536 Repositories
Swift custom-animation Libraries
Custom Field component with validation for creating easier form-like UI from interface builder.
#YALField Custom Field component with validation for creating easier form-like UI from interface builder. ##Example Project To run the example project
:star: Custom card-designed CollectionView layout
CardsLayout CardsLayout is a lightweight Collection Layout. Installation CocoaPods You can use CocoaPods to install CardsLayout by adding it to your P
KolodaView is a class designed to simplify the implementation of Tinder like cards on iOS.
KolodaView Check this article on our blog. Purpose KolodaView is a class designed to simplify the implementation of Tinder like cards on iOS. It adds
Card flip animation by pan gesture.
CardAnimation Design from Dribble. 实现思路在这里。 Two Solutions At the begin, I didn't encapsulate code, @luxorules refactor code into class and improve it
A custom visual calendar for iOS 8+ written in Swift (= 4.0).
Overview Screenshots GIF Demo Installation Usage Architecture Version matrix Advanced API For contributors Screenshots GIF Demo Installation CocoaPods
Food App Onboarding screen made with SwiftUI
OnBoardSwiftUI-Food Food App Onboarding screen made with SwiftUI. App Details Lottie Files are used for Animations. TabView is used for Screen selecti
PyTorch to CoreML: Writing custom layers with Metal
pytorch-coreml-custom-layer-example PyTorch to CoreML: Writing custom layers with Metal Convert PyTorch model cd Convert python3 -m pip install -r req
A Custom UIButton with Centralised Styling and common styles available in Interface Builder
DesignableButton DesignableButton is a UIButton subclass that uses a centralised and reusable styling. In InterfaceBuilder, drag and drop a Designable
A small and flexible (well documented) UIButton subclass with animated loading progress, and completion animation.
ButtonProgressBar-iOS Example For LIVE PREVIEW on Appetize in your browser itself, click here. To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod
This is a UI lib for iOS. Effects like shining.
WCLShineButton This is a UI lib for iOS. Effects like shining. Chinese (Simplified): 中文说明 博客介绍 CocoaPods CocoaPods is the recommended way to add WCLSh
Custom UIButton effect inspired by Google Material Design
ZFRippleButton iOS Custom UIButton effect inspired by Google Material Design written in Swift Usage Set the UIButton class in Nib to ZFRippleButton or
UIButton-based view with fade in/out animation features
JTFadingInfoView Overview JTFadingInfoView is google's material design like notification view with smooth fade in/out animation features, based on UIB
iOS custom badge button.
MIBadgeButton MIBadgeButton is badge button written in Swift with high UITableView/UICollectionView performance. Screenshots Installation MIBadgeButto
🚨Use the iPhone X Notch to display alerts. 🚨
NotchyAlert Prerequisites Xcode 9.x Swift 4.x iPhone X Simulator/Device Demo Installation Cocoapods To install NotchyAlert using Cocoapods, add the fo
Widgets iOS 14 animation with 3D and dynamic shadow. Customisable transform and duration.
SPPerspective About Animatable widgets from iOS 14. Same animation for transform and shadow. Customisable duration, perspective and shadow also. For v
An easy way to add a shimmering effect to any view with just one line of code. It is useful as an unobtrusive loading indicator.
LoadingShimmer An easy way to add a shimmering effect to any view with just single line of code. It is useful as an unobtrusive loading indicator. Thi
(Animate CSS) animations for iOS. An easy to use library of iOS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing.
wobbly See Wobbly in action (examples) Add a drop of honey 🍯 to your project wobbly has a bunch of cool, fun, and easy to use iOS animations for you
Disintegration animation inspired by THAT thing Thanos did at the end of Avengers: Infinity War.
Disintegrate Disintegrate is a small library providing an animation inspired by how our favorite heroes disappeared at the end of Avengers: Infinity W
An elegant and flexible tweening library for iOS and tvOS.
PMTween is an elegant and flexible tweening library for Objective-C, currently supporting the iOS and tvOS platforms. It offers sensible default funct
Lightweight animation library for UIKit
MotionAnimation Lightweight animation library for UIKit in Swift Checkout the Examples folder for more. Consider MotionAnimation as a extremely simpli
Anima is chainable Layer-Based Animation library for Swift5.
Anima Anima is chainable Layer-Based Animation library for Swift5. It support to make sequensial and grouped animation more easily. is written as foll
⛓ Easy to Read and Write Multi-chain Animations Lib in Objective-C and Swift.
中文介绍 This project is inspired by JHChainableAnimations! Why Choose LSAnimator & CoreAnimator? You can write complex and easy-to-maintain animations in
Simple water drops animation 💧
WaterDrops Simple water drops animation 💧 Example override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() self.view.backgroundColor = U
Inspired by Fruit Animation
Bubble Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements XCode 9.0, Swift 4.0 Ins
Animation library for iOS in Swift
TweenKit TweenKit is a powerful animation library that allows you to animate (or 'tween') anything. TweenKit's animations are also scrubbable, perfect
Swift animation library for iOS, tvOS and macOS.
anim is an animation library written in Swift with a simple, declarative API in mind. // moves box to 100,100 with default settings anim { self.bo
SamuraiTransition is an open source Swift based library providing a collection of ViewController transitions featuring a number of neat “cutting” animations.
SamuraiTransiton is a ViewController transition framework in Swift. It is an animation as if Samurai cut out the screen with a sword. transition types
Twinkle is a Swift and easy way to make any UIView in your iOS or tvOS app twinkle.
Twinkle ✨ Twinkle is a Swift and easy way to make any UIView in your iOS or tvOS app twinkle. This library creates several CAEmitterLayers and animate
Add smooth water waves to your views.
WXWaveView Add pretty and smooth waves to your views! The wave can be added to any type of view. 中文说明 e.g. Integration Cocoapods: pod 'WXWaveView' Or
An Objective-C animation library used to create floating image views.
JRMFloatingAnimation [](https://travis-ci.org/Caroline
A powerful, elegant, and modular animation library for Swift.
MotionMachine provides a modular, powerful, and generic platform for manipulating values, whether that be animating UI elements or interpolating prope
Declarative chainable animations in Swift
Wave Declarative chainable animations in Swift ❤️ Support my apps ❤️ Push Hero - pure Swift native macOS application to test push notifications PasteP
Inspired by Fabric - Answers animation. Allows to "build" given view with pieces. Allows to "destroy" given view into pieces
ADPuzzleAnimation Whats inside Custom animation for UIView inspired by Fabric - Answers animation. Easy to use To create your first animation you need
CCMRadarView uses the IBDesignable tools to make an easy customizable radar view with animation
CCMRadarView CCMRadarView is a simple to use view that uses the new IBDesignable and IBInspectable features of XCode6 to easily configure the icon in
UIView category that adds shake animation
UIView category that adds a shake animation like the password field of the OSX login screen. Screenshot Setup with CocoaPods Add pod 'UIView+Shake' to
iOS Component for creating a pulsing animation.
PulsingHalo PulsingHalo has been discontinued, and is no longer being maintained. Please check out Pulsator which is the new version of this written w
Fire for your iPhone
curryFire 🔥 curry is an Cocoa Touch framework built to enhance and compliment Foundation and UIKit. curryFire builds on top of curry with hot fire an
Facebook's Pop Framework, By Examples
Facebook's Pop Framework, By Examples --- This project is a tutorial (Check tutorial here) for how to use Pop framework by Facebook. Its very easy and
Swift animation made easy
Fluent Swift Animations made Easy Installation Add the following to your Podfile and run pod install pod 'Fluent', '~ 0.1' or add the following
A library of custom iOS View Controller Animations and Interactions.
RZTransitions is a library to help make iOS7 custom View Controller transitions slick and simple. Installation CocoaPods (Recommended) Add the followi
Easily build advanced custom animations on iOS.
INTUAnimationEngine makes it easy to build advanced custom animations on iOS. INTUAnimationEngine provides a friendly interface to drive custom animat
An extensible iOS and OS X animation library, useful for physics-based interactions.
Pop is an extensible animation engine for iOS, tvOS, and OS X. In addition to basic static animations, it supports spring and decay dynamic animations
Show pleasant loading view for your users 😍
RHPlaceholder 💾 Because traditional loading view like UIActivityIndicatorView or similar one are no longer so trendy (Facebook or Instagram apps are
💀 An easy way to create sliding CAGradientLayer animations! Works great for creating skeleton screens for loading content.
Skeleton is an easy way to create sliding CAGradientLayer animations! It works great for creating skeleton screens: 👩💻 Usage The entire library com
Windless makes it easy to implement invisible layout loading view.
Windless Windless makes it easy to implement invisible layout loading view. Contents Requirements Installation Usage Looks Credits Communication Licen
☠️ An elegant way to show users that something is happening and also prepare them to which contents they are awaiting
Features • Guides • Installation • Usage • Miscellaneous • Contributing 🌎 README is available in other languages: 🇪🇸 . 🇨🇳 . 🇧🇷 . 🇰🇷 . 🇫🇷 To
A simple and awesome loading Activity Indicator(with block moving animation) for your iOS app.
BPBlockActivityIndicator BPBlockActivityIndicator is a clean and easy-to-use Activity Indicator meant to display the progress of an ongoing task on iO
Awesome loading animations using 3D engine written with Swift
RSLoadingView Introduction RSLoadingView bring your app to the new age of loading animations using 3D engine. Written with Swift Customizable Using Ap
Simple and powerful animated progress bar with dots
Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements iOS 8.0+ Swift 3.0+ Installatio
A lightweight and awesome loading Activity Indicator for your iOS app.
BPCircleActivityIndicator BPCircleActivityIndicator is a clean and easy-to-use Activity Indicator meant to display the progress of an ongoing task on
A view class for iOS that makes uploading easy and beautiful.
SVUploader A view class for iOS that makes uploading easy and beautiful. Demo SVUploader is fully customizable - check out 2 demos. Installation Just
Implementation of Snapchat's stories timer.
SnapTimer SnapTimer is a custom UIView that behaves exactly the same as the one on Snapchat's stories. Swift 3.0 Support on master branch! 👌👌 Swift
Completely customizable progress based loaders drawn using custom CGPaths written in Swift
FillableLoaders Completely customizable progress based loaders drawn using custom CGPaths written in Swift Waves Plain Spike Rounded Demo: Changelog:
A customizable SpriteKit particles animation on the border of a view.
ParticlesLoadingView Description With ParticlesLoadingView you can create your own amazing SpriteKit particles animations with the Xcode's built-in Pa
A custom animation for the UIRefreshControl
A custom animation for the UIRefreshControl. Inspired by this Dribble shot and this tutorial. Screenshot Usage Install through CocoaPods pod 'GearRefr
Spinner loader components with liquid animation
LiquidLoader LiquidLoader is the spinner loader UI components with liquid animation, inspired by Spinner Loader - Gooey light Effect [] (https://githu
NVActivityIndicatorView is a collection of awesome loading animations.
NVActivityIndicatorView is a collection of awesome loading animations.
A beautiful radar view to show nearby items (users, restaurants, ...) with ripple animation, fully customizable
HGRippleRadarView Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. This project is inspired b
iOS custom controller used in Jobandtalent app to present new view controllers as cards
CardStackController iOS custom controller used in the Jobandtalent app to present new view controllers as cards. This controller behaves very similar
Various usages of the Macaw library
Macaw-Examples Macaw Examples is a place where you can find various usages of the Macaw library. We are a development agency building phenomenal apps.
A radio button with a pretty animation
LTHRadioButton Slightly inspired by Google's material radio button. The clip below has 3 sections: full speed, 25% and 10%, but after converting it to
Custom UIKit control to select a distance with a pan gesture, written in Swift
Distance Picker DistancePicker is a custom UIKit control to select a distance with a pan gesture. It looks like a ruler with multiple distance marks a
An iOS UICollectionViewLayout subclass to show a list of contacts with configurable expandable items.
MEVHorizontalContacts An iOS UICollectionViewLayout subclass to show a list of contacts with configurable expandable items. Features Customizable cont
Social App - In that application I desided to make a custom messenger service
Social App About the project / О проекте English In that application I desided to make a custom messenger service. Project is on early development sta
INTUZ is presenting an interesting a custom alert view in SwiftUI
Introduction INTUZ is presenting an interesting a custom alert view in SwiftUI, App Control to integrate inside your native iOS-based application. Cus
A Swift framework for using custom emoji in strings.
Emojica – a Swift framework for using custom emoji in strings. What does it do? Emojica allows you to replace the standard emoji in your iOS apps with
Simple example of view that appears on tap button and dismiss with swipe gesture.
MenuWithSlide Simple SwiftUI example of how to show side menu with slide effect. On button press - appeares, on background tap or swipe right - dissmi
Your SwiftUI custom slider is crap. Here's mine, which is also crap, but it's my crap
Fuck your custom slider It doesn't work. Sure, it looks great, with gradients, and multiple thumbs, but really, it's useless. No more paying for a sub
Simple class to check if app has been cracked, being debugged or enriched with custom dylib
iOS-App-Security-Class Simple class to check if iOS app has been cracked, being debugged or enriched with custom dylib and as well detect jailbroken e
Simple custom navigation bar by swift
YoNavBarView Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements Installation YoNav
Game of Life Use the custom SwiftLint script
Game of Life The deployement target of the project is iOS 13.0 and the project use cocopoads as dependency manager
NiceAlertView is a Swift framework that can increase time of development and show nice custom AlertsViews
NiceAlertView Nice and beautiful AlertView for your iOS project NiceAlertView is a Swift framework that can increase time of development and show nice
Better payment user experience library with cool animation in Swift
🎬 Preview 🌟 Features Easily usable Simple Swift syntax Cool flip animation Compatible with Carthage Compatible with CocoaPods Customizable Universal
VidyoPlatform Basic CustomLayouts Reference App for iOS (Swift)VidyoPlatform Basic CustomLayouts Reference App for iOS (Swift)
VidyoPlatform Basic CustomLayouts Reference App for iOS (Swift) VidyoPlatform reference application highlighting how to integrate video chat into a na
Quiz Game with some cool animation
OhMyQuizApp This repo contains Quiz App project with some cool animation. Please do give me a ⭐️ on project if you like my work. This will be encourag
Transition animation for ViewController
XTransitionKit Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements iOS 9.0+ Swift 5
AttributedString Markdown initializer with custom styling
AttributedString Markdown initializer with custom styling AttributedString in iOS 15 and macOS 12 comes with a Markdown initializer. But: There is no
A custom wrapper over AFNetworking library that we use inside RC extensively
AFNetworkingHelper A very simple wrapper over the most amazing networking library for objective C, AFNetworking. We extensively use it inside RC and i
This is a Swift package with support for macOS that allows to start Java Jar's with the default or a custom JVM.
Jar.swift jar runner for macos Jar.swift is created and maintaned with ❥ by Sascha Muellner. What? This is a Swift package with support for macOS that
ChatLayout is an alternative solution to MessageKit.
ChatLayout is an alternative solution to MessageKit. It uses custom UICollectionViewLayout to provide you full control over the presentation as well as all the tools available in UICollectionView.
An experiment for using SwiftUI's custom timing Animation to create an orbital-like animation.
Orbital-SwiftUI-Animation An experiment for using SwiftUI's custom timing curve to create an orbital-like animation. How it looks: How it works: Apply
Support customization of any player SDK and control layer
Support customization of any player SDK and control layer
📚 A Swift ePub reader and parser framework for iOS.
FolioReaderKit is an ePub reader and parser framework for iOS written in Swift. Features ePub 2 and ePub 3 support Custom Fonts Custom Text Size Text
Custom iOS camera and photo picker with editing capabilities
Overview Paparazzo is a component for picking and editing photos. Key Features 📷 Taking photos using camera 📱 Picking photos from user's photo libra
ImagePickerSheetController replicates the custom photo action sheet in iMessage.
ImagePickerSheetController About ImagePickerSheetController is a component that replicates the custom photo action sheet in iMessage. It's very simila
Ken Burns effect with face recognition!
APKenBurnsView Ken Burns effect with face recognition! APKenBurnsView is UIView subclass which supports face recognition to beautifully animate people
You can use blur effect and it's animation easily to call only two methods.
SABlurImageView You can use blur effect and it's animation easily to call only two methods. ManiacDev.com referred. https://maniacdev.com/2015/04/open
A custom image view that implements device motion scrolling
YXTMotionView A custom image view that implements device motion scrolling Installation CocoaPods Add the dependency to your Podfile: platform :ios pod
An animated gif & apng engine for iOS in Swift. Have a great performance on memory and cpu usage.
Features Small but complete, only200lines of code. Allow to control display quality, memory usage, loop time and display progress. Have a great perfor
High-performance animated GIF support for iOS in Swift
Gifu adds protocol-based, performance-aware animated GIF support to UIKit. (It's also a prefecture in Japan). Install Swift Package Manager Add the fo
🅿️ PandoraPlayer is a lightweight music player for iOS, based on AudioKit and completely written in Swift.
Made by Applikey Solutions Find this project on Dribbble Table of Contents Purpose Features Supported OS & SDK Versions Installation Usage Demo Releas
Custom iOS music player view
InteractivePlayerView Custom iOS music player view Screen About InteractivePlayerView is an IBDesignableView (Custom View) which has its own progress,
Swift Custom Operators for Mathematical Notation
Euler Euler uses custom operators in the "Math Symbols" character set to implement functions using traditional mathematical notation. Please keep in m
Sample code for Core ML using ResNet50 provided by Apple and a custom model generated by coremltools.
CoreML-samples This is the sample code for Core ML using ResNet50 provided by Apple. ResNet50 can categorize the input image to 1000 pre-trained categ
Custom MacBook login screen and pam modules using multipeer connectivity and usb hardware checks with iOS app for sign in.
Custom MacBook login screen and pam modules using multipeer connectivity and usb hardware checks with iOS app for sign in.
FlightLayout is a light weight, and easy to learn layout framework as an extension of the UIView.
FlightLayout Introduction FlightLayout is a light weight, and easy to learn layout framework as an extension of the UIView. Functionally, it lives som
Custom & highly configurable seek slider with sliding intervals, disabled state and every possible setting to tackle!
iLabeledSeekSlider Custom & highly configurable seek slider with sliding intervals, disabled state and every possible setting to tackle! Minimum iOS v
A free, multiplatform SDK for real-time facial motion capture using blendshapes, and rigid head pose in 3D space from any RGB camera, photo, or video.
mocap4face by Facemoji mocap4face by Facemoji is a free, multiplatform SDK for real-time facial motion capture based on Facial Action Coding System or