6222 Repositories
Swift ios-swift Libraries
TakeHomeChallenge - iOS Tech Challenge - Take Home Challenge
iOS Tech Challenge - Take Home Challenge Thank you for your interest in taking t
Keychain - Keychain wrapper with swift
Keychain wrapper. Store a value as a generic password: let account = "an-arbitra
Awesome-swift-platforms - A curated list of Swift on different platforms
Embedded Swift A curated list of Swift on different platforms. Nintendo Switch S
MusicalInstrument - Play musical instrument in just few lines of swift code
MusicalInstrument Play musical instrument in just few lines of swift code. Requi
Challenge-viper-finance - Project for VIPER Architecture Dev Sprints on Devpass
VIPER Challenge - Finance App 💰 Neste desafio, aplicaremos conceitos da arquite
ShooterGame - An iOS App that is a shooter game. Made with SpriteKit and Swift
Shooter Game This project was created based on the challenge of Day 66 of the 10
Composable-effect-identifier - A library that helps managing `Effect` identifiers when using The Composable Architecture (TCA)
Composable Effect Identifier This ComposableEffectIdentifier is a small accessor
Countries - Simple iOS Project for search on Countries
Do like Countries 🏴☠️ Simple iOS Project for search on Countries The project c
WWDCScholars is a community of Apple WWDC Scholarship winners
WWDCScholars iOS App WWDCScholars is a community of Apple WWDC Scholarship winners. Every year bright minds from all around the world compete against
A Simplenote client for iOS.
Simplenote for iOS A Simplenote client for iOS. Learn more about Simplenote at Simplenote.com. Build Instructions Download Xcode At the moment Simplen
30 mini Swift Apps for self-study
Swift 30 Projects Contents This repo is updated with Swift 5 and compatible with iPhone X: Simple UIKit components UIScrollView, UITableView, UICollec
A simple custom popup dialog view for iOS written in Swift. Replaces UIAlertController alert style.
A simple custom popup dialog view for iOS written in Swift. Replaces UIAlertController alert style.
An IPFS client/api Swift Package, with the ability to add and pin any data on iOS/iPadOS/macOS
An IPFS client/api Swift Package, with the ability to add and pin any data on iOS/iPadOS/macOS. Originally bundled with GraniteUI, pulled out for independant use by any party.
LanguageList for SwiftUI supporting iOS/macOS/tvOS
LanguageList for iOS, macOS and tvOS LanguageList is created and maintaned with ❥ by Sascha Muellner. What? This is a SwiftUI package with support for
The goal is a simple iOS app that draws an analog clock of the current time
Qrono This is a work-in-progress. The goal is a simple iOS app that draws an analog clock of the current time (as well as displaying a digital readout
ParametersCloneSwiftUI - Parameters of iOS in iPhone
ParametersCloneSwiftUI Made by myself during the week-end, only made for light m
Link - a macos application for keeping important and complicated urls in one place
Link Description Link is a macos application for keeping important and complicat
MovieZine - An iOS app for all about latest movies using TDMB api and swiftUI
MovieZine MovieZine ia an iOS app for "all about latest movies" using TDMB api a
AtomicReferenceCell - Atomic Reference Cell (Arc) for Swift
Atomic Reference Cell This project provide two structures: ArcT and WeakArcT
YTS-App - Repository for the official Yeshivat Torat Shraga App
Yeshivat-Torat-Shraga Official repository for the Yeshivat Torat Shraga app. Wha
SCLAlertView-Swift42 - SCLAlertView para Swift 4.2
SCLAlertView Animated Alert View written in Swift 4.2, which can be used as a UI
ProximitySensor - Property wrappers for using the Proximity Sensor from the SwiftUI app
ProximitySensor Property wrappers for using the Proximity Sensor from the SwiftU
LineSimplifier - Polyline simplification. Port of simplify.js
LineSimplifier LineSimplifier is a small Swift Package to simplify lines. A line
EzNews - A simple and easy to use News app for iOS and iPadOS. It uses NewsAPI as its backend
EzNews This was my first proper Swift app. Its a news app made for iOS and iPadO
Clima - Beautiful, dark-mode enabled weather app with swift
Clima Beautiful, dark-mode enabled weather app. You'll be able to check the weat
TextFormation - Rules system for live typing completions
TextFormation TextFormation is simple rule system that can be used to implement
PageSheet - Customizable sheets using UISheetPresentationController in SwiftUI
PageSheet Customizable sheet presentations in SwiftUI. Using UISheetPresentation
IOS Dracker Payment - An iOS and React app to send/receive money and manage debt
An iOS and React app to send/receive money and manage debt. This app allows users to create transactions, add descriptions, tag images, tag notes, and manage them.
UnsplashProvider - A package that can use the Unsplash API. It was developed as a SwiftUI
UnsplashProvider It is a package that can use the Unsplash API. It was developed
Swift-picker-views - inline single and multi picker views for UIKit. Without tableview! Easy and simple
swift-picker-views Inline single and multiple picker views for UIKit. No tablevi
Lace - A simple NTS.live macOS application
Marconio A simple macOS (and maybe iOS) application to listen to NTS through. NT
Weatherapp - An iOS app that shows the weather forecast in Toronto
☀️ Weather App An iOS app that shows the weather forecast in Toronto 📖 About Th
Ios-weather-app - A simple weather app with swift
AHOY Assignment Weather app Main Screen Settings Architecture The Architecture u
Swush - macOS Application to play with the Apple Push Notification service (APNs)
Swush ✨ Description A macOS app to push notifications to APNS with ease. ⚡ 💾 Pe
Just simple template - example how to use haptics in iOS Development
Haptics Just simple template - example how to use haptics in iOS Development imp
Endless-Api-OP - A swift server for Endless
Endless-Api Introduce Hear is endless-api open source library. Endless-Api is us
MusicScore - A music score library with MusicPart, Measure, Note, Pitch and Tempo representations in swift structs
MusicScore A music score library with MusicPart, Measure, Note, Pitch and Tempo
Jake Brown Tech Messenger With Swift
Open the FalconMessenger.xcworkspace in Xcode. Change the Bundle Identifier to m
SwiftPublicSuffixList - Public Suffix List domain name checker in Swift
SwiftPublicSuffixList This library is a Swift implementation of the necessary co
This Google Cast demo app shows how to cast videos from an iOS device in a way that is fully compliant with the Cast Design Checklist.
CastVideos-ios (reference iOS sender app) This Google Cast demo app shows how to cast videos from an iOS device in a way that is fully compliant with
CloudKit, Apple’s remote data storage service, provides a possibility to store app data using users’ iCloud accounts as a back-end storage service.
CloudKit, Apple’s remote data storage service, provides a possibility to store app data using users’ iCloud accounts as a back-end storage service. He
📏 A set of advanced compositional layouts for UICollectionView with examples
compositional-layouts-kit If you like the project, please give it a star ⭐ It will show the creator your appreciation and help others to discover the
Contacts is an iOS app based on MVP (Model View Presenter) software architectural pattern.
Contacts Description Contacts is an iOS app based on MVP (Model View Presenter) software architectural pattern. Run Requirements Xcode 10.2.1 Swift 5.
This is Github user search demo app which made by many variety of design patterns.
iOSDesignPatternSamples This is Github user search demo app which made by many variety of design patterns. Application Structure SearchViewController.
An example app showing how to use AVCaptureSession with Metal in Swift.
#iOSSwiftMetalCamera Click here to see video demo. This app is a basic example showing how to use Swift to setup an AVCaptureSession session to access
KnockToReact is an iOS library written in Swift and Objective-C that brings an exclusive feature to interact with users just by receiving and recognizing "knocks" in the device.
KnockToReact is an iOS library written in Swift and Objective-C that brings an exclusive feature to interact with users just by receiving and recognizing "knocks" in the device.
Layer + Parse iOS Example (Swift)
Note: I no longer actively working on this project. If you encounter any problem, please open an issue and hopefully the community will help out. If y
Modern Collection Views
The goal is to showcase different compositional layouts and how to achieve them. Feel free to use any code you can find and if you have interesting layout idea - open PR!
Mvi Architecture for SwiftUI Apps. MVI is a unidirectional data flow architecture.
Mvi-SwiftUI If you like to read this on Medium , you can find it here MVI Architecture for SwiftUI Apps MVI Architecture Model-View-Intent (MVI) is a
Swift iPhone and iPad Client for Polls API, using Hyperdrive API client
Polls Client This is a Swift iPhone and iPad client for the Polls API - a simple application allowing users to view polls and vote in them. Polls is a
iOS protocol-oriented MVVM examples
MVVM-Example Protocol-Oriented MVVM example apps. Sample projects: MVVM-Example - A Settings screen that has one settings – put your app in Minion Mod
An iOS application written in Swift to demonstrate how to implement a Clean Architecture in iOS
Reminders iOS An iOS application written in Swift to demonstrate how to implement a Clean Architecture in iOS. Idea The idea is to implement the simpl
Betcalsa trims, enhances, and makes documents readable.
Betcalsa Betcalsa trims, enhances, and makes documents readable. Automatically detect your document Easily edit with your scans after you have scanned
DNSCloak for iOS
DNSCloak for iOS iOS GUI and wrapper for dnscrypt-proxy 2. Uses Apache Cordova as app platform & Framework7 as UI. Available on the App Store. Master
This is a completely fresh implementation of the iCepa app.
iCepa Restart This is a completely fresh implementation of the iCepa app. It is a testbed for Network Extension experiments for advanced VPN-style app
Keybase Go Library, Client, Service, OS X, iOS, Android, Electron
Keybase Hi, and welcome to the Keybase client repo. All our client apps (macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android) are being actively developed in this
Krypton turns your iOS device into a WebAuthn/U2F Authenticator: strong, unphishable 2FA.
Krypton turns your iOS device into a WebAuthn/U2F Authenticator: strong, unphishable 2FA. Krypton implements the standardized FIDO Universal 2nd Facto
Lockdown is an open source firewall that blocks trackers, ads, and badware in all apps
Lockdown Privacy (iOS) Lockdown is an open source firewall that blocks trackers, ads, and badware in all apps. Product details at lockdownprivacy.com.
Tinder-clone-ios-public - Tinder clone application written using SwiftUI, Firebase, Swift Package Manager and iOS 15 features
tinder-clone-ios-public Tinder clone application written using SwiftUI, Firebase
PingPong-Scorer - Simple Table tennis score tracker
PingPong-Scorer These day we play a bit more table tennis. Sometimes we forget t
Weatherflow-local - Basic frame-out of a SwiftUI macOS app to receive & display WeatherFlow UDP broadcast messages
WeatherFlow Local A very basic/skeleton SwiftUI macOS app for receiving and disp
And - Syntactic sugar for Swift initializers
And Syntactic sugar for Swift initializers Usage let label = UILabel().and { $0
Snitch - A handy library to access useful information about your application from the Home Screen
Snitch Access your app's useful information from Home Screen Table of Contents I
Zoomable - A container that allows you to zoom in and out of an image using only SwiftUI
Zoomable It is a container that allows you to zoom in and out of an image using
This is the ninth project from Hacking With Swift 100 days of Swift course.
Petitions Viewer This is the ninth project from Hacking With Swift 100 days of S
AssignmentChalkboard - A simple assignment made in Swift
AssignmentChalkboard This is a simple assignment that i made in Swift
SwiftUI BusinessCard - Created iOS Business card app to practice SwiftUI
SwiftUI_BusinessCard Created iOS Business card app to practice SwiftUI
CalendarApp Swift - Made a calendar app in swift, completely from scratch using UIStackView and UICollectionView
CalendarApp_Swift Made a calendar app in swift, completely from scratch using UI
TupleResult - A micro library that easily converts tuple result into Swift.Result
TupleResult A micro library that easily converts c-style tuple result into Swift
Reverie is a work-in-progress iOS app that displays your Last.fm scrobbles for each past year, for the current date.
Reverie is a work-in-progress iOS app that displays your Last.fm scrobbles for each past year, for the current date.
A Collection of useful Swift property wrappers to make coding easier
Swift Property Wrappers A Collection of useful Swift property wrappers to make c
DelayStream - A swift version to stream a file or stdin one line at a time with a delay
DelayStream A swift version to stream a file or stdin one line at a time with a
A lightweight Swift date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates based on moment.js.
A lightweight Swift date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates based on moment.js.
AirPodsMotionAPI - Test Swift's AirPods Motion API in this sample project
AirPods Motion API Overview Swift provides an AirPods motion API that works on s
Fromswifttoswiftui - Swift and SwiftUI materials that cover the following topics - keypath, property wrapper, Combine and result builder
From Swfit to SwiftUI In this repository you can find materials related to the l
TwitchIRC - A Swift package for parsing/serializing Twitch IRC messages
TwitchIRC A Swift package to take of parsing/serializing Twitch IRC messages for
Meow-Speech - IOS app - Text to Speech
Meow-Speech IOS app - Text to Speech All licensed code belongs to the respective
Tipsy - Bill splitting and tip calculating App developed during iOS & Swift classes - The Complete App Development Bootcamp
Tipsy 💵 Bill splitting and tip calculating App developed during iOS & Swift cla
Today - Swift/iOS Today App
Today App Based on the iOS App Dev Today tutorial Overview Starting point for de
100-days-swift-project-8 - The eighth project from 100 days of Swift course
7 Swifty Words This is the eighth project from Hacking With Swift 100 days of Sw
Awaiting - Swift @propertyWrapper that waits asynchronously until the value matches a predicate
Introduction @Awaiting is a Swift @propertyWrapper that waits asynchronously unt
FeatureFlags.swift - Tools for easily defining feature flags for your projects
FeatureFlags.swift Tools for easily defining feature flags for your projects Int
Ios-quizzer - The app implements basic features of a quiz app using MVC pattern
Quizzer App The app implements basic features of a quiz app using MVC pattern.
DGLabelSize - Functions that calculate the size of uilabel based on different string lengths
DGLabelSize Functions that calculate the size of uilabel based on different stri
DGFadingLabel - A custom UILabel that fades away the end of your text when text is too large to fit within the label's frame
A custom UILabel that fades away the end of your text when text is too large to fit within the label's frame.
ImagePicker - selecting images from the photo albums, with allowed permissions /on real device accesing the camera
ImagePicker - selecting images from the photo albums, with allowed permissions /on real device accesing the camera, permission also needed/after picking an image it has the possibility to rename it
AnimeSearch - A simple app that shows how to use Anilist GraphQL based API with Apollo
AnimeSearch A simple app that shows how to use Anilist GraphQL based API with Ap
AllAboutTheWord - A single screen iOS app developed using swiftUI
All-About-The-Word Introduction This is a single screen iOS app developed using
The Outline Client is a cross-platform VPN or proxy client for Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and ChromeOS
Outline Client The Outline Client is a cross-platform VPN or proxy client for Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and ChromeOS. The Outline Client is design
Passepartout is a non-official, user-friendly OpenVPN® client for iOS and macOS.
Passepartout Passepartout is a non-official, user-friendly OpenVPN® client for iOS and macOS. Overview All profiles in one place Passepartout lets you
PGPro can encrypt and decrypt messages as well as manage all your OpenPGP keys. It is free, simple and lightweight. Everything stays on your device. PGPro is made in Switzerland.
PGPro can encrypt and decrypt messages as well as manage all your OpenPGP keys. It is free, simple and lightweight. Everything stays on your device. P
An easy-to-use, open-source two-factor authentication app designed specifically for iOS.
Tofu An easy-to-use, open-source two-factor authentication app designed specifically for iOS. Tofu generates one-time passwords to help you protect yo
WireGuard for iOS and macOS
WireGuard for iOS and macOS This project contains an application for iOS and for macOS, as well as many components shared between the two of them. You
Two-Factor Authentication Client for iOS
Authenticator Two-Factor Authentication Client for iOS. Authenticator is a simple, free, and open source two-factor authentication app. It helps keep
The Bitwarden mobile application is written in C# with Xamarin Android, Xamarin iOS, and Xamarin Forms.
Bitwarden Mobile Application The Bitwarden mobile application is written in C# with Xamarin Android, Xamarin iOS, and Xamarin Forms. Build/Run Require
FreeOTP is a two-factor authentication application for systems utilizing one-time password protocols
FreeOTP FreeOTP is a two-factor authentication application for systems utilizing one-time password protocols. Tokens can be added easily by scanning a
KeePassium is a KeePass-compatible password manager for iOS
KeePassium is a KeePass-compatible password manager for iOS. It offers automatic database synchronization, respect to privacy and premium user experience.
Oak is an iOS app built with SwiftUI for managing your 2FA codes
🔒 📱 OakOTP OakOTP is an iOS app built with SwiftUI for managing your 2FA codes. Supports iPhone & iPad Supports scanning a QR code or entering crede
Pass for iOS - an iOS client compatible with Pass command line application.
Pass is an iOS client compatible with ZX2C4's Pass command line application. It is a password manager using GPG for encryption and Git for version control.
A native, lightweight and secure time-based (TOTP) & counter-based (HOTP) password client built for iOS
A native, lightweight and secure time-based (TOTP) & counter-based (HOTP) password client built for iOS Built by Tijme Gommers – Buy me a coffee via P