3990 Repositories
Swift mvvm-ios Libraries
UmaBasicAlertKit is a Swift UI library for iOS
UmaBasicAlertKit UmaBasicAlertKit is a Swift UI library for iOS. This library al
Conforming WebSocket (RFC 6455) client library for iOS and Mac OSX
SwiftWebSocket Conforming WebSocket (RFC 6455) client library for iOS and Mac OS
Simple image crop library for iOS
PhotoCropper This is a simple image crop library for iOS I made for fun on Chris
This page contains an iOS Application that uses Modelplace.AI Cloud API
Modelplace iOS App This page contains an iOS Application that uses Modelplace.AI
Email Campaigns and Marketing Automation on iOS powered by EmailOctopus
EmailOctopusKit EmailOctopus is an affordable email campaign and marketing automation platform. EmailOctopusKit makes use of the EmailOctopus API and
A code generation tool enable use of UserDefaults as computed properties in a class.
SVMPrefs Note: This tool requires Xcode 11 for compilation as it uses some Swift 5.1 language features. SVMPrefs is a command line tool that generates
Path library for Swift
SimplePath SimplePath is a library for working with file paths in Swift. It borrows heavily from the path libraries of other languages such as Go, PHP
An iOS Swift UIColor extension
UIColorWDUtils (Swift) This is a simple extension for RGB(A) hex values and UIColor class. Support for RGB and RGBA as numeric values ##Examples // Cl
A Modern Horizontal Option Selector View for SwiftUI
SwiftUISelector A perfect option picker. Great for navigation. Simple to use. Try it out with @fermoya's package SwiftUIPager! Swift Package Manager S
Draftsman is a Layout builder based on AutoLayout with Declarative approach
Draftsman Draftsman is a DSL framework for Swift focussed on builder pattern Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install f
✋ ✋ ✋ The super easy and generic builder pattern. It's easy if you try 💪.
Builder ✋ ✋ ✋ The super easy and generic builder pattern. It's easy if you try 💪 . Introduction Initialize UIView build set its properties. 👍 👍 let
Put your interesting logs into view for showing.
LogView Description LogView is a debugging tool view, you can put your interesting logs into view for showing, it support to pan for moving and show/h
IMC - Índice de Massa Corporal iOS - Swift
IMC (Índice de Massa Corporal) - View Code O objetivo desse projeto foi criar em view code o aplicativo IMC (Índice de Massa Corporal) ministrado no c
Assignment 9 - Weather Search iOS App
WeatherSearchiOS Assignment 9 - Weather Search iOS App This is my implementation of assignment 9 for csci 571 for fall 2021. Requirement In this exerc
Networking layer implementation using CLEAN Architecture for iOS.
NetworkLayer-CLEANArchitecture Networking layer implementation using CLEAN Architecture for iOS. Features ✨ CLEAN Architecture ✨ No Storyboards No ext
Train a ML Model to detect faces. (Image classifier)
face-recognition-match Train a CoreML Model to detect faces in IOS. (Image classifier) Requeriments conda create --name face_recog python=3.6 conda ac
iOS App that helps you breath properly.
Breathing App iOS App that helps you breath properly. I created this iOS app in my Intro to iOS Develepmont class at Hunter College. I am not a profes
Project 04 I created for "iOS & Swift - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp"
Magic 8 Ball This is the fourth project I created for "iOS & Swift - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp" Our Goal The objective of this challen
Project 03 I created for "iOS & Swift - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp"
Dicee This is the third project I created for "iOS & Swift - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp" Our Goal The objective of this tutorial is to
[yolov5] + [ios] + [tensorflow lite]
YOLOv5 - TensorFlow Lite Object Detection iOS Example Application iOS Versions Supported: iOS 12.0 and above. Xcode Version Required: 10.0 and above O
KatKit: a Swift UI library for iOS
KatKit KatKit is a Swift UI library for iOS. It looks similar to the Daagn marke
Custom emoji rendering library for iOS apps with support for GIF & still images
Custom emoji rendering library for iOS apps with support for GIF & still images - plug-in extension for UITextView - performance, cache ✅ - Made with 💘 by @GetStream
Apple TextField created according to the Material.IO guidelines of 2019. Featured at Medium.
CocoaTextField Highly customizable text field created according to Material.IO guidelines. Minimum iOS version 11.0 Carthage github "edgar-zigis/Cocoa
A TextView that provides easy to use tagging feature for Mention or Hashtag
Tagging A TextView that provides easy to use tagging feature for Mention or Hashtag. Introduction Tagging is a UIView that encloses a TextView that co
UITextField-based control for (NS)Measurement values input.
MeasurementTextField UITextField-based control for (NS)Measurement values input. Provides type-safe keyboard and picker based input of different measu
Lightweight set of text fields with nice animation and functionality
TweeTextField This is lightweight library that provides different types of Text Fields based on your needs. I was inspired by Jan Henneberg. Features
Declarative text styles and streamlined Dynamic Type support for iOS
StyledText StyledText is a library that simplifies styling dynamic text in iOS applications. Instead of having to use attributed strings every time yo
🔍 An elegant search controller which replaces the UISearchController for iOS (iPhone & iPad) .
🔍 An elegant search controller for iOS. QQ chat room Features Support a variety of hot search style Support a variety of search history style Support
⚡️ A library of widgets and helpers to build instant-search applications on iOS.
By Algolia. InstantSearch family: InstantSearch iOS | InstantSearch Android | React InstantSearch | InstantSearch.js | Angular InstantSearch | Vue Ins
My first cocoapod framework
TaniwhaTextField Introduction TaniwhaTextField is a lightweight and beautiful swift textfield framework. It has float label pattern, and also you can
A text view that supports selection and expansion
The Problem UILabel and UITextView offer unsatisfying support for text selection. Existing solutions like TTTAttributedLabel are great but offer a som
The famous iOS search bar with auto completion feature implemented.
PRESENTATION This search bar will allow you to offer suggestions words to your users when they are looking for something using default iOS search bar.
Awesome TextField is a nice and simple libriary for iOS and Mac OSX
Awesome TextField is a nice and simple libriary for iOS and Mac OSX. It's highly customisable and easy-to-use tool. Works perfectly for any registration or login forms in your app.
Library that allows you binding `enabled` property of button with textable elements (TextView, TextField)
What is NxEnabled? It's a fairly common case, when the enabled state of button depends on some textable elements such as TextView, TextField. So this
Animated UITextField and UITextView replacement for iOS
AnimatedTextInput iOS custom text input component used in the Jobandtalent app. Installation Use cocoapods to install this custom control in your proj
UITextField that automatically formats text to display in the currency format
CurrencyTextField The numbers that the user enters in the field are automatically formatted to display in the dollar amount format. For example, if th
📝 The next in the generations of 'growing textviews' optimized for iOS 8 and above.
NextGrowingTextView The next in the generations of 'growing textviews' optimized for iOS 8 and above. As a successor to HPGrowingTextView, NextGrowing
VMaskTextField is a library which create an input mask for iOS.
VMaskTextField An inputmask helps the user with the input by ensuring a predefined format. This can be useful for dates, numerics, phone numbers etc U
UITextfield subclass with autocomplete menu. For iOS.
MLPAutoCompleteTextField "We believe that every tap a user makes drains a tiny bit of their energy and patience. Typing is one of the biggest expendit
🔍 RAMReel is a UI controller that allows you to choose options from a list.
REEL SEARCH Reel Search is a Swift UI controller that allows you to choose options from a list We specialize in the designing and coding of custom UI
iOS - Subclass of UITextField to achieve autocompletion for Place Search like Google Places, Uber and Much more apps having maps.
MVAutocompletePlaceSearchTextField iOS - Subclass of UITextField to achieve autocompletion for Place Search like Google Places, Uber and Much more app
UICollectionViewLayout with focused content
SFFocusViewLayout Overview SFFocusViewLayout is a UICollectionViewLayout subclass for displaying focused content on UICollectionView which is the larg
🔍 Awesome fully customize search view like Pinterest written in Swift 5.0 + Realm support!
YNSearch + Realm Support Updates See CHANGELOG for details Intoduction 🔍 Awesome search view, written in Swift 5.0, appears search view like Pinteres
An iOS text field that represents tags, hashtags, tokens in general.
WSTagsField An iOS text field that represents tags, hashtags, tokens in general. Usage let tagsField = WSTagsField() tagsField.layoutMargins = UIEdgeI
Highly customizable iOS tags view [input, edit, dynamic, tag, token, field, NSTokenField]
RKTagsView Highly customizable iOS tags view (like NSTokenField). Supports horizontal and vertical direction, editing, multiple selection, Auto Layout
Simple and highly customizable iOS tag list view, in Swift.
TagListView Simple and highly customizable iOS tag list view, in Swift. Supports Storyboard, Auto Layout, and @IBDesignable. Usage The most convenient
Useful for showing text or custom view tags in a vertical or horizontal scrollable view and support Autolayout at the same time
Useful for showing text or custom view tags in a vertical or horizontal scrollable view and support Autolayout at the same time. It is highly customizable that most features of the text tag can be configured.
Lightweight Core Data fetch framework
FetchKit Lightweight Core Data fetch framework. With FetchKit you can easily fetch data from store without creating NSFetchRequest. Usage Example Core
LocationKit SDK for iOS
LocationKit iOS The most advanced location manager Homepage | Community | Documentation | Blog | FAQs | Pricing | Developer Dashboard This is the publ
An iOS progress indicator view library written in SwiftUI
ProgressIndicatorView A number of preset progress indicators created with SwiftUI We are a development agency building phenomenal apps. Usage Create a
It provides UI components such as popover, popup, dialog supporting iOS apps
Overview LCUIComponents is an on-going project, which supports creating transient views appearing above other content onscreen when a control is selec
Savory is swift accrodion view implementation
Savory Savory is a swift accordion view implementation. Requirements Xcode 8.0 Swift 3.0 iOS 8 Installation Using CocoaPods: pod 'Savory', :git = 'ht
Artisan is an MVVM framework for Swift using the bonding features from Pharos and constraints builder from Draftsman.
Artisan Artisan is an MVVM framework for Swift using the bonding features from Pharos, constraints builder from Draftsman and builder pattern from Bui
A UISlider-like control with graduations (e.g. like sliders on DJ decks), can be used vertically or horizontally, optional haptic feedback
GraduatedSlider A UISlider-like control with graduations (e.g. like sliders on DJ decks), can be used vertically or horizontally, optional haptic feed
Beautiful animated Login Alert View. Written in Objective-C
UIAlertView - Objective-C Animated Login Alert View written in Swift but ported to Objective-C, which can be used as a UIAlertView or UIAlertControlle
Decathlon Design System UI components for iOS & iPadOS applications
Vitamin iOS Decathlon Design System libraries for iOS & iPadOS applications Website Introduction Decathlon Design System is the framework that helps o
UICollectionViewSplitLayout makes collection view more responsive.
UICollectionViewSplitLayout makes collection view more responsive. What's this? UICollectionViewSplitLayout is a subclass of UICollectionViewLayout. I
Blueprints - A framework that is meant to make your life easier when working with collection view flow layouts.
Description Blueprints is a collection of flow layouts that is meant to make your life easier when working with collection view flow layouts. It comes
An extandable mosaic UICollectionViewLayout with a focus on extremely flexible customizations :large_orange_diamond:
SquareMosaicLayout An extandable mosaic UICollectionViewLayout with a focus on extremely flexible customizations. Note This layout is not of waterfall
A CollectionView Layout displaying a slanted cells
CollectionViewSlantedLayout is a subclass of the UICollectionViewLayout allowing the display of slanted cells in a UICollectionView. Features Pure Swi
A lightweight UICollectionViewLayout that 'pages' and centers its cells 🎡 written in Swift
CenteredCollectionView CenteredCollectionView is a lightweight drop in place UICollectionViewFlowLayout that pages and keeps its cells centered, resul
Enhanced transitioning between UICollectionView layouts in iOS.
TLLayoutTransitioning Enhanced transitioning between UICollectionView layouts in iOS. ##Overview TLLayoutTransitioning provides a TLLayoutTransition t
WLEmptyState is an iOS based component that lets you customize the view when the dataset of a UITableView or a UICollectionView is empty.
Table of Content Overview Running an Example Project Installing WLEmptyState Configuring WLEmptyState Using WLEmptyState Customizing WLEmptyState Cont
A generic stretchy header for UITableView and UICollectionView
GSKStretchyHeaderView, by gskbyte GSKStretchyHeaderView is an implementation of the stretchy header paradigm as seen on many apps, like Twitter, Spoti
UICollectionView replacement of UITableView. Do even more like Parallax Header, Sticky Section Header. Made for iOS 7.
CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout Contributors For anyone who'd like to be a contributor to the repository, please read the Contribution Guideline Parallax, St
✨ Awesome expandable, collapsible tableview cell for iOS written in Swift 5
ExpandableCell Intoduction Fully refactored YNExapnadableCell with more concise, bug free. Easiest usage of expandable & collapsible cell for iOS, wri
Swift library to support collapsible sections in a table view.
CollapsibleTableSectionViewController A Swift library that helps you collapse table view sections. Features Support collapsible sections in a table vi
Savory is swift accrodion view implementation
Savory Savory is a swift accordion view implementation. Requirements Xcode 8.0 Swift 3.0 iOS 8 Installation Using CocoaPods: pod 'Savory', :git = 'ht
✨ Awesome expandable, collapsible tableview cell for iOS written in Swift 4
USE ExpandableCell. New version of this library. YNExpandableCell Updates See CHANGELOG for details Intoduction Easiest usage of expandable & collapsi
Three Level Accordian View for IOS
ThreeLevelAccordian ThreeLevelAccordian is a three level accordian for IOS. It owes its base code to SwiftyAccordionCells. Most of the design is custo
📃 FoldingCell is an expanding content cell with animation made by @Ramotion
FOLDING CELL Expanding content cell with animation inspired by folding paper card material design. We specialize in the designing and coding of custom
Techcareer.net Bootcamp graduation project written with VIPER, highly inspired by Getir
götür Techcareer.net iOS Bootcamp'i bitirme projesi, Getir'den yüksek miktarda i
Square In-App Payments iOS SDK SwiftUI
Square In-App Payments iOS SDK SwiftUI Build remarkable payments experiences in
Rapptr iOS Test Jimin Kim
Hello! Your task is to use the provided project to create the iOS app displayed
Retos semanales de la comunidad MoureDev para practicar Swift & iOS
Code Weekly Challenge Swift/iOS 2022 Proyecto de retos semanales de la comunidad MoureDev para practicar Swift e iOS. Existen repositorios de código t
iOS Framework HSB: hue, saturation, and brightness
HSB I am build a framework that exposes a function called HSBColor(hue:saturation:brightness) that returns a new HSBColor created from those values. I
Simple dependency injection for generating views from storyboard.
StoryboardBuilder Simple dependency injection for generating views from storyboard. Description StoryboardBuilder is framework to help simply and easi
Alter is framework to make mapping Codable property and key easier.
Alter Alter is framework to make mapping Codable property and key easier. With Alter, you don't need to create CodingKey to manually mapping key and p
A multi-platform, multi-paradigm routing framework.
📲 ScreenUI A multi-platform, multi-paradigm declarative routing framework for iOS/macOS and others, the replacement of Storyboard. Supports UIKit, Ap
Easy Auto Layout
RKAutoLayout Easy AutoLayout TL;DR let view1: UIView = UIView() let view2: UIView = UIView() view1.addSubview(view2) /// Add all view1.rk_alAdd(
🚴 A declarative library for building component-based user interfaces in UITableView and UICollectionView.
A declarative library for building component-based user interfaces in UITableView and UICollectionView. Declarative Component-Based Non-Destructive Pr
Conv smart represent UICollectionView data structure more than UIKit.
Conv Conv smart represent UICollectionView data structure more than UIKit. Easy definition for UICollectionView DataSource and Delegate methods. And C
Easy and type-safe iOS table and collection views in Swift.
Quick Start TL;DR? SimpleSource is a library that lets you populate and update table views and collection views with ease. It gives you fully typed cl
A custom paging behavior that peeks the previous and next items in a collection view
MSPeekCollectionViewDelegateImplementation Version 3.0.0 is here! 🎉 The peeking logic is now done using a custom UICollectionViewLayout which makes i
Parallax Scroll-Jacking Effects Engine for iOS / tvOS
Parade Introduction Communicating to cells inside of UICollectionViews, UITableViews, or UIScrollViews, has always been a challenge. It almost always
Collapse and expand UICollectionView sections with one method call.
This library provides a custom UICollectionView that allows to expand and collapse sections. Provides a simple API to manage collection view appearanc
Reimagining UICollectionView
CollectionKit Reimagining UICollectionView A modern Swift framework for building composable data-driven collection view. Migration Guide v2.0 Features
💾 🔜📱 Type-safe data-driven CollectionView, TableView Framework. (We can also use ASCollectionNode)
⚠️ The latest updates is this PR. It changes the difference algorithm to DifferenceKit. DataSources 💾 🔜 📱 Type-safe data-driven List-UI Framework.
Incremental update tool to UITableView and UICollectionView
EditDistance is one of the incremental update tool for UITableView and UICollectionView. The followings show how this library update UI. They generate
Netflix and App Store like UITableView with UICollectionView, written in pure Swift 4.2
GLTableCollectionView Branch Status master develop What it is GLTableCollectionView is a ready to use UITableViewController with a UICollectionView fo
A data-driven UICollectionView framework for building fast and flexible lists.
A data-driven UICollectionView framework for building fast and flexible lists. Main Features 🙅 Never call performBatchUpdates(_:, completion:) or rel
Custom transition between two collection view layouts
Display Switcher We designed a UI that allows users to switch between list and grid views on the fly and choose the most convenient display type. List
An iOS drop-in UITableView, UICollectionView and UIScrollView superclass category for showing a customizable floating button on top of it.
MEVFloatingButton An iOS drop-in UITableView, UICollectionView, UIScrollView superclass category for showing a customizable floating button on top of
A sample app demonstrates how to use Atlantis on Swift Playground (iOS/macOS)
Atlantis with Swift Playground A sample app demonstrates how to use Atlantis on
Swift extensions for asynchronous CloudKit record processing
⛅️ AsyncCloudKit Swift extensions for asynchronous CloudKit record processing. D
Swipeable UITableViewCell/UICollectionViewCell based on the stock Mail.app, implemented in Swift.
SwipeCellKit Swipeable UITableViewCell/UICollectionViewCell based on the stock Mail.app, implemented in Swift. About A swipeable UITableViewCell or UI
Protocol-oriented UITableView management, powered by generics and associated types.
DTTableViewManager Features Powerful mapping system between data models and cells, headers and footers Automatic datasource and interface synchronizat
A simpler way to do cool UITableView animations! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
TableFlip (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ┬──┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ) Animations are cool. UITableView isn't. So why not make animating UITableView cool? The entire API for TableFlip
A subclass of UITableView that styles it like Settings.app on iPad
TORoundedTableView As of iOS 13, Apple has released an official version of this table view style called UITableViewStyleInsetGrouped! Yay! In order to
A no-nonsense way to write cleaner UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource in Swift.
CascadingTableDelegate A no-nonsense way to write cleaner UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource. Why is this library made? In common iOS devel