4605 Repositories
Swift swift-soap-client Libraries
A Swift UI component for Lunar Calendar Picker
LunarYearDatePicker a Swift UI component for Lunar Calendar Picker Usage: struct
Music Room: a mobile app that offers a new way of experiencing music
๐ผ Music Room - 42 School Project ๐ธ ๐คณ๐ป Music Room is a mobile app that offers
Extensions and additions to AsyncSequence, AsyncStream and AsyncThrowingStream.
Asynchone Extensions and additions to AsyncSequence, AsyncStream and AsyncThrowingStream. Requirements iOS 15.0+ macOS 12.0+ Installation Swift Packag
(Experimental libraries) Controls interrupt handling, such as alert views, and is compatible with UIKit and Swift UI.
UIPresentCoordinator Controls interrupt handling, such as alert views, and is compatible with UIKit and Swift UI. This library manages items that are
I built this application with unit testing and test-driven development to understand TDD theory and practice
TestDrivenDevelopment Description I built this application with unit testing and test-driven development to understand TDD theory and practice, to wri
Functional DSP / Audio Framework for Swift
Lullaby Lullaby is an audio synthesis framework for Swift that supports both macOS and Linux! It was inspired by other audio environments like FAUST,
A declarative, thread safe, and reentrant way to define code that should only execute at most once over the lifetime of an object.
SwiftRunOnce SwiftRunOnce allows a developer to mark a block of logic as "one-time" code โ code that will execute at most once over the lifetime of an
Swift TableView pagination with async API request.
SwiftTableViewPagination Swift TableView pagination with async API request. Output UML Create puml file. $ cd SwiftTableViewPagination/scripts/swiftum
Multiplayer RockPaperScissors iOS game. You can play with anybody all around the world to be a RockPaperScissors master!
RockPaperScissors RockPaperScissors is an app where you can play classic "rock, paper, scissors game" with friends on your phones. Using Firebase you
Commonly available global error type packages
ErrorKit ์ผ๋ฐ์ ์ผ๋ก ์ฌ์ฉ ํ ์ ์๋ ์ ์ญ ์ค๋ฅ ํ์ ํจํค์ง. Requirements Xcode 13.2.1+ Swift 5.5+ Ins
An ongoing curated list of frameworks, books, articles, talks, screencasts, recordings, libraries, learning tutorials and resources about Swift
Swift Development Welcome to the world of Swift! An ongoing curated list of fram
The collection of image filters with swift
SemanticImage The collection of image filters. How to use Setting Up 1, Add Sema
Flexible JSON traversal for rapid prototyping
RBBJSON RBBJSON enables flexible JSON traversal at runtime and JSONPath-like que
A simple Cron Parser with Swift
A simplified cron parser Requirements Swift 5.5 Command line tools How to Run Cr
A card viewer demo for Idolmaster Millionlive Theater Days written in Swift UI
Misaki Gallery A Millionlive's cards gallery to demostrate Swift UI. All api and
Movies app written in Swift 5 using the Custom API created on the Mocky website
Movie App shows you collections of TV streaming and other movies. Movie app writ
BudouX: the machine learning powered line break organizer tool
BudouX.swift BudouX Swift implementation. BudouX is the machine learning powered
Global formula editor with swift
Koshiki (With auto-completion of Typinator. )
A pure Swift Spotify Music App in Apple Music style
HBMusic A pure Swift Spotify Music App in Apple Music style. How to run pod inst
Full Customizable Tabbar with IBInspectables
BEKCurveTabbar Full Customizable Tabbar with IBInspectables A fun replacement for UITabbar. The Component uses Bรฉzier paths. Demo Example usage: You c
ExpandedTabBar is a very creative designed solution for "more" items in UITabBarController
ExpandedTabBar is a very creative designed solution for "more" items in UITabBarController. It's greate experience to have more comfortable and intuitive UI.
๐ WormTabStrip ViewPager for iOS written in Swift, which gives continuous feedback to the user when scrolling
Worm Tab Strip Worm Tab Strip is inspired by android SmartTabStrip, android view pager like library for iOS written in swift. Basically it was build u
UITabBarController with swipe interaction between its tabs.
๐ Features Zero setup Different animations Enable/Disable interactions easily Fluid gestures ๐ฒ Installation Using CocoaPods Edit your Podfile and sp
๐ฑ A minimal tab bar alternative
MiniTabBar A clean simple alternative to the UITabBar. Only shows the title when being tapped on. Gives the app a way cleaner look :) Requirements iOS
A custom tab bar controller for iOS written in Swift 4.2
A custom tab bar controller for iOS written in Swift 4.0 Screenshots Installation Cocoa Pods: pod 'AZTabBar' Swift Package Manager: You can use The Sw
Emoji Tab Bar button badges โจ
SuperBadges Add emojis and colored dots as badges for your Tab Bar buttons โจ Usage Add an emoji badge: YourTabBarController.addDotAtTabBarItemIndex(
Animated top/bottom segmented control written in Swift.
Segmentio Animated top/bottom segmented control written in Swift. Check this project on dribbble. Requirements Xcode 10 iOS 8.x+ Swift 5.0 Installatio
SwipeViewController is a Swift modification of RKSwipeBetweenViewControllers - navigate between pages / ViewControllers
SwipeViewController What is SwipeViewController? SwipeViewController enables you to modify the navigation bar and implement 'Swipe Buttons' that can u
Android PagerTabStrip for iOS.
XLPagerTabStrip Made with โค๏ธ by XMARTLABS. Android PagerTabStrip for iOS! ๐ Looking for a SwiftUI version? Check out PagerTabStripView, it's fully wr
Pager is the simplest and best way to implement sliding view controllers in Swift
Pager is the simplest and best way to implement sliding view controllers. Installation Drop in the Spring folder to your Xcode project. Or via CocoaPo
Folding Tab Bar and Tab Bar Controller
FoldingTabBar.iOS Folding Tab Bar and Tab Bar Controller Inspired by this project on Dribbble Also, read how it was done in our blog Requirements iOS
Hydra: Lightweight full-featured Promises, Async-Await Library in Swift
Async Functions for ECMAScript The introduction of Promises and Generators in EC
Nicely animated flat design switch alternative to UISwitch
AIFlatSwitch A smooth, nice looking and IBDesignable flat design switch for iOS. Can be used instead of UISwitch. Inspired by Creativedash's Dribbble
Swift - Custom UISwitcher with animation when change status
Switcher Custom UISwitcher with animation. Thank to @andmironov for great design http://uimovement.com/ui/654/yet-another-toggle-animation/ Usage Add
An animation switch collection
TKSwitcherCollection An animate switch collection Requirements iOS 8.0+ Xcode 9.0 Swift 4.0 Installation CocoaPods You can use CocoaPods to install TK
UISwitch which paints over the parent view with the color in Swift.
AnimatedSwitch Swift subclass of the UISwitch which paints over the parent view with the color if switch is turned on and returns original superview b
SMNumberWheel is a subclass of UIControl written in Swift, which is ideal for picking numbers using a rotating wheel.
SMNumberWheel version: 1.0.3 [](https://travis-ci.org/Sina Moetak
An elegant alternative to the UIStepper written in Swift
An elegant alternative to the UIStepper in Swift with a thumb slider addition to control the value update with more flexibility. Usage let stepper = S
The right way to increment/decrement values with a simple gesture on iOS.
barceloneta The right way to increment/decrement values barceloneta is the right way to increment/decrement values with a simple gesture on iOS Featur
Parsing indeterminate types with Decodable and Either enum using Swift
Decodable + Either Parsing indeterminate types with Decodable and Either enum us
A Swift package that adds some handy functions to String and NSMutableAttributedString
StringBooster StringBooster is a simple Swift package containing a few useful ex
Swift Playground version of MetalCity
MetalCity MetalCity is night city scape full procedurally generated, for Swift P
A Swift package for working with probability-driven randomness
ControlledChaos ControlledChaos is a simple Swift package for working with proba
Apple watch app to interface with Transmission Client
TransmissionWatch Apple watch app to interface with Transmission Client Currrent
iOS Mobile Automation With Swift
ios-mobile-automation Since I could hardly find any resources on iOS automation
Twitter Clone for iOS With Swift
Postwitter Date: December 1, 2021 Product Name: Postwitter Problem Statement: iO
๐ง A slider widget with a popup bubble displaying the precise value selected. Swift UI library made by @Ramotion
FLUID SLIDER A slider widget with a popup bubble displaying the precise value selected written on Swift. We specialize in the designing and coding of
UISlider clone with multiple thumbs and values, range highlight, optional snap intervals, optional value labels, either vertical or horizontal.
MultiSlider UISlider clone with multiple thumbs and values, range highlight, optional snap intervals, optional value labels, either vertical or horizo
iOS 11 Control Center Slider
SectionedSlider Control Center Slider Requirements Installation Usage License Requirements iOS 8.0+ Swift 3.0+ Xcode 8.0+ Installation CocoaPods Cocoa
RangeSeedSlider provides a customizable range slider like a UISlider.
RangeSeekSlider Overview RangeSeekSlider provides a customizable range slider like a UISlider. This library is based on TomThorpe/TTRangeSlider (Objec
A custom reusable circular / progress slider control for iOS application.
HGCircularSlider Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. You also may like HGPlaceho
A powerful Circular Slider. It's written in Swift, it's 100% IBDesignable and all parameters are IBInspectable.
CircularSlider A powerful Circular Slider. It's written in Swift, it's 100% IBDesignable and all parameters are IBInspectable. Demo Installation Circu
VerticalSlider is a vertical slider control for iOS in Swift.
๐ VerticalSlider If you like VerticalSlider, give it a โ at the top right of this page. Overview VerticalSlider is a vertical implementation of the U
A feature-rich circular slider control written in Swift.
MTCircularSlider Screenshot Usage To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements iOS 1
A beautiful slider control for iOS built purely upon Swift
SnappingSlider A beautiful slider control for iOS. Installation There are two ways to add the control to your project; you can add it as a submodule i
An iOS Slider written in Swift.
JDSlider Beetripper App's screenshots Example Project To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first
Match animations in SwiftUI and UIKit/AppKit
MatchedAnimation Match animations in SwiftUI and UIKit/AppKit. /// Draw a box in
A lightweight generic networking API written purely in Swift
SwiftyNetworking SwiftyNetworking library is a generic networking library writte
CircleSlider is a Circular slider library. written in pure Swift.
CircleSlider Description and appetize.io`s DEMO Usage To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first
A simple range slider made in Swift
RangeSlider Summary A simple range slider made in Swift. Screenshot Use This control is IBDesignable and uses the target-action pattern for change not
IntervalSlider is a slider library like ReutersTV app. written in pure swift.
IntervalSlider Description and appetize.io`s DEMO To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Re
A Pinterest-like segment control with masking animation.
PinterestSegment A Pinterest-like segment control with masking animation. Requirements iOS 8.0+ Xcode 9.0 Swift 4.0 Installation CocoaPods You can use
A segmented control with custom appearance and interactive animations. Written in Swift 3.0.
SJFluidSegmentedControl About If you are bored with using the default UISegmentedControl, this might save your day. SJFluidSegmentedControl is a custo
Custom UISegmentedControl replacement for iOS, written in Swift
TwicketSegmentedControl Custom UISegmentedControl replacement for iOS, written in Swift, used in the Twicket app. It handles the inertia of the moveme
An easy to use, customizable replacement for UISegmentedControl & UISwitch.
BetterSegmentedControl BetterSegmentedControl is an easy to use, customizable replacement for UISegmentedControl and UISwitch written in Swift. Featur
Demo project of Swift language crash using Release build on iOS 14
Demo project of Swift language crash using Release build on iOS 14 Repro steps O
A game you can guess English words about family with Swift
Guess Word In this game you can guess English words about family. The Project cr
Welcome Busines Card Built With Swift
BusinessCard Welcome Busines Card Main screen Contacts screen More info screen
Swift MovieDB App from TheMovieDB API
Sonix Aims for this project is to browse movies from TheMovieDB API, search for
Login screen - Sample screen created for job application
LoginDemo Login app screen Evaluation of coding skills for job application We wo
iOS Yagom Exposition Universelle With Swift
๐ ๋ง๊ตญ๋ฐ๋ํ ํ๋ก์ ํธ ํ ํ๋ก์ ํธ ๊ตฌํ ๊ธฐ๊ฐ : 2021.12.06 ~ 17 (2 weeks) STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 โ โ
JSON object with Swift
JSON JSON using @dynamicMemberLookup, which allows us to write more natural code
Regarding Instagram Threads With Swift
FluidInterfaceKit [WIP] Regarding Instagram Threads
The official iOS client library for api.video
api.video iOS client api.video is the video infrastructure for product builders.
Conveniently getting the User Agent through WKWebView
WebKit User Agent Requirements iOS 9.0+ macOS 10.11+ Installation See the subsec
QR Barcode Scanner For Swift
QRBarcodeScanner Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod
A simple menubar app can give you quick access to some macOS functions
OneClick This simple menubar app can give you quick access to some macOS functio
XRepository: lightweight implementation of Repository pattern in Swift
XRepository is based on QBRepository by QuickBirds Studios. It is lightweight im
A Code challenge I solved leveraging a lot on Composite collection view layout...written in swift
Space44 Code Challenge Space44 Code Challenge iOS application for Space 44 hiring process, it leverages on Image download and composite collection vie
UIKit-based app project template for Swift Playgrounds 4
playgrounds-uikit-app This is a simplistic sample template for Swift Playgrounds 4 to begin with a UIKit-based app delegate & window scene instead of
New Way Of Working Around With Closures.
Closured New Way Of Working Around With Closures. Are you tired of old-school callback closures? Are you always mess up with capturing references on a
An elegant pagination framework written in Swift.
Paginator Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements Installation Paginato
A library and CLI Utility to manage NVRAM Stuff, written in Swift.
NVRAMKit A Library and CLI Utility to manage NVRAM Stuff, written in Swift. Library Adding Library to Project Simply add this line to the dependencies
CrownControl is a tiny accessory that makes scrolling through scrollable content possible without lifting your thumb.
CrownControl Overview Features Example Project Requirements Installation Usage Quick Usage Crown Attributes Scroll Axis Anchor Position Spin Direction
Swipe between pages with an interactive title navigation control. Configure horizontal or vertical chains for unlimited pages amount.
SlideController is a simple and flexible UI component fully written in Swift. Built using power of generic types, it is a nice alternative to UIPageVi
โ๏ธ VegaScroll is a lightweight animation flowlayout for UICollectionView completely written in Swift 4, compatible with iOS 11 and Xcode 9.
Made by Applikey Solutions Find this project on Dribbble Also check another flowlayout for UICollectionView: https://github.com/ApplikeySolutions/Grav
You can dismiss modal viewcontroller like Facebook Messenger by pulling scrollview or navigationbar in Swift.
PullToDismiss PullToDismiss provides dismiss modal viewcontroller function like Facebook Messenger by pulling scrollview or navigationbar with smooth
App store style horizontal scroll view
ASHorizontalScrollView App store style horizontal scroll view It acts similar to apps sliding behaviours in App store. There are both Objective-C (do
UIScrollView โ scroll category
UIScrollView+InfiniteScroll Infinite scroll implementation as a category for UIScrollView. * The content used in demo app is publicly available and pr
Customizable progress indicator library in Swift
Gradient Circular Progress Customizable progress indicator library in Swift Requirements Swift 5.1 iOS 8.0 or later Screen Shots Preset style: BlueDar
Simple and integrated way to customize navigation bar experience on iOS app.
NavKit Simple and integrated way to customize navigation bar experience on iOS app. It should save our time that we usually use to make abstraction of
Plug-n-Play login system for iOS written in Swift
Prounounced Cell-Lee Celyโs goal is to add a login system into your app in under 30 seconds! Overview Requirements Usage API Installation License Over
Customizable login screen, written in Swift ๐ถ
LFLoginController Customizable login screen, written in Swift Creating Login screens is boring and repetitive. What about implementing and customizing
Draw VR content over live camera feed with ARKit
funny-ar Exercise with ARKit: draw VR content over live camera feed: work is in
Extension URLRequest With Swift
JHURLRequest extension URLRequest Example func test1() { let url = "https://httpbin.org/get" let dic: [String: Any] = [ "name": "Lilei
Food Recipes App Built With Swift
Food Recipes Application This is my first IOS App. The first page is sign in and sign up page. I controll informations with regex in sign up page. If
A Code challenge I solved leveraging a lot on Composite collection view layout written in swift
AsthmApp Mobile app designed as a support aid for people with Asthma Accounts Google and Firebase asthmp.app@gmail.com dICerytiMPSI Facebook asthmp.ap
Secure Remote Password SRP-6a implementation by swift
Thinbus-SRP Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements Installation Thinbu
High performance JSONPath queries for Swift
Sextant Sextant is a complete, high performance JSONPath implementation written in Swift. It was originally ported from SMJJSONPath, which in turn is
A reactive audio player for iOS using RxSwift
ESAudioPlayer: A reactive audio player for iOS ESAudioPlayer is a reactive audio player for iOS using RxSwift. It provides basic audio management feat