536 Repositories
Swift custom-animation Libraries
A concept to more easily define simple keyframe / multi-step animations in SwiftUI
🎞 Animate A concept to more easily define simple keyframe / multi-step animations in SwiftUI, without: Defining an @State value for each property to
Safari Web Extension to customize your search engine.
Safari Web Extension to customize your search engine. Search queries made from the Safari address bar are appended to the custom search engine URL. No
A Custom ImagePicker Code with SwiftUI.
YYImagePicker A Custom ImagePicker Code with SwiftUI. Author Thanks for Kavsoft!!! 😁 ScreenShot Usage VStack { } .popupImagePickerView(show: $showIm
A phantom type is a custom type that has one or more unused type parameters.
PhantomTypes A phantom type is a custom type that has one or more unused type parameters. Phantom types allow you to enforce type-safety without sacri
Customise sheets on iOS, bottom sheets, custom detents and more..
Sheetster A custom sheet creator library for iOS Devices Features Extends UISheetPresentationController Objective C Private API Custom Detent Setter G
AlertTransition is a extensible library for making view controller transitions, especially for alert transitions.
AlertTransition AlertTransition is a extensible library for making view controller transitions, especially for alert transitions. Overview AlertTransi
Animated alert library like Swarm app.
TKSwarmAlert Animation Tool for Alert like Swarm app. ScreenShot Installation CocoaPods You can use CocoaPods to install TKSwarmAlert by adding it to
A custom modal transition that presents a controller with an expanding effect while sliding out the presenter remnants.
DAExpandAnimation A custom modal transition that presents a controller with an expanding effect while sliding out the presenter remnants. Screenshot I
A custom layout built on top of SwiftUI's Layout API that lays elements out in multiple lines. Similar to flex-wrap in CSS, CollectionViewFlowLayout.
WrapLayout A custom layout built on top of SwiftUI's Layout API that lays elements out in multiple lines. Similar to flex-wrap in CSS, CollectionViewF
TTouchAnimatedButton is a simple and flexible animation component fully written in Swift
TTouchAnimatedButton is a simple and flexible animation component fully written in Swift. TTouchAnimatedButton is developed to make user feel button click becomes more vivid and realistic.
The main goal of this mini project is to inspire you on what we can accomplish with the SwiftUI framework.
COMPLEX SWIFTUI GESTURES We will create such a custom button with complex gestures that we can not find in Apple’s stock user interface library. PARALLAX EFFECT By using multiple movements in the opposite direction (parallax effect) we can add depth to this amazing onboarding screen.
A lightweight loading animation that can be applied to any SwiftUI view with 1 line of code.
SimpleAFLoader A lightweight loading animation that can be applied to any SwiftUI view with 1 line of code. All animations are built using the SwiftUI
TRightImageButton is a simple and flexible UI component fully written in Swift.
TRightImageButton is a simple and flexible UI component fully written in Swift. TRightImageButton is developed to help programmers create a button with right image quickly without having to write many lines of codes.
Appstore card animation transition. UICollectionView and UITableView card expand animated transition
Appstore card animation transition. UICollectionView and UITableView card expand animated transition. This library tries to add the appstore transition to your own app. The goal is to be as simple as possible to integrate in an app while keeping the flexibility and customization alive.
A UIKit custom modal transition that simulates an elastic drag
A UIKit custom transition that simulates an elastic drag.This is the Objective-C Version of Elastic Transition written in Swift by lkzhao
API to make great custom transitions in one method
AZTransitions Make your modal transition with custom animation. AZTransitions helps you think about creativity, giving specific API methods. Visual Ex
Repository for the first challenge of the SwiftUI Animation Challenges. Create the likeable now playing animation from the Spotify app.
Repository for the first challenge of the SwiftUI Animation Challenges. Create the likeable now playing animation from the Spotify app.
A library for fancy iOS animations that you will definitely love.
EazelAnimationsKit Table of Contents Introduction Animations Usage Installation Contribution Authors Introduction The drive for developing this animat
Customizable multi platform menu bar component with the dark and light scheme support - SwiftUI
Menu bar component (SwiftUI) Features Observing menu selection changes via generic PreferenceKey The color intensity automatically adjusts depending o
Custom rounded QR code with lots of customization.
RoundCode for iOS RoundCode is custom circular QR code with lots of customization. Similar to Facebook messenger and Apple's App Clip Codes the RoundC
Allows you to use custom maps in iphone applications and attempts to mimics some of the behaviour of the MapKit framework
NAMapKit Lets you drop pins or custom annotations onto a standard UIImage or a tiled NATiledImageView. Includes callouts, multi-colored pins, animatio
RadialMenu is a custom control for providing a touch context menu (like iMessage recording in iOS 8) built with Swift & POP
RadialMenu Looking for help? For $150/hr I'll help with your RadialMenu problems including integrating it into your project. Email bjasper@gmail.com t
Youtube-like double tap to forward/rewind animation with ripple effect.
VideoQuickSeeking Youtube-like double tap to forward/rewind animation with ripple effect. Please feel free to make pull requests. Example To run the e
A SwiftUI component for launching custom picture-in-picture experiences
Pipify for SwiftUI This library introduces a new SwiftUI modifier that enables a view to be shown within a Picture in Picture overlay. This overlay al
Custom navigation swiftui NavigationLink NavigationView
Custom navigation swiftui Experimenting with navigation link. if you find this idea interesting you can take and expend it into a more powerful soluti
Fully customizable circular progress bar written in Swift.
Fully customizable, circular progress bar written in Swift. Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example d
(Animate CSS) animations for iOS. An easy to use library of iOS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing.
wobbly See Wobbly in action (examples) Add a drop of honey 🍯 to your project wobbly has a bunch of cool, fun, and easy to use iOS animations for you
SYBlinkAnimationKit is a blink effect animation framework for iOS, written in Swift.
SYBlinkAnimationKit is a blink effect animation framework for iOS, written in Swift 👀 Demo There are 5 types of animation for component. border borde
ProgressButton - Custom button class that displays a progress bar around it to gauge
ProgressButton Check it out To run the example project, clone the repo, and open the 'Example/Example.xcodeproj' file. Requirements This component is
Stagehand provides a modern, type-safe API for building animations on iOS
Stagehand Stagehand provides a modern, type-safe API for building animations on iOS. Stagehand is designed around a set of core ideas: Composition of
Wave is a spring-based animation engine for iOS that makes it easy to create fluid, interruptible animations that feel great.
Wave is a spring-based animation engine for iOS and iPadOS. It makes it easy to create fluid, interactive, and interruptible animations that feel great.
The Effects Library allows developers to create sophisticated and realistic particle systems such as snow, fire, rain, confetti, fireworks, and smoke with no or minimal effort.
The Effects Library allows developers to create sophisticated and realistic particle systems such as snow, fire, rain, confetti, fireworks, and smoke with no or minimal effort.
Auto scrollable multi platform header menu usually used in food delivery applications - SwiftUI & Combine
Auto scrollable header menu - SwiftUI & Combine Features Auto scrollable up menu while navigating the list up and down Navigate to any section from up
iOS Top Tab Navigation
iOS-Top-Tab-Navigation Good news for all our users out there! Now there are no boundaries to your convenience, you can pass as much words as you want
Swift easy app launcher animation.
SwiftLauncher Swift easy app launcher animation. Usage. // Twitter. let logoLayer = CALayer() logoLayer.bounds = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width:
A framework to create proxies for XCBBuildService, which allows for custom Xcode build integrations.
XCBBuildServiceProxyKit XCBBuildServiceProxyKit is a framework that enables you to write a proxy for Xcode's XCBBuildService, which enables you to ext
Alter SDK is a cross-platform SDK consisting of a real-time 3D avatar system, facial motion capture, and an Avatar Designer component built from scratch for web3 interoperability and the open metaverse.
Alter SDK is a cross-platform SDK consisting of a real-time 3D avatar system, facial motion capture, and an Avatar Designer component built from scratch for web3 interoperability and the open metaverse.
Compose SpriteKit animations quickly in a declarative SwiftUI-style
ActionBuilder Caveat developer: As this package is pre-release, the API may change significantly without notice. It has not been tested, so use it at
You can dismiss modal by using gesture
RPModalGestureTransition You can dismiss modal by using gesture. Usage 1.Define animation You define animator class inherits UIViewControllerAnimatedT
Simple way to present custom views as a popup in iOS and tvOS.
PopupKit PopupKit is a simple and flexible iOS framework for presenting any custom view as a popup. It includes a variety of options for controlling h
Animation for clickable elements
RadialLayer With minimal configuration add an animation to all clickable elements. Animations are performed on GPU for maximum performance. Gif Usage
SwiftUI animation tutorials, all of demos are consisted of youtube videos at website of kavsoft
SwiftUI animation tutorials, all of demos are consisted of youtube videos at website of kavsoft
🚀 It Makes easy to track your task 🔥 Beautiful & Animated UI👨🏻💻 . Contributions are always welcome 🤗
Taskey 🚀 What is Taskey 🤔 ? Taskey is an application build in SwiftUI to track your task with a beautiful animations and UI . Also used core data to
Simple and elegant Dropdown Transition
Simple and elegant dropdown transition for iOS Why? I needed to perform the dropdown transition in the app I was building and I've found many great li
A simple ticker library for iOS
A Swift library for animating labels and text fields Installation Manually: Simply copy the QuickTicker.Swift file to your project (it is located in Q
MotionScape is your animations playground as a developer.
MotionScape is your animations playground as a developer. You can see all animations and their parameters in effect with beautifully designed and handcrafted animation examples.
A simplest & base on protocol & swifty way to browse photo or video with hero animation.
JFHeroBrowser Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements Installation JFHe
VerticalFlowLayout - This implementation is built using a UICollectionView and a custom flowLayout.
VerticalFlowLayout This implementation is built using a UICollectionView and a custom flowLayout. Table of contents Requirements Installation CocoaPod
A custom UIControl which functions like UISlider where you can set multiple intervals with different step values for each interval.
MultiStepSlider A custom UIControl which functions like UISlider where you can set multiple intervals with different step values for each interval. Th
Powerful animated gradientView in swift 🌈
FancyGradient is a UIView subclass which let's you animate gradients in your iOS app. It is purely written in Swift. Quickstart Static gradient let fa
Tinder/Bumble like user image with user details scroll animation
TinderUserProfile Tinder/Bumble like user image with user details scroll animation Add ProfileView.m,ProfileView.h class to your project. Set the clas
BWMCoverView is a very easy to use advertising the carousel view, supports circular scrolling functions such as switching, asynchronous loading of images, animation, custom is very high.
BWMCoverView BWMCoverView is a very easy to use advertising the carousel view, supports circular scrolling functions such as switching, asynchronous l
Easy to create & custom segmented view
TCSegmentedView Easy to create & custom segmented view Usage Examples An Objective-C example project demonstrating customization options is included i
FlowerChart - custom chart written in Swift
FlowerChart - custom chart written in Swift Fully vector flower-shaped chart written in Swift Flower-shaped chart written in Swift, this repo is a sam
ButtonClickStyle - This is a Customizable/Designable Button View, with 15 animated click styles, that allows you to design your own buttons from subviews, in storyboard and xib right away.
ButtonClickStyle - This is a Customizable/Designable Button View, with 15 animated click styles, that allows you to design your own buttons from subviews, in storyboard and xib right away.
PJAlertView - This library is to make your own custom alert views to match your apps look and feel
PJAlertView - This library is to make your own custom alert views to match your apps look and feel
DynamicBlurView is a dynamic and high performance UIView subclass for Blur.
DynamicBlurView DynamicBlurView is a dynamic and high performance UIView subclass for Blur. Appetize's Demo Since using the CADisplayLink, it is a hig
Simple UIButton subclass with additional state change animations (e.g. backgroundColor) and missing features
SimpleButton UIButton subclass with animated, state-aware attributes. Easy to subclass and configure! Full API docs Usage Just create your own SimpleB
Painless custom transitioning. Easy extend, easy setup, just focus on animations.
TransitionManager Painless custom transitioning. Easy extend, easy setup, just focus on animations. Installation CocoaPods You can use CocoaPods to in
Keep track of accessibility settings, leverage high contrast colors, and use scalable fonts to enable users with disabilities to use your app.
Accessibility for iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS 🎉 What's new in Capable 2.0 🎉 Here are the most important changes: 🏛 New framework architecture and
Custom in-app notifications.
CRNotifications CRNotifications are custom in-app notifications with 3 types of layouts. The notifications will animate in and out. They will hide whe
RSS-Feed App template
RSS-Feed RSS-Feed App template This project is powered by DSKit a Design System Kit for iOS 13+, an iOS SDK written in Swift with a collection of reus
Awesome IOS Styling with SwiftUI, Animation, Effects, Gesture ⭐️
Awesome SwiftUI Styling with SwiftUI ⭐️ This repository is dedicated to IOS styling using SwiftUI. (often using Other Libraries.) I started collecting
Animated Minimal Podcast App UI using SwiftUi 3.0 🤓
Minimal Podcast App UI Animated Minimal Podcast App UI using SwiftUi 3.0 🤓 Video Preview Screenshots Features SwiftUI 3D Card Animation SwiftUI Delay
This projects shows how we can server-side add/update "ANY" custom font in a live iOS App without needing to update the app.
Server-side-Dynamic-Fonts This projects shows how we can server-side add/update "ANY" custom font in a live iOS App without needing to update the app.
OpenSwiftUIViews - A non gesture blocking, non clipping by default custom scroll view implementation with example code.
OpenSwiftUIViews - A non gesture blocking, non clipping by default custom scroll view implementation with example code.
'SwiftUI Apps' application that made with SwiftUI
SwiftUI Apps 'SwiftUI Apps' application that made with SwiftUI, which includes many sample applications, was made by Hamit Seyrek, the founder of the
Wallet App UI with custom Animation using SwiftUI 3.0 🤪
iOS Wallet App UI Wallet App UI with custom Animation using SwiftUI 3.0 for educational purposes. Video Preview Screenshots Features SwiftUI Animation
A minimal iOS AR app that displays a wave animation using RealityKit2 Geometry Modifier
AR Simple Sea A minimal iOS AR app that displays a wave animation using RealityKit2 Geometry Modifier. Xcode 13.3 Target: iOS / iPadOS 15.0+ SwiftUI,
SwiftUI Custom Fonts with working Xcode Previews
SwiftUI Custom Fonts with working Xcode Previews This is a small SwiftUI only app that demonstrates how to use custom fonts, where the custom fonts ar
A non gesture blocking, non clipping by default custom scroll view implementation with example code
A non gesture blocking, non clipping by default custom scroll view implementation with example code
Set of Extensions and Custom control for standard types and classes 🎨
OpencvQueen Set of Extensions and Custom control for standard types and classes. Just like Doraemon’s pocket, has an endless variety of props for us t
Create a smooth transition between any two SwiftUI Views
GZMatchedTransformEffect Create a smooth transition between any two SwiftUI Views. It is very similar to the built-in .matchedGeometryEffect() modifie
Swiftui Spring Animations
Swiftui Spring Animations This repository serves as your reference for SwiftUI Spring Animations. It demonstrates use cases for the various types of s
Easily pause and resume SwiftUI animations
swiftui-pausable-animation Easily pause and resume SwiftUI animations! Installation This component is distributed as a Swift package. Just add this re
A custom calculator for deg to rad conversion & the other way round
Lilium Features A custom calculator for deg to rad conversion & the other way round. How to use Slide up the dock and you should see Lilium. An activa
AxisRatingBar for SwiftUI
This library is a UI control for iOS and macOS developed with SwiftUI. You can display ratings along the horizontal/vertical axis and receive ratings from users. You can use any view that conforms to the View protocol, not just the star shape.
Swiftui-animation-observer - Track SwiftUI animation progress and completion via callbacks
SwiftUI Animation Observer Track SwiftUI animation progress and completion via c
Swift-sidebar-menu-example - Create amazing sidebar menu with animation using swift
SWIFT SIDEBAR MENU EXAMPLE In this project I create a awesome side bar menu fo
LottieUI - A library developed to make Lottie easy to implement. It supports iOS and macOS
LottieUI It is a library developed to make Lottie easy to implement. It supports
HorizontalScroll - Horizontal Scroller with animation and snapping
HorizontalScroll iOS Application: Swift 5.5 Horizontal Scroller with animation a
BeautyAlert - BeautyAlert provides alerts with custom shapes, colors, buttons
BeautyAlert helps you can easily design by determining the color, shape, and sha
A simple spritesheet animation system for Raylib on Swift.
About A simple spritesheet animation system for Raylib on Swift. Aeni allows you to quickly and easily animate your spritesheet in your Raylib for Swi
An original project making use of custom UITableViewCells, date formatting, json parsing, and handling user location.
SunTimes An original project making use of custom UITableViewCells, date formatting, json parsing, date and time formatting based on the json data, an
`LeafTextField` is CustomTextField that contains Image and Animation.
LeafTextField Example @IBOutlet weak var textField: LeafTextField! textField.setImage(UIImage(named: "pikases"), UIImage(named: "pikases-leaf")) text
This library for animating text. Developed with SwiftUI. This library supports iOS/macOS.
AnimateText This library for animating text. Developed with SwiftUI. This library supports iOS/macOS. Screenshot AnimateText.mp4 Example https://fabul
CustomTabBar - A Custom TabBar Built Using Swift
CustomTabBar Thanks to Riccardo Cipolleschi for his awesome tutorial. The TabBar
FlowerSlider - Flower Slider Animation Built With Swift
FlowerSlider Shape Slider Screenshot
IOSAnimationSample-master - An iOS Animation playground to exercise different iOS Animations
iOS Animation Sample This app is an iOS Animation playground to exercise differe
MarinersCompassSwiftUI - MarinersCompass Animation made with SwiftUI
MarinersCompassSwiftUI MarinersCompass Animation made with SwiftUI.
Scroller - You can animate in individual views based on scroll position. Developed with SwiftUI. This library supports iOS/macOS
Scroller You can animate in individual views based on scroll position. Developed
A simple custom popup dialog view for iOS written in Swift. Replaces UIAlertController alert style.
A simple custom popup dialog view for iOS written in Swift. Replaces UIAlertController alert style.
OdometerLabel - SwiftUI number label with odometer animation
Пример Simulator.Screen.Recording.-.L.iPhone.12.-.2022-01-30.at.16.26.53.mp4
CustomUI in SwiftUI - Full Native Custom SwiftUI NavBar, TabBar, SearchBar, Dark mode, a little bit animations
CustomUI_in_SwiftUI Full Native Custom SwiftUI NavBar, TabBar, SearchBar, Dark m
HBFloatingView - A lightweight custom floating view
HBFloatingView Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod i
DGFadingLabel - A custom UILabel that fades away the end of your text when text is too large to fit within the label's frame
A custom UILabel that fades away the end of your text when text is too large to fit within the label's frame.
What is eCortex? A informative tool to manage and organize thoughts and ideas sparked through out the day into custom categories.
eCortex What is eCortex? A informative tool to manage and organize thoughts and ideas sparked through out the day into custom categories. What problem
Creating Custom Audio Effects - Simple Universal Version (Mac Catalyst)
Creating Custom Audio Effects - Simple Universal Version (Mac Catalyst) Adaptation of the sample provided by Apple Creating Custom Audio Effects. Ever
CustomReusableComponentWithLazyVar - Custom Reusable Component With LazyVar
Custom Reusable Component With LazyVar Vista creada con: Programmatically + Auto
SwiftUI-Text-Animation-Library - Text animation library for SwiftUI
⚠️ This repository is under construction. SwiftUI Text Animation Library Make yo