratch, start from Here! This is a starter project for iOS projects. It contains all the basic configurations and common libraries for your project.
Starter-iOS Don't start from scratch, start from Here! This is a starter project for iOS projects. It contains all the basic configurations and common
🎨 View instance initializing sugar for Swift & UIKit
🎨 View instance initializing sugar for Swift & UIKit
Basic calculator app for iOS devices using Swift 3 and Xcode
iOS Calculator App Basic calculator app for iOS devices using Swift 3 and Xcode. Created for learning purpose. How to use Just download source code an
A low-maintenance, simple framework for a snapshot testing, which takes into account a snapshot difference factor (must have if you're using CI).
CornSnapshotTesting A low-maintenance, simple framework for a snapshot testing, which takes into account a snapshot difference factor (must have if yo
Async image downloader with Mem&Disk cached as a UIImageView extension
HBWebImage Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements Installation HBWebIm
Swift async/await OAuth 2.0 HTTP request library.
SwAuth SwAuth is an OAuth 2.0 HTTP request library written in Swift iOS 15.0+, macOS 12.0+, watchOS 8.0+, and tvOS 15.0+. Features Requirements Instal
Essential Feed App – Image Feed Feature
Essential Feed App – Image Feed Feature
The application shows all contacts from the iPhone Contact list
Contacts The application shows all contacts from the iPhone Contact list. You can see more details about contact by tapping in contact. Every change i
All the projects from 100 Days of SwiftUI, as taught by Paul Hudson (Hacking with Swift)
100 Days of SwiftUI 19 projects of increasing complexity built with SwiftUI. These projects were built as part of an iOS development course taught by
Home Assistant for Apple Platforms
Home Assistant for Apple Platforms Getting Started Home Assistant uses Bundler, Homebrew and Cocoapods to manage build dependencies. You'll need Xcode
ReadMe app is here to list all of the physical books in your personal library
ReadMe App The ReadMe app is here to list all of the physical books in your personal library, mark books you still have to read review books after you
A framework to add patronage to your apps.
PatronKit A framework for add a patronage area to your apps. PatronKit uses CloudKit to record purchases, and then display tallies back to the user. I
AcknowledgementsPlist manages the licenses of libraries that depend on your iOS app.
What's AcknowledgementsPlist AcknowledgementsPlist that combines licenses of Carthage, CocoaPods, and Manual Plist into Bundle and Plist. I implement
A ninepatch image render framework for iOS and MacOS
NinePatchKit NinePatch image parser and render framework for iOS & macOS Multilingual translation Chinese README Main Features parse png's binary data
Core Data Generator (CDG for short) is a framework for generation (using Sourcery) of Core Data entities from plain structs/classes/enums.
Core Data Generator Introduction Features Supported platforms Installation CDG Setup RepositoryType ModelType DataStoreVersion MigrationPolicy Basic U
A tool for fast serializing & deserializing of JSON
FastEasyMapping Overview Requirements Installation CocoaPods Carthage Usage Deserialization Serialization Mapping Attributes Relationships Assignment
iCloud Drive is Apple's essential connection between all your devices, Mac, iPhone, iPad, even your Windows PC.
iCloud Drive is Apple's essential connection between all your devices, Mac, iPhone, iPad, even your Windows PC.While the cost of storage seems expensive in comparison to other online storage services, its advantage is that it works natively across all your devices.
XCRemoteCache is a remote cache tool for Xcode projects.
XCRemoteCache is a remote cache tool for Xcode projects. It reuses target artifacts generated on a remote machine, served from a simple REST server. H
Easy HTTP Networking in Swift a NSURLSession wrapper with image caching support
Networking was born out of the necessity of having a simple networking library that doesn't have crazy programming abstractions or uses the latest rea
a NSURLCache subclass for handling all web requests that use NSURLRequest
EVURLCache What is this? This is a NSURLCache subclass for handeling all web requests that use NSURLRequest. (This includes UIWebView) The EVURLCache
Messenger Clone - Real-time iOS Chat with Firebase Firestore written in Swift
Real time Swift iOS Chat with Firebase - Messenger Clone This is an extremely simple chat app source code of an iOS Swift Chat app. It leverages Messa
Swift toolkit for passing messages between iOS apps and extensions.
_________ ___ ___ _ _____ _________ ___ ___ / / \ \ / / |_| ( ___ \ \__ __/ \ \ / / / _____/ \ \ /\ /
An iOS app 📱that detects the image and plays video on top of it just like the harry potter movies
AR-Magic-Image This is an iOS application 📱 inspired from Harry Potter movies. It tracks the image and plays the assigned video on top of the image u
Applies filter to a selected image from the Gallery using Combine
CombinePhotoFiltering App CombinePhotoFiltering is an app that applies sepia and bloom to a selected picture from the Photos app. Highlights The app i
Game in development in Swift through XCode.
Space-Cruise-App Est. September 2021 Author: Tony Le Game in development in Swift through XCode. This game lets user dodge and shoot incoming enemies.
Control your display's brightness from the macOS menu bar. Simple and easy to use.
MonitorControl Lite Control your display's brightness from the macOS menu bar. Simple and easy to use. About MonitorControl Lite is a simplified versi
Fetch the star wars api from all the planets and list and show details using Swift UI and Combine
Star Wars Planets Fetch the star wars planet data by using stat war api, list and show details using SwiftUI and Combine frameworks 🔖 Swift UI Framew
ABMediaView can display images, videos, as well as now GIFs and Audio!
Media view which subclasses UIImageView, and can display & load images, videos, GIFs, and audio and from the web, and has functionality to minimize from fullscreen, as well as show GIF previews for videos.
Read colors from Xcode assets file.
XcodePalette Read colors from Xcode assets file. How to Use Download the XcodePalette.Executable.zip of the latest release. Extract the XcodePalette U
Lightweight & Simple Framework For Creating Message App
Lightweight & Simple Framework For Creating Message App
📹 Your next favorite image and video picker
Description We all love image pickers, don't we? You may already know of ImagePicker, the all in one solution for capturing pictures and selecting ima
High Quality Image ScrollView using cropped tiled images.
THTiledImageView Feature 🖼 THTiledImageView fully support UIScrollView. You can subclass it and use it. 📡 Support Async Image Downloading & Caching.
Style Art library process images using COREML with a set of pre trained machine learning models and convert them to Art style.
StyleArt Style Art is a library that process images using COREML with a set of pre trained machine learning models and convert them to Art style. Prev
Slide image viewer library similar to Twitter and LINE.
Overview You can use it simply by passing the necessary information! Serrata is a UI library that allows you to intuitively view images. Features King
A apple music cover picture shadow style image library
ShadowImageView A apple music cover picture shadow style image library ShadowImageView is a iOS 10 Apple Music style image view, help you create elege
A GPU accelerated image and video processing framework built on Metal.
MetalPetal An image processing framework based on Metal. Design Overview Goals Core Components MTIContext MTIImage MTIFilter MTIKernel Optimizations C
An image compositing framework written in Swift.
An asynchronous, multithreaded, image compositing framework written in Swift. Installation CocoaPods Add Overlay to your Podfile: pod 'OverlayComposit
A simple UIImageView extension for using initials as a profile image, written in swift
InitialsImageView An easy, helpful UIImageView extension that generates letter initials as a placeholder for user profile images, with a randomized ba
Crop faces, inside of your image, with iOS 11 Vision api.
FaceCropper Requirements Xcode 9.0 (beta) or higher. iOS 11.0 (beta) or higher. (It is possible to import this library under the iOS 11. But it won't
A snappy image viewer with zoom and interactive dismissal transition.
A snappy image viewer with zoom and interactive dismissal transition. Features Double tap to zoom in/out Interactive dismissal transition Animate in f
Twitter Image Pipeline is a robust and performant image loading and caching framework for iOS clients
Twitter Image Pipeline (a.k.a. TIP) Background The Twitter Image Pipeline is a streamlined framework for fetching and storing images in an application
Using remote images in an application is more or less a requirement these days.
Imaginary Table of Contents Description Usage Basic Advanced Configuration ImageFetcher Installation Description Using remote images in an application
Swift image slideshow with circular scrolling, timer and full screen viewer
🖼 ImageSlideshow Customizable Swift image slideshow with circular scrolling, timer and full screen viewer 📱 Example To run the example project, clon
Create complementary gradients generated from dominant and prominent colors in supplied image. Inspired by Grade.js
ComplimentaryGradientView Create complementary gradients generated from dominant and prominent colors in supplied image. Inspired by Grade.js ❤️ .all
Syntactic Sugar for Accelerate/vImage and Core Image Filters
ShinpuruImage Syntactic Sugar for Accelerate/vImage and Core Image Filters ShinpuruImage offers developers a consistent and strongly typed interface t
An extension that gives UIImageView the ability to focus on faces within an image.
FaceAware Sometimes the aspect ratios of images we need to work with don't quite fit within the confines of our UIImageViews. In most cases we can use
Example of adding marching ants selection to the edges of the image.
JMCMarchingAnts Library that lets you add marching ants (animated) selection to the edges of the images. Usage: * Copy the JMCMarchingAnts.swift file
A simple Image full screen pop up
CLImageViewPopup Description A simple UIImageView for easy fullscreen image pop up. No matter where your UIImageView may be. Image pops up from where
An implementation of High Pass Skin Smoothing using Apple's Core Image Framework
YUCIHighPassSkinSmoothing An implementation of High Pass Skin Smoothing using CoreImage.framework Available on both OS X and iOS. Ports A MetalPetal b
Easy customizable avatar image asynchronously with progress bar animated
JDSwiftAvatarProgress ##Objective-C JDAvatarProgress is available in Objective-C also, JDAvatarProgress Usage To run the example project, clone the re
Swift Image Slider library for iOS
Banana - ImageSlider for Swift Image slider with very simple interface. At a Glance @IBOutlet weak var imageScrollView: UIScrollView! // Here imageArr
Random image generator built with Swift
Ody Ody is an easy to use random image generator built with Swift. Perfect for placeholders! Built with [Silo] silojq, [LoremPixel] images, and FillDu
Very easy to use image loader for swift
Silo Silo is a extremely easy to use and very basic image loader for iOS built in Swift. if you use Silo in your project please let me know! Version 2
An image cropper / photo cropper for iOS like in the Contacts app with support for landscape orientation.
RSKImageCropper An image cropper for iOS like in the Contacts app with support for landscape orientation. Installation RSKImageCropper requires iOS 9.
Asynchronous image loading framework.
YYWebImage YYWebImage is an asynchronous image loading framework (a component of YYKit). It was created as an improved replacement for SDWebImage, PIN
Convert UIImage to ASCII art
BKAsciiImage As seen on Cmd.fm iOS App https://itunes.apple.com/app/cmd.fm-radio-for-geeks-hackers/id935765356 Installation BKAsciiImage is available
A thread safe, performant, feature rich image fetcher
PINRemoteImage Fast, non-deadlocking parallel image downloader and cache for iOS PINRemoteImageManager is an image downloading, processing and caching
A custom image view that implements device motion scrolling
YXTMotionView A custom image view that implements device motion scrolling Installation CocoaPods Add the dependency to your Podfile: platform :ios pod
A view controller for iOS that allows users to crop portions of UIImage objects
TOCropViewController TOCropViewController is an open-source UIViewController subclass to crop out sections of UIImage objects, as well as perform basi
Photo Browser / Viewer inspired by Facebook's and Tweetbot's with ARC support, swipe-to-dismiss, image progress and more
IDMPhotoBrowser IDMPhotoBrowser is a new implementation based on MWPhotoBrowser. We've added both user experience and technical features inspired by F
An open source iOS framework for GPU-based image and video processing
GPUImage Brad Larson http://www.sunsetlakesoftware.com @bradlarson contact@sunsetlakesoftware.com Overview The GPUImage framework is a BSD-licensed iO
An animated gif & apng engine for iOS in Swift. Have a great performance on memory and cpu usage.
Features Small but complete, only200lines of code. Allow to control display quality, memory usage, loop time and display progress. Have a great perfor
Image framework for iOS to display/encode/decode animated WebP, APNG, GIF, and more.
YYImage Image framework for iOS to display/encode/decode animated WebP, APNG, GIF, and more. (It's a component of YYKit) Features Display/encode/decod
High performance and delightful way to play with APNG format in iOS.
APNGKit is a high performance framework for loading and displaying APNG images in iOS and macOS. It's built with high-level abstractions and brings a
🌠 A small UIImage extension with gif support
🌠 A small UIImage extension with gif support
Async GIF image decoder and Image viewer supporting play GIF images. It just use very less memory.
YLGIFImage Asynchronized GIF image class and Image viewer supporting play/stop GIF images. It just use very less memory. Following GIF usually will co
Oversecured Vulnerable iOS App is an iOS app that aggregates all the platform's known and popular security vulnerabilities.
Description Oversecured Vulnerable iOS App is an iOS app that aggregates all the platform's known and popular security vulnerabilities. List of vulner
Shows a Pokémon list with its image and name with SwiftUI
TelepassDigitalTestIB Description General This project aims to develop an app, for Telepass interview process, that shows a Pokémon list with its imag
Some projects written in Swift 5 code designed using the MVVM design pattern.
MVVM Design Pattern Demo This repository has contained some simple demo projects written in Swift code designed using the MVVM design pattern. Project
AIB indicates for your app users which audio is playing. Just like the Podcasts app.
Audio Indicator Bars for iOS and tvOS Indicates for your app users which audio is playing. Just like the Podcasts app. Index Requirements and Details
🎸🎸🎸 Common categories for daily development. Such as UIKit, Foundation, QuartzCore, Accelerate, OpenCV and more.
🎸🎸🎸 Common categories for daily development. Such as UIKit, Foundation, QuartzCore, Accelerate, OpenCV and more.
A drop in single image picker.
PHSingleImagePicker A low memory, single image picker wrapper that provide a significant smaller file size while also preserve high image quality. Int
Styling and coloring your XCTest logs on Xcode Console
XLTestLog Notes with Xcode 8 and XLTestLog Since Xcode 8 killed XcodeColors, the current way using XCTestLog on Xcode 8 is just plain texts with emoji
A CLI tool for localization resource management on Xcode. Built with Google Translator.
Supported by Jetbrains Open Source License Program Automatically translate and synchronize '.strings' files from the defined base language The basic c
📱The all-new iOS app for ownCloud
ownCloud iOS App 📱 The new iOS App for your ownCloud! 🌎 https://ownCloud.com Account List File List File Actions Preview Files Quick Access Settings
Offline playback of a fireplace video on your Apple TV
Fireplace Offline playback of a fireplace video on your Apple TV Screenshots Bring Your Own Video For copyright reasons the file fire.mp4 is not inclu
FlightLayout is a light weight, and easy to learn layout framework as an extension of the UIView.
FlightLayout Introduction FlightLayout is a light weight, and easy to learn layout framework as an extension of the UIView. Functionally, it lives som
MyLayout is a simple and easy objective-c framework for iOS view layout
MyLayout is a powerful iOS UI framework implemented by Objective-C. It integrates the functions with Android Layout,iOS AutoLayout,SizeClass, HTML CSS float and flexbox and bootstrap. So you can use LinearLayout,RelativeLayout,FrameLayout,TableLayout,FlowLayout,FloatLayout,PathLayout,GridLayout,LayoutSizeClass to build your App 自动布局 UIView UITableView UICollectionView RTL
Sample project to reproduce Xcode 13 indexing problems
Xcode 13 indexing regression for Swift static libraries Summary: Currently if you have a project that links a pre-compiled Swift static library (with
🏈 Cache CocoaPods for faster rebuild and indexing Xcode project.
Motivation Working on a project with a huge amount of pods I had some troubles: - Slow and unnecessary indexing of pods targets, which implementation
A command-line tool to generate a JSON-list of all used SPM-dependencies of an Xcode-project.
SwiftPackageList A command-line tool to generate a JSON-list of all used SPM-dependencies of an Xcode-project. This includes all the Package.resolved
Converts images to a textual representation.
ConsoleApp7 Essentially, this suite of programs converts images to text, which is made to resemble the original image. There are three targets in this
MyUtils For Xcode
MyUtils For Xcode App Store Download ##You can 1: \#FFFFFF - [UIColor colorWithRed:1.00 green:1.00 blue:1.00 alpha:1.00] Use:Select "#FFFFFF" Then Xc
An Xcode12 project for iOS that asynchronously downloads and displays xkcd comics
AsyncXKCD An Xcode12 project for iOS that asynchronously downloads and displays xkcd comics images and captions. It fills a UITableView as needed to k
Light weight tool for detecting the current device and screen size written in swift.
Device detect the current device model and screen size. Installation CocoaPods Device is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the
Luminous provides you a lot of information about the system and a lot of handy methods to quickly get useful data on the iOS platform.
Luminous Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements iOS 8+ Swift 5 Xcode 1
An extreme queuing system with high performance for managing all task in app with closure
SwiftyTask An extreme queuing system with high performance for managing all task in app with closure Task Method Tasking of queued closure on GCD (Gra
The easy way to use sockets on Apple platforms
SwiftSocket SwiftSocket library provides as easy to use interface for socket based connections on server or client side. Supports both TCP and UDP soc
SwiftColorArt is a demo application that includes Swift files with all classes and extension necessary to create a font color schema matching to an image
SwiftColorArt SwiftColorArt is a demo application that includes Swift files with all classes and extension necessary to create a font color schema mat
CLI for setting location in the iOS simulator
set-simulator-location This is a simple CLI for easily setting the location of the currently running iOS Simulator. Usage Set a specific latitude and
Updates to Apple's AVKitPlayerOSX sample code.
AVKitPlayerOSX =========================================================================== DESCRIPTION: This sample demonstrates usage of AVPlayerView
This is an open source app made to help home brewers brew their coffee by calculating the grams of water needed, and run a timer all in the same screen.
Ratios This is an open source app made to help home brewers brew their coffee by calculating the grams of water needed, and run a timer all in the sam
iOS app that allows you to search for any comic character and save your favorites in a list.
iOS App: My Comics Swift exercise ¡Hola mundo! In my Swift learning journey my mentor and I decided to do an app using the Comic Vine API. This API gi