6222 Repositories
Swift ios-swift Libraries
Use iOS devices as game controller for PC via usb-lighting cable.
Xpad v1.0 Use iOS devices as game controller for PC via usb-lighting cable. How to use Prequirments Download all files of this project. [iOS] Open /Xp
iOS Application for independent film theatre (ArtHouse Momo)
iOS Application for independent film theatre (ArtHouse Momo)
A Hello World safari iOS extension
Hello_world_extension This is a Hello World chrome/ios_safari extension. How it works: When we click on the extension, it pop up a textarea prompt. In
Markey Kulry Style App With Swift
Markey Kulry Style App With Swift
Game in development in Swift through XCode.
Space-Cruise-App Est. September 2021 Author: Tony Le Game in development in Swift through XCode. This game lets user dodge and shoot incoming enemies.
Employee list with swift
Employee list IOS Requiments: iOS 15.0 and above Architecture: I have used Viper Architecture. Because it's clean and easy for refactoring.
Aplicativo criado para estudos de desenvolvimento de Mapa e GPS usando Swift
Onde_estou_iOS Aplicativo criado para estudos de desenvolvimento de Mapa e GPS usando Swift, onde ele pede autorização para usar GPS e localização do
An iOS application 📱 that extracts text real time using camera 📷 and play relevant video from the text
CHARUSAT-SceW It is an iOS application 📱 that scans and extracts text real-time through camera 📷 , if it is detected. It will play relevent video fr
Control your display's brightness from the macOS menu bar. Simple and easy to use.
MonitorControl Lite Control your display's brightness from the macOS menu bar. Simple and easy to use. About MonitorControl Lite is a simplified versi
Fetch the star wars api from all the planets and list and show details using Swift UI and Combine
Star Wars Planets Fetch the star wars planet data by using stat war api, list and show details using SwiftUI and Combine frameworks 🔖 Swift UI Framew
An iOS app to display quarantine classification information based on users location
ph covid19 Quarantine Classification Automatically check quarantine classification based on your location Tech: MVVM Observer Binding MapKit, CoreLoca
Schoolhouse Skateboarder Game
Schoolhouse Skateboarder Game Tap the screen to make the skateboarder jump avoiding obstacles and collect diamonds if possible. The longer you are in
Versatile Video Player implementation for iOS, macOS, and tvOS
News 🎉 - Since 2.1.3 VersaPlayer now supports iOS, macOS, and tvOS Example Installation Usage Basic Usage Adding Controls Advanced Usage Encrypted Co
Swift library for embedding and controlling YouTube videos in your iOS applications via WKWebView!
YouTubePlayer Embed and control YouTube videos in your iOS applications! Neato, right? Let's see how it works. 0.7.0 Update: WKWebView breaking change
YoutubeKit is a video player that fully supports Youtube IFrame API and YoutubeDataAPI for easily create a Youtube app
YoutubeKit YoutubeKit is a video player that fully supports Youtube IFrame API and YoutubeDataAPI to easily create Youtube applications. Important Ref
360 video player for iOS written in swift - a subset of SceneKit that works
DDDKit An open source library to support 360 videos and pictures. It's designed as a generic 3D library that you can use for much more! Example of use
NYT360Video plays 360-degree video streamed from an AVPlayer on iOS.
NYT360Video 360º video playback from The New York Times NYT360Video plays spherical 360º video, allowing the user to explore the video via pan gesture
YouTube video player for iOS, tvOS and macOS
About XCDYouTubeKit is a YouTube video player for iOS, tvOS and macOS. Are you enjoying XCDYouTubeKit? You can say thank you with a tweet. I am also a
A powerful and completely customizable media player for iOS
MobilePlayer A powerful and completely customizable media player for iOS. Table of Contents Features Installation Usage Customization Skinning Showing
Syntax sugar of OpenTok iOS SDK with Audio/Video communication including screen sharing
Accelerator Core iOS The Accelerator Core is a solution to integrate audio/video communication to any iOS applications via OpenTok platform. Accelerat
A framework for streaming audio between Apple devices using AirPlay.
Airstream An iOS / macOS framework for streaming audio between Apple devices using AirPlay. You can use Airstream to start an AirPlay server in your i
LaiFeng IOS Live Kit,H264 and AAC Hard coding,support GPUImage Beauty, rtmp transmission,weak network lost frame,Dynamic switching rate
LFLiveKit LFLiveKit is a opensource RTMP streaming SDK for iOS. Features Background recording Support horizontal vertical recording Support Beauty Fac
Player for streaming local and remote audio files. Written in Swift.
Jukebox is an iOS audio player written in Swift. Contents Features Installation Supported OS & SDK versions Usage Handling remote events Public interf
A fast and extensible gapless AudioPlayer/AudioStreamer for OSX and iOS (iPhone, iPad)
StreamingKit StreamingKit (formally Audjustable) is an audio playback and streaming library for iOS and Mac OSX. StreamingKit uses CoreAudio to decomp
Camera and Microphone streaming library via RTMP, HLS for iOS, macOS, tvOS.
HaishinKit Camera and Microphone streaming library via RTMP, HLS for iOS, macOS, tvOS. Issuesの言語は、日本語が分かる方は日本語でお願いします! Sponsored with 💖 by Enterprise
View Metal GPU information from the command-line.
View Metal GPU information from the command-line.
A QR Code Scanning Framework For IOS
QRReader A QR Code Scanning Framework For IOS Requirements: IOS 11+ Xcode: 12+ Installation: steps to install this framework in your xcode project Pod
Comet Scout App Built Using Swift
Logo Comet Scout Inspiration The first week at UTD was a terrible experience for us. We were late for most of our classes as we couldn't remember wher
iOS app that shows real-time information about subway train arrivals in Seoul, South Korea.
NextTrain iOS app that shows real-time information about subway train arrivals in Seoul, South Korea. The app was implemented using clean code and TDD
MeetingSample iOS demo workspace
MeetingSample iOS demo workspace
Homework on the iOS development course at TeachMeSkills
TMS_HW16 Домашнее задание на курсе по iOS-разработке в TeachMeSkills Грамматика преподавателя сохранена Основное Разноцветные ячейки в таблице. В кажд
Advanced Networking Layer Using Alamofire with Unit Testing
Advanced Networking Layer Using Alamofire with Unit Testing
A tiny app that will check your recent subscriptions on RevenueCat and will
Meow Let your RevenueCat talk Download Credits Big thanks to: RxSwift KeychainAccess Popover Notice of Non-Affiliation and Disclaimer We are not affil
Application that displays current weather at a random location. iOS 14.0 or newer. SwiftUI.
Elseweather App that displays current weather at a random location. Description Elseweather was created as a student/research project with no practica
Swift IOS App introduction project
Swifty Companion This project aims to introduce you to the development of iOS application. About With the help of 42 API, get a student's profile deta
The Binary Search Algorithm in Swift 🤯 👨🏻💻
Binary Search in Swift Binary search is a simple algorithm that lets you search an array for a specific value. It’s trivial to implement in Swift, whi
NFT Minting App made entirely on Swift.
NFT Wallet is an open source NFT Minting app made entirely on Swift. It uses Firebase to manage the backend and the ERC-721 smart contract is hosted on the Ropsten testnet.
A better way to operate QR Code in Swift, support iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS.
EFQRCode is a lightweight, pure-Swift library for generating stylized QRCode images with watermark or icon, and for recognizing QRCode from images, in
A QRCode generator written in Swift.
QRCode 🔳 A QRCode generator written in Swift. Overview Create a new QRCode representing a URL, a string or arbitrary data. The following examples all
Fast and simple OCR library written in Swift
⛔️ This Project is deprecated and no longer gets maintained! Please use Apple's Vision framework instead of SwiftOCR. It is very fast, accurate and mu
A Static Library to be embedded on iOS applications to display pdf documents derived from Fast PDF
FastPdfKit This repository contains the FastPdfKit iOS library with some sample projects. FastPdfKit is a library that let you show pdf documents in i
TPPDF is a simple-to-use PDF builder for iOS
TPPDF is a fast PDF builder for iOS & macOS using simple commands to create advanced documents! Created and maintained by Philip Niedertscheider and a
📚 A Swift ePub reader and parser framework for iOS.
FolioReaderKit is an ePub reader and parser framework for iOS written in Swift. Features ePub 2 and ePub 3 support Custom Fonts Custom Text Size Text
PDF Reader Core for iOS
PDF Reader Core for iOS This project is no longer supported or maintained. It is only here for historical reasons. Please see the UXReader PDF Framewo
Yattee: video player for Invidious and Piped built for iOS 15, tvOS 15 and macOS Monterey
Video player with support for Invidious and Piped instances built for iOS 15, tvOS 15 and macOS Monterey.
A Peggle game implemented in swift using UIKit
Ocean Peggle Author: Tian Fang This is a Peggle game implemented in swift using UIKit. Credits octopus png from pngtree.com pumpkin png from pngtree.c
Free Monads in swift
This repo is based on my blog post on Free Monads in swift.
Globant iOS Academy Base Project
The repository will be used for trainees to save course progress.
iOS Test Hasitha
Welcome to the Bidone iOS Coding Test! iOS Create a simple application with the list of orders from viewModel and display them in a list. When a user
Lightweight & Simple Framework For Creating Message App
Lightweight & Simple Framework For Creating Message App
iOS application to extract accession numbers from wall labels using Vision and VisionKit frameworks.
iOS application to extract accession numbers from wall labels using Vision and VisionKit frameworks. Important This is experimenta
War card game built with swift
Overview Do you love card games? Well here goes a very old, fun card game you can play! This is based off of luck and requires no skill. You deal card
Xamoom tourism template iOS
xamoom-tourism-template-iOS Pods Install pods via command pod install Buid system Open File - Workpace settings Select Legacy Build System Check Do n
Native iOS Ambisonic Playback
This project is an example of how to get ambisonic playback and decoding with native AVFoundation, AVAudioEngine and AVAudioEnvironment node.
Safely access Apple's SF Symbols using static typing
Supported Versions • Motivation • Installation • Usage • Contributing • License • Issues • Pull Requests Supported Versions SFSafeSymbols supports mul
📹 Your next favorite image and video picker
Description We all love image pickers, don't we? You may already know of ImagePicker, the all in one solution for capturing pictures and selecting ima
Full aspect ratio grid layout for iOS
Greedo Layout for iOS A library that computes what size the UICollectionView cells should be to display images in a variable height fixed aspect ratio
Style Art library process images using COREML with a set of pre trained machine learning models and convert them to Art style.
StyleArt Style Art is a library that process images using COREML with a set of pre trained machine learning models and convert them to Art style. Prev
Slide image viewer library similar to Twitter and LINE.
Overview You can use it simply by passing the necessary information! Serrata is a UI library that allows you to intuitively view images. Features King
A apple music cover picture shadow style image library
ShadowImageView A apple music cover picture shadow style image library ShadowImageView is a iOS 10 Apple Music style image view, help you create elege
A GPU accelerated image and video processing framework built on Metal.
MetalPetal An image processing framework based on Metal. Design Overview Goals Core Components MTIContext MTIImage MTIFilter MTIKernel Optimizations C
An image compositing framework written in Swift.
An asynchronous, multithreaded, image compositing framework written in Swift. Installation CocoaPods Add Overlay to your Podfile: pod 'OverlayComposit
Live rendering of UIImageView properties in Interface Builder
TJProfileImage Live rendering of componet’s properties in Interface Builder Features Dashed border Solid border Round corner Circle image Requirements
A simple UIImageView extension for using initials as a profile image, written in swift
InitialsImageView An easy, helpful UIImageView extension that generates letter initials as a placeholder for user profile images, with a randomized ba
Custom iOS camera and photo picker with editing capabilities
Overview Paparazzo is a component for picking and editing photos. Key Features 📷 Taking photos using camera 📱 Picking photos from user's photo libra
Crop faces, inside of your image, with iOS 11 Vision api.
FaceCropper Requirements Xcode 9.0 (beta) or higher. iOS 11.0 (beta) or higher. (It is possible to import this library under the iOS 11. But it won't
iOS Framework that makes it easy to preview images on any UIImageView.
AZImagePreview iOS Framework that makes it easy to preview images on any UIImageView. Screenshots Installation: Cocoa Pods: pod 'AZImagePreview' Swift
A snappy image viewer with zoom and interactive dismissal transition.
A snappy image viewer with zoom and interactive dismissal transition. Features Double tap to zoom in/out Interactive dismissal transition Animate in f
📷 multiple phassets picker for iOS lib. like a facebook
Written in Swift 5.0 TLPhotoPicker enables application to pick images and videos from multiple smart album in iOS, similar to the current facebook app
Twitter Image Pipeline is a robust and performant image loading and caching framework for iOS clients
Twitter Image Pipeline (a.k.a. TIP) Background The Twitter Image Pipeline is a streamlined framework for fetching and storing images in an application
iOS SDK to share JPEG images with an expiration date
Ebblink iOS SDK A library to integrate Ebblink private image sharing capabilities into your iOS app. Table of Contents Getting Started Requirements Se
Highly customizable Action Sheet Controller with Assets Preview written in Swift
PPAssetsActionController Play with me ▶️ 🖐 If you want to play with me, just tap here and enjoy! 🎩 🕴 Show me 🎪 Try me 📲 The easiest way to try me
Swift image slideshow with circular scrolling, timer and full screen viewer
🖼 ImageSlideshow Customizable Swift image slideshow with circular scrolling, timer and full screen viewer 📱 Example To run the example project, clon
Create complementary gradients generated from dominant and prominent colors in supplied image. Inspired by Grade.js
ComplimentaryGradientView Create complementary gradients generated from dominant and prominent colors in supplied image. Inspired by Grade.js ❤️ .all
iOS Swift class to create circular or rounded avatar images
SwiftyAvatar iOS Swift 3.0 UIimage class Create awesome circular avatar images! IBInspectable attributes accessible from the identity inspector. Round
An extension that gives UIImageView the ability to focus on faces within an image.
FaceAware Sometimes the aspect ratios of images we need to work with don't quite fit within the confines of our UIImageViews. In most cases we can use
Ken Burns effect with face recognition!
APKenBurnsView Ken Burns effect with face recognition! APKenBurnsView is UIView subclass which supports face recognition to beautifully animate people
Simple PhotoBrowser/Viewer inspired by facebook, twitter photo browsers written by swift
SKPhotoBrowser [](#contributors-) Simple PhotoBrowser
Makes dealing with images buttery smooth.
ImageButter Image viewer for iOS that supports WebP. What is WebP? Find out more here. You can find more about why we created this here. Features Anim
A simple iOS photo and video browser with grid view, captions and selections.
MWPhotoBrowser A simple iOS photo and video browser with optional grid view, captions and selections. MWPhotoBrowser can display one or more images or
GPU-based media processing library using Metal written in Swift
GPU-based media processing library using Metal written in Swift. Overview MetalAcc is a GPU-Based media processing library that lets you apply GPU-acc
iOS photo gallery written in Swift
SwiftPhotoGallery Overview A full screen photo gallery for iOS and tvOS written in Swift. Photos can be panned and zoomed (iOS only) Pinch to zoom (iO
A UIImageView extension to let the picture-cutting with faces showing better
UIImageView-BetterFace A UIImageView extension to let the picture-cutting with faces showing better Last update in v0.2_stable : add a UIImage+BetterF
A photo gallery for iOS with a modern feature set. Similar features as the Facebook photo browser.
EBPhotoPages ”A photo gallery can become a pretty complex component of an app very quickly. The EBPhotoPages project demonstrates how a developer coul
Swift Image Slider library for iOS
Banana - ImageSlider for Swift Image slider with very simple interface. At a Glance @IBOutlet weak var imageScrollView: UIScrollView! // Here imageArr
Random image generator built with Swift
Ody Ody is an easy to use random image generator built with Swift. Perfect for placeholders! Built with [Silo] silojq, [LoremPixel] images, and FillDu
Very easy to use image loader for swift
Silo Silo is a extremely easy to use and very basic image loader for iOS built in Swift. if you use Silo in your project please let me know! Version 2
An image cropper / photo cropper for iOS like in the Contacts app with support for landscape orientation.
RSKImageCropper An image cropper for iOS like in the Contacts app with support for landscape orientation. Installation RSKImageCropper requires iOS 9.
Beautiful flag icons for usage in apps and on the web.
FlagKit Beautiful flag icons for usage in apps and on the web. All flags are provided as stand-alone PNG and SVG files. FlagKit also provides an Asset
Convert UIImage to ASCII art
BKAsciiImage As seen on Cmd.fm iOS App https://itunes.apple.com/app/cmd.fm-radio-for-geeks-hackers/id935765356 Installation BKAsciiImage is available
iOS library for quickly displaying images while scrolling
Fast Image Cache is an efficient, persistent, and—above all—fast way to store and retrieve images in your iOS application. Part of any good iOS applic
You can use blur effect and it's animation easily to call only two methods.
SABlurImageView You can use blur effect and it's animation easily to call only two methods. ManiacDev.com referred. https://maniacdev.com/2015/04/open
A thread safe, performant, feature rich image fetcher
PINRemoteImage Fast, non-deadlocking parallel image downloader and cache for iOS PINRemoteImageManager is an image downloading, processing and caching
A view controller for iOS that allows users to crop portions of UIImage objects
TOCropViewController TOCropViewController is an open-source UIViewController subclass to crop out sections of UIImage objects, as well as perform basi
Download and decode progressive JPEGs on iOS.
Concorde This is a framework for downloading and decoding progressive JPEGs easily on iOS and OS X. It uses libjpeg-turbo as underlying JPEG implement
A modern photo viewing experience for iOS.
NYTPhotoViewer NYTPhotoViewer is a slideshow and image viewer that includes double-tap to zoom, captions, support for multiple images, interactive fli
IOS UIImage processing functions using the vDSP/Accellerate framework for speed.
UIImage Image Processing extensions using the vDSP/Accelerate framework.
An open source iOS framework for GPU-based image and video processing
GPUImage Brad Larson http://www.sunsetlakesoftware.com @bradlarson contact@sunsetlakesoftware.com Overview The GPUImage framework is a BSD-licensed iO