197 Repositories
Swift navigation-component Libraries
A navigation frameword based on the Coordinator pattern and is a compact version from XCoordinator.
Coordinator A navigation frameword based on the Coordinator pattern and is a compact version from XCoordinator. Example To run the example project, cl
Make SwiftUI Navigation be easy
VNavigator VNavigator is a clean and easy-to-use navigation in SwiftUI base on UINavigationController in UIKit Installation From CocoaPods CocoaPods i
Cordova/Phonegap plugin for launching today's most popular navigation/ride apps to navigate to a destination.
Launch Navigator Cordova/Phonegap Plugin Cordova/Phonegap plugin for launching today's most popular navigation/ride apps to navigate to a destination.
A Component Piece (a game) for a larger app (KoyaQuest) using SpriteKit
NyonindoChallenge This is a game that is intended for inclusion in a larger app (called KoyaQuest). I have created a separate version because of probl
Demo project for MOPCON2021
Nav This project is a demo for MOPCON 2021. The topic is SwiftUI Navigation Study. There are 3 ways to see how the code works, which demos different v
Mimicrate to native UIPageViewController. Each page is new controller, it can be even navigation controller.
Mimicrate to native UIPageViewController. Each page is new controller, it can be even navigation controller. Support parent layout margins, paging and scroll by index. Don't have bug with tranlation when rotate.
A wrapper for NavigationView and NavigationLink that makes programmatic navigation a little friendlier.
NavigatorKit A wrapper for NavigationView and NavigationLink that makes programmatic navigation a little friendlier. NavigatorKit is an opinionated wr
ESPullToRefresh is an easy-to-use component that give pull-to-refresh and infinite-scrolling implemention for developers.
ESPullToRefresh is an easy-to-use component that give pull-to-refresh and infinite-scrolling implemention for developers.
2D ECS game engine in 100% Swift + SwiftUI for iOS, macOS, tvOS
OctopusKit A 2D game engine based on ECS and written in 100% Swift for iOS, macOS and tvOS. If you've tried making a game in Swift while sticking to t
⬆️ A SwiftUI view component sliding in from bottom
⬆️ A SwiftUI view component sliding in from bottom
SwiftUI iOS component for Step Indications.
StepperView SwiftUI iOS component for Step Indications Table of Contents Features Documentation Installation CocoaPods Carthage Swift Package Manager
A Swift material design UI module which paints over the parent view when the switch is on.
:octocat: 🎚 RAMPaperSwitch is a Swift material design UI module which paints over the parent view when the switch is turned on. iOS library by @Ramotion
Grid-based app for macOS Catalyst (Mac Idiom) with navigation stack
Catalyst Grid App Simple Catalyst example (Mac idiom) of a grid-based app with a push/pop navigation stack. Includes back button in toolbar that auto-
Animated Subclass of UITextField created with CABasicAnimation and CAShapeLayer
JDAnimatedTextField JDAnimatedTextField is animateable UITextField that can significantly enhance your user's experiences and set your app apart from
BPStatusBarAlert is a library that allows you to easily make text-based alert that appear on the status bar and below navigation bar.
BPStatusBarAlert BPStatusBarAlert is a library that allows you to easily make text-based alert that appear on the status bar and below navigation bar.
Whisper is a component that will make the task of display messages and in-app notifications simple. It has three different views inside
Description 🍃 Break the silence of your UI, whispering, shouting or whistling at it. Whisper is a component that will make the task of displaying mes
A fun, easy-to-use tab bar navigation controller for iOS.
CircleBar Don’t you, sometimes, miss fun user interfaces? Truth is, we do. Sure, you can't use them in enterprise apps for obvious reasons, but if you
The horizontal swiping navigation like on Facebook Messenger.
UIMenuScroll UIMenuScroll creating menu how on Facebook Messenger on take photo Installation CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You
UIKit drop down menu, simple yet flexible and written in Swift
DropDownMenuKit DropDownMenuKit is a custom UIKit control to show a menu attached to the navigation bar or toolbar. The menu appears with a sliding an
Animated side menu with customizable UI
Side Menu Animated side menu with customizable UI. Made in Yalantis. Check this project on dribbble. Check this project on Behance. Requirements iOS 7
A simple dropdown menu component for iPhone
AZDropdownMenu AZDropdownMenu is a simple dropdown menu component that supports Swift. Screenshots Code used in the screencast are included in the bun
The elegant yet functional dropdown menu, written in Swift, appears underneath the navigation bar to display a list of defined items when a user clicks on the navigation title.
Introduction The elegant yet functional dropdown menu, written in Swift, appears underneath the navigation bar to display a list of defined items when
The fastest zero-tap iOS menu.
⚡️ Quicklook The fastest zero-tap iOS menu CariocaMenu is a simple, elegant, fast navigation menu for your iOS apps. 🏆 Features Accessible from a sin
A library for managing complex workflows in Swift
Welcome SwiftCurrent is a library that lets you easily manage journeys through your Swift application. It comes with built-in support for UIKit and Sw
An open source library for building deep-linkable SwiftUI applications with composition, testing and ergonomics in mind
Composable Navigator An open source library for building deep-linkable SwiftUI applications with composition, testing and ergonomics in mind Vanilla S
Protocol oriented, Cocoa UI abstractions based library that helps to handle view controllers composition, navigation and deep linking tasks in the iOS application. Can be used as the universal replacement for the Coordinator pattern.
RouteComposer RouteComposer is the protocol oriented, Cocoa UI abstractions based library that helps to handle view controllers composition, navigatio
📱📲 Navigate between view controllers with ease. 💫 🔜 More stable version (written in Swift 5) coming soon.
CoreNavigation 📱 📲 Navigate between view controllers with ease. 💫 🔜 More stable version (written in Swift 5) coming soon. Getting Started API Refe
🛣 Simple Navigation for iOS
Router Reason - Get Started - Installation Why Because classic App Navigation introduces tight coupling between ViewControllers. Complex Apps navigati
Marshroute is an iOS Library for making your Routers simple but extremely powerful
Marshroute Contents Overview Detailes Tuning the transition animation 3d touch support PeekAndPopUtility Peek and pop state observing Demo Requirement
URLScheme router than supports auto creation of UIViewControllers for associated url parameters to allow creation of navigation stacks
IKRouter What does it do? Once you have made your UIViewControllers conform to Routable you can register them with the parameters that they represent
Quickly reproduce the dropdown UIPickerView / ActionSheet functionality on iOS.
ActionSheetPicker-3.0 Important update Now I fixed most of the things and merge PR' (thanks to ). I did much work to support this library from iOS 5.
Powerful navigation in the Composable Architecture via the coordinator pattern
TCACoordinators The coordinator pattern in the Composable Architecture TCACoordinators brings a flexible approach to navigation in SwiftUI using the C
Navigation helpers for SwiftUI applications build with ComposableArchitecture
Swift Composable Presentation 📝 Description Navigation helpers for SwiftUI applications build with ComposableArchitecture. More info about the concep
OsmAnd (OSM Automated Navigation Directions)
OsmAnd (OSM Automated Navigation Directions) This project aims at providing comfortable map viewing and navigation (routing) application for mobile de
A customizable, full-feature, lightweight iOS framework to be used instead of UIAlertController.
A customizable, full-feature, lightweight iOS framework to be used instead of UIAlertController.
A panel component similar to the iOS Airpod battery panel or the Share Wi-Fi password panel.
A SwiftUI panel component similar to the iOS Airpod battery panel or the Share Wi-Fi password panel.
Eat fit is a component for attractive data representation inspired by Google Fit
EatFit Check this article on our blog. Purpose Eat fit is a component for attractive data representation inspired by Google Fit. It is based on PageVi
GIFImage component for your SwiftUI app!
SwiftUI GIF Lightweight SwiftUI component for rendering GIFs from data or assets, with no external dependencies. As a bonus, there's an extension that
🎚️ STDiscreteSlider – slider which allows user to choose value only from predefined set of data.
STDiscreteSlider – slider which allows user to choose value only from predefined set of data. Slider may receive any types of options, you may pass set of integers or strings, or any other type. Written using SwiftUI.
SwiftUI view enabling navigation between pages of content, imitating the behaviour of UIPageViewController for iOS and watchOS
PageView SwiftUI view enabling page-based navigation, imitating the behaviour of UIPageViewController in iOS. Why SwiftUI doesn't have any kind of pag
Router is a library that assists with SwiftUI view transitions.
Router Router is a library that assists with SwiftUI view transitions. Installation .package(name: "Router", url: "git@github.com:1amageek/Router.git"
🧭 SwiftUI navigation done right
🧭 NavigationKit NavigationKit is a lightweight library which makes SwiftUI navigation super easy to use. 💻 Installation 📦 Swift Package Manager Usi
An alternative SwiftUI NavigationView implementing classic stack-based navigation giving also some more control on animations and programmatic navigation.
swiftui-navigation-stack An alternative SwiftUI NavigationView implementing classic stack-based navigation giving also some more control on animations
An open source library for building deep-linkable SwiftUI applications with composition, testing and ergonomics in mind
Composable Navigator An open source library for building deep-linkable SwiftUI applications with composition, testing and ergonomics in mind Vanilla S
Path based routing in SwiftUI
Easy and maintainable app navigation with path based routing for SwiftUI. With SwiftUI Router you can power your SwiftUI app with path based routing.
An iOS view-controller navigation management. No inherit, using one line code to integrate.
KGNavigationBar Example An iOS view-controller navigation management. No inherit, using one line code to integrate. 一个 iOS 控制器导航管理库. 无需继承, 一行代码即可实现集成。
Change SwiftUI Navigation Bar Color for different View
SwiftUINavigationBarColor Change SwiftUI NavigationBar background color per screen. Usage For NavigationBarColor to work, you have to set the Navigati
Example of how to embed a Lit web component into native platforms.
Lit Native Reuse lit web components on native platforms. Online Demo Supported Platforms iOS MacOS Android Web Getting Started npm run install npm run
FlowStacks allows you to hoist SwiftUI navigation and presentation state into a Coordinator
FlowStacks allow you to manage complex SwiftUI navigation and presentation flows with a single piece of state. This makes it easy to hoist that state into a high-level coordinator view. Using this pattern, you can write isolated views that have zero knowledge of their context within the navigation flow of an app.
NStack is a SwiftUI view that allows you to hoist navigation state into a Coordinator
An NStack allows you to manage SwiftUI navigation state with a single stack property. This makes it easy to hoist that state into a high-level view, such as a coordinator. The coordinator pattern allows you to write isolated views that have zero knowledge of their context within the navigation flow of an app.
An animated trophy banner that looks like Xbox achievement 🏆
TrophyKit An animated trophy banner that looks like Xbox achievement. Demo demo.mov Usage Requirements iOS 14.0+ tvOS 14.0+ Swift 5.3+ Installation Tr
sRouting - The lightweight navigation framework for SwiftUI.
sRouting The lightweight navigation framework for SwiftUI. Overview sRouting using the native navigation mechanism in SwiftUI. It's easy to handle nav
An experimental navigation router for SwiftUI
SwiftUIRouter 🔗 An ⚠️ experimental ⚠️ navigation router for SwiftUI Usage 💡 Check out ExampleApp for more. Define your routes: import SwiftUIRouter
Models UI navigation patterns using TCA
Composable Navigation The Composable Navigation is a Swift Package that builds on top of The Composable Architecture (TCA, for short). It models UI na
custom navigationBar in swiftui
SwiftUI-WRNavigationBar custom navigationBar in swiftui Requirements iOS 14.0 Installation pod 'SwiftUI-WRNavigationBar', '~1.1.1' Overview debug cus
An example project of using the new Character Controller component in RealityKit 2.0
CharacterController in RealityKit 2.0 An example project of using the new Character Controller component in RealityKit 2.0. Demo Tweet Usage Install a
Demonstrating the use of a Sidebar, SplitView and Navigation styles in a multiplatform app.
Demonstrate the use of a Sidebar, SplitView, TabView and Navigation styles in a multiplatform app.
Zeplin component preview for your SwiftUI views
A Zeplin component preview for your SwiftUI views. You can use Zeplin components instead of real views within your app until you implement them.
SwiftUI TextEdit View - A proof-of-concept text edit component in SwiftUI & CoreText.
A proof-of-concept text edit component in SwiftUI & CoreText. No UIKit, No AppKit, no UITextView/NSTextView/UITextField involved.
Component containing supplementary content that are anchored to the bottom of the screen.
BottomSheetController UIKit component containing supplementary content that are anchored to the bottom of the screen. Requirements Installation Swift
A Swift playground that comes pre-loaded with Plot, that can be used to explore the new component API.
PlotPlayground A Swift playground that comes pre-loaded with Plot, so that you can quickly try out the library and its new, SwiftUI-like API for build
A Figma component preview for your SwiftUI views
FigmaPreviewSwiftUI A Figma component preview for your SwiftUI views. You can use Figma components instead of real views within your app until you imp
Easy and maintainable app navigation with path based routing for SwiftUI.
Easy and maintainable app navigation with path based routing for SwiftUI.
Navigation toolbar is a Swift slide-modeled UI navigation controller.
Navigation toolbar is a Swift slide-modeled UI navigation controller. We specialize in the designing and coding of custom UI for Mo
🍞 [Beta] A view controller that can unwind like presentation and navigation.
FluidPresentation - no more handling presented or pushed in view controller A view controller that supports the interactive dismissal by edge pan gest
This component allows for the transfer of data items between collection views through drag and drop
Drag and Drop Collection Views Written for Swift 4.0, it is an implementation of Dragging and Dropping data across multiple UICollectionViews. Try it
This component implements transition animation to crumble view-controller into tiny pieces.
StarWars Animation This component implements transition animation to crumble view-controller into tiny pieces. Check this project on dribbble. Also, r
VKPinCodeView is simple and elegant UI component for input PIN. You can easily customise appearance and get auto fill (OTP) iOS 12 feature right from the box.
Features Variable PIN length Underline, border and custom styles The error status with / without shake animation Resetting the error status manually,
🏄♂️ UITextField-Navigation makes it easier to navigate between UITextFields and UITextViews
' __________________ _______ _________ _______ _________ _______ _ ______ ' |\ /|\__ __/\__ __/( ____ \|\ /
ESTabBarController is a highly customizable TabBarController component, which is inherited from UITabBarController.
ESTabBarController is a highly customizable TabBarController component, which is inherited from UITabBarController. Why? In real-world developmen
A fun, easy-to-use tab bar navigation controller for iOS.
CircleBar Don’t you, sometimes, miss fun user interfaces? Truth is, we do. Sure, you can't use them in enterprise apps for obvious reasons, but if you
:octocat: AdaptiveController is a 'Progressive Reduction' Swift UI module for adding custom states to Native or Custom iOS UI elements. Swift UI component by @Ramotion
ADAPTIVE TAB BAR 'Progressive Reduction' module for adding custom states to Native or Custom UI elements. We specialize in the designing and coding of
A Swift material design UI module which paints over the parent view when the switch is on.
A Swift material design UI module which paints over the parent view when the switch is on. We specialize in the designing and coding of c
Swipe between pages with an interactive title navigation control. Configure horizontal or vertical chains for unlimited pages amount.
SlideController is a simple and flexible UI component fully written in Swift. Built using power of generic types, it is a nice alternative to UIPageVi
Infinite paging controller, scrolling through contents and title bar scrolls with a delay
PageController PageController is infinite paging controller, scrolling through contents and title bar scrolls with a delay. Then it provide user inter
iOS library Paper Onboarding is a material design UI slider written on Swift.
iOS library Paper Onboarding is a material design UI slider written on Swift. We specialize in the designing and coding of custom UI
⭕️ CircleMenu is a simple, elegant UI menu with a circular layout and material design animations. Swift UI library made by @Ramotion
CIRCLE MENU Simple, elegant UI menu with a circular layout and material design animations We specialize in the designing and coding of custom UI for M
Carbon🚴 A declarative library for building component-based user interfaces in UITableView and UICollectionView.
A declarative library for building component-based user interfaces in UITableView and UICollectionView. Declarative Component-Based Non-Destructive Pr
A navigation controller that displays its view controllers as an interactive stack of cards.
CardNavigation The easiest way to turn a navigation controller into an interactive stack of cards. Highlights ✅ Fully interactive and interruptible ✅
A Github's like work contribution timeline. 🤸🏻
Workaholic 🤸🏻 A Github's like work contribution timeline. ToDo[s] Remove Dependancies of 3rd Party classes. You can watch to Workaholic to see conti
A declarative, performant, iOS calendar UI component that supports use cases ranging from simple date pickers all the way up to fully-featured calendar apps.
HorizonCalendar A declarative, performant, calendar UI component that supports use cases ranging from simple date pickers all the way up to fully-feat
A nicer iOS UI component for picking date and time
DateTimePicker A nicer iOS UI component for picking date and time. Features Date and Time Picker / Date Picker only / Time Picker only - your choice!
An Easy to Use Calendar for iOS (Swift 5.0)
This is an easy to use, "just drag and drop it in your code" type of calendar for iOS. It supports both vertical and horizontal scrolling, as well as
📑 Actionsheet with navigation features such as the Flipboard App
📑 SHEET helps you easily create a wide variety of action sheets with navigation features used in the Flipboard App Installation CocoaPods pod 'Sheet'
UIPheonix is a super easy, flexible, dynamic and highly scalable UI framework + concept for building reusable component/control-driven apps for macOS, iOS and tvOS
UIPheonix is a super easy, flexible, dynamic and highly scalable UI framework + concept for building reusable component/control-driven apps for macOS, iOS and tvOS
An easy to use UI component to help display a signal bar with an added customizable fill animation
TZSignalStrengthView for iOS Introduction TZSignalStrengthView is an easy to use UI component to help display a signal bar with an added customizable
Reel Search is a Swift UI controller that allows you to choose options from a list
REEL SEARCH Reel Search is a Swift UI controller that allows you to choose options from a list We specialize in the designing and coding of custom UI
Material, a UI/UX framework for creating beautiful iOS applications
Material Welcome to Material, a UI/UX framework for creating beautiful applications. Material's animation system has been completely reworked to take
Declarative, configurable & highly reusable UI development as making Lego bricks.
LeeGo is a lightweight Swift framework that helps you decouple & modularise your UI component into small pieces of LEGO style's bricks, to make UI dev
A drop-in universal library helps you to manage the navigation bar styles and makes transition animations smooth between different navigation bar styles
A drop-in universal library helps you to manage the navigation bar styles and makes transition animations smooth between different navigation bar styles while pushing or popping a view controller for all orientations. And you don't need to write any line of code for it, it all happens automatically.
A library, which adds the ability to hide navigation bar when view controller is pushed via hidesNavigationBarWhenPushed flag
HidesNavigationBarWhenPushed A library, which adds the ability to hide navigation bar when view controller is pushed via hidesNavigationBarWhenPushed
UI Component. This is a copy swipe-panel from app: Apple Maps, Stocks. Swift version
ContainerController UI Component. This is a copy swipe-panel from app: https://www.apple.com/ios/maps/ Preview Requirements Installation CocoaPods Swi
AGCircularPicker is helpful component for creating a controller aimed to manage any calculated parameter
We are pleased to offer you our new free lightweight plugin named AGCircularPicker. AGCircularPicker is helpful for creating a controller aimed to man
AlamofireImage is an image component library for Alamofire
AlamofireImage AlamofireImage is an image component library for Alamofire. Features Image Response Serializers UIImage Extensions for Inflation / Scal
RxFlow is a navigation framework for iOS applications based on a Reactive Flow Coordinator pattern
About Navigation concerns RxFlow aims to Installation The key principles How to use RxFlow Tools and dependencies GitHub Actions Frameworks Platform L
Monarch Router is a Declarative URL- and state-based router written in Swift.
Monarch Router is a declarative routing handler that is capable of managing complex View Controllers hierarchy transitions automatically, decoupling View Controllers from each other via Coordinator and Presenters. It fits right in with Redux style state flow and reactive frameworks.
Design and prototype customized UI, interaction, navigation, transition and animation for App Store ready Apps in Interface Builder with IBAnimatable.
Design and prototype customized UI, interaction, navigation, transition and animation for App Store ready Apps in Interface Builder with IBAnimatable.