139 Repositories
Swift uiview-subclass Libraries
A tiny category on UIView that allows you to set one property: "parallaxIntensity" to achieve a parallax effect with UIMotionEffect
NGAParallaxMotion A tiny category on UIView that allows you to set one property: parallaxIntensity to achieve a parallax effect with UIMotionEffect. S
FancyGradient is a UIView subclass which let's you animate gradients in your iOS app. It is purely written in Swift.
FancyGradient is a UIView subclass which let's you animate gradients in your iOS app. It is purely written in Swift. Quickstart Static gradient let fa
Simple UIView to interact with an Image view like scroll, zoom, pinch and crop.
Welcome to Interactive Image View, a simple library that provides an easier way to interact with image view, like scroll, zoom and crop. In its core i
TDetailBoxView is a simple and flexible UI component fully written in Swift
TDetailBoxView is a simple and flexible UI component fully written in Swift. TDetailBoxView is developed to help users quickly display the detail screen without having to develop from scratch.
UIViews that update themselves when your data changes, like React.
StateView is a UIView substitute that automatically updates itself when data changes. Contents: Overview What's it like? Sample apps How does it work?
ResponsiveLabel A UILabel subclass which responds to touch on specified patterns.
#ResponsiveLabel A UILabel subclass which responds to touch on specified patterns. It has the following features: It can detect pattern specified by r
AutoKeyboardScrollView is an UIScrollView subclass which makes showing and dismissing keyboard for UITextFields much easier. So called keyboard avoidance.
AutoKeyboardScrollView AutoKeyboardScrollView is a smart UIScrollView which can: Scroll to proper position and make sure the active textField is visib
LCToast - Add toast to UIView.
LCToast Add toast to UIView. Requirements iOS 8.0+ Features The LCToast is a comparison of features with Toast and SVProgressHUD. LCToast Toast SVProg
Chain multiple UIView animations without endlessly nesting in completion closures.
⛓ Chain multiple UIView animations without endlessly nesting in completion closures. Used in some of the more superfluous animations in the OK Video app.
SwiftResponsiveLabel - A UILabel subclass which responds to touch on specified patterns
SwiftResponsiveLabel A UILabel subclass which responds to touch on specified patterns. It has the following features: It can detect pattern specified
IHTypeWriterLabel - A simple, UILabel subclass which poulates itself as if being typed
IHTypeWriterLabel A simple, UILabel subclass which poulates itself as if being typed. HighLights Written purely in SWIFT. Very simple and lightweight.
SNPnotificationBar - Notification Bar for ios
SNPnotificationBar Screenshot Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements S
DynamicBlurView is a dynamic and high performance UIView subclass for Blur.
DynamicBlurView DynamicBlurView is a dynamic and high performance UIView subclass for Blur. Appetize's Demo Since using the CADisplayLink, it is a hig
UIWindow subclass to enable behavior like adaptive round-corners & detecting when Control Center is opened.
UIWindow subclass to enable behavior like adaptive round-corners & detecting when Control Center is opened.
UILabel subclass to perform text effects
CharacterText uses NSLayoutManager to position CATextLayers for each glyph in your string. This gives you the power to create some neat text effect using all the attributes of CATextLayer.
Simple UIButton subclass with additional state change animations (e.g. backgroundColor) and missing features
SimpleButton UIButton subclass with animated, state-aware attributes. Easy to subclass and configure! Full API docs Usage Just create your own SimpleB
HoneycombView is the iOS UIView for displaying like Honeycomb layout written by swift
HoneycombView iOS UIView for Honeycomb layout include with photoBrowser. Requirements iOS 8.0+ Swift 2.0+ ARC ##Installation ####CocoaPods HoneycombVi
UIView based progress bar that shows a progress based on duration in seconds
DurationProgressBar Create a progress bar based on a duration in seconds. The view is fully customisable. Install Add this repository to your swift pa
Anchorage - Single file UIView drag and drop system
anchorage Single file UIView drag and drop system anchors.mp4 License Copyright
Using the UIKitChain framework, You can create a UIKit component in one line of code.
Using the UIKitChain framework, You can create a UIKit component in one line of code. Installation CocoaPods CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Coc
Fast Swift Views layouting without auto layout. No magic, pure code, full control and blazing fast
Fast Swift Views layouting without auto layout. No magic, pure code, full control and blazing fast. Concise syntax, intuitive, readable & chainable. [iOS/macOS/tvOS/CALayer]
iOS UI Kit With Android-Style Tools. JustUiKit contains JustLinearLayout, JustFrameLayout and so on
iOS UI Kit With Android-Style Tools. JustUiKit contains JustLinearLayout, JustFrameLayout and so on. It is designed to make Android developers build iOS UI easily. Also for iOS developers, it provides a new way to build UI.
A subclass of UITabBarController that translates UITabBarItems 1:1 into a Sidebar on iPadOS.
FredKitTabBarSplitView A subclass of UITabBarController that translates UITabBarItems 1:1 into a Sidebar on iPadOS. Simply use FredKitTabBarSplitView
(Swift) iOS UIView layout reimagined
UIViewprint/ iOS view layout completely reimagined Blueprint /ˈbluːˌprɪnt/ : a detailed outline or plan of action: a blueprint for success. class Vi
This library is a UIView that is capable of Picture-in-Picture (PiP) in iOS.
日本語 UIPiPView This library is a UIView that is capable of Picture-in-Picture (PiP) in iOS. Using this library, information that is updated in real
iOS 360-degree video player streaming from an AVPlayer.
Swifty360Player iOS 360-degree video player streaming from an AVPlayer. Demo Requirements Swifty360Player Version Minimum iOS Target Swift Version 0.2
UITextField subclass with autocompletion suggestions list
SearchTextField Overview SearchTextField is a subclass of UITextField, written in Swift that makes really easy the ability to show an autocomplete sug
A UITextView subclass that adds support for multiline placeholder written in Swift.
KMPlaceholderTextView A UITextView subclass that adds support for multiline placeholder written in Swift. Usage You can set the value of the placehold
UITextfield subclass with autocomplete menu. For iOS.
MLPAutoCompleteTextField "We believe that every tap a user makes drains a tiny bit of their energy and patience. Typing is one of the biggest expendit
An auto-layout base UITextView subclass which automatically grows with user input and can be constrained by maximal and minimal height - all without a single line of code
Deprecated This library is no longer maintained and is deprecated. The repository might be removed at any point in the future. MBAutoGrowingTextView A
A light-weight UITextView subclass that adds support for placeholder.
RSKPlaceholderTextView A light-weight UITextView subclass that adds support for placeholder. Installation Using Swift Package Manager To add the RSKPl
A light-weight UITextView subclass that automatically grows and shrinks.
RSKGrowingTextView A light-weight UITextView subclass that automatically grows and shrinks based on the size of user input and can be constrained by m
Subclass of UITextField that shows inline suggestions while typing.
AutocompleteField Subclass of UITextField that shows inline suggestions while typing. Plug and play replacement for UITextField. Delimiter support. Pe
iOS - Subclass of UITextField to achieve autocompletion for Place Search like Google Places, Uber and Much more apps having maps.
MVAutocompletePlaceSearchTextField iOS - Subclass of UITextField to achieve autocompletion for Place Search like Google Places, Uber and Much more app
ARAutocompleteTextView is a subclass of UITextView that automatically displays text suggestions in real-time
ARAutocompleteTextView is a subclass of UITextView that automatically displays text suggestions in real-time. This is perfect for automatically suggesting the domain as a user types an email address, #hashtag or @alexruperez.
UITextField subclass with floating labels
JVFloatLabeledTextField JVFloatLabeledTextField is the first implementation of a UX pattern that has come to be known the "Float Label Pattern". Due t
UIScrollView subclass that allows to add a list of highly customizable tags.
UIScrollView subclass that allows to add a list of highly customizable tags. You can customize colors, border radius, and the tail of the tag. Tags ca
CNIC Validation View: National Identity card no Textfield, Validation, Navigation all managed in xib/storyboard base UIView custom control
CNICTextFieldView CNIC Validation View: National Identity card no Textfield, Validation, Navigation all managed in xib/storyboard base UIView custom c
A generic stretchy header for UITableView and UICollectionView
GSKStretchyHeaderView, by gskbyte GSKStretchyHeaderView is an implementation of the stretchy header paradigm as seen on many apps, like Twitter, Spoti
UIViewController subclass inspired by "Inbox by google" animated transitioning.
SAInboxViewController SAInboxViewController realizes Inbox like view transitioning. You can launch sample project on web browser from here. Features I
A subclass of UITableView that styles it like Settings.app on iPad
TORoundedTableView As of iOS 13, Apple has released an official version of this table view style called UITableViewStyleInsetGrouped! Yay! In order to
Convenient UITableViewCell subclass that implements a swippable content to trigger actions (similar to the Mailbox app).
MCSwipeTableViewCell An effort to show how one would implement a UITableViewCell like the one we can see in the very well executed Mailbox iOS app. Pr
Simple and beautiful stacked UIView to use as a replacement for an UITableView, UIImageView or as a menu
VBPiledView simple but highly effective animation and interactivity! By v-braun - viktor-braun.de. Preview Description Very simple and beautiful stack
An easy-to-use UITableViewCell subclass that implements a swippable content view which exposes utility buttons (similar to iOS 7 Mail Application)
SWTableViewCell An easy-to-use UITableViewCell subclass that implements a swipeable content view which exposes utility buttons (similar to iOS 7 Mail
A PageView, which supporting scrolling to transition between a UIView and a UITableView
YXTPageView ##A Page View, which support scrolling to transition between a UIView and a UITableView UIView (at the top) UITableView (at the bottom) In
An easy to use UITableViewCell subclass that allows to display swippable buttons with a variety of transitions.
MGSwipeTableCell MGSwipeTableCell is an easy to use UITableViewCell subclass that allows to display swipeable buttons with a variety of transitions. T
KYWheelTabController is a subclass of UITabBarController.It displays the circular menu instead of UITabBar.
KYWheelTabController KYWheelTabController is a subclass of UITabBarController.It displays the circular menu instead of UITabBar. Installation CocoaPod
SMNumberWheel is a subclass of UIControl written in Swift, which is ideal for picking numbers using a rotating wheel.
SMNumberWheel version: 1.0.3 [](https://travis-ci.org/Sina Moetak
A UISlider subclass that displays the slider value in a popup view
ASValueTrackingSlider ###What is it? A UISlider subclass that displays live values in an easy to customize popup view. ![screenshot] (http://alskipp.g
A UINavigationController subclass that support pop interactive UINavigationbar with hidden or show.
KDInteractiveNavigationController Features ✨ UINavigationController interactive with UINavigationBar hidden or show Hide all UINavigationController ba
A simple designable subclass on UILabel with extra IBDesignable and Blinking features.
JSLabel Demo pod try JSLabel ...or clone this repo and build and run/test the JSLabel project in Xcode to see JSLabel in action. If you don't have Coc
Swift UIView for sliding text with page indicator
SlidingText for Swift Requirements Requires iOS 8 or later and Xcode 6.1+ Installation SlidingText is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simp
UILabel subclass, which additionally allows shadow blur, inner shadow, stroke text and fill gradient.
THLabel THLabel is a subclass of UILabel, which additionally allows shadow blur, inner shadow, stroke text and fill gradient. Requirements iOS 4.0 or
Custom UIView class that hosts an array of UIbuttons that have an 'underline' UIView beneath them which moves from button to button when the user presses on them.
Swift-Underlined-Button-Bar Custom UIView class that hosts an array of UIbuttons that have an 'underline' UIView beneath them which moves from button
A small and flexible (well documented) UIButton subclass with animated loading progress, and completion animation.
ButtonProgressBar-iOS Example For LIVE PREVIEW on Appetize in your browser itself, click here. To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod
A fully customisable swift subclass on UIButton which allows you to create beautiful buttons without writing any line of code.
JSButton Demo $ pod try JSButton ...or clone this repo and build and run/test the JSButton project in Xcode to see JSButton in action. If you don't ha
UIView extension that adds a notification badge.
Installation CocoaPods pod 'EasyNotificationBadge' Swift Package Manager You can use The Swift Package Manager to install EasyNotificationBadge by add
⛓ Easy to Read and Write Multi-chain Animations Lib in Objective-C and Swift.
中文介绍 This project is inspired by JHChainableAnimations! Why Choose LSAnimator & CoreAnimator? You can write complex and easy-to-maintain animations in
Animation library for iOS in Swift
TweenKit TweenKit is a powerful animation library that allows you to animate (or 'tween') anything. TweenKit's animations are also scrubbable, perfect
UIImageView subclass that allows you to display a looped video and dynamically switch it.
AKVideoImageView Motivation AKVideoImageView was created because I wasn't satisfied with the standard AVPlayer when I was implementing a video backgro
Twinkle is a Swift and easy way to make any UIView in your iOS or tvOS app twinkle.
Twinkle ✨ Twinkle is a Swift and easy way to make any UIView in your iOS or tvOS app twinkle. This library creates several CAEmitterLayers and animate
UIView subclass that bends its edges when its position changes.
AHKBendableView BendableView is a UIView subclass that bends its edges when its position change is animated. Internally, BendableView contains CAShape
UIView category that adds shake animation
UIView category that adds a shake animation like the password field of the OSX login screen. Screenshot Setup with CocoaPods Add pod 'UIView+Shake' to
DaisyChain is a micro framework which makes UIView animations chaining dead simple.
DaisyChain DaisyChain is a micro framework which makes UIView animations chaining dead simple. It uses the exact same interface you are familiars with
Show pleasant loading view for your users 😍
RHPlaceholder 💾 Because traditional loading view like UIActivityIndicatorView or similar one are no longer so trendy (Facebook or Instagram apps are
☠️ An elegant way to show users that something is happening and also prepare them to which contents they are awaiting
Features • Guides • Installation • Usage • Miscellaneous • Contributing 🌎 README is available in other languages: 🇪🇸 . 🇨🇳 . 🇧🇷 . 🇰🇷 . 🇫🇷 To
Simple and powerful animated progress bar with dots
Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements iOS 8.0+ Swift 3.0+ Installatio
(Swift) Circular progress UIView subclass with UIProgressView properties
RPCircularProgress ⚠️ To use with Swift 2.3 please ensure you are using == 0.2.3 ⚠️ ⚠️ To use with Swift 3.x please ensure you are using = 0.3.0 ⚠️ ⚠
DACircularProgress is a UIView subclass with circular UIProgressView properties.
DACircularProgress DACircularProgress is a UIView subclass with circular UIProgressView properties. It was originally built to be an imitation of Face
Handy UIControl subclasses. (Think Three20/NimbusKit of UIControls.)
STAControls STAControls is a collection of classes that aim to make dealing with Cocoa's UIControl subclasses more convenient, and to reduce the compl
A beautiful radar view to show nearby items (users, restaurants, ...) with ripple animation, fully customizable
HGRippleRadarView Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. This project is inspired b
Easily add drop shadows, borders, and round corners to a UIView.
Easily add drop shadows, borders, rounded corners to a UIView. Installation CocoaPods Add the follwing to your Podfile: pod 'Shades' Usage Storyboard
Use the iPhone X notch in creative ways 👩🎨👨🎨.
NotchToolkit NotchToolkit is a framework for iOS that allow developers use the iPhone X notch space in creative ways. Inspired by I was working on thi
A UIControl subclass that makes it easy to create empty states.
AZEmptyState Making empty state simple. Screenshots Installation Cocoa Pods: pod 'AZEmptyState' Manual: Simply drag and drop the Sources folder to you
UIViewController subclass to beautifully present news articles and blog posts.
LMArticleViewController This framework allows you to create Apple News-inspired UIViewControllers with ease. It is heavily inspired by MRArticleViewCo
📹 Framework to Play a Video in the Background of any UIView
SwiftVideoBackground is an easy to use Swift framework that provides the ability to play a video on any UIView. This provides a beautiful UI for login
Dynamic blur background view with tint color (UIVisualEffectView subclass) 📱
VisualEffectView VisualEffectView is a blur effect library with tint color support. This library uses the UIVisualEffectView to generate the blur. Dem
An iOS UICollectionViewLayout subclass to show a list of contacts with configurable expandable items.
MEVHorizontalContacts An iOS UICollectionViewLayout subclass to show a list of contacts with configurable expandable items. Features Customizable cont
UIView category that adds dragging capabilities
UIView category that adds dragging capabilities. Screenshot Setup with CocoaPods Add pod 'UIView+draggable' to your Podfile Run pod install Run open A
UIView that simulates a 2D view of a fluid in motion
BAFluidView Overview This view and its layer create a 2D fluid animation that can be used to simulate a filling effect. For a how-to guide on use go t
Make any UIView a full fledged notification center
RKNotificationHub A way to quickly add a notification icon to a UIView (iOS6 and up). Support Code: RKNotificationHub* hub = [[RKNotificationHub all
This library allows you to make any UIView tap-able like a UIButton.
UIView-TapListnerCallback Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Installation UIVie
Demo App for Picture-in-Picture of Arbitrary UIView in iOS
日本語 UIPiPDemo This is a demo app for displaying an arbitrary UIView in iOS using picture-in-picture. It can be used to display information that chan
UIKit a-là SwiftUI.framework [min deployment target iOS10]
Render CoreRender is a SwiftUI inspired API for UIKit (that is compatible with iOS 10+ and ObjC). Introduction Declarative: CoreRender uses a declarat
A swift PropertyWrapper to provide automatic NSView/UIView invalidation when the properties value changes.
A swift PropertyWrapper to provide automatic NSView/UIView invalidation when the properties value changes. It duplicates the @Invalidating propertyWrapper for build targets prior to macOS 12 and iOS 15.
Pipable is an iOS library to implement Picture in Picture for any UIView.
Pipable Pipable is an iOS library to implement Picture in Picture for any UIView. This is done just by conforming to a protocol. The "Audio, AirPlay a
a NSURLCache subclass for handling all web requests that use NSURLRequest
EVURLCache What is this? This is a NSURLCache subclass for handeling all web requests that use NSURLRequest. (This includes UIWebView) The EVURLCache
Written in pure Swift, QuickLayout offers a simple and easy way to manage Auto Layout in code.
QuickLayout QuickLayout offers an additional way, to easily manage the Auto Layout using only code. You can harness the power of QuickLayout to align
FlightLayout is a light weight, and easy to learn layout framework as an extension of the UIView.
FlightLayout Introduction FlightLayout is a light weight, and easy to learn layout framework as an extension of the UIView. Functionally, it lives som
UIView category which makes it easy to create layout constraints in code
FLKAutoLayout FLKAutoLayout is a collection of categories on UIView which makes it easy to setup layout constraints in code. FLKAutoLayout creates sim
How to Display Video from URL inside custom design UIView
Technicalisto How to Display Video from URL inside custom design UIView Add your UIView and connect it . Add This method for display func DisplayVideo
The ultimate spinning wheel view that supports dynamic content and rich customization.
The ultimate spinning wheel control that supports dynamic content and rich customization. Main Features 🏵 Dynamic content, supports texts, images, an
UIView extension that adds dragging capabilities
YiViewDrag Installation YiViewDrag is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile: pod 'YiViewDrag' Usag
Easily use UIKit views in your SwiftUI applications. Create Xcode Previews for UIView elements
SwiftUIKitView Easily use UIKit views in SwiftUI. Convert UIView to SwiftUI View Create Xcode Previews from UIView elements SwiftUI functional updatin
Animated Subclass of UITextField created with CABasicAnimation and CAShapeLayer
JDAnimatedTextField JDAnimatedTextField is animateable UITextField that can significantly enhance your user's experiences and set your app apart from
This is an iOS control for presenting any UIView in an UIAlertController like manner
RMActionController This framework allows you to present just any view as an action sheet. In addition, it allows you to add actions around the present
A Swift extension that adds toast notifications to the UIView object class.
Toast-Swift Toast-Swift is a Swift extension that adds toast notifications to the UIView object class. It is intended to be simple, lightweight, and e
You can easily add awesome animated context menu to your app.
Context-Menu.iOS You can easily add awesome animated context menu to your app. Made in Check this [project on dribbble] (https://dribbble.com/shots/17
slider view for choosing categories. add any UIView type as category item view. Fully customisable
CategorySliderView Horizontal or vertical slider view for choosing categories. Add any UIView type as category item view. Fully customisable Demo Inst
A UIViewController subclass for Instagram authentication.
InstagramAuthViewController A ViewController for Instagram authentication. A UIViewController subclass that handles showing the Instagram login page,