150 Repositories
Swift color-picker Libraries
Make system color defined in UIColor/NSColor available to SwiftUI Color.
SwiftUIColor Make system color defined in UIColor/NSColor available to SwiftUI Color. About In this library, colors are defined in an asset file. Crea
A fast-paced color matching game.
***DOCUMENTATION: WELCOME TO COLOURS. COLOURS is an iOS application built using XCode and Swift. COLOURS is a game, and the objective is to match al
Globally change the appearance of the application. Light/Dark mode and color.
About I tried to create a project where you can globally change the appearance of the application. Perhaps someone was looking for such a solution. โญ๏ธ
A Shortcuts-like and highly customizable SFSymbol picker written in Swift.
SFTintedIconPicker SFTintedIconPicker is a Shortcuts-like and highly customizable SFSymbol picker written in Swift. Features Native Appearance Search
LocationPicker - A ready for use and fully customizable location picker for your app
LocationPicker A ready for use and fully customizable location picker for your app. Features Installation Cocoapods Carthage Swift Package Manager Qui
SSLineChart provides you with the additional functionality of gradient color fill which cannot be found in any library specially Watchkit Libraries.
SSLineChart SSLineChart draws a UIImage of a chart with given values and provide additional functionality of gradient color fill. Setup Instructions C
Demo project to sync color changes to an Raspberry Pi Mood Light via iOS/Android
Raspberry Pi Mood Light Demo project to remotely control an Raspberry Pi Mood Light over Bluetooth via iOS and Android. ๐บ Watch the video Overview In
A SwiftUI implementation of a picker that also allows direct input.
ComboPicker ComboPicker is a SwiftUI view that allows users to input a value by selecting from a predefined set or by typing a custom one. Installatio
React-native-place-picker: Pick any place with single click ๐
React-native-place-picker: Pick any place with single click ๐
A tool that generate code for Swift projects, designed to improve the maintainability of UIColors
SwiftColorGen A tool that generate code for Swift projects, designed to improve the maintainability of UIColors. Please notice, this tool still under
iTunes 11 Style Color Art Detection for iOS
iTunes 11 Style Color Art Detection for iOS. Original implementation from Fred Leitz Port of ColorArt code from OS X to iOS. Usage #include ColorArt/
A simple yet customizable horizontal and vertical picker view
WheelPicker A simple yet customizable horizontal and vertical picker view Features Vertical or Horizontal picker Image or Text data Configure UILabel
XcodeColorSense - An Xcode plugin that makes working with color easier.
XcodeColorSense An Xcode plugin that makes working with color easier. Inspired by ColorSense-for-Xcode with extra care for Hex color Features Show col
A powerful lightweight theme ๐จ manager for SwiftUI
SwiftTheming ๐จ is a handy lightweight handy theme manager which handles multiple themes based on system-wide appearances - light and dark appearances
Save the color of your moments. Remember your moments with colors you name.๐จ
Pixel Palette ๐จ What was the color of the sunset yesterday? Or the color you would like to use in your vlog? Save the color of your moments with Pixe
โ๏ธExpressive styling on terminal string. (chalk for swift)
Chalk Expressive styling on terminal string. Highlights Expressive API 256/TrueColor support Nest styles Auto downgrading to terminal supported color
Better time picker for iOS.
TimePicker Better TimePicker for iOS Requirements Swift 5.0 iOS 10.0+ Xcode 10.2+ Installation The easiest way is through CocoaPods. Simply add the de
FlaneurImagePicker is an iOS image picker that allows users to pick images from different sources (ex: user's library, user's camera, Instagram...). It's highly customizable.
FlaneurImagePicker is a highly customizable iOS image picker that allows users to pick images from different sources (ex: device's library, device's c
This repository contains ๐จ My Xcode theme that I use. It is compatible with all versions of Xcode.
DRL Xcodetheme Installation Automatic (via script) ./install.sh which will install the file in Xcode FontAndColorThemes directory. Restart Xcode Go t
The first non-jailbroken iOS (and macOS) application to adjust the screen temperature, brightness, and color!
GoodNight Project name thanks to @Emu4iOS. Based off of Thomas Finch's GammaThingy. GoodNight is an app that allows you to directly access the screen'
ColorShift - A ViewModifier that will constantly update the color of a SwiftUI view
A ViewModifier that will constantly update the color of a SwiftUI view. The color will gradient slowly from one color to the next. By default, the initial color is randomly selected.
A better SwiftUI Picker Use _Picker instead of Picker
BetterPicker A better SwiftUI Picker. Use _Picker instead of Picker. Create styles with _PickerStyle. The is a WIP This library is currently a work-in
SymbolPicker - A simple and searchable SFSymbol Picker for SwiftUI
SymbolPicker A simple and searchable SFSymbol Picker for SwiftUI Features Symbol
Generator of settings icon by SF Symbols. Customisable background color and ready-use in table cell.
SPSettingsIcons Generate settings icons by Apple's SF Symbols. For safe using SFSymbols see SPSafeSymbols library. Installation Swift Package Manager
Swift-HorizontalPickerView - Customizable horizontal picker view component written in Swift for UIKit/iOS
Horizontal Picker View Customizable horizontal picker view component written in
Codepath-prework - label color-changing app for codepath intro prework
codepath pre-work App Description An app that changes the color of the Hello Wor
Swift-picker-views - inline single and multi picker views for UIKit. Without tableview! Easy and simple
swift-picker-views Inline single and multiple picker views for UIKit. No tablevi
Vahesaroyan-react-native-bubble-select - React native bubble picker
@vahesaroyan/react-native-bubble-select React native bubble picker Installation
FlexiblePickerExample - Example of flexible picker that automatically layouts its own content
Flexible Picker The implementation of custom Flexible Picker. Thanks to that vie
SharePlay-TextEditor - An iOS & iPadOS application, by which people can write/edit texts and change font-styles/background color over FaceTime call
SharePlay-TextEditor An iOS & iPadOS application, by which people can write/edit
ColorWheel Test - An attempt at creating a Color Wheel to be utilized for color picking in SwiftUI utlizing various tutuorials on youtube
This code focuses on creating a Color Wheel in which a user will be able to select a desired color to then be implemented in another project that will display that color in an LED connected to an arduino
WLPhotoPicker - A multifunction photo picker for iOS
WLPhotoPicker Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod in
ColorSlider is a SwiftUI view that displays a color slider
ColorSlider is a SwiftUI view that displays a color slider. It is used to dynamically select a color from a range of colors or grayscale.
SwiftUI Clock Time Picker
SwiftUI Clock Time Picker example An exampe of using ClockTimePicker library. Clock with hands ClockTimePicker is a SwiftUI view that displays a clock
HEX color handling as an extension for UIColor
HEX color handling as an extension for UIColor. Written in Swift
Hue is the all-in-one coloring utility that you'll ever need
Hue is the all-in-one coloring utility that you'll ever need. Usage Hex You can easily use hex colors with the init(hex:) convenience initializer on U
A basic iOS app that takes input from the user, displays it, allows changing both text color and background color.
Hello-iOSApp App Description A basic iOS app that takes input from the user, displays it, allows changing both text color and background color. App Wa
Random-Colors-iOS - Random colors generator app with auto layout
Random Colors Random colors generator app with auto layout Demo demo.mp4 Depende
Small color quantizer for bitmaps without any dependencies or use of frameworks
MicroColorQuantizer This package currently offers a very simple color quantizer
Cordova plugin to display a native color-picker dialog
Color Picker Plugin for Cordova (cordova-plugin-color-picker) Description This plugin allows you to display a color-picker native dialog in iOS and An
FLImagePicker - A simple image picker supported multiple selection
FLImagePicker A simple image picker supported multiple selection. Features Multiple selection Gesture supported Dark mode Easy modification Installati
A Modern Horizontal Option Selector View for SwiftUI
SwiftUISelector A perfect option picker. Great for navigation. Simple to use. Try it out with @fermoya's package SwiftUIPager! Swift Package Manager S
A Swift UI component for Lunar Calendar Picker
LunarYearDatePicker a Swift UI component for Lunar Calendar Picker Usage: struct
A UISwitch that infects its superview with its tint color.
UISwitch subclass that 'infects' the parent view with the onTintColor when the switch is turned on. Inspired by this Dribble by Ramotion. Screenshot I
UISwitch which paints over the parent view with the color in Swift.
AnimatedSwitch Swift subclass of the UISwitch which paints over the parent view with the color if switch is turned on and returns original superview b
AGCircularPicker is helpful component for creating a controller aimed to manage any calculated parameter
We are pleased to offer you our new free lightweight plugin named AGCircularPicker. AGCircularPicker is helpful for creating a controller aimed to man
UISlider clone with multiple thumbs and values, range highlight, optional snap intervals, optional value labels, either vertical or horizontal.
MultiSlider UISlider clone with multiple thumbs and values, range highlight, optional snap intervals, optional value labels, either vertical or horizo
RCalendarPicker A date picker control, Calendar calendar control, select control, calendar, date selection, the clock selection control.
RCalendarPicker RCalendarPicker Calendar calendar control, select control, calendar, date selection, the clock selection control. ๆฅๅๆงไปถ ๏ผๆฅๅ้ๆฉๆงไปถ๏ผๆฅๅ๏ผๆฅๆ้ๆฉ
A fully customizable calendar view acting as a date range picker
Demo Installation CocoaPods With CocoaPods you can simply add GLCalendarView in your Podfile: pod "GLCalendarView", "~ 1.0.0" Source File You can co
iOS 7+ Calendar (Date Picker) with Infinite Scrolling.
RSDayFlow iOS 7 Calendar with Infinite Scrolling. Only need 4 lines of code to set up. RSDayFlow is a slim fork of DayFlow with updates and extensions
ColorKit makes it easy to find the dominant colors of an image
ColorKit ColorKit is your companion to work with colors on iOS. Features Installation Sample Project Contributing License Features Dominant Colors Col
Custom UIKit control to select a distance with a pan gesture, written in Swift
Distance Picker DistancePicker is a custom UIKit control to select a distance with a pan gesture. It looks like a ruler with multiple distance marks a
Elegant way to integrate night mode to swift projects
NightNight makes it easy to integrate night mode. It provides multiple APIs which all contain keyword mixed. If you want to implement night mode in Ob
Dynamic blur background view with tint color (UIVisualEffectView subclass) ๐ฑ
VisualEffectView VisualEffectView is a blur effect library with tint color support. This library uses the UIVisualEffectView to generate the blur. Dem
A simple and easy to use view controller enabling you to enter a phone number with a country code similar to WhatsApp written in Swift
PhoneNumberPicker A simple and easy to use view controller enabling you to enter a phone number with a country code similar to WhatsApp Screenshots In
This app is a sample app that recognizes specific voice commands such as "make it red", "make it blue", "make it green", and "make it black" and change the background color of the view in the frame.
VoiceOperationSample This app is a sample app that recognizes specific voice commands such as "make it red", "make it blue", "make it green", and "mak
A very useful and unique iOS library to open image picker in just few lines of code.
ImagePickerEasy A very simple solution to implement UIImagePickerController() in your application. Requirements Swift 4.2 and above Installation Image
Changes the color of the label text when the button is pressed and also prints hello to the console
MY FIRST APP App Description This app changes the color of the label text when the button is pressed and also prints "hello" to the console. App Walk-
An example project showing how to extract and color anchor geometry in RealityKit
RealityKit - Extracting anchor geometry to create a custom Mesh An example project showing how to extract anchor geometry from ARMeshAnchor, create a
A library that makes defines your style sheet like a breeze.
Atelier A library that makes defines your style sheet like a breeze. Requirements iOS 13.0+ Xcode 12.0+ Swift 5.3+ Installation You can add Atelier to
The app allows the user to change text color and text content when the displayed button is clicked
Hello World! App Description This application allows the user to change text color and text content when the displayed button is clicked. App Walk-tho
This is a basic mobile app that allows the user to tap a button to change the color of a label.
MYAPP App Description `This is a basic mobile app that allows the user to tap a button to change the color of a label. App Walk-though Required User S
๐จ Mondrian is lightweight Swift package that provides a universal basis for your design system's color palette.
๐งโ๐จ Mondrian Mondrian provides a universal basis on which to build your design system's color palette right from your codebase. With support for all
A SwiftUI List Picker to replace system Picker in List
BetterListPicker An alternative customizable list picker in order to replace built-in non customizable Picker when we write settings view codes. Demo
๐น Your next favorite image and video picker
Description We all love image pickers, don't we? You may already know of ImagePicker, the all in one solution for capturing pictures and selecting ima
Custom iOS camera and photo picker with editing capabilities
Overview Paparazzo is a component for picking and editing photos. Key Features ๐ท Taking photos using camera ๐ฑ Picking photos from user's photo libra
๐ท multiple phassets picker for iOS lib. like a facebook
Written in Swift 5.0 TLPhotoPicker enables application to pick images and videos from multiple smart album in iOS, similar to the current facebook app
Create complementary gradients generated from dominant and prominent colors in supplied image. Inspired by Grade.js
ComplimentaryGradientView Create complementary gradients generated from dominant and prominent colors in supplied image. Inspired by Grade.js โค๏ธ .all
A drop in single image picker.
PHSingleImagePicker A low memory, single image picker wrapper that provide a significant smaller file size while also preserve high image quality. Int
iOS/macOS media picker for importing images and videos in SwiftUI
iOS/macOS media picker for importing images and videos in SwiftUI.
SwiftColorArt is a demo application that includes Swift files with all classes and extension necessary to create a font color schema matching to an image
SwiftColorArt SwiftColorArt is a demo application that includes Swift files with all classes and extension necessary to create a font color schema mat
A ready for use and fully customizable location picker for your app
LocationPicker A ready for use and fully customizable location picker for your app. Features Installation Cocoapods Carthage Swift Package Manager Qui
Random image and background color with swift
Random-image-and-background-color Hello, this is my first project. Frankly, I got this idea from the "IOS Academy" page, but: color scale for the back
๐ธ iMessage-like, Image Picker Controller Provides custom features.
RAImagePicker Description RAImagePicker is a protocol-oriented framework that provides custom features from the built-in Image Picker Edit. Overview O
A customizable date picker for watchOS and SwiftUI.
Watch Date Picker A customizable date picker for watchOS and SwiftUI. Installation .package(url: "https://github.com/freyaariel/watch-date-picker.git"
emoji-picker demo ๐ฅฐ
emoji-picker demo ๐ฅฐ External dependencies Dependencies are managed by Swift Package Manager. SnapKit - a DSL to make Auto Layout easy on both iOS and
ColorAssetsFinder can help you find particular color assets easily by hex color code.
ColorAssetsFinder ColorAssetsFinder can help you find particular color assets easily by hex color code. Features Find particular color assets in Asset
Overrides macOS external display EDIDs to force RGB color
edidiotic edidiotic creates EDID overrides for external displays on macOS that set the display type to RGB color and removes all extension blocks. Thi
A simple alert with logo image and color.
YMLogoAlert About YMLogoAlert A simple custom alert. YMLogoAlert lets you pop up a simple alert with a natural animation, your app's own color, font a
Simple utility to change macOS Big Sur menu bar color by appending a solid color or gradient rectangle to a wallpaper image
Change menu bar color in macOS Big Sur Simple utility to change macOS Big Sur menu bar color by appending a solid color or gradient rectangle to a wal
An open-source colour picker app for macOS
An open-source colour picker app for macOS
โ๏ธExpressive styling on terminal string. (chalk for swift)
Chalk Expressive styling on terminal string. Highlights Expressive API 256/TrueColor support Nest styles Auto downgrading to terminal supported color
Terminal string styling for Swift.
Terminal string styling for Swift. Integration Swift Package Manager (SPM) You can use The Swift Package Manager to install ColorizeSwift by adding it
Aesthetic color-scheme generation written in Swift
Lorikeet Lightweight framework for generating visually aesthetic color-schemes in Swift Requirements UIKit Features What can Lorikeet do for you Calcu
A simple UIColor category to get color with hex code.
TFTColor A simple UIColor library to get UIColor object from RGB hex string/value, CMYK hex string/value or CMYK base component values. You can also r
A Lightweight But Powerful Color Kit (Swift)
BCColor A lightweight but powerful color kit (Swift) Features Pick Colors From Image Generate Monochrome Image Support Hex Color Style Lighten / Darke
Generate color based on the given string.
PFColorHash Swift 4.0 SUPPORT! Generate color based on the given string. Thanks to color-hash. Usage Basic let colorHash = PFColorHash() // in HSL, H
A beautiful set of predefined colors and a set of color methods to make your iOS/OSX development life easier.
Installation Drag the included Colours.h and Colours.m files into your project. They are located in the top-level directory. You can see a demo of how
Advanced usage of UIAlertController and pickers based on it: Telegram, Contacts, Location, PhotoLibrary, Country, Phone Code, Currency, Date...
Alerts & Pickers Advanced usage of native UIAlertController with TextField, TextView, DatePicker, PickerView, TableView, CollectionView and MapView. F
๐ป Dropdown Menu for iOS with many customizable parameters to suit any needs
MKDropdownMenu Dropdown Menu for iOS with many customizable parameters to suit any needs. Inspired by UIPickerView. Installation CocoaPods MKDropdownM
Multi-picker for iOS and Mac available in SwiftUI
Multi-picker for iOS and Mac available in Swift UI
A simple, customizable Country picker for picking country or dialing code. ๐ฎ๐ณ ๐ฏ๐ต ๐ฐ๐ท ๐ฉ๐ช ๐จ๐ณ ๐บ๐ธ ๐ซ๐ท ๐ช๐ธ ๐ฎ๐น ๐ท๐บ ๐ฌ๐ง
CountryPicker A simple, customizable Country picker for picking country or dialing code. This library is for country picker used in many app for selec
MICountryPicker is a country picker controller for iOS8+ with an option to search.
MICountryPicker MICountryPicker is a country picker controller for iOS8+ with an option to search. The list of countries is based on the ISO 3166 coun
A country picker view controller for iOS
Planet A country picker view controller for iOS. Installation CocoaPods You can use CocoaPods to install Planet by adding it to your Podfile: platform
A simple, customizable view for efficiently collecting country information in iOS apps.
CountryPickerView CountryPickerView is a simple, customizable view for selecting countries in iOS apps. You can clone/download the repository and run
Elegant and Easy-to-Use iOS Swift Date Picker
D2PDatePicker Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Example Code: Programmatical I
An iOS picker view to serve all your "picking" needs
Mandoline The PickerView is a UICollectionView that provides a smooth "picking" interface. In order to get the most out of it, a consuming view contro
๐ฏ Swift country and phone code Picker
CountryPicker Picker code Swift 3 / 4 / 5. Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. U
a picker view shown as a popup for iOS in Objective-C
CZPicker Demo Change Log 3 most recent changes are listed here. Full change logs v0.4.3 - 2016-08-12 Added - (void)czpickerViewWillDisplay:(CZPickerVi