824 Repositories
Swift xcode-developer-disk-image-all-platforms Libraries
Strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects
R.swift Get strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects Why use this? It makes your code that uses resources
Icons generator for XCode assets project
SwiftUI-PictGen Icons generator for XCode assets project. Small project in Swift
Bill splitting and tip calculating app, build with UIKit and MVC pattern.
Split Check Bill splitting and tip calculating app, build with UIKit and MVC pattern. Features Enter bill total with number pad. Select tip % and betw
Use Swift to pack ambiguous image that display differently on Apple and Other devices
Aibmoe Use Swift to pack ambiguous image that display differently on Apple and O
A single line of code for selecting the optional editing image from Camera or Photo Library, including handling the authorizations of Photo library and Camera.
AvatarImagePicker & AuthSettings & Description AvatarImagePicker is a photo library and camera Image Picker for iOS written in Swift, it's just a sing
This is a simple chart library using purely swiftui, enabling support for all platforms from Apple.
This is a simple chart library using purely swiftui, enabling support for all platforms from Apple. Most importantly, this could be used in WidgetKit. This is under development. Code might not be stable
The purpose of this app is to list all of the schools in New Jersey and assign ratings to chosen schools.
My First iOS App Introduction This is my first iOS App from my CSSE337 Enterprise Mobile Apps class for college. Here was the objective of the assignm
Image gallery similar to Adidias' app, built in SwiftUI
TripleStackGallery TripleStackGallery is a image gallery component, which displays a set of images as a stack of three images, always displaying the i
Anime4K for Apple platforms based on Metal
Anime4KMetal Introduction This is a port of Anime4K to Metal. It dynamically translates GLSL shaders to Metal shaders and applies them during video pl
Do-It-All Virtualization Tool
diavirt diavirt implements all of the functionality of Virtualization.framework in a command-line tool. Usage Install with Homebrew Install Homebrew I
FLImagePicker - A simple image picker supported multiple selection
FLImagePicker A simple image picker supported multiple selection. Features Multiple selection Gesture supported Dark mode Easy modification Installati
A Spotify clone created using SwiftUI
Spotify Clone Its a Spotify clone created using SwiftUI. Deployment To deploy th
A Codable extension to decode arrays and to catch & log all decoding failures
SafeDecoder A Codable extension to decode arrays and to catch & log all decoding failures Features SafeDecoder makes two improvements for Codable mode
Shows a list of albums initially and shows the image in detailed view.
Description : PhotosViewer Shows a list of albums initially. Selcting any album will lead to a photos list screen Tapping on any photo will display a
An Xcode playground showcasing the new features in Swift 4.0.
What’s new in Swift 4 An Xcode playground showcasing the new features in Swift 4.0. As seen in the What’s New in Swift session at WWDC 2017. Written b
🍮 A collection of Swift snippets to be used in Xcode
Swift Snippets ❤️ Support my app ❤️ Push Hero - pure Swift native macOS application to test push notifications PastePal - Pasteboard, note and shortcu
Good ideas for iOS development, by Futurice developers.
iOS Good Practices Just like software, this document will rot unless we take care of it. We encourage everyone to help us on that – just open an issue
Accessbility workshop by hacking with swift. Make every app more usefull for the all the users
Accessibility Accessbility workshop by hacking with swift. Make every app more u
Contacts wrapper for iOS 9 or upper with Objective-C
ContactsWrapper Contacts wrapper for iOS 9 or upper with Objective-C. For the information translated to Russian, take a look at this link. Requirement
Extensions for Swift Standard Types and Classes
Cent Cent is a library that extends certain Swift object types using the extension feature and gives its two cents to Swift language. Dollar is a Swif
All the reusable code that we need in each project
SwiftyUtils SwiftyUtils groups all the reusable code that we need to ship in each project. This framework contains: Extensions Protocols Structs Subcl
BFKit is a collection of useful classes and categories to develop Apps faster.
Swift Version • What does it do • Language support • Requirements • Communication • Contributing • Installing and Usage • Documentation • Changelog •
Simple image crop library for iOS
PhotoCropper This is a simple image crop library for iOS I made for fun on Chris
waifuExtension: The waifu2x on Mac
waifuExtension The waifu2x on Mac. The new version is capable of taking advantag
Simple way to display activity indicator inside the button.
QBIndicatorButton Custom of UIButton in Swift. Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory firs
Train a ML Model to detect faces. (Image classifier)
face-recognition-match Train a CoreML Model to detect faces in IOS. (Image classifier) Requeriments conda create --name face_recog python=3.6 conda ac
📝 The next in the generations of 'growing textviews' optimized for iOS 8 and above.
NextGrowingTextView The next in the generations of 'growing textviews' optimized for iOS 8 and above. As a successor to HPGrowingTextView, NextGrowing
UITextField with underline and left image
TJTextField UITextField with underline and left image Version: 1.0 Features Add image in UITextField Left text pedding Underline whole UITextField Sho
An auto-layout base UITextView subclass which automatically grows with user input and can be constrained by maximal and minimal height - all without a single line of code
Deprecated This library is no longer maintained and is deprecated. The repository might be removed at any point in the future. MBAutoGrowingTextView A
Sort import statements in your Swift source code
Sort Swift Imports Sort import statements in your Swift source code. 🏛 Swift Li
CNIC Validation View: National Identity card no Textfield, Validation, Navigation all managed in xib/storyboard base UIView custom control
CNICTextFieldView CNIC Validation View: National Identity card no Textfield, Validation, Navigation all managed in xib/storyboard base UIView custom c
Plugin for Xcode to submit github issues directly from within Xcode.
xSendIssue: Introduction: xSendIssue is an Xcode plugin that provides a quick and easy way to file Github issues on your Xcode project from within Xco
iOS Framework HSB: hue, saturation, and brightness
HSB I am build a framework that exposes a function called HSBColor(hue:saturation:brightness) that returns a new HSBColor created from those values. I
Xcode Template for generating VIPER-B modules: View, Interactor, Presenter, Router and Builder.
VIPER-Xcode-Template Xcode Template for generating VIPER-B modules: View, Interactor, Presenter, Router and Builder. Installation Clone or download th
Auto slide the view when keyboard appears
DPKeyboardManager Auto slide the view when keyboard appears HOW TO USE : import UIKit class DPBaseViewController: UIViewController { let keyboard
A generic small reusable components for data source implementation for UITableView/UICollectionView in Swift.
GenericDataSource A generic small reusable components for data source implementation for UITableView/UICollectionView written in Swift. Features Basic
Netflix and App Store like UITableView with UICollectionView, written in pure Swift 4.2
GLTableCollectionView Branch Status master develop What it is GLTableCollectionView is a ready to use UITableViewController with a UICollectionView fo
a TableView have thumbnail cell only, and you can use gesture let it expands other expansionView, all diy
ZYThumbnailTableView #####可展开型预览TableView,开放接口,完全自由定制 #####An expandable preview TableView, custom-made all the modules completely with open API you c
Wrapper class for handling all tasks related to RSA cryptography
RSAWrapper Wrapper class for handling all tasks related to RSA cryptography USAG
Multiplayer RockPaperScissors iOS game. You can play with anybody all around the world to be a RockPaperScissors master!
RockPaperScissors RockPaperScissors is an app where you can play classic "rock, paper, scissors game" with friends on your phones. Using Firebase you
See all your scheduled local notifications in one place
ScheduledNotificationsViewController Nice Photon is available for hire! Talk to
The collection of image filters with swift
SemanticImage The collection of image filters. How to use Setting Up 1, Add Sema
Fast Campus iOS App Development All-in-one Package Online Clone Coding
애플뮤직 클론 코딩 패스트캠퍼스 iOS 앱 개발 올인원 패키지 Online 클론코딩 사용요소 UICollectionReusableView , c
UITabBarController with swipe interaction between its tabs.
🌟 Features Zero setup Different animations Enable/Disable interactions easily Fluid gestures 📲 Installation Using CocoaPods Edit your Podfile and sp
AR Image Finder for MDA
AR-Imge-Finder AR Image Finder for MDA Installation Clone the project in Xcode 1
Folder References With Xcode Gen
FolderReferencesWithXcodeGen How to Build and Run Install dependencies # Install
RangeSeedSlider provides a customizable range slider like a UISlider.
RangeSeekSlider Overview RangeSeekSlider provides a customizable range slider like a UISlider. This library is based on TomThorpe/TTRangeSlider (Objec
A powerful Circular Slider. It's written in Swift, it's 100% IBDesignable and all parameters are IBInspectable.
CircularSlider A powerful Circular Slider. It's written in Swift, it's 100% IBDesignable and all parameters are IBInspectable. Demo Installation Circu
StepSlider its custom implementation of slider such as UISlider for preset integer values.
StepSlider StepSlider its custom implementation of slider such as UISlider for preset values. Behind the scenes StepSlider manipulate integer indexes.
A customizable Segmented Control for iOS. Supports text and image.
YUSegment 中文文档 A customizable segmented control for iOS. Features Supports both (Attributed)text and image Supports show separator Supports hide indic
App that generates random images and attempts to classify them with MobileNetV2
Image-Classifier-App App that generates random images and attempts to classify t
Introducing with Xcode Storyboard and Interface Builder
I-am-rich Introducing with Xcode Storyboard and Interface Builder Introducing wi
New Way Of Working Around With Closures.
Closured New Way Of Working Around With Closures. Are you tired of old-school callback closures? Are you always mess up with capturing references on a
↕️ VegaScroll is a lightweight animation flowlayout for UICollectionView completely written in Swift 4, compatible with iOS 11 and Xcode 9.
Made by Applikey Solutions Find this project on Dribbble Also check another flowlayout for UICollectionView: https://github.com/ApplikeySolutions/Grav
Customizable progress indicator library in Swift
Gradient Circular Progress Customizable progress indicator library in Swift Requirements Swift 5.1 iOS 8.0 or later Screen Shots Preset style: BlueDar
Measuring the progress with annotations 🔱
Description Displaying the progress in a meter control. ProgressMeter lets you create your custom annotations that display either on top or bottom of
Customizable login screen, written in Swift 🔶
LFLoginController Customizable login screen, written in Swift Creating Login screens is boring and repetitive. What about implementing and customizing
A command line tool to easily install and browse Xcode templates
🥾 XTrail A command line tool to easily install and browse Xcode templates. Usage The general invocation syntax for xtrail is as follows: xtrail subc
In this tutorial, you’ll write your very first Core Data application with SwiftUI in Xcode
TodoApp-IOS In this tutorial, you’ll write your very first Core Data application with SwiftUI in Xcode. You’ll see how easy it is to get started with
A snake engine written in SpriteKit for all Apple devices.
A snake engine written in SpriteKit for all Apple devices. ⭐ Features Fully tested engine functionality. Framework based, super easy to integrate in d
Single Webview project for xcode in swift
Single Webview project for xcode in swift An xcode project that with single webview(UIWebView) that opens external URL, for hybrid web app debug or te
A fully customisable swift subclass on UIButton which allows you to create beautiful buttons without writing any line of code.
JSButton Demo $ pod try JSButton ...or clone this repo and build and run/test the JSButton project in Xcode to see JSButton in action. If you don't ha
A way to quickly add a notification badge icon to any view. Make any view of a full-fledged animated notification center.
BadgeHub A way to quickly add a notification badge icon to any view. Demo/Example For demo: $ pod try BadgeHub To run the example project, clone the r
Working alternative to Xcode previews.
SwiftUIPlaygrounds! A shell project you can use to iterate over SwiftUI interfaces using the HotReloading project. Instead of a "preview" the interfac
ColorKit makes it easy to find the dominant colors of an image
ColorKit ColorKit is your companion to work with colors on iOS. Features Installation Sample Project Contributing License Features Dominant Colors Col
Widgets iOS 14 animation with 3D and dynamic shadow. Customisable transform and duration.
SPPerspective About Animatable widgets from iOS 14. Same animation for transform and shadow. Customisable duration, perspective and shadow also. For v
An easy way to add a shimmering effect to any view with just one line of code. It is useful as an unobtrusive loading indicator.
LoadingShimmer An easy way to add a shimmering effect to any view with just single line of code. It is useful as an unobtrusive loading indicator. Thi
An Objective-C animation library used to create floating image views.
JRMFloatingAnimation [](https://travis-ci.org/Caroline
This is a repo for my implementation of Gang of Four Book: Software Design Patterns. All written in Swift.
GoF-Swift-Design-Patterns This repo is intended to implement the known Software Design Patterns from the Gang of Four book using Swift Programming Lan
A beautiful activity indicator and modal alert written in Swift (originally developed for my app DoodleDoodle) Using blur effects, translucency, flat and bold design - all iOS 8 latest and greatest
SwiftSpinner SwiftSpinner is an extra beautiful activity indicator with plain and bold style. It uses dynamic blur and translucency to overlay the cur
Basic calculator app for iOS devices using Swift3. Created for learning purpose.
iOS Calculator App Basic calculator app for iOS devices using Swift 4 and Xcode 9. Created for learning purpose. How to use Just download source code
iOS app for Technex, IIT(BHU) Varanasi. This project is closed before completion. You can use this app for learning purpose. You can use this app as a templet of any event related app.
technex-ios iOS app for Technex, IIT(BHU) Varanasi. This project is closed before completion for some reasons. You can use this app for learning purpo
A nice iOS View Capture Swift Library which can capture all content.
SwViewCapture A nice iOS View Capture Library which can capture all content. SwViewCapture could convert all content of UIWebView to a UIImage. 一个用起来还
A library to imitate the iOS 10 Maps UI.
Pulley A library to imitate the drawer in Maps for iOS 10/11. The master branch follows the latest currently released version of Swift. If you need an
Show the weather effects onto view written in Swift4.2
URWeatherView What is this for? Showing some kinds of the weather effect, written in Swift4.2. This code style is the Protocol Oriented Programming. T
Set of iOS controls with useful IBInspectable properties. Written on Swift.
DCKit [Not maintained anymore] I switched to Flutter, so I don't maintain the library anymore. DCKit is a set of @IBDesignable iOS controls (buttons,
Random image app
Random image app About the project / О проекте English In that application I desided to make a custom servise which can directly take a random image w
A project that uses the Flickr image search API and shows the results in a 3-column scrollable collection view
FlickrImagesDemo FlickrImagesDemo is a project that uses the Flickr image search API and shows the results in a 3-column scrollable collection view.
Tool for generating Acceptance Tests in Xcode, inspired by Fitnesse
AcceptanceMark is a tool for generating Acceptance Tests in Xcode, inspired by Fitnesse. Read this blog post for a full introduction to AcceptanceMark
Bluepill is a reliable iOS testing tool that runs UI tests using multiple simulators on a single machine
Bluepill is a tool to run iOS tests in parallel using multiple simulators. Motivation LinkedIn created Bluepill to run its large iOS test suite in a r
Control your iPhone from inside Xcode for end-to-end testing.
Remote - Control your iPhone from Xcode "Remote" is a plugin for Xcode that allows you to control an iPhone from a window on your Mac during developme
Code coverage for Xcode projects (Objective-C only)
XcodeCoverage provides a simple way to generate reports of the Objective-C code coverage of your Xcode project. Generated reports include HTML and Cob
A light-weight TDD / BDD framework for Objective-C & Cocoa
Specta A light-weight TDD / BDD framework for Objective-C. FEATURES An Objective-C RSpec-like BDD DSL Quick and easy set up Built on top of XCTest Exc
iOS native app demo with Xcode and Swift using MVVM architecture and Apple's Combine framework for functional reactive programming, all with UIKit
iOS (Swift 5): MVVM test with Combine and UIKit MVVM and functional reactive programming (FRP) are very used in iOS development inside companies. Here
Font Awesome swift library for iOS.
Font Awesome Swift Follow me: @vaberer I like ★. Do not forget to ★ this super convenient library. Added UISegmentedControl & UITabbarItem & UISlider
A better choice for iOS Developer to use FontAwesome Icon with UI.😍
FontAwesomeKit.Swift 😀 😘 A better choice for iOS Developer to use FontAwesome Icon with UI. 😍 Support Swift 4.2 & iOS 8.0+ FontAwesome 4.7.0 Storyb
XCode and Swift game based on the generation of random cards and some functions related to the comparison of the results.
war-card-game-V1 XCode and Swift game based on the generation of random cards and some functions related to the comparison of the results. Once a card
Swift emoji string parsing library
Croc is a library for parsing emojis on iOS. It provides a simple and lightweight interface for detecting, generating, categorizing and managing emoji
A simple library that provides standard Unicode emoji support across all platforms
Twitter Emoji (Twemoji) A simple library that provides standard Unicode emoji support across all platforms. Twemoji v13.1 adheres to the Unicode 13.0
Lightweight library to set an Image as text background. Written in swift.
 Simple and light weight UIView that animate text with an image. Demo
Simple image filters
Demo-Image-Filters Simple image filters Apply filters on images demo, Coded in swift language with below functionalities: Select image from phone gall
ImagePicker : an all-in-one camera solution for your iOS app
Description ImagePicker is an all-in-one camera solution for your iOS app. It lets your users select images from the library and take pictures at the
Mini-application iOS native avec Xcode et Swift exploitant l'architecture MVVM et le framework Combine d'Apple pour la mise en place de la programmation réactive fonctionnelle, le tout avec UIKit.
iOS (Swift 5): Test MVVM avec Combine et UIKit L'architecture MVVM et la programmation réactive fonctionnelle sont très utlisées dans le développement
🍳 iOS application for DIET and EAT 🍙
diEAT 🥗 Summary 다이어트 중 식단 🍳 을 한번에 기록하고 한눈에 확인하고싶어서 만들어보는 식단 관리 프로그램 (iOS 어플) It's a dieat management ios application to record dieat 🍳 at once 💻 T
A very useful and unique iOS library to open image picker in just few lines of code.
ImagePickerEasy A very simple solution to implement UIImagePickerController() in your application. Requirements Swift 4.2 and above Installation Image
Lightweight library for web server applications in Swift on macOS and Linux powered by coroutines.
Why Zewo? • Support • Community • Contributing Zewo Zewo is a lightweight library for web applications in Swift. What sets Zewo apart? Zewo is not a w
An extension for Xcode to generate builders from structs
Swift Struct Builder Generator Xcode Source Editor Extension An Xcode extension (plugin) to generate struct builders automatically. Install Swift Stru
Conway's Game of Life in Xcode Playground
Xcode Playground for Conway's Game of Life Compatibility You need macOS 12 and Xcode 13 to run this Playground. If you are familiar with SwiftUI, you
A command-line tool to sort Xcode's `.xcodeproj` file.
XcodeProjSorter A command-line tool to sort Xcode's .xcodeproj file. It sorts following sessions: PBXGroup PBXResourcesBuildPhase PBXSourcesBuildPhase
Secure your app by obfuscating all the hard-coded security-sensitive strings.
App Obfuscator for iOS Apps Secure your app by obfuscating all the hard-coded security-sensitive strings. Security Sensitive strings can be: REST API