563 Repositories
Swift video-api Libraries
Provenance is a native macOS application that interacts with the Up Banking Developer API to display information about your bank accounts, transactions, categories, tags and more.
Provenance Provenance is a native macOS application that interacts with the Up Banking Developer API to display information about your bank accounts,
FWVideoPlayer is video Player for iOS in Swift.
FWVideoPlayer Desc FWVideoPlayer is video Player for iOS in Swift. It can play video and audio. You can use it easy. Example To run the example projec
App that makes use of OpenWatherMap API
swiftui-weatherApp App that makes use of OpenWatherMap API Before running make sure you get your own API code: https://openweathermap.org/api and repl
This library provides convenient way to use Coinpaprika.com API in Swift.
Coinpaprika API Swift Client Documentation | Repository | Installation Usage This library provides convenient way to use Coinpaprika.com API in Swift.
iOS 15 share play API in react-native
react-native-shareplay iOS 15 share play API in react-native Installation yarn add react-native-shareplay And go to Xcode Capabilities and enable "Gro
A Generic CoreData Manager to accept any type of objects. Fastest way for adding a Database to your project.
QuickDB FileManager + CoreData ❗️ Save and Retrieve any thing in JUST ONE line of code ❗️ Fast usage dataBase to avoid struggling with dataBase comple
📕A single value proxy for NSUserDefaults, with clean API.
OneStore A single value proxy for NSUserDefaults, with clean API. With OneStore… Create one proxy(an OneStore object) for each NSUserDefaults value. M
Easy direct access to your database 🎯
OHMySQL ★★ Every star is appreciated! ★★ The library supports Objective-C and Swift, iOS and macOS. You can connect to your remote MySQL database usin
GraphQLite is a toolkit to work with GraphQL servers easily. It also provides several other features to make life easier during iOS application development.
What is this? GraphQLite is a toolkit to work with GraphQL servers easily. It also provides several other features to make life easier during iOS appl
Modern Swift API for NSUserDefaults
SwiftyUserDefaults Modern Swift API for NSUserDefaults SwiftyUserDefaults makes user defaults enjoyable to use by combining expressive Swifty API with
Aplicativos dos mais diversos memes da internet através de uma API.
MemesAPI Esse aplicativo foi um desafio de uma das aulas passadas da digitalhouse, nele consumimos uma API de memes, em arquitetura MVC, que trazia o
An Unsplash Application for iOS.
Monotone English · 中文 Report Bug · Request Feature Monotone is a Modern Mobile Application, integrated with powerful Unsplash API provided by Unsplash
This is the simple iOS app for browsing and saving recipes, using Spoonacular API
TastyDojoApp This is the simple iOS app for browsing and saving recipes, using Spoonacular API This project includes: MVVM Pattern Searching through t
📡 RealHTTP is a lightweight yet powerful client-side HTTP library.
RealHTTP RealHTTP is a lightweight yet powerful client-side HTTP library. Our goal is make an easy to use and effortless http client for Swift. Featur
High-performance and flexible video editing and effects framework, based on AVFoundation and Metal.
High-performance and flexible video editing and effects framework, based on AVFoundation and Metal.
📱 Wire for iOS (iPhone and iPad)
Wire™ This repository is part of the source code of Wire. You can find more information at wire.com or by contacting opensource@wire.com. You can find
A native iOS video chat app based on WebRTC
AppRTC - iOS implementation of the Google WebRTC Demo About This Xcode project is a native wrapper for the Google's WebRTC Demo. It organizes the WebR
📽 A video player for SwiftUI, support for caching, preload and custom control view.
Features QuickStart Advances Installation Requirements License Demo Clone or download the project. In the terminal, run swift package resolve. Open Vi
The QuoteKit is a Swift framework to use the free APIs provided by Quotable created by Luke Peavey.
QuoteKit The QuoteKit is a Swift framework to use the free APIs provided by Quotable created by Luke Peavey. It uses the latest async/await syntax for
CLI tool for macOS that transcribes speech from the microphone using Apple’s speech recognition API, SFSpeechRecognizer. (help.)
CLI tool for macOS that uses SFSpeechRecognizer to transcribe speech from the microphone. The recognition result will be written to the standard output as JSON string.
Flexible bug report framework for iOS
Clue is a simple smart-bug report framework for iOS, which allows your users to record full bug/crash report and send it to you as a single .clue file
iOS hashtag generator, using image analysis and discovery
Tagger Description Want to be popular on some social network easily? Use Tagger to make your account content more popular and to raise your popularity
📱iOS app to extract full-resolution video frames as images.
Frame Grabber is a focused, easy-to-use iOS app to extract full-resolution video frames as images. Perfect to capture and share your favorite video mo
A fully functional short video app project.Record a six secends video while playing prank sounds.
prankPro A fully functional short video app project How to Install 1. use coconapod to init your xcode environment. 2. change the app-keys in `applica
📱iOS app to extract full-resolution video frames as images.
Frame Grabber is a focused, easy-to-use iOS app to extract full-resolution video frames as images. Perfect to capture and share your favorite video mo
Open Source iOS 360 Degree Panorama Video Player.
🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 The Metal with Swift 5.0 version is comming 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 360 VR Player A Open Source, Ad-free, Na
🌊 - Jelly is a library for animated, non-interactive & interactive viewcontroller transitions and presentations with the focus on a simple and yet flexible API.
Jelly is a library for animated, non-interactive & interactive viewcontroller transitions and presentations with the focus on a simple and yet flexibl
Hamburger Menu using Swift and iOS 8 API's
FrostedSidebar Hamburger Menu using Swift and iOS 8 API's Heavily influenced by @_ryannystrom's RNFrostedSidebar This implementation uses iOS 8's new
Professional Radio Station App - now supports Swift 5 / Xcode 10!
Swift Radio Swift Radio is an open source radio station app with robust and professional features. This is a fully realized Radio App built entirely i
YouTube video player for iOS, tvOS and macOS
About XCDYouTubeKit is a YouTube video player for iOS, tvOS and macOS. Are you enjoying XCDYouTubeKit? You can say thank you with a tweet. I am also a
📱📲 Navigate between view controllers with ease. 💫 🔜 More stable version (written in Swift 5) coming soon.
CoreNavigation 📱 📲 Navigate between view controllers with ease. 💫 🔜 More stable version (written in Swift 5) coming soon. Getting Started API Refe
URL routing library for iOS with a simple block-based API
JLRoutes What is it? JLRoutes is a URL routing library with a simple block-based API. It is designed to make it very easy to handle complex URL scheme
Weather Forecast App (OpenWeather API & CLLocationManager). Clean Swift VIP architecture.
WeatherApp Weather Forecast App (OpenWeather API & CLLocationManager). Clean Swift VIP architecture. Without storyboard or xib. The application shows
Starter Project for YT tutorial
Hey there Foodee is an app for food lovers build in SwiftUI. The YT tutorials can be found on my channel. Figma and bonus video on my Patreon page. Ab
FYPhoto is a photo/video picker and image browser library for iOS written in pure Swift. It is feature-rich and highly customizable to match your App's requirements.
FYPhoto is a photo/video picker and image browser library for iOS written in pure Swift. It is feature-rich and highly customizable to match your App's requirements.
This app is a simple portfolio project. Goal of this app is to download and display content from Tasty API. Users can- search for specific terms to find relevant recipes (f.e. Chicken, Pasta, Lasagna, Curry...), display recipes and details and save recipes to persistent app memory.
TastyRecipes Description This app is a simple portfolio project. Goal of this app is to download and display content from Tasty API. Users can- search
QuoteKit is a Swift framework to use the free APIs provided by Quotable created by Luke Peavey.
QuoteKit The QuoteKit is a Swift framework to use the free APIs provided by Quotable created by Luke Peavey.
iOS app which uses the Moves API to visualize which places you spent the most time at in the last seven days.
Places Places uses the Moves API to visualize which places you spent the most time at in the last seven days. It runs on iOS 7 only and you need to ob
Add progress bars to gifs!
Add progress bars to gifs! App Store Download | About | Features | Usage | Contributing | License 😀 Thanks to everyone who contributed during Hackto
▶️ video player in Swift, simple way to play and stream media on iOS/tvOS
Player Player is a simple iOS video player library written in Swift. Looking for an obj-c video player? Check out PBJVideoPlayer (obj-c). Looking for
📱 Wire for iOS (iPhone and iPad)
Wire™ This repository is part of the source code of Wire. You can find more information at wire.com or by contacting opensource@wire.com. You can find
Basic app to show how to login with Facebook, Google, Twitter. Created for learning purpose :) using Xcode 9 and Swift 4.0
Social Logins iOS Basic app to show how to login with Facebook, Google, Twitter. Created for learning purpose :) using Xcode 9 and Swift 4.0 Note: Bef
Swift Library based on AVFoundation that allow to easily add camera feature with custom UI into your project.
Would you like to create your camera same as Snapchat or Instagram? I think this library could help you. Basicly it is a wrapper above AVFoundation th
Schedule timing task in Swift using a fluent API. (A friendly alternative to Timer)
Schedule(简体中文) Schedule is a timing tasks scheduler written in Swift. It allows you run timing tasks with elegant and intuitive syntax. Features Elega
Building a better date/time library for Swift
Time Time is a Swift package that makes dealing with calendar values a natural and straight-forward process. Working with calendars can be extremely c
Swifty API for NSTimer
SwiftyTimer Modern Swifty API for NSTimer SwiftyTimer allows you to instantly schedule delays and repeating timers using convenient closure syntax. It
demo: REST API with SwiftUI
CatAPISwiftUI demo: REST API with SwiftUI The example API is the cat API. https://thecatapi.com/ You can watch me develope this code on my Youtube cha
A simple Swift package which acts as an OpenAI client for the GPT-3 API.
SwiftyGPT3 A simple Swift package which acts as an OpenAI client for GPT-3 brought to you by the Airgift Crew. Supports GPT-3 Codex! Requirements iOS
An iOS widget-based HN reader
Benuse, an iOS widget-based HN reader Why did you build this app? There already exist some great native Hacker News clients for iOS. I would recommend
Are you bored? This app helps find you something to do via Bored api
Bored Swift Are you bored? This app helps find you something to do via Bored api Features Beautiful widgets 📅 Simple and easy ✅ Open source 📱 Previe
A WIP Swift wrapper for Discord's Bot API.
Quickcord Quickcord is a WIP Swift wrapper for Discord's Bot API. Features (As of right now) Connecting the the gateway and identifying. Literally eve
Redesigned video player controls for iOS
Atlas Minimal stock video player replacement demo video Compiling Clone the repo, and make sure you have cephei and all that then just make clean pack
Unofficial iOS/macOS SDK for the Notion API.
NotionClient: a Notion SDK for iOS & macOS Unofficial Notion API SDK for iOS & macOS. This is an alpha version and still work in progress. TODO Featur
macOS VM for Apple Silicon using Virtualization API
MacVM macOS Monterey added support for virtualizing macOS with Apple silicon host. This project provides an example project for the setup. Currently o
Screen translator for macOS with Apple Vision API and IBM Watson, Google Cloud Translator
Swifty-OCR-Translator Screen translator for macOS with Apple Vision API and IBM Watson, Google Cloud Translator Usage Select Translator Fill in the AP
Postie - The Next-Level HTTP API Client using Combine
Postie - The Next-Level HTTP API Client using Combine Postie is a pure Swift library for building URLRequests using property wrappers.
A Full News App based on the latest SwiftUI 3/iOS 15 API that fetches latest news from newsapi.org
SwiftUI NewsAPI App A Full News App based on the latest SwiftUI 3/iOS 15 that fetches latest news from newsapi.org. Features The app has several main
Repository with base samples for playing HLS/DASH with CMAF video, across as many platforms as possible. Includes steps for encoding and packaging your own test content.
Video Everything Repository with minimal samples for playing HLS/DASH with CMAF video, across as many platforms as possible. Content and License All t
Search jailbreak packages using the Tweakio API, Parcility API or Canister API straight from Cydia, Installer, Sileo and Zebra!
Tweakio Search packages globally directly from your favourite package manager! Works with Cydia, Installer, Zebra and Sileo! How does it work The twea
Used: SwiftUI and Combine
NewsApp Used: New Apple frameworks SwiftUI and Combine Installation: 1. Get your News API key 2. Get your Weather API key 3. Insert your keys into Con
NewsAPISwift is a Swift client for News API V2, a service that provides breaking news headlines, and search for articles from over 30,000 news sources and blogs.
NewsAPISwift NewsAPISwift is a Swift client for News API V2, a service that provides breaking news headlines, and search for articles from over 30,000
Fancy news app that diwnloads data from new.com api and shows it in a paging collectionview.
Fancy news reader PAging collection view that shows latest news from techcurch.com and displays full content in a detail page, was built to practice t
Fetch Multiple Rest API using Swift 5.5 Async Await with Task, TaskGroup, Continuation API
Source code for Tutorial on experimenting with Swift Async Await to fetch multiple REST API endpoints and eliminate Pyramid of Doom callback hell to improve code readability and maintanability
An SSH config parser library with a fancy API
The SshConfig makes it quick and easy to load, parse, and decode/encode the SSH configs. It also helps to resolve the properties by hostname and use them safely in your apps (thanks for Optional and static types in Swift).
Quotes App is quotes browsing app which is built with Quotable Free API completely in SwiftUI.
Quotes App is quotes browsing app which is built with Quotable Free API completely in SwiftUI. You can watch the whole journey of building this
Swift Framework for TestRail's API
QuizTrain 📝 🚆 QuizTrain is a framework created at Venmo allowing you to interact with TestRail's API using Swift. It supports iOS, macOS, tvOS, and
🐤Dynamically Mock server behaviors and responses in Swift
Kakapo Dynamically Mock server behaviors and responses. Contents Why Kakapo? Features Installation Usage Serializable protocol Router: Register and In
Meet Corvus, the first strongly declarative server-side framework.
Corvus Corvus is the first truly declarative server-side framework for Swift. It provides a declarative, composable syntax which makes it easy to get
Access Xcode Server API with native Swift objects.
Xcode Server SDK Use Xcode Server's API with native Swift objects. First brought to you in Buildasaur, now in an independent project. This is an unoff
Digger is a lightweight download framework that requires only one line of code to complete the file download task
中文说明 Digger is a lightweight download framework that requires only one line of code to complete the file download task. Based on URLSession, pure Swif
The civilized way to write REST API clients for iOS / macOS
The elegant way to write iOS / macOS REST clients Drastically simplifies app code by providing a client-side cache of observable models for RESTful re
Server-side Swift. The Perfect core toolset and framework for Swift Developers. (For mobile back-end development, website and API development, and more…)
Perfect: Server-Side Swift 简体中文 Perfect: Server-Side Swift Perfect is a complete and powerful toolbox, framework, and application server for Linux, iO
A Swift-based API for reading from & writing to the Apple System Log (more commonly known somewhat inaccurately as "the console")
CleanroomASL Notice: CleanroomASL is no longer supported The Apple System Log facility has been deprecated by Apple. As a result, we've deprecated Cle
iOS App that browse the people from Star Wars Universe using GraphQL Api.
Ravn-Challenge-V2--OscarCastillo- iOS App that browse the people from Star Wars Universe using GraphQL Api. This project uses Apollo swift Client. htt
Тестовое задание РТК ИТ с Яндекс.Погода
Тестовое задание РТК ИТ Вам предлагается реализовать приложение, отображающее погоду. Источник данных — API Яндекс.Погода. Ссылка на документацию: htt
Backport of iOS 15 formatting api
This is a back-port of the .formatted API in Foundation that was introduced at WWDC '21 for iOS 15, macOS 12.0, tvOS 15.0, and watchOS 8.0.
Sample project to learn how to use swiftui 2.0 with Combine, we look into using SwiftUI MVVM, also interact with an API to get our newsfeed, use SPM(Swift Package Manager) to speed up our development flow and handle swiftui layout with views such as VStack.
News APP MVVM + SwiftUI + Combine + Swift Package Manager Sample project to learn how to use swiftui 2.0 with Combine, we look into using SwiftUI MVVM
Easily take a photo or video or choose from library
FDTake Easily take a photo or video or choose from library 🍺 Author's tip jar: https://amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/EE78A23EEGQB Usage To run the exampl
Library for iOS Camera API. Massively increase performance and ease of use within your next iOS Project.
CameraKit helps you add reliable camera to your app quickly. Our open source camera platform provides consistent capture results, service that scales,
⬆️ Rad Media Capture in Swift
NextLevel is a Swift camera system designed for easy integration, customized media capture, and image streaming in iOS. Integration can optionally lev
Instagram-like photo browser and a camera feature with a few line of code in Swift.
NOTE: This project is no longer maintained. We highly recommend YPImagePicker. Fusuma Fusuma is a Swift library that provides an Instagram-like photo
A view that shows selectable symbols, similar to UITableView's `sectionIndexTitles` API but with support for symbols and more flexibility
📖 TableOfContentsSelector Are you familiar with UITableView's sectionIndexTitles API? The little alphabet on the side of some tables for quickly jump
Swift Bot with Vapor for Telegram Bot Api
Telegram Vapor Bot Please support Swift Telegram Vapor Bot Lib development by giving a ⭐️ Telegram Bot based on Swift Vapor. Swift Server Side Communi
Demo of a simple ASP.NET Core web API written in Swift
Welcome! This repo is a demo which shows the use of Llama Swift with ASP.NET Core. Llama is my exploratory project to compile "other languages" for .N
A Swift client for the OpenAI API.
OpenAI A Swift client for the OpenAI API. Requirements Swift 5.3+ An OpenAI API Key Example Usage Completions import OpenAI
Hacker News client for macOS
HNReaderApp This is the public repository for the HNReader macOS application. You can report any issue and suggest/request new features in the issue s
CleanroomLogger provides an extensible Swift-based logging API that is simple, lightweight and performant
CleanroomLogger CleanroomLogger provides an extensible Swift-based logging API that is simple, lightweight and performant. The API provided by Cleanro
A micro UIStackView convenience API inspired by SwiftUI
Stacks A micro UIStackView convenience API inspired by SwiftUI. let stack: UIView = .hStack(alignment: .center, margins: .all(16), [ .vStack(spaci
AWS Full Stack Swift with Apple CarPlay
This application demonstrates a full-stack Apple CarPlay app that uses Swift for both the UI and the backend services in AWS. The app accesses Lambda functions written in Swift and deployed from Docker images. The app accesses Amazon Location Service and a 3rd party weather api to display information in the vicinity of the user.
A Swift playground that comes pre-loaded with Plot, that can be used to explore the new component API.
PlotPlayground A Swift playground that comes pre-loaded with Plot, so that you can quickly try out the library and its new, SwiftUI-like API for build
noppefoxwolf/notion is a notion.so API library written in swift.
notion noppefoxwolf/notion is a notion.so API library written in swift. Installation Xcode Project Swift Packages git@github.com:noppefoxwolf/notion
Discover recent and popular movies on iOS and Android
PopularMovies Description This application help users discover popular and recent movies using TMDb API. Android Installation Obtain an TMDb API Key.
An unofficial version of the Sandwiches app and pre-built materials similar to those used in the Introduction to SwiftUI session video from WWDC20
Unofficial Sandwiches The WWDC20 Session Introduction to SwiftUI provides a tutorial-like walk-through of building a list-detail SwiftUI app from scra
A to-do list app using SwiftUI and combine with restful api.
Todo Combine SwiftUI It's an experiment project for the brand new SwiftUI + Combine + restful API with dark mode Build follow restfult to-do-api to ru
Sample iOS project built by SwiftUI + MVVM and Combine framework using GitHub API
SwiftUI-MVVM One of the biggest idea for having MVVM is that most of data flow can be testable. Data binding in view layer by SwiftUI is awesome. Howe
Sample iOS project built by SwiftUI + Flux and Combine framework using GitHub API
SwiftUI-Flux Flux enables us to have unidirectional data flow and make it testable. It's used to be implemented using RxSwift or ReactiveSwift in the
Used: SwiftUI and Combine
NewsApp Used: New Apple frameworks SwiftUI and Combine Installation: 1. Get your News API key 2. Get your Weather API key 3. Insert your keys into Con
Docker management app for iOS written in SwiftUI.
Harbour Docker management app for iOS written in SwiftUI. Screenshots Features 100% native and made in SwiftUI Light and Dark Mode Control and inspect
This is an example project of SwiftUI and Combine using GitHub API.
SwiftUI-Combine-Example This is an example project of SwiftUI and Combine using GitHub GET /search/users API. 📋 Requirements Swift5.1 Beta Xcode11.0
iOS version of emitron
emitron (iOS) emitron is the code name for the raywenderlich.com app. This repo contains the code for the iOS version of the app. Contributing To cont