158 Repositories
Swift slide-menu Libraries
PopMenu is pop animation menu inspired by Sina weibo / NetEase app.
PopMenu PopMenu is pop animation menu inspired by Sina weibo / NetEase app. Screenshots Installation CocoaPods With CocoaPods, add this line to your P
Animated side menu with customizable UI
Side Menu Animated side menu with customizable UI. Made in Yalantis. Check this project on dribbble. Check this project on Behance. Requirements iOS 7
An iOS drop down menu with pretty animation and easy to customize.
IGLDropDownMenu An iOS drop down menu with pretty animation. Screenshot How To Use Use CocoaPods: pod 'IGLDropDownMenu' Manual Install: Just drap the
Single selection menu with cool animations
EEJSelectMenu EEJSelectMenu is a responsive single selection menu for iOS. Project allows for implementing a menu with different number of buttons and
Grid and Circular Menu for iOS.
IGCMenu IGCMenu library gives easy way to create Grid and Circular menu in app. This is light weight and highly customisable menu.Support iOS 7 and ab
A simple circle style menu.
Support CocoaPods. New at 2019.02.25 Use @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isOpened; can open or close RoundMenu. use -(void)setButtonEnable:(BOOL)en
ExpandingMenu is menu button for iOS written in Swift.
ExpandingMenu ExpandingMenu is written in Swift. Requirements iOS 8.0+ Xcode 10.0+ Swift 3.x+ Installation CocoaPods You can install CocoaPods with th
🔻 Dropdown Menu for iOS with many customizable parameters to suit any needs
MKDropdownMenu Dropdown Menu for iOS with many customizable parameters to suit any needs. Inspired by UIPickerView. Installation CocoaPods MKDropdownM
A simple dropdown menu component for iPhone
AZDropdownMenu AZDropdownMenu is a simple dropdown menu component that supports Swift. Screenshots Code used in the screencast are included in the bun
A radial/circular menu featuring spring animations.
ALRadialMenu A radial/circular menu featuring spring animations. Written in swift. Experimenting with fluent interfaces (https://github.com/vandadnp/s
The elegant yet functional dropdown menu, written in Swift, appears underneath the navigation bar to display a list of defined items when a user clicks on the navigation title.
Introduction The elegant yet functional dropdown menu, written in Swift, appears underneath the navigation bar to display a list of defined items when
A Slide Menu, written in Swift, inspired by Slide Menu Material Design
Swift-Slide-Menu (Material Design Inspired) A Slide Menu, written in Swift 2, inspired by Navigation Drawer on Material Design (inspired by Google Mat
This is a spring slide menu for iOS apps - 一个弹性侧滑菜单
LLSlideMenu This is a spring slide menu for iOS apps 一个弹性侧滑菜单 弹性动画原理借鉴该项目中阻尼函数实现 Preview 预览 Installation 安装 pod 1.pod 'LLSlideMenu', '~ 1.0.6'
SwiftySideMenu is a lightweight and easy to use side menu controller to add left menu and center view controllers with scale animation based on Pop framework.
SwiftySideMenu SwiftySideMenu is a lightweight, fully customizable, and easy to use controller to add left menu and center view controllers with scale
Context menu similar to the one in the Pinterest iOS app
VLDContextSheet A clone of the Pinterest iOS app context menu. Example Usage VLDContextSheetItem *item1 = [[VLDContextSheetItem alloc] initWithTitle:
The fastest zero-tap iOS menu.
⚡️ Quicklook The fastest zero-tap iOS menu CariocaMenu is a simple, elegant, fast navigation menu for your iOS apps. 🏆 Features Accessible from a sin
RadialMenu is a custom control for providing a touch context menu (like iMessage recording in iOS 8) built with Swift & POP
RadialMenu Looking for help? For $150/hr I'll help with your RadialMenu problems including integrating it into your project. Email bjasper@gmail.com t
iOS 7/8 style side menu with parallax effect.
RESideMenu iOS 7/8 style side menu with parallax effect inspired by Dribbble shots (first and second). Since version 4.0 you can add menu view control
A lightweight library for popup view
SHPopup SHPop is lightweight library used for popup view Sample One Sample Two Sample Three Features SHPopup supports a popup inside another popup wit
SwiftBar - Powerful macOS menu bar customization tool
SwiftBar - Powerful macOS menu bar customization tool
iOS Chart. Support animation, click, scroll, area highlight.
XJYChart XJYChart - A High-performance, Elegant, Easy-to-integrate Charting Framework. The Best iOS Objc Charts. chart more beautiful support chart sc
macOS (11.0) Menu Bar App for WLED
wledQuickControl functions Left click on the Menubar icon will toggle the WLED device On/Off Right click on the Menubar icon: will update the icon/sli
Informant is a macOS menu bar app that lets you inspect files with a single click. 🔍
Informant Inspect files with a single click. Introduction Welcome! If you're not sure what Informant is or what it does please check out informant-app
🎚️ STDiscreteSlider – slider which allows user to choose value only from predefined set of data.
STDiscreteSlider – slider which allows user to choose value only from predefined set of data. Slider may receive any types of options, you may pass set of integers or strings, or any other type. Written using SwiftUI.
A SwiftUI card view, made great for setup interactions.
SlideOverCard A SwiftUI card design, similar to the one used by Apple in HomeKit, AirPods, Apple Card and AirTag setup, NFC scanning, Wi-Fi password s
SwiftUI Animation
Hey there Hi, I'm Arvind Patel, a iOS Developer 🚀 from India. Beside's programming, I enjoy eating food and Watching Movies. I'm a creative problem s
🚀 Access my pull requests from the menu bar
OhMyPullRequests 🚀 Access my pull requests from menu bar. It lists pull requests that either: Someone requests you to review the pull request. Your p
A menu bar app to change input source swiftly using shortcuts on macOS Big Sur or later.
Source Switcher A menu bar app to change input sources swiftly using shortcuts on macOS Big Sur and later. View screenshots Introduction This app uses
Displays your HomeKit temperature sensors in your menu bar
Temperature Glance Displays your HomeKit temperature sensors in your menu bar Screenshot Note This is a very simple app that I made for myself but dec
a simple macOS menu bar application that shows you the lyrics of current playing spotify track.
lyricsify a simple macOS menu bar application that shows you the lyrics of current playing spotify track.
Navigation toolbar is a Swift slide-modeled UI navigation controller.
Navigation toolbar is a Swift slide-modeled UI navigation controller. We specialize in the designing and coding of custom UI for Mo
Stock is a MacOS menu bar app that helps you quickly save a web link, a file link, or a text by using drag and drop
Stock is a MacOS menu bar app that helps you quickly save a web link, a file link, or a text by using drag and drop
FSPagerView is an elegant Screen Slide Library. It is extremely helpful for making Banner View、Product Show、Welcome/Guide Pages、Screen/ViewController Sliders.
SWIFT OBJECTIVE-C FSPagerView is an elegant Screen Slide Library implemented primarily with UICollectionView. It is extremely helpful for making Banne
A fun, easy-to-use tab bar navigation controller for iOS.
CircleBar Don’t you, sometimes, miss fun user interfaces? Truth is, we do. Sure, you can't use them in enterprise apps for obvious reasons, but if you
✨ Awesome Dropdown menu for iOS with Swift 5.0
The eligible dropdown menu for iOS, written in Swift 5, appears dropdown menu to display a view of related items when a user click on the dropdown menu. You can customize dropdown view whatever you like (e.g. UITableView, UICollectionView... etc)
Swipable tab and menu View and ViewController.
SwipeMenuViewController Overview SwipeMenuViewController provides SwipeMenuView and SwipeMenuViewController. This is very useful to build swipe-based
iOS Slide Menu View based on Google+, iQON, Feedly, Ameba iOS app. It is written in pure swift.
SlideMenuControllerSwift iOS Slide View based on iQON, Feedly, Google+, Ameba iPhone app. Installation CocoaPods pod 'SlideMenuControllerSwift' Carth
Simple side/slide menu control for iOS, no code necessary! Lots of customization. Add it to your project in 5 minutes or less.
▤ SideMenu If you like SideMenu, give it a ★ at the top right of this page. SideMenu needs your help! If you're a skilled iOS developer and want to he
A fully customizable popup style menu for iOS 😎
Guide Check out the documentation and guides for details on how to use. (Available languages:) English 简体中文 What's a better way to know what PopMenu o
A paging view controller with a highly customizable menu ✨
Getting Started | Customization | Installation Features Parchment lets you page between view controllers while showing any type of generic indicator t
Panels is a framework to easily add sliding panels to your application
Panels is a framework to easily add sliding panels to your application. It takes care of the safe area in new devices and moving your panel when the k
PagingKit provides customizable menu UI. It has more flexible layout and design than the other libraries.
PagingKit provides customizable menu & content UI. It has more flexible layout and design than the other libraries. What's this? There are many librar
A paging menu controller built from other view controllers placed inside a scroll view (like Spotify, Windows Phone, Instagram)
Unfortunately, life gets in the way sometimes and I won't be able to maintain this library any longer and upgrade this library to where it needs to be
A menu based on Medium iOS app.
Medium 1.8.168 menu in Swift. That is still one of my favorite menus because that is easy to use and looks beautiful.
Drawer view controller that easy to use!
KWDrawerController Drawer view controller that is easy to use! Installation CocoaPods (iOS 8+ projects) KWDrawerController is available on CocoaPods.
iOS Interactive Side Menu written in Swift.
Interactive Side Menu A customizable, interactive, auto expanding and collapsing side menu for iOS written in Swift. Here are some of the ways Interac
An easy to use and setup floating view for your app. 🎡
HHFloatingView An easy to use and setup floating view for your app. 🎡 Installation Manually - Add HHFloatingView/Source folder to your Project. And y
Our Guillotine Menu Transitioning Animation implemented in Swift reminds a bit of a notorious killing machine.
GuillotineMenu.swift Inspired by this project on Dribbble Also, read how it was done in our blog Requirements iOS 8.0+ Xcode 10 Swift 5.0 (v 4.1+) Swi
Interactive view transition to display menus with flowing and bouncing effects in Swift
FlowingMenu FlowingMenu provides an interactive transition manager to display menu with a flowing and bouncing effects. The Objective-C countepart is
Menu with a circular layout based on Macaw
FanMenu Easily customizable floating circle menu created with Macaw We are a development agency building phenomenal apps. Usage Create UIView in your
A simple side menu for iOS written in Swift.
ENSwiftSideMenu A lightweight flyover side menu component for iOS with the UIDynamic's bouncing animation, UIGestures and UIBlurEffect. Allows you to
⭕️ CircleMenu is a simple, elegant UI menu with a circular layout and material design animations. Swift UI library made by @Ramotion
CIRCLE MENU Simple, elegant UI menu with a circular layout and material design animations We specialize in the designing and coding of custom UI for M
Slide Menu (Drawer) in Swift
AKSwiftSlideMenu Slide Menu (Drawer) in Swift 5.0 Why to use a library everytime? Let's create our own Slide Menu in Swift 5.0 I have uploaded a video
Easily customizable floating button menu created with SwiftUI
FloatingButton Easily customizable floating button menu created with SwiftUI We are a development agency building phenomenal apps. Usage Create main b
A framework that provides CurtainController. CurtainController is a container view controller that implements a content-curtain interface. You can find a similar implementation in applications like Apple Maps, Find My, Stocks, etc. Someone calls it "Pull Up" or "Bottom Sheet".
A framework that provides Curtain Controller. Curtain Controller is a container view controller that implements a content-curtain interface. Contents
Medium's upper and lower Menu in Scroll.
Notice: MediumScrollFullScreen is no longer being maintained/updated. MediumScrollFullScreen Medium's upper and lower menu in Scroll. Demo Description
Custom segue for OSX Storyboards with slide and cross fade effects (NSViewControllerTransitionOptions)
CustomSegue Custom segue for OSX Storyboards. Slide and cross fade effects, new customized window. class MyViewController: NSViewController { overr
Image slide-show viewer with multiple predefined transition styles, with ability to create new transitions with ease.
ATGMediaBrowser ATGMediaBrowser is an image slide-show viewer that supports multiple predefined transition styles, and also allows the client to defin