75 Repositories
Swift set Libraries
A tiny category on UIView that allows you to set one property: "parallaxIntensity" to achieve a parallax effect with UIMotionEffect
NGAParallaxMotion A tiny category on UIView that allows you to set one property: parallaxIntensity to achieve a parallax effect with UIMotionEffect. S
A Set of Tools To Extend UIKit (Classic iOS Framework)
RVS_UIKit_Toolbox A set of basic UIKit tools, for Swift iOS app development. Overview This package offers a few extensions of standard UIKit classes,
A set of extensions and utilities to work with CoreVideo types.
core-video-tools A set of extensions and utilities to work with CoreVideo types. CVPixelFormat While debuging Core Video objects, you need to understa
A novel way to set attributes to the Font in SwiftUI.
A novel way to set attributes to the Font in SwiftUI.
Easy and lightweight network layer for creating different set of network requests like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE customizable with coders conforming to TopLevelDecoder, TopLevelEncoder
Easy and lightweight network layer for creating different set of network requests like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE customizable with coders conforming to TopLevelDecoder, TopLevelEncoder
Set `Open using Rosetta` option on Xcode easily
xcode-arch A utility to switch running architecture of Xcode on M1 mac. Motivation Currently, there is no way to toggle Open using Rosetta option othe
Set of available SF Symbols
SFSymbolsFinder SFSymbolsFinder is a convenient library to get whole list of available latest SF Symbols image Introduction SFSymbolsFinder introduces
A custom UIControl which functions like UISlider where you can set multiple intervals with different step values for each interval.
MultiStepSlider A custom UIControl which functions like UISlider where you can set multiple intervals with different step values for each interval. Th
A set of Swift extensions for standard types and classes.
ExSwift Set of Swift extensions for standard types and classes. Installation Because of Xcode errors it's not possible to integrate this project with
A small set of utilities to make working with CoreData and Swift a bit easier.
SuperRecord =================== SUPPORTS SWIFT 2.0 from Version = 1.4 ** SUPPORTS SWIFT 1.2 from Version = 1.3 Both iOS and WatchOS A Swift CoreData
Validate that apple-app-site-association files are set up correctly
SwiftAASAValidator Validate that apple-app-site-association files are set up correctly The idea is you can use these functions in your test suite for
SafeDecoder - a swift package that set defaults when Codable fails to decode a field
SafeDecoder is a swift package that set defaults when Codable fails to decode a field. SafeDecoder supports configurable default values, See SafeDecoder.Configuration.
Launch App in selected language, or set as Default language
app lang switcher alfred workflow Launch App in selected language, or set as Default language. Credits: This is a swift clone of AlfredWorkflow-App-La
ToDoList - An ios app that help users to set their todos and make it easy to remember this todos
An ios app that help users to set their todos and make it easy to remember this todos by reminders them when todo time's up, this app make sure that you don't forget any todos that you want to do just give it to the app and let the app hundle it for you.
Set of Extensions and Custom control for standard types and classes 🎨
OpencvQueen Set of Extensions and Custom control for standard types and classes. Just like Doraemon’s pocket, has an endless variety of props for us t
Puma - A set of build utilities to automate mobile application development and deployment
Puma → https://github.com/onmyway133/Swiftlane Puma is a set of build utilities
📏 A set of advanced compositional layouts for UICollectionView with examples
compositional-layouts-kit If you like the project, please give it a star ⭐ It will show the creator your appreciation and help others to discover the
Swift-cuckoo-collections - Cross-platform Swift dictionaries & sets that use a cuckoo hashing algorithm
CuckooCollections A Swift package for open-addressed sets and dictionaries that
Swivl - A set of BLAS-accelerated linerar algebra structures and functions
Swivl - Swift Vector Library A set of BLAS-accelerated linerar algebra structure
A simple deep learning library for estimating a set of tags and extracting semantic feature vectors from given illustrations.
Illustration2Vec illustration2vec (i2v) is a simple library for estimating a set of tags and extracting semantic feature vectors from given illustrati
A set of SwiftUI custom modifiers to make the ScrollView snappable.
Snappable A set of SwiftUI custom modifiers to make the ScrollView snappable. The goal of this library is to provide an easy way to implement Views su
TrackYourHealth - An iOS application in which data from all health apps are compiled into a single data set (ex. Apple Fitness, Nike Run, etc.)
TrackYourHealth An iOS application in which data from all health apps are compil
A set of libraries used for parsing representations of Swift Packages similar to how SwiftPM itself works
A set of libraries used for parsing representations of Swift Packages similar to how SwiftPM itself works, but also supporting Xcode specific features (such as Swift Playground Apps).
LaunchKit - A set of web-based tools for mobile app developers, now open source!
LaunchKit This repo contains an unbranded version of all the code that once powered LaunchKit. This notably includes Screenshot Builder, a web UI for
Objective-c code Apple style documentation set generator.
About appledoc IMPORTANT NOTICE: collaborators needed appledoc is command line tool that helps Objective-C developers generate Apple-like source code
Lightweight set of text fields with nice animation and functionality
TweeTextField This is lightweight library that provides different types of Text Fields based on your needs. I was inspired by Jan Henneberg. Features
TLIndexPathTools is a small set of classes that can greatly simplify your table and collection views.
TLIndexPathTools TLIndexPathTools is a small set of classes that can greatly simplify your table and collection views. Here are some of the awesome th
A set of helper classes and functions in Swift
SwiftTools This is a set of tools written in Swift that add some sugar and some small functionality. Mainly meant for small projects and scripts, as a
A set of views and controllers for displaying and scheduling events on iOS
CalendarLib CalendarLib is a set of views and controllers for displaying and scheduling events on iOS. Warning: As some people may have noticed, this
Roll marbles into set positions on screen
Marble-Tilt Roll Marbles into set positions on screen Paul Hudson Hacking with Swift - project 26 - Took most of the code and created my own spin on i
A set of frameworks making iOS development more fun
A set of frameworks making iOS development more fun, developed by N8ive Apps Frameworks InterfaceKit AuthKit CoreKit (in progress) NetworkKit (in prog
Set of iOS controls with useful IBInspectable properties. Written on Swift.
DCKit [Not maintained anymore] I switched to Flutter, so I don't maintain the library anymore. DCKit is a set of @IBDesignable iOS controls (buttons,
Swift framework containing a set of helpful XCTest extensions for writing UI automation tests
AutoMate • AppBuddy • Templates • ModelGenie AutoMate AutoMate is a Swift framework containing a set of helpful XCTest extensions for writing UI autom
A set of libraries to help users find and replace native system emojis with EmojiOne in their app or website.
This repository is now maintained as JoyPixels/emoji-toolkit. You'll find the latest version of our resources at emoji-toolkit. Please see the UPGRADE
`stringWithFormat:` for the sophisticated hacker set
FormatterKit This library is no longer being maintained. Since its initial release in 2011, Apple has filled in many of the gaps FormatterKit was crea
Lightweight library to set an Image as text background. Written in swift.
 Simple and light weight UIView that animate text with an image. Demo
A set of SwiftUI dynamic property wrappers that provide a more familiar API for accessing the Contacts framework. (iOS, watchOS, macOS)
Connections Also available as a part of my SwiftUI+ Collection – just add it to Xcode 13+ A set of SwiftUI dynamic property wrappers that provide a mo
Birthdays App Challenge set by Chalkboard
Chalkboard Birthdays App Challange This is an app that utilises a web api to provide the user an ordered list of birthdays youngest to oldest How to i
Set of useful extensions for ReactiveSwift & ReactiveCocoa
ACKReactiveExtensions ACKReactiveExtensions is set of useful extensions for ReactiveCocoa you could use in your apps. Currently we have extensions for
Nice category that adds the ability to set the retry interval, retry count and progressiveness.
If a request timed out, you usually have to call that request again by yourself. AFNetworking+RetryPolicy is an objective-c category that adds the abi
Find the union of a set of axis-aligned rectangles
RectangleContour My main product is a library named RectangleContour which contains one Swift module also named RectangleContour. The library implemen
Style Art library process images using COREML with a set of pre trained machine learning models and convert them to Art style.
StyleArt Style Art is a library that process images using COREML with a set of pre trained machine learning models and convert them to Art style. Prev
A view that takes a set of images, make transition from one to another by using flipping effects.
CDFlipView A view that takes a set of images, make transition from one to another by using flipping effects. Demo Live Demo: https://appetize.io/app/w
A photo gallery for iOS with a modern feature set. Similar features as the Facebook photo browser.
EBPhotoPages ”A photo gallery can become a pretty complex component of an app very quickly. The EBPhotoPages project demonstrates how a developer coul
A scalable set of icons
Octicons.swift Do you like Octicons? I do too. The purpose of this package is to make them available to iOS, tvOS, watchOS, and macOS apps in UIKit, A
Snap Scraper enables users to download media uploaded to Snapchat's Snap Map using a set of latitude and longitude coordinates.
Snap Scraper Description Snap Scraper is an open source intelligence tool which enables users to download media uploaded to Snapchat's Snap Map using
This repo shows how to set up and use GitHub Actions as a CI for Swift Packages
SwiftPackageWithGithubActionsAsCI This repo shows how to set up and use GitHub Actions as a CI for Swift Packages. Available environments on GitHib Li
Swift Xcode Project that demonstrates how to set up a microphone input via AudioKit verions 5.
AudioKit Mic Input Swift Xcode Project that demonstrates how to set up a microphone input via AudioKit verions 5. Be sure to plug in headphones in ord
Set of easy to use debugging tools for iOS developers & QA engineers.
DBDebugToolkit DBDebugToolkit is a debugging library written in Objective-C. It is meant to provide as many easily accessible tools as possible while
RandMyMod base on your own struct or class create one or a set of instance, which the variable's value in the instance is automatic randomized.
RandMyMod is an IOS Native Framework helps you generate one or a set of variable base on your own model. No matter your model is Class / Struct. Insta
Algorithm is a library of tools that is used to create intelligent applications.
Welcome to Algorithm Algorithm is a library of tools that is used to create intelligent applications. Features Probability Tools Expected Value Progra
A set of utilities (vmcli + vmctl) for macOS Virtualization.framework
VMCLI A set of utilities to help you manage VMs with Virtualization.framework Installation Prerequisites macOS Big Sur (11+) XCode.app installed # mak
A beautiful set of predefined colors and a set of color methods to make your iOS/OSX development life easier.
Installation Drag the included Colours.h and Colours.m files into your project. They are located in the top-level directory. You can see a demo of how
A fully customizable container view controller to display a set of ViewControllers in a horizontal scroll view. Written in Swift.
DTPagerController This is a control for iOS written in Swift. DTPagerController is simple to use and easy to customize. Screenshots Default segmented
A set of UIKit helpers that simplify the usage of UIKit view's and controller's in SwiftUI.
A set of UIKit helpers that simplify the usage of UIKit view's and controller's in SwiftUI. Many of these helpers are useful even in a pure UIKit project.
Commonly used data structures for Swift
Swift Collections is an open-source package of data structure implementations for the Swift programming language.
Simple way to set up half modal view
HalfModalView Requirements iOS 9.0+ Xcode 10.0+ Swift 4.0+ Example Installation CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install
🎚️ STDiscreteSlider – slider which allows user to choose value only from predefined set of data.
STDiscreteSlider – slider which allows user to choose value only from predefined set of data. Slider may receive any types of options, you may pass set of integers or strings, or any other type. Written using SwiftUI.
Extendy - A set of useful string extensions.
Extendy A set of useful string extensions. Requirements iOS 11.0+ Swift 5+ Installation CocoaPods Extendy is available through CocoaPods. To install i
Automatically set your keyboard's backlight based on your Mac's ambient light sensor.
QMK Ambient Backlight Automatically set your keyboard's backlight based on your Mac's ambient light sensor. Compatibility macOS Big Sur or later, a Ma
Handy Combine extensions on NSObject, including SetAnyCancellable.
Storable Description If you're using Combine, you've probably encountered the following code more than a few times. class Object: NSObject { var c
A simple OAuth library for iOS with a built-in set of providers
SwiftyOAuth is a small OAuth library with a built-in set of providers and a nice API to add your owns. let instagram: Provider = .instagram(clientID:
CHIOTPField is a set of textfields that can be used for One-time passwords, SMS codes, PIN codes, etc. Mady by @ChiliLabs - https://chililabs.io
CHIOTPField CHIOTPField is a set of textfields that can be used for One-time passwords, SMS codes, PIN codes, etc. All fields support insertion of one
A fully customizable container view controller to display a set of ViewControllers in a horizontal scroll view. Written in Swift.
DTPagerController This is a control for iOS written in Swift. DTPagerController is simple to use and easy to customize. Screenshots Default segmented
CHIPageControl is a set of cool animated page controls to replace boring UIPageControl.
CHIPageControl is a set of cool animated page controls to replace boring UIPageControl. We were inspired by Jardson Almeida dribbble sh
Lightweight library to set an Image as text background. Written in swift.
Simple and light weight UIView that animate text with an image.
A set of tools to trim, crop and select frames inside a video
PryntTrimmerView A set of tools written in swift to crop and trim videos. Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from
Swift-friendly API for a set of powerful Objective C runtime functions.
ObjectiveKit ObjectiveKit provides a Swift friendly API for a set of powerful Objective C runtime functions. Usage To use ObjectiveKit: Import Objecti
A simple OAuth library for iOS with a built-in set of providers
SwiftyOAuth is a small OAuth library with a built-in set of providers and a nice API to add your owns. let instagram: Provider = .instagram(clientID:
A set of protocols for Arithmetic, Statistics and Logical operations
Arithmosophi - Arithmosoϕ Arithmosophi is a set of missing protocols that simplify arithmetic and statistics on generic objects or functions. As Equat
📱AutoLayout can be set differently for each device
DeviceLayout DeviceLayout is a Swift framework that lets you set Auto Layout constraints's differently for each device Using only IBInspector of Xcode
A complete set of primitives for concurrency and reactive programming on Swift
A complete set of primitives for concurrency and reactive programming on Swift 1.4.0 is the latest and greatest, but only for Swift 4.2 and 5.0 use 1.
Swiftline is a set of tools to help you create command line applications
Swiftline is a set of tools to help you create command line applications. Swiftline is inspired by highline Swiftline contains the following: Colorize
Type-safe CAAnimation wrapper. It makes preventing to set wrong type values.
TheAnimation TheAnimation is Type-safe CAAnimation wrapper. Introduction For example, if you want to animate backgroundColor with CABasicAnimation, yo
Algorithm is a library of tools that is used to create intelligent applications.
Welcome to Algorithm Algorithm is a library of tools that is used to create intelligent applications. Features Probability Tools Expected Value Progra