228 Repositories
Swift android-style Libraries
The official Swift style guide for raywenderlich.com.
The Official raywenderlich.com Swift Style Guide. Updated for Swift 5 This style guide is different from others you may see, because the focus is cent
Style guide & coding conventions for Objective-C projects
This repository is no longer active. These guidelines build on Apple's existing Coding Guidelines for Cocoa. Unless explicitly contradicted below, ass
A style guide that outlines the coding conventions for raywenderlich.com
The official raywenderlich.com Objective-C style guide. This style guide outlines the coding conventions for raywenderlich.com. Introduction The reaso
The Objective-C Style Guide used by The New York Times
NYTimes Objective-C Style Guide This style guide outlines the coding conventions of the iOS teams at The New York Times. We welcome your feedback in i
Extensions which helps to convert objc-style target/action to swifty closures
ActionClosurable Usage ActionClosurable extends UIControl, UIButton, UIRefreshControl, UIGestureRecognizer and UIBarButtonItem. It helps writing swift
ObjectiveC additions for humans. Ruby style.
Write Objective C like a boss. A set of functional additions for Foundation you wish you'd had in the first place. Usage Install via CocoaPods pod 'Ob
This pod provides a view controller for choosing and creating tags in the style of wordpress or tumblr.
PARTagPicker This pod provides a view controller for choosing and creating tags in the style of wordpress or tumblr. This tag picker was originally us
A generic recycler view adapter
KRecyclerViewAdapter A generic recyclerview adapter for all your recycler views. No need to create a custom adapter for every recyclerview. Dependency
ListPlaceholder is a swift library allows you to easily add facebook style animated loading placeholder to your tableviews or collection views.
ListPlaceholder ListPlaceholder Facebook news feed style animation Features ListPlaceholder is a swift library allows you to easily add facebook style
A pure Swift Spotify Music App in Apple Music style
HBMusic A pure Swift Spotify Music App in Apple Music style. How to run pod inst
A custom ViewPager title strip which gives continuous feedback to the user when scrolling
SmartTabLayout A custom ViewPager title strip which gives continuous feedback to the user when scrolling. This library has been added some features an
Swipeable Views with Tabs (Like Android SwipeView With Tabs Layout)
SMSwipeableTabView [](https://travis-ci.org/Sahil Mahajan/SM
Android PagerTabStrip for iOS.
XLPagerTabStrip Made with ❤️ by XMARTLABS. Android PagerTabStrip for iOS! 👉 Looking for a SwiftUI version? Check out PagerTabStripView, it's fully wr
iOS7 style drop in replacement for UISwitch
SevenSwitch iOS7 style drop in replacement for UISwitch Usage Cocoapods pod 'SevenSwitch', '~ 2.1' Swift support was added in version 2.0. If your p
Twitter style Splash Screen View. Grows to reveal the Initial view behind
CBZSplashView [](https://travis-ci.org/Callum Boddy/CBZSplashView)
A slider, similar in style to UISlider, but which allows you to pick a minimum and maximum range.
TTRangeSlider A slider, similar in style to UISlider, but which allows you to pick a minimum and maximum range. Installation TTRangeSlider is availabl
App store style horizontal scroll view
ASHorizontalScrollView App store style horizontal scroll view It acts similar to apps sliding behaviours in App store. There are both Objective-C (do
Replicating the 'clear' navigation bar style of the iOS 12 Apple TV app.
TONavigationBar TONavigationBar is an open-source subclass of UINavigationBar that adds the ability to set the background content of the navigation ba
iOS's Stocks App clone written in React Native for demo purpose (available both iOS and Android).
FinanceReactNative iOS's Stocks App clone written in React Native for demo purpose (available both iOS and Android). Data is pulled from Yahoo Finance
iOS 7-style bouncy button.
SSBouncyButton SSBouncyButton is simple button UI component with iOS 7-style bouncy animation. Take A Look Try It! pod 'SSBouncyButton', '~ 1.0' Use
A fully customizable popup style menu for iOS 😎
Guide Check out the documentation and guides for details on how to use. (Available languages:) English 简体中文 What's a better way to know what PopMenu o
Keynote-style Magic Move transition animations
MagicMove All the magic of Keynote Magic Move transitions brought to iOS. Demo Magic Move Transition Spin Transition Fade Transition TODO MagicMove Tr
Elegant Apply Style by Swift Method Chain.🌙
ApplyStyleKit ApplyStyleKit is a library that applies styles to UIKit using Swifty Method Chain. Normally, when applying styles to UIView etc.,it is n
Provides an iOS view controller allowing a user to draw their signature with their finger in a realistic style.
Swift version now available! Mimicking pen-on-paper signatures with a touch screen presents a difficult set of challenges. The rate touch events are e
ElongationPreview is an elegant UI push-pop style view controller
ElongationPreview is an elegant UI push-pop style view controller
Newly is a drop in solution to add Twitter/Facebook/Linkedin style, new updates/tweets/posts available button
Newly is a drop in solution to add Twitter/Facebook/Linkedin style, new updates/tweets/posts available button. It can be used to notify user about new content availability and can other actions can be triggers using its delegate method.
Lightweight and customizable stylesheets for iOS
Motif Lightweight and customizable stylesheets for iOS What can it do? Declare rules defining your app's visual appearance separately from your UI com
Generates Heroku-style random project names in Swift
RandomProjectName.swift Generates Heroku-style random project names in Swift. Usage Just call String.randomProjectName(), and specify the optional suf
Switchboard - easy and super light weight A/B testing for your mobile iPhone or android app. This mobile A/B testing framework allows you with minimal servers to run large amounts of mobile users.
Switchboard - easy A/B testing for your mobile app What it does Switchboard is a simple way to remote control your mobile application even after you'v
Easy string decoration with styles
StyleDecorator Design string simply by linking attributes. Example Create Decorator with specific Style and link it at the end of needed string or wra
A danger-swift plug-in to manage/post danger checking results with markdown style
DangerSwiftShoki A danger-swift plug-in to manage/post danger checking results with markdown style Install DangerSwiftShoki SwiftPM (Recommended) Add
A library that makes defines your style sheet like a breeze.
Atelier A library that makes defines your style sheet like a breeze. Requirements iOS 13.0+ Xcode 12.0+ Swift 5.3+ Installation You can add Atelier to
iOS 7 style Passcode Lock
LTHPasscodeViewController Simple to use iOS 7 style Passcode - the one you get in Settings when changing your passcode. How to use Drag the contents o
Download app update form url and install it
capacitor-updater Download app update from url and install it. And reload the view. You can list the version and manage it with the command below. Ins
Scrcpy-iOS.app is a remote control tool for Android Phones
Scrcpy-iOS About Scrcpy-iOS.app is a remote control tool for Android Phones based on [https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy]. Features: Connect remote
A simple and predictable state management library inspired by Flux + Elm + Redux.
A simple and predictable state management library inspired by Flux + Elm + Redux. Flywheel is built on top of Corotuines using the concepts of structured concurrency. At the core, lies the State Machine which is based on actor model.
Basic Style Dictionary With Swift
Basic Style Dictionary This example code is bare-bones to show you what this framework can do. If you have the style-dictionary module installed globa
Loop videos on iOS and Android (assuming only one video like on YouTube)
Mobile Video Loop By: Andrew-Chen-Wang iOS Safari Extension (soon Android) that lets you loop a video on your current website. This only works for the
Kind of tired to need an Android Device on me, just to read manga, so here we are.
Dokusho Kind of tired to need an Android Device on me, just to read manga, so here we are. I am going to prioritize feature based on how I feel and no
An iOS app to turn typed text into images of handwritten text in your own handwriting style.
Text-to-Handwritting © 2021 by Daniel Christopher Long An iOS app to turn typed text into images of handwritten text in your own handwriting style. ht
Markey Kulry Style App With Swift
Markey Kulry Style App With Swift
ABMediaView can display images, videos, as well as now GIFs and Audio!
Media view which subclasses UIImageView, and can display & load images, videos, GIFs, and audio and from the web, and has functionality to minimize from fullscreen, as well as show GIF previews for videos.
Style Art library process images using COREML with a set of pre trained machine learning models and convert them to Art style.
StyleArt Style Art is a library that process images using COREML with a set of pre trained machine learning models and convert them to Art style. Prev
A apple music cover picture shadow style image library
ShadowImageView A apple music cover picture shadow style image library ShadowImageView is a iOS 10 Apple Music style image view, help you create elege
Complete Animated GIF Support for iOS, with Functions, NSJSONSerialization-style Class, and (Optional) UIImage Swizzling
AnimatedGIFImageSerialization This library is no longer maintained. In iOS 13+ and macOS 10.15+, use CGAnimateImageAtURLWithBlock instead. AnimatedGIF
A swift library based on the various options menu in material design in Android
KTOptionMenu Description KTOptionMenu is a swift library based on the various options menu in material design in Android that allows you to easily cre
Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
Porcupine Made in Vancouver, Canada by Picovoice Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine. It enables building always-listening
WhirlyGlobe-Maply is a mapping toolkit with two parts, hence the dash.
What is WhirlyGlobe-Maply? WhirlyGlobe-Maply is a mapping toolkit with two parts, hence the dash. The WhirlyGlobe part is an interactive 3D globe. The
Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in native Android, iOS, macOS, Node.js, and Qt applications, powered by vector tiles and OpenGL
Mapbox GL Native A C++ library that powers customizable vector maps in native applications on multiple platforms by taking stylesheets that conform to
Dicee App for Android & IOS in Flutter
Dicee 🎲 Our Goal The objective of this tutorial is to introduce you to the core programming concepts that will form the foundation of most of the app
Magic 8Ball App for Android & IOS in Flutter
Magic 8 Ball 🎱 Our Goal The objective of this challenge is to solidify what you've learn't in the Dicee tutorial. This app will guide you through the
Mi Card App for Android & IOS in Flutter
Mi Card Our Goal Now that you've seen how to create a Flutter app entirely from scratch, we're going to go further and learn more about how to design
App that shows recently posted articles about Android or iOS on Hacker News
App that shows recently posted articles about Android or iOS on Hacker News
transai is a localization tool on Android and iOS.
transai transai is a command line tool to help you do Android and iOS translation management. You can extract string files to csv format, or generate
Cozy Drive Web App for Cozy Cloud
Cozy Drive What's Cozy? Cozy is a platform that brings all your web services in the same private space. With it, your webapps and your devices can sha
MyLayout is a simple and easy objective-c framework for iOS view layout
MyLayout is a powerful iOS UI framework implemented by Objective-C. It integrates the functions with Android Layout,iOS AutoLayout,SizeClass, HTML CSS float and flexbox and bootstrap. So you can use LinearLayout,RelativeLayout,FrameLayout,TableLayout,FlowLayout,FloatLayout,PathLayout,GridLayout,LayoutSizeClass to build your App 自动布局 UIView UITableView UICollectionView RTL
科大讯飞语音识别插件 A plugin for xunfei dictation for iOS and Android.
xfvoice 科大讯飞语音识别插件 A plugin for xunfei dictation for iOS and Android. Install First, add xfvoice as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file. Setting Se
A tip calculator for iOS (in Swift) and Android
Round & Split I needed a tip calculator, so I wrote one. I always round my tips, and when I dine out with a friend, I email them reminders that I owe
Mobile, desktop and website Apps with the same code
Mobile, desktop and website Apps with the same code This project shows how the source code can be architectured to run on multiple devices. As of now,
Rough lets you draw in a sketchy, hand-drawn-like, style.
Rough (Swift) Rough lets you draw in a sketchy, hand-drawn-like, style. It is Swift clone of Rough.js. The library defines primitives to draw lines, c
A UINavigationController's category to enable fullscreen pop gesture with iOS7+ system style.
FDFullscreenPopGesture An UINavigationController's category to enable fullscreen pop gesture in an iOS7+ system style with AOP. Overview 这个扩展来自 @J_雨 同
Finder-style iOS file browser written in Swift
FileBrowser iOS Finder-style file browser in Swift 4.0 with search, file previews and 3D touch. Simple and quick to use. Features ✨ Features 📱 Browse
简介 领域生态 使用手册 更新日志 社区活动 开发背景 功能模块 一、平台工具(www.dokit.cn) 二、常用工具 三、性能检测 四、视觉工具 五、Weex专项工具(CML专项工具) 六、支持自定义的业务工具集成到面板中 七、微信小程序专项工具 相关文档 微信交流群(一群满员,已开二群) QQ
An efficient, small mobile key-value storage framework developed by WeChat. Works on Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and POSIX.
中文版本请参看这里 MMKV is an efficient, small, easy-to-use mobile key-value storage framework used in the WeChat application. It's currently available on Andr
PullToRefresh extension for all UIScrollView type classes with animated text drawing style
PullToRefreshCoreText PullToRefresh extension for all UIScrollView type classes with animated text drawing style Demo Install Manual Copy the files in
SwiftUI library to display a clock. You can move the arms to change the time, change the style of the clock and customise some configurations.
SwiftClockUI Clock UI for SwiftUI This library has been tested ✅ 💻 macOS Catalina 10.15.3 ✅ 💻 macOS Big Sur 11.6 ✅ 📱 iOS 13 ✅ 📱 iOS 14 ✅ 📱 iOS 15
Vision Camera 📸 The Camera library that sees the vision.
Vision Camera 📸 The Camera library that sees the vision. npm i react-native-vision-camera npx pod-install Documentation Guides API Ex
adb-tools-mac is a macOS menu bar app written in SwiftUI for common adb tools.
adb-tools-mac is a macOS menu bar app written in SwiftUI for common adb tools.
Spika is universal chat module with backend, web, ios and Android client.
Spika Spika is messenger module for Web/iOS/Android with backend. You can include messenger feature to your app or service with minimum code. For deta
Next generation iOS and Android apps for Mattermost in React Native
Mattermost Mobile Minimum Server versions: Current ESR version (5.37.0) Supported iOS versions: 11+ Supported Android versions: 7.0+ Mattermost is an
Mobile app for Chatwoot - React Native
Mobile app for chatwoot platform. Built with React Native Chatwoot is an opensource alternative to Intercom, Zendesk, Drift, Crisp etc. Supported Chat
Bluetooth LE Mesh Chat for iOS and Android
BLEMeshChat Bluetooth LE mesh chat prototype for iOS. Android version over here. Goals Use the Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy APIs on iOS and Android to all
Objective-C style checker
ocstyle Objective-C style checker Installation pip install ocstyle Example If you have a file called test.m like this: @implementation SomeClass +(v
TTGSnackbar shows simple message and action button on the bottom or top of the screen with multi kinds of animation, which is written in Swift3 and inspired by Snackbar in Android. It also support showing custom view, icon image or multi action button.
TTGSnackbar A Swift based implementation of the Android Snackbar for iOS Gif About TTGSnackbar is useful for showing a brief message at bottom or top
JNDropDownMenu - Easy to use TableView style dropdown menu.
Overview Swift version of https://github.com/dopcn/DOPDropDownMenu Easy to use TableView style dropdown menu. Setup The only thing you
Library provides easy to implement variation of Android (Material Design) Floating Action Button for iOS. You can use it as your app small side menu. 🌶
RHSideButtons 🌶 Library provides easy to implement variation of Android (Material Design) Floating Action Button for iOS. You can use it as your app
Menu controller with expandable item groups, custom position and appearance animation written with Swift. Similar to ActionSheet style of UIAlertController.
Easy to implement controller with expanding menu items. Design is very similar to iOS native ActionSheet presentation style of a UIAlertController. As
A simple circle style menu.
Support CocoaPods. New at 2019.02.25 Use @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isOpened; can open or close RoundMenu. use -(void)setButtonEnable:(BOOL)en
iOS 7/8 style side menu with parallax effect.
RESideMenu iOS 7/8 style side menu with parallax effect inspired by Dribbble shots (first and second). Since version 4.0 you can add menu view control
🎈 Curated collection of advanced animations that I have developed using (Swift UI for iOS) and (React Native for iOS/Android). Source code is intended to be reused by myself for future projects.
🎈 Curated collection of advanced animations that I have developed using (Swift UI for iOS) and (React Native for iOS/Android). Source code is intended to be reused by myself for future projects.
WCDB is a cross-platform database framework developed by WeChat.
WCDB 中文版本请参看这里 WCDB is an efficient, complete, easy-to-use mobile database framework used in the WeChat application. It's currently available on iOS,
A simple, customizable popup dialog for iOS written in Swift. Replaces UIAlertController alert style.
Introduction Popup Dialog is a simple, customizable popup dialog written in Swift. Features Easy to use API with hardly any boilerplate code Convenien
STPopup provides STPopupController, which works just like UINavigationController in popup style, for both iPhone and iPad. It's written in Objective-C and compatible with Swift.
STPopup STPopup provides STPopupController, which works just like UINavigationController in popup style, for both iPhone and iPad. It's written in Obj
ScriptWidget is an iOS app that we can create widgets for iOS using JSX label style in JavaScript.
ScriptWidget ScriptWidget is an iOS app that we can create widgets for iOS using JSX label style in JavaScript. Source code for ScriptWidget. Download
3D Shoot'em Up written with OpenGL ES 1.1/2.0 running on iOS, Android, Windows and MacOS X.
SHMUP This is the source code of "SHMUP" a 3D Shoot 'em up that I wrote in 2009. It is very inspired of Treasure Ikaruga, the engine runs on iOS, Andr
🦁 🃏 📱 An animal matching puzzle card game– built with turn-based game engine boardgame.io and React-Native + React-Native-Web
Matchimals.fun an animal matching puzzle card game 🦁 🃏 🍎 Download for iOS from the App Store 🤖 Download for Android from the Google Play Store 🖥
Solitaire mahjong game with several themes and layouts. For android/iphone/ubuntu/firefoxos
green-mahjong Green Mahjong is a HTML5 based GPLv3 solitaire mahjong game. It features three nice themes, six different layouts and works accross all
Just another yet FlappyBird-style game.
ScaryFlight Just another yet FlappyBird-style game using SpriteKit. ..... Important Note Guys, please respect the work of each other and please do not
👻 Augmented reality game in a pixel/billboard style
ARbusters What's ARbusters? ARbusters is an augmented reality game in a pixel/billboard style. The gameplay is pretty simple, look around you and kill
iOS drop-in library presenting a 2048-style game
iOS-2048 iOS drop-in library presenting a clean-room Objective-C/Cocoa implementation of the game 2048. Screenshot Instructions The included sample ap
🗺️ MAPS.ME — Offline OpenStreetMap maps for iOS and Android
MAPS.ME MAPS.ME is an open source cross-platform offline maps application, built on top of crowd-sourced OpenStreetMap data. It was publicly released
Kodi is an award-winning free and open source home theater/media center software and entertainment hub for digital media. With its beautiful interface and powerful skinning engine, it's available for Android, BSD, Linux, macOS, iOS and Windows.
website • docs • community • add-ons Welcome to Kodi Home Theater Software! Kodi is an award-winning free and open source software media player and en
Discover, download, compile & launch different image processing & style transfer CoreML models on iOS.
⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ IMPORTANT: I'm no longer maintaining Awesome-ML. Awesome ML is an iOS app that is made to demonstrate different image processing CoreML model
Draw a chart with progress bar style
ChartProgressBar-iOS Draw a chart with progress bar style - the android version here Installation iOS version (9.0,*) Swift 3.2 Using cocoapods : pod
A powerful 🚀 Android chart view / graph view library, supporting line- bar- pie- radar- bubble- and candlestick charts as well as scaling, panning and animations.
⚡ A powerful & easy to use chart library for Android ⚡ Charts is the iOS version of this library Table of Contents Quick Start Gradle Maven Documentat
Apple's SwiftLog + OSLog style StringInterpolation
Logging A version of Apple's SwiftLog that adds some improved formatting for app development and includes OSLog-ish string interpolation. Feature List
Make trains of constraints with a clean style!
Constren 🚂 . 🚃 . 🚋 Make trains of constraints with style! button.constren.centerY() .lead(spacing: 16) .trail(image.l
Validate iOS, Android, and Mac localizations. Find errors in .strings, .stringsdict, and strings.xml files.
Locheck An Xcode and Android localization file validator. Make sure your .strings, .stringsdict, and strings.xml files do not have any errors! What do
A floating label style for SwiftUI's TextField.
FloatingLabelTextFieldStyle A floating label style for TextField with support for displaying error messages. Requirements iOS 15.0+ macOS 12.0+ Instal
Example of how to embed a Lit web component into native platforms.
Lit Native Reuse lit web components on native platforms. Online Demo Supported Platforms iOS MacOS Android Web Getting Started npm run install npm run