195 Repositories
Swift lightweight Libraries
⏲ A tiny package to measure code execution time. Only 20 lines of code.
Measure ⏲ A tiny package to measure code execution time. Measure.start("create-user") let user = User() Measure.finish("create-user") Console // ⏲ Mea
A lightweight 3D renderer for SwiftUI.
Prism A lightweight 3D renderer for SwiftUI. Works with any SwiftUI View. Fully interactive and animatable. Compatible with all SwiftUI modifiers. Wil
Container is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Swift.
Container Container is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Swift. Installation is available in the Swift Package Manager. Swift Package M
SwiftyReachability is a simple and lightweight network interface manager written in Swift.
SwiftyReachability is a simple and lightweight network interface manager written in Swift. Freely inspired by https://github.com/tonymillion/Reachabil
A lightweight loading animation that can be applied to any SwiftUI view with 1 line of code.
SimpleAFLoader A lightweight loading animation that can be applied to any SwiftUI view with 1 line of code. All animations are built using the SwiftUI
📱 Very simple and lightweight messenger using Firebase
📱 Very simple and lightweight messenger using Firebase 🔥. It is a training project for the practice of MVVM architecture.
A lightweight Elm-like Store for SwiftUI
ObservableStore A simple Elm-like Store for SwiftUI, based on ObservableObject. ObservableStore helps you craft more reliable apps by centralizing all
Lightweight async/await networking library with interceptor support - usable from iOS 13+.
Lightweight async/await networking library with interceptor support. 🚀 Getting started AsyncNetwork's session acts as a wrapper to URLSession by addi
Easy and lightweight network layer for creating different set of network requests like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE customizable with coders conforming to TopLevelDecoder, TopLevelEncoder
Easy and lightweight network layer for creating different set of network requests like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE customizable with coders conforming to TopLevelDecoder, TopLevelEncoder
A lightweight extension to Swift's CollectionDifference, supporting moves in addition to removals and insertions, critical when updating interfaces and managing reference types.
DifferenceTracker is a lightweight extension to Swift's CollectionDifference. It defines moves in addition to removals and insertions, critical when updating interfaces and managing reference types.
JTChartView is the new lightweight and fully customizable solution to draw a chart
JTChartView JTChartView is the new lightweight and fully customizable solution to draw a curve and fill the space underneath it with a gradient. The r
SplitSheet - A lightweight, fully interactive split-screen sheet.
SplitSheet A lightweight, fully interactive split-screen sheet. Powered by UIScrollView for super-smooth gestures. Show/hide either programmatically o
A lightweight stochastic optimizer based on slime mold (Slime Mold Algorithm)
Slime This is a Swift implementation of a Slime Mold Algorithm - a stochastic optimizer - generally based on this paper The only dependency required b
A lightweight CSS parser for parsing and creating CSS stylesheets
SwiftCSSParser A lightweight CSS parser for Swift that uses cssparser (cpp) under the hood. Basic usage Here's a simple code snippet to get you starte
A lightweight, event-driven architectural framework
Trellis Trellis features a declarative DSL that simplifies service bootstrapping: let cluster = try await Bootstrap { Group { Store(model:
A powerful lightweight theme 🎨 manager for SwiftUI
SwiftTheming 🎨 is a handy lightweight handy theme manager which handles multiple themes based on system-wide appearances - light and dark appearances
🎗 Super lightweight ISO8601 Date Formatter in Swift
ISO8601 ❤️ Support my apps ❤️ Push Hero - pure Swift native macOS application to test push notifications PastePal - Pasteboard, note and shortcut mana
Swift library of lightweight interfaces for prototyping, bridged to JS
Prototope Prototope is a lightweight, high-performance prototyping framework. Its goals are: making simple things very easy making complex things poss
Lightweight Framework for using Core Data with Value Types
Features Uses Swift Reflection to convert value types to NSManagedObjects iOS and Mac OS X support Use with structs Works fine with let and var based
TouchInspector - a lightweight package that helps you visualize and debug touches on iOS and iPadOS
TouchInspector is a lightweight package that helps you visualize and debug touches on iOS and iPadOS.
Lightweight MetricKit-based diagnostics reporting
MeterReporter Lightweight MetricKit-based diagnostics reporting. MeterReporter will capture MetricKit payloads and relay them to a backend. It uses Me
Lightweight utilities for making OSLog more pleasant
UnifiedLoggingPlus Lightweight utilities for making OSLog more pleasant. Integration Swift Package Manager
FlyingFox - a lightweight HTTP server built using Swift Concurrency
Usage Credits Introduction FlyingFox is a lightweight HTTP server built using Swift Concurrency. The server uses non blocking BSD sockets, handling ea
Lightweight library helping to embed Mercuryo Widget into their mobile apps
Mercuryo-Widget Mercuryo Widget Wrapper is a lightweight library for developers of apps who embed Mercuryo Widget into their mobile UX. Solely purpose
DGQR - A lightweight, pure-Swift library for rendering qr
DGQR DGQR is a lightweight, pure-Swift library for rendering qr. It provides you
A lightweight Swift date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates based on moment.js.
A lightweight Swift date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates based on moment.js.
HBFloatingView - A lightweight custom floating view
HBFloatingView Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod i
PGPro can encrypt and decrypt messages as well as manage all your OpenPGP keys. It is free, simple and lightweight. Everything stays on your device. PGPro is made in Switzerland.
PGPro can encrypt and decrypt messages as well as manage all your OpenPGP keys. It is free, simple and lightweight. Everything stays on your device. P
A native, lightweight and secure time-based (TOTP) & counter-based (HOTP) password client built for iOS
A native, lightweight and secure time-based (TOTP) & counter-based (HOTP) password client built for iOS Built by Tijme Gommers – Buy me a coffee via P
Lightweight Swift loading activity for iOS7+
EZLoadingActivity Lightweight Swift loading activity for iOS7+. Really simple to use, just add the class and write 1 line of code. Easy to use: EZLoad
A Lightweight Privacy Oriented Ecosystem to take care of your eyes
EyeWatch A Lightweight Privacy Oriented Ecosystem to take care of your eyes Table of Contents About the Project Project Demo Tools and Technologies Us
Lightweight lib around NSURLSession to ease HTTP calls
AeroGear iOS HTTP Thin layer to take care of your http requests working with NSURLSession. Project Info License: Apache License, Version 2.0 Build: Co
MulticoinLightClientKit - A Zcash Lightweight Client SDK for iOS
Zcash iOS Framework A Zcash Lightweight Client SDK for iOS This is an alpha buil
A lightweight XMLParser for assembling and parsing XML values written for iOS 8+ in Swift 2.
Overview Description Requirements Installation Usage Author License Description XMLParser lets you convert a pure Swift dictionary into XML string and
SwiftUINavigator: a lightweight, flexible, and super easy library which makes SwiftUI navigation a trivial task
The logo is contributed with ❤️ by Mahmoud Hussein SwiftUINavigator is a lightwe
Simple and Lightweight App Version Tracking for iOS written in Swift
AEAppVersion Simple and lightweight iOS App Version Tracking written in Swift I made this for personal use, but feel free to use it or contribute. For
Lightweight set of text fields with nice animation and functionality
TweeTextField This is lightweight library that provides different types of Text Fields based on your needs. I was inspired by Jan Henneberg. Features
Lightweight Core Data fetch framework
FetchKit Lightweight Core Data fetch framework. With FetchKit you can easily fetch data from store without creating NSFetchRequest. Usage Example Core
A lightweight UICollectionViewLayout that 'pages' and centers its cells 🎡 written in Swift
CenteredCollectionView CenteredCollectionView is a lightweight drop in place UICollectionViewFlowLayout that pages and keeps its cells centered, resul
Simple and lightweight UITableViewController with accordion effect (expand / collapse cells)
AEAccordion UITableViewController with accordion effect (expand / collapse cells) Simple and lightweight solution for making accordion effect in table
Lightweight custom collection view inspired by Airbnb.
ASCollectionView Lightweight custom collection view inspired by Airbnb. Screenshots Requirements ASCollectionView Version Minimum iOS Target Swift Ver
A lightweight iOS mini framework that enables programmatic navigation with SwiftUI, by using UIKit under the hood.
RouteLinkKit A lightweight iOS mini framework that enables programmatic navigation with SwiftUI. RouteLinkKit is fully compatible with native Navigati
Hydra: Lightweight full-featured Promises, Async-Await Library in Swift
Async Functions for ECMAScript The introduction of Promises and Generators in EC
A lightweight generic networking API written purely in Swift
SwiftyNetworking SwiftyNetworking library is a generic networking library writte
XRepository: lightweight implementation of Repository pattern in Swift
XRepository is based on QBRepository by QuickBirds Studios. It is lightweight im
↕️ VegaScroll is a lightweight animation flowlayout for UICollectionView completely written in Swift 4, compatible with iOS 11 and Xcode 9.
Made by Applikey Solutions Find this project on Dribbble Also check another flowlayout for UICollectionView: https://github.com/ApplikeySolutions/Grav
Calendar View - It's lightweight and simple control with supporting Locale and CalendarIdentifier.
iOS Calendar It's lightweight and simple control with supporting Locale and CalendarIdentifier. There're samples for iPhone and iPad, and also with us
A lightweight and efficient bus tracker app for the Miami-Dade Transit System
A lightweight bus tracker app for the Miami-Dade Transit System Built in Swift, this app features a favorites page, real-time bus location and ETA, us
Lightweight animation library for UIKit
MotionAnimation Lightweight animation library for UIKit in Swift Checkout the Examples folder for more. Consider MotionAnimation as a extremely simpli
A clean and lightweight progress HUD based on SVProgressHUD, converted to Swift with the help of Swiftify.
IHProgressHUD IHProgressHUD is a clean and easy-to-use HUD meant to display the progress of an ongoing task on iOS and tvOS. IHProgressHUD is based on
A lightweight and awesome loading Activity Indicator for your iOS app.
BPCircleActivityIndicator BPCircleActivityIndicator is a clean and easy-to-use Activity Indicator meant to display the progress of an ongoing task on
:hatching_chick: Lightweight Swift loading activity for iOS7+
EZLoadingActivity Lightweight Swift loading activity for iOS7+. Really simple to use, just add the class and write 1 line of code. Easy to use: EZLoad
ProgressHUD is a lightweight and easy-to-use HUD for iOS.
WHAT'S NEW IN 13.5 and 13.6 Bugfix related to iPad split screen Bugfix related to showProgress OVERVIEW ProgressHUD is a lightweight and easy-to-use H
A clean and lightweight progress HUD for your iOS and tvOS app.
SVProgressHUD SVProgressHUD is a clean and easy-to-use HUD meant to display the progress of an ongoing task on iOS and tvOS. Demo Try SVProgressHUD on
Lightweight and customizable stylesheets for iOS
Motif Lightweight and customizable stylesheets for iOS What can it do? Declare rules defining your app's visual appearance separately from your UI com
Lightweight touch visualization library in Swift. A single line of code and visualize your touches!
TouchVisualizer is a lightweight pure Swift implementation for visualising touches on the screen. Features Works with just a single line of code! Supp
CodeMirror-Swift is a lightweight wrapper of CodeMirror for macOS and iOS
CodeMirror-Swift is a lightweight wrapper of CodeMirror for macOS and iOS. Features 🍭 Lightweight CodeMirror wrapper (build 5.52.2) ✅ 100% Native Swi
A lightweight fuzzy-search library, with zero dependencies
Fuse What is Fuse? Fuse is a super lightweight library which provides a simple way to do fuzzy searching. Usage Example 1 let fuse = Fuse() let result
Lightweight library to set an Image as text background. Written in swift.
 Simple and light weight UIView that animate text with an image. Demo
🎗 Super lightweight ISO8601 Date Formatter in Swift
ISO8601 ❤️ Support my apps ❤️ Push Hero - pure Swift native macOS application to test push notifications PastePal - Pasteboard, note and shortcut mana
SZMentionsSwift is a lightweight mentions library for iOS.
SZMentionsSwift is a lightweight mentions library for iOS. This library was built to assist with the adding, removing and editing of a mention within a textview.
Super lightweight async HTTP server library in pure Swift runs in iOS / MacOS / Linux
Embassy Super lightweight async HTTP server in pure Swift. Please read: Embedded web server for iOS UI testing. See also: Our lightweight web framewor
GCDWebServer is a modern and lightweight GCD based HTTP 1.1 server designed to be embedded in iOS, macOS & tvOS apps.
GCDWebServer is a modern and lightweight GCD based HTTP 1.1 server designed to be embedded in iOS, macOS & tvOS apps. It was written from scr
A lightweight library for writing HTTP web servers with Swift
Taylor Disclaimer: Not actively working on it anymore. You can check out some alternatives Swift 2.0 required. Working with Xcode 7.1. Disclaimer: It
Lightweight library for web server applications in Swift on macOS and Linux powered by coroutines.
Why Zewo? • Support • Community • Contributing Zewo Zewo is a lightweight library for web applications in Swift. What sets Zewo apart? Zewo is not a w
A small, lightweight, embeddable HTTP server for Mac OS X or iOS applications
CocoaHTTPServer CocoaHTTPServer is a small, lightweight, embeddable HTTP server for Mac OS X or iOS applications. Sometimes developers need an embedde
🎨 Mondrian is lightweight Swift package that provides a universal basis for your design system's color palette.
🧑🎨 Mondrian Mondrian provides a universal basis on which to build your design system's color palette right from your codebase. With support for all
A simple and lightweight Swift package which provides a SwiftUI view for interactive geo coordinates input!
LocationPicker for SwiftUI LocationPicker for SwiftUI is a very simple and lightweight Swift package which provides you a SwiftUI view for interactive
Simple, lightweight swift bindings
Bindy Just a simple bindings. Installation Add pod 'Bindy' to your podfile, and run pod install SPM is supported too. Usage For now, Bindy has a coupl
📬 A lightweight implementation of an observable sequence that you can subscribe to.
Features Lightweight Observable is a simple implementation of an observable sequence that you can subscribe to. The framework is designed to be minima
RxReduce is a lightweight framework that ease the implementation of a state container pattern in a Reactive Programming compliant way.
About Architecture concerns RxReduce Installation The key principles How to use RxReduce Tools and dependencies Travis CI Frameworks Platform Licence
Lightweight observations and bindings in Swift
What is Hanson? Hanson is a simple, lightweight library to observe and bind values in Swift. It's been developed to support the MVVM architecture in o
Simple and lightweight Functional Reactive Coding in Swift for the rest of us
The simplest ObservableT implementation for Functional Reactive Programming you will ever find. This library does not use the term FRP (Functional R
A lightweight iOS library for In-App Purchases
#RMStore A lightweight iOS library for In-App Purchases. RMStore adds blocks and notifications to StoreKit, plus receipt verification, content downloa
A super lightweight popView.
SNAugusPopView Features High performance: The library's dependencies all use system libraries and files , only a instance global. Automatic layout: Th
Lightweight REST library for iOS and watchOS. Available on cococapods
RMHttp RMHttp is a Lightweight REST library for iOS and watchOS. Features Chainable Request URL / JSON Parameter Encoding HTTP Methods GET/POST/DELETE
QwikHttp is a robust, yet lightweight and simple to use HTTP networking library for iOS, tvOS and watchOS
QwikHttp is a robust, yet lightweight and simple to use HTTP networking library. It allows you to customize every aspect of your http requests within a single line of code, using a Builder style syntax to keep your code super clean.
A lightweight but powerful network library with simplified and expressive syntax based on AFNetworking.
XMNetworking English Document XMNetworking 是一个轻量的、简单易用但功能强大的网络库,基于 AFNetworking 3.0+ 封装。 其中,XM 前缀是我们团队 Xcode-Men 的缩写。 简介 如上图所示,XMNetworking 采用中心化的设计思想
Lightweight Networking and Parsing framework made for iOS, Mac, WatchOS and tvOS.
NetworkKit A lightweight iOS, Mac and Watch OS framework that makes networking and parsing super simple. Uses the open-sourced JSONHelper with functio
An ultra-lightweight native Discord client for vintage and modern Mac OS
Discord Lite An ultra-lightweight native Discord client for vintage and modern Mac OS Minimum System Requirements Mac OS X version 10.4 (Tiger) PowerP
A lightweight framework to build chat applications, made in Swift
Chatto Chatto is a Swift lightweight framework to build chat applications. It's been designed to be extensible and performant. Along with Chatto there
Lightweight & Simple Framework For Creating Message App
Lightweight & Simple Framework For Creating Message App
A lightweight 3D Linear Carousel with parallax effect
TGLParallaxCarousel A lightweight 3D Linear Carousel with parallax effect [GIF] Threedimensional & Normal mode Installation TGLParallaxCarousel is ava
Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
Porcupine Made in Vancouver, Canada by Picovoice Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine. It enables building always-listening
🅿️ PandoraPlayer is a lightweight music player for iOS, based on AudioKit and completely written in Swift.
Made by Applikey Solutions Find this project on Dribbble Table of Contents Purpose Features Supported OS & SDK Versions Installation Usage Demo Releas
A lightweight library to calculate tensors in Swift, which has similar APIs to TensorFlow's
TensorSwift TensorSwift is a lightweight library to calculate tensors, which has similar APIs to TensorFlow's. TensorSwift is useful to simulate calcu
Spy is a flexible, lightweight, multiplatform logging utility written in pure Swift.
Spy is a flexible, lightweight, multiplatform logging utility written in pure Swift. It allows to log with different levels and on different channels. You can define what levels and channels actually are.
Easy to use and lightweight logger for iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS and Linux in Swift.
Lighty Easy to use and lightweight logger for iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS and Linux in Swift. Screenshots Requirements Lighty Version Minimum iOS Target
A lightweight Swift logger, uses `print` in development and `NSLog` in production. Support colourful and formatted output.
Loggerithm A lightweight Swift logger, uses print in Debug and NSLog in Production with colourful output. Why In Swift, we usually use print to log in
A lightweight library for generating text tables.
SwiftyTextTable A lightweight Swift library for generating text tables. Swift Language Support SwiftyTextTable is now Swift 4.0 compatible! The last r
A simple and lightweight resturant finder using the Yelp API
CiboKit A simple and lightweight resturant finder using the Yelp API What is CiboKit? CiboKit is used in our app, Allike, to find nearby restaurants u
Lightweight declarative auto-layout framework for Swift
SwiftyLayout SwiftyLayout is a framework that allows to describe layout constraints (ie NSLayoutConstraint) as a simple mathematical formula in a Swif
Lightweight Cocoa library for detecting the running device's model and screen size.
Lightweight Cocoa library for detecting the running device's model and screen size. With the newer devices, developers have more work to do. This li
Super-lightweight library to detect used device
Device.swift Super-lightweight library to detect used device Device.swift extends the UIDevice class by adding a property: var deviceType: DeviceType
The most power-efficient and lightweight iOS location manager for Swift and ObjC
IngeoSDK for iOS Overview IngeoSDK is a power-efficient location manager for iOS (Swift and Objective-C), which extends and improves CoreLocation. It
Simple, block-based, lightweight library over CoreBluetooth. Will clean up your Core Bluetooth related code.
LGBluetooth Simple, block-based, lightweight library over CoreBluetooth. Steps to start using Drag and Drop it into your project Import "LGBluetooth.h
Lightweight app to view your WoT (BB, Blitz) stats (XVM based)
KTTC Lite Приложение для танкистов, следящих за своей статистикой! Функционал Базовая статистика аккаунта WoT, WoT Blitz Расширенная статистика XVM (W
A simple and lightweight matching library for XCTest framework.
Match A simple and lightweight matching library for XCTest framework. Getting started Swift Package Manager You can add Match to your project by addin
A simple, performant, and lightweight SVG parser
Key Features Parsing performance that meets or beats other popular SVG Frameworks A simple architecture, optimized for extension, flexibility and deve
A lightweight, one line setup, iOS / OSX network debugging library! 🦊
Netfox provides a quick look on all executed network requests performed by your iOS or OSX app. It grabs all requests - of course yours, requests from